Category Archives: prophets

we made some of these pages two years ago;
most of the translation and then understood context will remain the same,
but see updated context in RV X 175 page (and following) ;

30-31.10.2018 : sistersite het-Report
** 500 years after the Reformation

Allright — there we go : The truth is , last month we assumed the understanding [of the Report] was good enough , and we could support it even more by just continue doing the Rg-Veda . Another 10 chapters were virtually ready in the third week of September – yet something was Off […]

consequence of refusing to hear scripture addressing the m-realm, Jer.13, — reason given for the refusal: this body and its thinking —

jer 13 consequence of refusing to hear scripture addressing the m-realm, Jer.13, — reason given for the refusal: this body and its thinking — # chapter title in line 17, # the linen (girdle) at Euphrates is this mixed body, by them 1 thus he-said ieue to·me to-go and·you-buy for·you belt-of flaxes and·you-place·him on waists-of·you […]

the warped horns by Thoth restored as eden-axis of lightning, Ez.21 — starting to come to pass by understanding hieroglyphs… —

ez 21 the warped horns by Thoth restored as eden-axis of lightning, Ez.21 — starting to come to pass by understanding hieroglyphs… — # packed with concepts; many chapter turns; # for the hieroglyphs see line 23 and 24, 1-2 and·he-is-becoming word-of ieue to·me to·to-say-of son-of human place-you ! faces-of·you to Jerusalem and·drop-you ! to […]

Watchman chapter: believing a mass-rapture is playing with Fire, Ez.33 — the report still being Valid (see 30-33) —

ez 33 Watchman chapter: believing a mass-rapture is playing with Fire, Ez.33 — the report still being Valid (see 30-33) — 1-2 and·he-is-becoming word-of ieue to·me to·to-say-of son-of human speak-you ! to sons-of people-of·you and·you-say to·them land that I-am-bringing over·her sword and·they-take people-of the·land man one from·wakeful-ones-of·them and·they-give him for·them to·man-watching Again the word of […]

the infamous Gog chapter – situated east of this earth, Ez.39

ez 39 the infamous Gog chapter – situated east of this earth, Ez.39 1 and·you son-of human prophesy-you ! on Gog and·you-say thus he-says my-Lord ieue behold·me ! to·you Gog prince-of Rosh Meshech and·Tubal Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I [am] against thee, O […]

you please cause a demarcation-line to come into being, Is. 6 — in order to start the era which we know as end-time —

is. 6 you please cause a demarcation-line to come into being, Is. 6 — in order to start the era which we know as end-time — chapters 6-9 belong together, as one theme # belonging to chapters 7-9 1 in·year-of death-of the·king Uzziah and·I-am-seeing my-Lord sitting on throne being-high and·being-lifted-up and·skirts-of·him ones-filling the·temple In the […]

how new-eden becomes on high, the Eye, and warning to mainstream-christianity — an early birthday-present for you and us;) at 2nd anniversary of RPT —

is. 8 how new-eden becomes on high, the Eye, and warning to mainstream-christianity — an early birthday-present for you and us;) at 2nd anniversary of RPT — # chapters 6-9 belong together, as one theme 1 and·he-is-saying ieue to·me take-you ! for·you roll great and·write-you !on·him in·stylus-of mortal to·Maher~Shalal~Hash~Baz Moreover the LORD said unto me, […]

the raised eden land and (in her place) the descending Geb, Is.32 — linked to women as false preachers maintaining status-quo —

is 32 the raised eden land and (in her place) the descending Geb, Is.32 — linked to women as false preachers maintaining status-quo — 1-2 behold ! to·righteousness he-shall-reign king and·for·chiefs to·judgment and·he-becomes man as·hiding-place-of wind and·concealment-of storm as·rillets-of waters in·arid-place as·shadow-of crag massive in·land fainting Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes […]

encouragement for the current way you read and interpret, Is. 58 — giving you all the legal rights you need —

is 58 encouragement for the current way you read and interpret, Is. 58 — giving you all the legal rights you need — 1 call-you ! in·throat must-not-be you-are-keeping-back as·the·trumpet raise-high-you ! voice-of·you and-tell-you ! to·people-of·me transgression-of·them and·to·house-of Jacob sins-of·them Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people […]

the eden-hand, as executive region, taken back from them, Is.57 — not anymore producing their type bodies —

is 57 the eden-hand, as executive region, taken back from them, Is.57 — not anymore producing their type bodies — 1-2 the·righteous-one he-perishes u·ain and·there-is-no man placing on heart and·mortals-of kindness ones-being-gathered b·ain in·there-is-no one-understanding that from·faces-of the·evil he-is-gathered the·righteous-one he-shall-enter peace they-shall-rest on beds-of·them one-going correct-of·him The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth [it] […]

false teachings strenghten their dimensional prison wall, Ez. 13 — theme belonging to previous chapter —

Ez.13 false teachings strengthen their dimensional prison wall, Ez. 13 — theme belonging to previous chapter — 1-2 and·he-is-becoming word-of ieue to·me to·to-say-of son-of human prophesy-you ! to prophets-of Israel the·ones-prophesying and·you-say to·prophets-of from·heart-of·them hear-you ! word-of ieue And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying Son of man, prophesy against the prophets […]

the 144 go through dimensional wall to get to Adam – and he dies, Ez.12 — again confirmation that events start when text is understood —

Ez.12 the 144 go through dimensional wall to get to Adam – and he dies, Ez.12 — again confirmation that events start when text is understood — 1-2 and·he-is-becoming word-of ieue to·me to·to-say-of son-of human in·midst-of house-of the·rebellion you dwelling who eyes to·them to·to-see-of and·not they-see ears to·them to·to-hear-of and·not they-hear that house-of rebellion the […]

the fiery furnaces for the adamite-originals, Ez. 24 — and a must read for these days —

Ez.24the fiery furnaces for the adamite-originals, Ez. 24 — and a must read for these days — [16-27]: must-read chapter turn, into a literal playout by Ezekiel: for times still to come (these days !), 1-2 and·he-is-becoming word-of ieue to·me in·the·year the·ninth in·the·month the·tenth in·the·ten to·the·month to·to-say-of son-of human write-you ! for·you name-of the·day very-of […]

Adam judged for treason by making their tree of life, Ez.17

Ez.17Adam judged for treason by making their tree of life, Ez.17 1-2 and·he-is-becoming word-of ieue to·me to·to-say-of son-of human propound-you ! enigma and·quote-you ! proverb to house-of ishral And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying Son of man, put forth a riddle, and speak a parable unto the house of Israel enigma […]

Adam chained and brought to the Sekhet-field, Ez.19 — the eden-vine as the mother for images —

ez 19 Adam chained and brought to the Sekhet-field, Ez.19 — the eden-vine as the mother for images — 1-2 and·you lift-up-you ! dirge for princes-of ishral and·you-say what ? mother-of·you parent-lioness between lions she-reclines in·midst-of sheltered-lions she-increases whelps-of·her Moreover take thou up a lamentation for the princes of Israel, And say, What [is] thy […]

your father was a Neanderthal-ape and mother corrupted eden-life, Ez 16 — addressing this physical body and it’s consciousness —

ez 16 [1-27] your father was a Neanderthal-ape and mother corrupted eden-life, Ez 16 — addressing this physical body and it’s consciousness — #note: addressing this physical body and it’s consciousness we learned now that constructs can be addressed, or aspects – this chapter is about “our own physical body and it’s consciousness”, so all […]

their double-sky and earth melting like burning pitch, Is.34 — and their constructs imprisoned in outer-court —

is 34 their double-sky and earth melting like burning pitch, Is.34 — and their constructs imprisoned in outer-court — 1 draw-near-you ! nations to·to-hear-of and·folkstems be-attentive-you ! she-shall-hear the·earth and·fullness-of·her habitance and·all-of offsprings-of·her Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and […]

the report: earth to be invaded by the spirits-army of Õn, Jer. 6 — 144k: bring back your hand (executive region) ! —

jer 6 the report: earth to be invaded by the spirits-army of Õn, Jer. 6 — 144k: bring back your hand (executive region) ! — 1 strengthen-you ! sons-of Benjamin from·within-of Jerusalem and·in·Tekoah blow-you ! trumpet and·on Beth~Haccerem lift-up-you ! lifting that evil she-gazes from·north and·breaking great O ye children of Benjamin, gather yourselves to […]

the image of adamite ruling the centre of the dual-realm, Micah 4 — when the 144,000 reach Babylon in outer-court —

mic 4 the image of adamite ruling the centre of the dual-realm, Micah 4 — when the 144,000 reach Babylon in outer-court — #note, the main theme of the whole book of Micah seems to be “dimensional centre”; as well in that difficult first chapter, as the previous Anzu bird one; in this chapter 4 […]

Christ gathering his 144,000 brothers for the war, Micah 5 — the sorceries cut-off from the new hand —

mic 5 Christ gathering his 144,000 brothers for the war, Micah 5 — the sorceries cut-off from the new hand — 1 now you-shall-slash-yourself daughter-of raiding-party siege-work he-places on·us in·the·club they-shall-smite on the·cheek one-judging-of Israel Now gather thyself in troops, O daughter of troops: he hath laid siege against us: they shall smite the judge […]

the constructs by the north mountain, Micah 1

mic 1 the constructs by the north mountain, Micah 1 theme: likely about the ‘eye’, as eden’s dimensional centre, having gone Up to their doubled-root; this off-centre being the main cause of the present situation of adamite-souls on earth; tricky chapter, 1 word-of ieue which he-became to Micah the·Morashite in·days-of Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah kings-of Judah […]

go out my people and contend their doubled-mountain construct, Mic.6 – addressing the wandered-astray axis

go out my people and contend their doubled-mountain construct, Mic.6 — addressing the wandered-astray axis — Mic.6 1 hear-you ! please ! which ieue saying rise-you ! contend-you ! with the·mountains and·they-shall-hear the·hills voice-of·you Hear ye now what the LORD saith; Arise, contend thou before the mountains, and let the hills hear thy voice – […]

the desolate eden-land in front of the eden-gate addressed, Is.54 — waters since Noah’s deluge flowing back again —

is 54 the desolate eden-land in front of the eden-gate addressed, Is.54 — waters since Noah’s deluge flowing back again — 1 jubilate-you ! barren-one not she-gave-birth burst-forth-you ! jubilation and·make-noise-you ! not she-travailed that many-ones sons-of woman-being-desolate from·sons-of woman-being-possessed he-says ieue Sing, O barren, thou [that] didst not bear; break forth into singing, and […]

(with)in 1 year of declaring the report, this world will be in war, Jer.51 — ‘it must not be that you want to stay on this earth’ —

(with)in 1 year of declaring the report, this world will be in war, Jer.51 — ‘it must nót be that you want to stay on this earth’ — jer.51 1 thus he-says ieue behold·me ! rousing on Babylon and·to ones-dwelling-of Leb~Kamai wind one-ruining Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, and […]

you are asked to declare to them spirits to go move Out, Jer.10

you are asked to declare to them spirits to go move Out, Jer.10 Jer.10 [lines 1-10 upcoming] 11 as·this you-shall-say to·them Elohim·the that heavens·the and·earth·the not they-made they-shall-perish from·earth·the and·from under heavens·the these Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, [even] they shall perish from […]

spelled Adam, now working for them, is not afraid of the 144.000, Is 31

spelled Adam, now working for them, is not afraid of the 144.000, Is 31 is 31 1 woe ! the·ones-going-down Egypt for·help on horses they-are-leaning and·they-are-trusting on chariot that many and·on horsemen that they-are-serried very and·not they-heed on holy-one-of Israel and ieue not they-inquire Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and […]

Moses’ playout as the Exodus: this time for real – out of this Matrix; Is. 63 — ‘where is the one causing My people to ascend ?’ —

Moses’ playout as the Exodus: this time for real – out of this Matrix; Is. 63 — ‘where is the one causing My people to ascend ?’ — is 63 1 [line 1 upcoming] 2 for-what-reason adm red to·clothing-of·you and·garments-of·you as·one-treading in·winetrough Wherefore [art thou] red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that […]

Babylon *has* fallen, as we speak: by declaring, Is.21 — the watchman confirming the vision —

Babylon *has* fallen, as we speak: by declaring, Is.21 — the watchman confirming the vision — is 21 1 load-of wilderness-of sea as·sweeping-whirlwinds in·the·Negev to·to-pass-on-of from·wilderness one-coming from·land being-feared The burden of the desert of the sea. As whirlwinds in the south pass through; [so] it cometh from the desert, from a terrible land – […]

the Key: rightly understanding the text *will* cause the Eden Dawn, Is. 50

the Key: rightly understanding the text *will* cause the Eden Dawn, Is. 50 Is.50 1] upcoming 2] upcoming 3 I-shall-clothe heavens somberness and·sackcloth I-shall-place covering-of·them I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I make sackcloth their covering – ‘heavens’, -im used, but “multiple” makes no Sense, yet their doubled sky PET does, – H6940 qadruth […]

the built way, through the dragon’s marshes, towards the north, Is.35

the built way, through the dragon’s marshes, towards the north, Is.35 Is.35 1-2 they-shall-be-elated wilderness and·arid-place and·she-shall-exult gorge and·she-shall-bud as·narcissus to-bud she-shall-bud and·she-shall-exult indeed exultation-of and·to-be-jubilant-of glory-of the·Lebanon he-is-given to·her honor-of the·Carmel and·the·Sharon they they-shall-see glory-of ieue honor-of Elohim-of·us The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, […]

angels mourn that no soul crosses-over the path to the other side, Is.33 — but now some do: causing to rise-up IEUE —

angels mourn that no soul crosses-over the path to the other side, Is.33 — but now some do: causing to rise-up IEUE — is 33 1 woe ! one-devastating and·you not being-devastated and·one-being-treacherous and·not they-are-treacherous in·him as·to-ccome-to-end-of·you one-devastating you-shall-be-devastated as·to-culminate-of·you to·to-be-treacherous-of they-shall-be-treacherous in·you Woe to thee that spoilest, and thou [wast] not spoiled; and dealest […]

their root (Isis) being broken down, ruling the adamite-throne, Jer.22 — Canaan finally expelled as ruler over Judah

their root (Isis) being broken down, ruling the adamite-throne, Jer.22 — Canaan finally expelled as ruler over Judah — 1-2 thus he-said ieue Yahweh go-down-you! house-of king-of ieude Judah and·you-speak there the·word the·this and·you-say hear-you! word-of ieue king-of Judah the·one-sitting on throne-of David you and·servants-of·you and·people-of·you the·ones-entering in·the·gates the·these Thus saith the LORD; Go down […]

the Sorcery used in the battle against those returning to the eden-gate, Is.28 — warnings to the believers empowered by the Abzu —

the Sorcery used in the battle against those returning to the eden-gate, Is.28 — warnings to the believers empowered by the Abzu — 1 woe! crown-of pride-of drunken-ones-of Ephraim and·blossom decaying stateliness-of beauty-of·him which on head-of ravine-of fertilities ones-being-battered-of wine Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty [is] […]

the upcoming change of dimensions as dream-vision, Is.29 — amazing chapter about legal rights —

the upcoming change of dimensions as dream-vision, Is.29 — amazing chapter about legal rights — 1 woe! Ariel Ariel town-of he-encamped David add-you! year on year celebrations they-are-compassing Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city [where] David dwelt! add ye year to year; let them kill sacrifices – ‘city’, H7151 qiry-ah, (instead of -ir); qyir […]

destruction of the Sekht-fields, by to dimensionally-inverse, Ez.30 — and their own spirits will be made to destroy them —

destruction of the Sekht-fields, by to dimensionally-inverse, Ez.30 — and their own spirits will be made to destroy them — 1 and·he-is-becoming word-of ieue to·me to·to-say-of son-of human prophesy-you! and·you-say thus he-says my-Lord ieue howl-you! woe! for·the·day The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus saith […]

the seventy year imprisonment for the city of Õn, Is. 23 — no more extortion of the Eden virgin —

the seventy year imprisonment for the city of Õn, Is. 23 — no more extortion of the Eden virgin — 1-2 load-of Tyre howl-you! ships-of Tarshish that he-is-devastated from·house from·to-enter-of from·land-of Kittim he-is-revealed to·them be-still-you! ones-dwelling-of coastland one-being-merchant-of Sidon one-crossing sea they-filled·you The burden of Tyre. Howl, ye ships of Tarshish; for it is laid […]

the real place for this earth being at the entrance of the eden-gate, Jer.19 — the smashing of their cocoon imprisoning this earth —

the real place for this earth being at the entrance of the eden-gate, Jer.19 — the smashing of their cocoon imprisoning this earth — 1 thus he-said ieue to-go and·you-buy bottle-of one-being-potter-of earthenware and·from·old-ones-of the·people and·from·old-ones-of the·priests Thus saith the LORD, Go and get a potter’s earthen bottle, and [take] of the ancients of the […]

this earth to spiral Down, and and her bent atmosphere being dismantled, Is. 24 — the moment when the Vintage has been freed —

this earth to spiral Down, and and her bent atmosphere being dismantled, Is. 24 — the moment when the Vintage has been freed — 1-2 behold! ieue making-void the·land and·evacuating-of·her and·he-contorts surfaces-of·her and·he-scatters ones-dwelling-of·her and·he-becomes as·the·people as·the·priest as·the·servant as·lords-of·him as·the·maid as·the·mistress-of·her as·the·one-buying as·the·one-selling as·the·one-lending as·the·one-borrowing as·the·one-being-creditor as·whom one-being-creditor in·him Behold, the LORD maketh the earth […]

the staff, as axis, and the new-hand of the Assyrian dismantled – Is.10 – at the day of completing the 144,000

the staff, as axis, and the new-hand of the Assyrian dismantled, Is.10 — at the day of completing the 144,000 — 1-2 woe! the·ones-making-statutes statutes-of lawlessness and·ones-writing toil they-write to·to-turn-aside-of from·adjudication poor-ones-of and·to·to-pillage-of judgment-of humble-ones-of people-of·me to·to-become-of widows loot-of·them and orphans they-shall-plunder Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness [which] they […]

the false-images being destroyed which deluded Adam creates – Is.2 – the moment when the 144,000 enter the rock –

the false-images being destroyed which deluded Adam creates, Is.2 — the moment when the 144,000 enter the rock — 1-2 the·word which he-perceived Isaiah son-of Amoz on Judah and·Jerusalem and·he-becomes in·last-of the·days being-established he-shall-be mountain-of house-of ieue in·summit-of the·mountains and·being-lifted-up from·hills and·they-stream to·him all-of the·nations The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning […]

the crossing-over (‘easter’) – to your adamite-original, Lev.23 — and the peace of Saturn as status-quo —

the crossing-over (‘easter’) – to your adamite-original, Lev.23 — and the peace of Saturn as status-quo — fantasy-art 1-2 and·he-is-speaking ieue to Moses to·to-say-of speak-you! to sons-of Israel and·you-say to·them appointed-times-of ieue which you-shall-proclaim them meetings-of holiness these they appointed-times-of·me And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say […]

28.1.2018 the 24th of the ninth month – Haggai 2

28.1.2018 the 24th of the ninth month – Haggai 2 the marker date … three times this date is mentioned in Haggai 2, the ‘three times’ meaning something like “the ultimate promise”. The ‘repeating’ is rather common in ancient languages, denoting therewith ‘a stressing of the term’; yet here the colour of this emphasizing is […]

the play-out of the siege on Jerusalem, 600BC, for today’s matrix: Jer. 38

21/1/18 first version RESTART 600BC the play-out of the siege on Jerusalem, 600BC, for today’s matrix: Jer. 38 [Jeremiah as (our) Attribute in the well of the outer court] themes: textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should is ofcourse “this earth, we […]

the harem of female-adamite-originals, birthing their fish-souls: Rg-Veda book II

5/1/18 first version RESTART the harem of female-adamite-originals, birthing their fish-souls: Rg-Veda book II the themes: – you have seen that the themes start to get… a bit beyónd understanding, by now; and though they were confirmed in the last posted pages, we searched links to the Vedics to expand context, looking for Agni (as […]

the harvest in the birth-valley will cause this physical body to break down: Is. 17

3/1/18 first version RESTART the harvest in the birth-valley will cause this physical body to break down: Is. 17 [the 144,000 encounter Adam – and he ceases to plant the branches] themes: textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should is ofcourse “this […]

Adam to die – being at present the powersource of their corrupted stargate: Ez. 28

Ez. 28 08.21.: Ez. 28 revisited — “how art thou fallen from heaven, o Adam !” upd. 08.21.18.: … in the past few months, posting chapters of scripture, we didn’t expect that Adam would appear to play such a crucial part. But again and again this concept appears to be true, when even Rg-Veda tells […]

the castle of Õn (as Babylon in book of Revelation) trading in adamite-souls: Ez. 27

29/12/17 first version RESTART the castle of Õn (as Babylon in book of Revelation) trading in adamite-souls: Ez. 27 [extensive description of their region North, matching the spells] themes: textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should is ofcourse “this earth, we live […]

second half Ezekiel 27

27/12/17 first version RESTART Ezekiel 27 – second half   themes:   textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should is ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for […]

their chalice-NEB being cut-off from the adamite-soil in the lampstand: Amos 9

25/12/17 first version RESTART their chalice-NEB being cut-off from the adamite-soil in the lampstand: Amos 9 [the bubble as ‘this earth’ descending to lampstand] themes: “the serpent’s offsprings will withdraw”, line 13, textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this […]

cross over you, My ‘powerful deity’, to the HQ of the dead-bodies: Amos 6

24/12/17 first version RESTART cross over you, My ‘powerful deity’, to the HQ of the dead-bodies: Amos 6 [‘but the background-peoples will try obstruct you in entering’] themes: expulsion of the dead bodies KHAT – we can’t even use the word ‘Israel’ in a title anymore — polluted as it got by esau textnote: we […]

the eden-females serving as harem for the dead-bodies KHAT: Micah 2

23/12/17 first version RESTART the eden-females serving as harem for the dead-bodies KHAT: Micah 2 [‘recently, the people of Me arose up to the one adversary…’] themes: textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — […]

the promise to the 144,000 when they stop talking like bulls: Hosea 14

19/12/17 first version RESTART the promise to the 144,000 when they stop talking like bulls: Hosea 14 themes: textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the […]

‘where is the king of you?’ – stargate of Õn in the north: Hosea 13

20/12/17 first version RESTART ‘where is the king of you?’ – stargate of Õn in the north: Hosea 13 [ story of Balaam: the deities announced their own upcoming defeat ] themes: Numbers 22 in ANNEX textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” […]

the city of Õn forced to release the foremost-woman Eve: Amos 4

16/12/17 first version RESTART the city of Õn forced to release the foremost-woman Eve: Amos 4 [the seven regions returning – as seven cows of Bashan] themes: type: rather incredible Rant against Õn release of Eve demanding back every aspect of each cow again Adam showing to be working for them, until now (?) textnote: […]

today’s “modern type christianity of the Self ” supporting this matrix: Hosea 12

19/12/17 first version RESTART today’s “modern type christianity of the Self ” supporting this matrix: Hosea 12 themes: textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the […]

the chapter confirming YOUR Legal Right: Hab. 2

14/12/17 first version RESTART the chapter confirming YOUR Legal Right: Hab. 2 [ the chapter of describing these days, right now ] themes: describing the few adamite souls who search in these days describing the danger if we dónt describing the traps of today’s porn (sic), materialism and Selfrule, but all because it is crucial […]

the Eye – as the splendid balancing-equipment of realms: Nahum 2

13/12/17 first version RESTART the Eye – as the splendid balancing-equipment of realms: Nahum 2 [the implosion of the crystal castle – by Judah ruling the stargate again] themes: destruction of the city of Õn – as crystal castle textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term […]

narrating the invasion of Eden – Isaiah 22

11/12/17 first version RESTART narrating the invasion of Eden – Isaiah 22 [setu-bridge theme of Ramayana] themes: invasion of eden the coming into being of the city of Õn making the valley – as the Setu bridge in Ramayana / Gizah grand gallery occupying the stargate stealing the multi-coloured Veil Pteh’ tile Enki hewing out […]

the main vine, and the false branches – turning into their forest: Ez. 15

8/12/17 first version RESTART the main vine, and the false branches – turning into their forest: Ez. 15 [the adamite-soul being trapped *within* the false branches] themes: main vine, branches to be understood as clarifying chapter, concerning those with the same theme textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many […]

description of imploding matrix-stargate — possibly as Rã our sun: Nah. 3

8/12/17 first version RESTART description of imploding matrix-stargate — possibly as Rã our sun: Nah. 3 [the locusts making female-adamite-originals to birth anew Rã daily] textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a […]

Orion, Wormwood, and the stargate — the legal right and the great Promise: Amos 5

2/12/17 first version RESTART Orion, Wormwood, and the stargate — the legal right and the great Promise: Amos 5 textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from […]

who will close the stargate-door for Me…?: Malachi 1

2/12/17 first version RESTART who will close the stargate-door for Me…?: Malachi 1 [ thé Corruption upon scripture, so far: the pyramid-eye ] themes: stargate the Eye of BlackMagick Thoth as the king ‘Self’ Cain being dissected – as their fifth column exhortion to understand the gate textnote: we are aware that often people read […]

no such thing as ‘the daily sacrifice will be taken away’: Dan. 8

27/11/17 first version RESTART no such thing as ‘the daily sacrifice will be taken away’: Dan. 8 themes: eden-lampstand as ram goat as matrix lampstand [same archetype as behemoth] raising of the DJED-pillar, as the abomination of desolation nowhere is written ‘daily sacrifice’ —– is a Lie textnote: we are aware that often people read […]

Narrating the history of the double axis, the moon, and adamite-originals: Zech. 11

22/11/17 first version RESTART Narrating the history of the double axis, the moon, and adamite-originals: Zech. 11 themes: Adam locked-up in the hand abuse of Eve the adamite-originals as slaughtered flock within the solarplane’s prison the adamite-soul at birth belongs to thém the protection for the fearful adamite-soul as this body the restoration of the […]

the history of Cosmic Turmoil: Hab. 3

22/11/17 first version RESTART the history of Cosmic Turmoil: Hab. 3 themes: cosmic Turmoil – the story from the beginning until what will be, soon: textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a […]

The start of all – creating the Eden dimension; Job 38

The start of all – creating the Eden dimension; Job 38 situation: creating the eden cube within the mixed dimension of their Duality textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like […]

Ezekiel: about the monster Gog – as the Sekhet-Áaru fields

Ezekiel: about the monster Gog – as the Sekhet-Áaru fields textnote: we are aware that often people read words at face-value, and many think a term as “the land” should be ofcourse “this earth, we live on” — but a term like this is decided from the context it is placed in; for example, “Egypt” […]

searching for the doubled root-P

[draft,19/7/17] searching for the doubled root-P, below description — this root they are so eager to have back, must be deep inside the lampstand, as the goal they built the Ramayana-bridge to. We suggest it is an actual place, probably “the top of the mountain”, but before adapting the main diagram we needed to go […]

introduction to ezekiel 10 – part IV

— belonging to introduction to ezekiel 10, part IV — after 3500 years, you are the first to read: ——– OPENING OF THE MOUTH Ritual ——– INTRODUCTION we are amazed about the graphic lines of this ritual; it completely confirms the conquering of the gem/stone, so far; the plates are part of a ritual, covering […]

Introduction to Ezekiel 10 – part III

PART III necklace and throat ——– the gem / stone as necklace ——– A] many names for the same concept: depending upon which aspect, the name changes, accordingly; for example – from the “solarplane point of view”, the necklace uses the B-glyph: BABAT, BEB, BEGST, all ‘pectorial’, but also SHEB [which was the sceptre!], USEKH, […]

Introduction to Ezekiel 10 – part II

Introduction to Ezekiel 10 – part II: FOUND: the birthsceptre as sapphire Dome ———————————————— —- the birthright-sceptre: the sapphire staff, given to Adam —- the staff representing the sapphire Dome A] book of Jasher, 77: And afterward Moses went into the garden of Reuel which was behind the house, and he there prayed to the […]

INTRODUCTION to Ezekiel 10

click pic for full size map 1] INTRODUCTION to Ezekiel 10 This is where we arrived, so far: as in above pic, “the throat” is a most vital concept to them; since their head-rule, as their Behemoth-realm, and connects with their stolen inside, perhaps read ’emotions’; while at the rightside is how the situation will […]

book of Ezekiel — part II

click pic for full size map book of Ezekiel — part II E] next event, chapter eight – the cube and Gates: 2] and·I-am-seeing and·behold! likeness as·appearance-of fire from·appearance-of waists-of·him and·to·downward fire and·from·waists-of him and·to·up·ward as·appearance-of warning·as sparkle-of the·amber 2) Then I beheld, and lo a likeness as the appearance of fire: from the appearance […]

book of Ezekiel, first chapters: describing cube-H, scroll-sky, and future

click pic for full size map first chapters: describing cube-H, scroll-sky, and future [careful draft; just observing what we could recognize] related to BD LXXX 1] and·he-is-becoming in·thirty year in·the·fourth in·five to·the·month and I in·midst-of the·deportation on stream-of Chebar they-are-opened the·heavens and·I-am-seeing appearances-of Elohim 1) Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in […]

sixth trumpet

sixth trumpet (Rev 9 CONTINUED) 12/28/2016 – proceeding carefully; just observing the text as before; the phoenix, see picture at top of chapter; called BENU,”son/by the word-inside/of existence/of solarplane”; the self-produced but means that it is a construct, not yet having absorbed adamite aspects (that is why it tells “near the persea tree”, south); [theme […]

fourth trumpet

source yt visual of ankh torus seen from below compare the description of leviathan, the torus, in Job: “its scales are locking into place, like crystal stones” FOURTH TRUMPET – Time-dimension? 12] G2532 AND ho G3588 THE tetartos G5067 FOURth aggelos G32 MESSENGER esalpisen G4537 TRUMPETS kai G2532 AND eplEgE G4141 WAS-given-a-BLOW was-eclipsed to G3588 […]

book of Revelations – last three seals

last three seals [seals continued] from: pinterest sequence: ….after the four horses, earth has been Linked completely to the underworld, by them being Forced to make earth their HQ; Then follows a rather curious passage, at the next Fifth seal, in which “imprisoned souls, in some place, cry out about “the inhabitants of earth”: so […]