destruction of the Sekht-fields, by to dimensionally-inverse, Ez.30 — and their own spirits will be made to destroy them —

destruction of the Sekht-fields, by to dimensionally-inverse,
Ez.30 — and their own spirits will be made to destroy them —

and·he-is-becoming word-of ieue to·me to·to-say-of son-of human prophesy-you! and·you-say thus he-says my-Lord ieue howl-you! woe! for·the·day
The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Howl ye, Woe worth the day!

  • – ‘howl’, as -ililu, double -el, close to ‘Lilith’, feminine -th;,
  • – ‘woe’, H1929 hah ‘alas, woe’ 1x; perhaps from -hu ‘he, she, it’,
    but context unclear, affecting next “for”,

“and it is becoming (to pass) / the word (in the right order) of / IEUE / to me /, tofor to say: / son of / adam /, prophecy-you! / and you say, / thus / he – myLord – IEUE – says: / howl-you (doubled-deity)! / for – (he) the woeful – day /;

that near day and·near day to·ieue day-of cloud era-of nations he-shall-become and·she-comes sword in·Egypt and·she-becomes sore-travail in·Cush in·to-fall-of wounded-one in·Egypt and·they-take throng-of·her and·they-are-demolished foundations-of·her
For the day [is] near, even the day of the LORD [is] near, a cloudy day; it shall be the time of the heathen And the sword shall come upon Egypt, and great pain shall be in Ethiopia, when the slain shall fall in Egypt, and they shall take away her multitude, and her foundations shall be broken down

  • – ‘cloudy’,H6051 anan ‘cloud mass, cloud’; likely as Õn+Õn?, since the glyph H’EKA, ‘sorcery’, álso is “a doubling”; 6049 anan as ‘to bring, witchcraft ‘ 11x, (how curious, also as glyph ÁN, ‘to bring’, see jer.19 page);
  • – ‘the slain’, H2491 chalal, ‘kill, slain, deadly wounded’ (chal-al); 2457 chal-ah ‘rust (on pot), disease’, fitting the theme of ‘axe’,
  • – ‘sword’, H2719 chereb; also as “the flaming sword at eden”; charab ‘to attack’; 2721 choreb ‘drought, dryness’ 16x; 2722 Choreb, ‘waste, desert’, as the mountain Horeb (sinai) at the Arab coast; question is which mountain Horeb represents – presumably the Khenemu-mountain, since Moses had to ‘strike the rock, to get water’ (Oreb-Horus rock); because the first set of tablets was smashed; and the “mountaintop burning”; 2723 chorb-ah ‘ruins, waste, desolation’ 42x; 2724 charab-ah ‘dry land’ 7x; used in context of Noah (different as tsiun ‘dry place’, from their dimension); the sword at the entrance of eden perhaps as “turn dimension inside-out”, the word used as -haphak “transform, overthrow, turn, turn back, turn over”, read: the entrance was blocked because dimensionally turned inside-out; this sword will be given to Thoth to do the same to his own realm;

though them spirits use sorcery, H’EKA, see above, the cloud must represent that they lóse their own witchcraft;
sword and axe context:

we had this theme also in a previous Ez. chapter, but we must remember that both sides have the concept of ‘sword’. The sword mentioned here must be eden’s – since it is ‘coming’, as the same sword given to Thoth in following lines; turning the dimension inside-out; that in this line “the wounded one falls down”, we can only link to the axe in tuat X (or the 9 axes as Ennead); we don’t consider it coincidence that the used word also implies “rusty”,

“thatbecause / the day / (is) near / andas – the day – of IEUE – (which) (is) near /, (for) it shall become – the day of – the (sorcery-) cloud – (for) the era of – the nations (horus-spirits) /; and she – the sword (eden’s) – comes – ininto Egypt (Sekht-fields) /, and she – the sore travail – becomes / inupon Cush (torso, as outer-court) /, inby to fall-down / the slain one (the rusted axe) / in Egypt (Sekht-fields) /, and they take / her multitude /, and – her foundations – are demolished /;

Cush and·Phut and·Lud and·all-of the·mixture and·Chub and·sons-of land-of the·covenant with·them in·the·sword they-shall-fall
Ethiopia, and Libya, and Lydia, and all the mingled people, and Chub, and the men of the land that is in league, shall fall with them by the sword.

  • – ‘chub’, H3552 kub, unknown; but since the word is used it must be related to a similar root; 3553 koba ‘helmet’ 6x; similar theme in Ez.27:10, considered the context there, it must be about Õn creating bodies for them, where ‘helmet’ can be ‘their head’ which they so desired (and the shield as -magen perhaps ‘aura’?),

usually we break down each used term – this time we leave it (though in other chapter we tried these using Vedic); general idea must be that this line is about “their created beings”, think Ba-soul, or Remen (the being with 2 snakes as head), etc, as all them proto-spirits “who desired to have a head”, that “they shall be tuned inside-out” supports this theme,
“Cush (torso) / and Phut / and Lud / andas all of the mixture /, and Chub / andas the sons / of the land of / the covenant / with them /, inby the sword (dimension inside-out) / they shall fall /;

thus he-says ieue Yahweh and·they-fall ones-being-supporters-of Egypt and·he-comes-down pomp-of strength-of·her from·Migdol Syene in·the·sword they-shall-fall in·her
averment-of my-Lord ieue

They also that uphold Egypt shall fall; and the pride of her power shall come down: from the tower of Syene shall they fall in it by the sword, saith the Lord GOD

  • – ‘uphold’, H5564 samak ‘sustain, uphold, to lay (upon)’; only 5561 sam ‘spice (used in incense)’, Akk. sammû ‘a lyre, praise, a geometric figure’, samânu ‘a tree’; samtu ‘carnelian’, sâmidu ‘miller’, simmiltu ‘staircase, ladder’, simtu ‘image’, further in-‘s cluster as ‘eight, spices, to brand, mark, to burn, sky, large intestine, sun-disk ornament’ and a host of others – but which one – MAQT-ladder? THES-support?
  • – ‘migdol’, H4024 migdol, ‘place in NE egypt; tower’, from glyph MÁKTÁR (-L is always -R); here m+gadal, ‘wax, to grow, magnify’, gad-al, 1415 gad-ah ‘bank’, gedi ‘goat’ 16x; gad ‘(god of) fortune, troop’, gud ‘to raid’ 3x; altogether “horn of the goat”, into glyph MÃKHT, pillar of the great balance’, likely as the centre-horn of the goat, in Daniel,
  • – ‘syene’, H4582 sven-eh ‘city on southern border of egypt, towards etheopia’; if egyptian, the term can be S-UN “to make to become new (via ad.soul)”, alternatively as “arrow” s-unnu, making this place located somewhere at Õn; modern Aswan; in glyphs ‘fortune’ is glyph SHA, “new north”, as the region of Õn; but there are many places with strange names, in spells;

the theme of spirits turns now to the constructs, holding Up the fields;
“thus / he – IEUE – says /, andfor they – the (Thes?) supports of – Egypt (Sekht-fields) – fall-down /, and he – the pomp of – her (matrix-) power – comes down /, from migdol (pillar of balance) / (to?) Suen (place for to make new) / they shall fall – inby the sword / in her /, (being) the declaration of / myLord / IEUE /;


and·they-are-desolated in·midst-of lands ones-being-desolated and·cities-of·him in·midst-of cities ones-being-deserted they-shall-become and·they-know that I ieue in·to-give-of·me fire in·Egypt and·they-are-broken all-of ones-helping-of·her

And they shall be desolate in the midst of the countries [that are] desolate, and her cities shall be in the midst of the cities [that are] wasted And they shall know that I [am] the LORD, when I have set a fire in Egypt, and [when] all her helpers shall be destroyed

  • – ‘helpers’, H5826 azar ‘help’, but as -az ‘matrix-power’, “to protect or aid (by surrounding)”, we chose the passive ‘protections’ as to not suggest even further ‘outside help’, where the glyph use often the NETCH or SA, both ‘protection (constructs)’;

curiously the multiple ‘cities’ is being used here, not just as one (Õn),
“andfor – they shall become – as his – deserted – cities – in the midsts of – the desolated – lands /, and they know / that / I / (am) IEUE /, inwhen I cause / fire / ininto Egypt (Sekht-fields) / and – all of her protection (constructs) – are destroyed /;

in·the·day the·he they-shall-go-forth messengers from·to·faces-of·me in·the·boats to·to-make-tremble-of Cush trusting-one and·she-becomes sore-travail in·them in·day-of Egypt that behold! coming
In that day shall messengers go forth from me in ships to make the careless Ethiopians afraid, and great pain shall come upon them, as in the day of Egypt: for, lo, it cometh

  • – ‘ships’, H6716 tsiy (ts-term), into Tyre (tsiyr), as constructs belonged to eden; either way: certainly not as star-wars ships;

we think the line intends to say “that the angels proceed tó the constructs”, likely as copied-constructs, because of the (-ts), in order to un-do those,
“in – that – day /, they – the angels – shall go forth / from in front of me / intowards the boats (-constructs) / +
infor to make – to tremble – Cush’ (torso) – safety /, and she – the sore travail – becomes / inon them /, behold! / (it) (is) coming – inas the day of / Egypt (Sekhet-fields) /;

thus he-says my-Lord ieue and·I-eradicate throng-of Egypt in·hand-of Nebuchadrezzar king-of Babylon he and·people-of·him with·him terrifying-ones-of nations ones-being-brought to·to-mruin-of the·land and·they-unsheath swords-of·them on Egypt and·they-fill the·land wounded
Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will also make the multitude of Egypt to cease by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon He and his people with him, the terrible of the nations, shall be brought to destroy the land: and they shall draw their swords against Egypt, and fill the land with the slain

  • – ‘terrible’,H6184 arits ‘ruthless, tyrant, terrifying’, curious because (ts-term) but mutilated (perhaps because inversion of tsiyr, Tyre?); arats ‘to tremble’, problem is we need to go to H776 erets ‘land’ (depending on context); we fail to see what is going on with this one;

question what caliber are those “terrifying ones”, perhaps only as the 7 archangels mentioned in Henoch, as he is? (Henoch names as one of those 7 ‘Peêmude’, as the scribe-arch-angel),

  • – the sword was “to dimensionally turn inside-out”,
  • – as compared with Jer.19 : their realm is forced to destroy itsélf,
  • – Babylon as “main-dimensional-gate”, likely as “centre of their Tao realm”, by creating a 20-20 situation for them,

“thus / he – myLord – IEUE – says /,
andfor I eradicate / the multitude (of spirits) of / Egypt (sekht-áaru) / inby the hand of / Nebuchadnessar (Thoth) /, king of / Babylon (Õn) /; he / and his – terrifying – peoples of – the nations (horus-spirits) – with him /, (as) the ones being brought / tofor to ruin / the land (north) /, and they draw / their swords / onupon / Egypt (Sekht-fields) / and they fill / the land / (with) the slain /;

and·I-give waterways drained and·I-sell the·land in·hand-of evil-men and·I-desolate land and·fullness-of·her in·hand-of alien-ones ieue i I-spoke
And I will make the rivers dry, and sell the land into the hand of the wicked: and I will make the land waste, and all that is therein, by the hand of strangers: I the LORD have spoken [it]

  • – ‘to sell’; we had the same in Jer 19, that “when no amount is mentioned, the term is ‘to acquire’;
  • – ‘the wicked’; referring to the náture of Thoth’s company; -ra as Rã,
  • – ‘stranger’, H2114 zuwr ‘stranger’, zuwr ‘to crush’ 3x; the -zara as ‘seed, offspring etc’; we cannot go further back but z+evil (ra), perhaps -za is eden’s power, as opposed to -az; but now inversed and added -ra? “the evil using eden-power”, as a rather correct description of “strangers, aliens” – as their nature;


  • – for ‘canals’ (and Sekht-áaru’s richness), see Vignette BD 110 on homepage;

“and I cause / the canals (in Sekhet-áaru) / (to be) drained /, and I acquire / the land / inby the hand of / the wicked (Thoth and company) /, and I desolate / the land / and her richness / inby the hand of / the alien ones /, (for) I /, IEUE /, (have) spoken /;

thus he-says my-Lord ieue and·I-destroy ordure-idols and·I-eradicate forbidden-idols from·Noph and·prince from·land-of Egypt not he-shall-become further and·I-give fear in·land-of Egypt
Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will also destroy the idols, and I will cause [their] images to cease out of Noph; and there shall be no more a prince of the land of Egypt: and I will put a fear in the land of Egypt

  • – H1544 gillul ‘idols’ (gl,’wheel’+el+el ‘the doubled god’?); galal ‘to roll’,
    cherub wheel in Ezekiel galgal; 1543 gull-ah seems positive, ‘well, bowl, pool’,
    as upper and lower pool; gul+el+ah, ‘thing of’; where the gulel-ah is “the bowl
    inbetween both olive trees” (Zech.), the the gil-el-el must be the dóubled-pool (north),
    interlinear uses -im ‘multiple’ but we saw that often is implied -im ‘double’,

  • – ‘forbidden-idols’, as alil-im; we had this one before (el+el+double), and context fits previous,
  • – ‘memphis’, H5297 Noph, Memphis; the Memphis triad was Pteh’-Sekhmt-Nefrtem;
    so we have the place of the Pteh’ here, but see line 15-16;

the terms -No and -Noph do not appear to be ‘scribal errors for the same place’, but carefully chosen: as their double-root -P and -T’P (of the Ba-souls of the east and of the Ba-souls of the west); indicated by P-teh’; we consider for now that both ‘hands’ are different terms fór this double-root,
“thus / he – myLord – IEUE – says /, and I destroy / the idols (doubled-pool North) /, and I cause to cease / the forbidden-idols (doubled-images) / from Noph (serpent-hand?) /, and – nót – he (Pteh’) shall become – further – the prince (ruler) – from the land of – Egypt (Sekht-áaru) /, and I cause / a fear / inover the land of / Egypt /;

and·I-desolate Pathros and·I-give fire in·Zoan and·I-do judgments in·No
And I will make Pathros desolate, and will set fire in Zoan, and will execute judgments in No

  • – ‘pathros’, H6624 pathros; as southern egypt (the south half), southern fortress of Pteh’;
    in Jer.44 related to ‘the queen of heaven’, Isis, as new-adamite-throne
    (the ascent-offerings show that construct in north),
  • – ‘zoan’, H6814 tsoan (ts-term), at first sight like glyph THES, but said to be TCHÃNT
    (pool/willpower/serpent-hand); today’s Tanis, NW egypt; main deity T’EM-RÃ;
    likely that is why “fire is being set in Zoan”;
  • – ‘no’, H4996 No, Thebes; as “place-T of the UAS-sceptre”, UAS-T;
    the Karnak temple was situated at it’s eastern bank, while the necroplis on the western;
    as the first “dry place, after the eden-waters receded”, as Horus’ seat;
  • – ‘judgment’, H8201 shephet; only 16x, often related to Egypt; shaphat (many);
    8193 saph-ah ‘lips, rim, bank’ (many), as glyph SEPT, new-root; shephiy ‘height’;

No – context:
juxtaposed here with -Noph, in previous line; then the same double-root difference between -P and -T’P must be intended: but here -No as “the new-hand (where adam is within)”;

  • – contextually, this line is about the Hinge between ‘north and south Egypt’, as Sekht-fields and outer-court; then the -No can be the new-hand of adam inside it;

“and I desolate / Pathros (south-egypt) / and I set / fire / in Zoan (lower egypt, north) /, andfor I do / judgment (vesica) / inupon No (the new-hand?) /;

and·I-pour-out fury-of·me on Sin stronghold-of Egypt and·I-cut-off throng-of No and·I-give fire in·Egypt to-travail-of she-shall-travail Sin and·No she-shall-become to·to-be-rent-of and·Noph distresses-of by-day
And I will pour my fury upon Sin, the strength of Egypt; and I will cut off the multitude of No And I will set fire in Egypt: Sin shall have great pain, and No shall be rent asunder, and Noph [shall have] distresses daily

  • – ‘sin’, H5512 Ciyn, sin; said to be Pelusium (migdol tower); at the N-east frontier of egypt; glyph SENNUU, to right, as “(the wine as) the eden-word for the word-inside to make existence”, but a host of similar meanings, all “to make existence, to copy, etc”,
  • ‘no’, H4996 Thebes;deliberate juxtaposed here as Noph/No, H5297 Noph, both used in earlier line; the difference must be “it’s both banks”, review. the city (as double-root) now being torn; perhaps the “she No” may support that -No is the new-hand;

“and I pour out / my fury (heat) / on / Sin (place to make existencee) / (being) the stronghold of / Egypt (fields) /; and I cut-off / the multitude (of spirits) of(by?) / No (the new-hand) /, and I cause / fire / in Egypt (S-fields) /, (for) she – Sin (place make existence) – shall travail /, and – she – No (uas-sceptre) – shall become/ toas to be torn / andfrom Noph (necropolis) / byfor daily – distress /;

choice-young-men-of Aven and·Pi-Beseth in·the·sword they-shall-fall and·they in·the·captivity they-shall-go
The young men of Aven and of Pibeseth shall fall by the sword: and these [cities] shall go into captivity

  • – ‘pi-beseth’, H6364 pi-beseth; either Per-Bastt or P-Bastt; cat goddess;
    added either -PER ‘house of speech’ or just root -P;
    “the unguent by double-place-T of the adamite-soul for the Ba-spirit”;

the “young men” correspond with the -BES (bas) cluster, as the dwarf Bes (on both sides of Tutankámen’s alabaster vase); BES as “the image for the fish-soul bý the adamite-soul”, relating to acquiring the image of the physical body,
“the young men of / (the plain of) Aven (vanity) / and Pi-Besth (Bastt-cat) / they shall fall / inby the sword /,and they – shall go – into captivity/;

and·in·Tahpanhes he-is-dark the·day in·to-break-of·me there slider-bars-of Egypt and·he-is-eradicated in·her pomp-of strength-of·her she cloud he-shall-cover·her and·daughters-of·her in·the·captivity they-shall-go
At Tehaphnehes also the day shall be darkened, when I shall break there the yokes of Egypt: and the pomp of her strength shall cease in her: as for her, a cloud shall cover her, and her daughters shall go into captivity

  • – ‘yoke’, H4133 motah ‘bar, yoke’, likely more “bars” as “yoke”, related to mttah, staff (axis);

for some reason, “sorcery” is being linked to ‘feminine’ (‘daughters’); though Tefnut is ‘feminine’ (as Mimick of the eden Watercourse), we need to look what connection is intended here,
“and infor Tahpanes (Tefnut, tree of life) / it (is) the dark / day /, inwhen I break / there / the bars (axis) of / Egypt (Sekht-fields) /, and it is ceased / the pomp of / her (matrix-) strength / in her /, (for) she / the cloud (un-doing sorcery) / it shall cover her (egypt) /, and her daughters – they shall go – in captivity /;

and·I-do judgments in·Egypt and·they-know that I ieue and·he-is-becoming in·one-of ten year in·the·first in·seven to·the·month he-becomes word-of ieue to·me to·to-say-of
Thus will I execute judgments in Egypt: and they shall know that I [am] the LORD. And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the first [month], in the seventh [day] of the month, [that] the word of the LORD came unto me, saying
“a” ‘seventh of the first month’ was ‘two days ago’ – the 7th of May, we just wonder whether related, see text of next line,
“andfor I do / judgments / inupon Egypt (Sekhet-fields) / and they (will) know / that / I / (am) IEUE /; and it is becoming (to pass) / inat the – eleventh / year / inat the seventh – inof the first (month) /, it becomes / the word (in the right order) of / IEUE / to me / tofor to say /;

son-of human arm-of Pharaoh king-of Egypt I-broke and·behold! not she-is-bound-up to·to-give-of remedies to·to-place-of bandage to·to-bind-up-of·her to·to-make-steadfast-of·her to·to-grasp-of in·the·sword
Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and, lo, it shall not be bound up to be healed, to put a roller to bind it, to make it strong to hold the sword

as Nu holding-up their boat with both arms; curiously however is that in next verse ‘both arms’ are addressed; we need to see why the difference with the (one) arm, here; Compare to right the vignette in Book of Gates XII, Nu (outer-court) holding up their boat-construct (as main diagram);

“son of / adam /, I (have) broken – the arm (willpower, Ã) of – Pharaoh (rule over Sekht-fields) / king of / Egypt (fields) /, and behold! /, nót she (willpower) is (to be) bound-up / tofor to (be) given / cure /, (or) to to put / a bandage / tofor to bind (it) up /, +
(in order) tofor to make her (arm) / steadfast (enough) / tofor to yield / the sword (setfit-axe) /;

therefore thus he-says my-Lord ieue behold·me! to Pharaoh king-of Egypt and·I-break arms-of·him the·steadfast-one and the·one-being-broken and·I-make-fall the·sword from·hand-of·him
Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I [am] against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and will break his arms, the strong, and that which was broken; and I will cause the sword to fall out of his hand
“therefore / thus / he – myLord / IEUE – says /, behold-me! / (being) toagainst / Pharaoh (rule of fields) / king of / Egypt (Sekht-fields) /, andfor I break / his – steadfast – both arms / andas / the one(s) being broken /, and I make to fall-down / the sword (setfit-axe; turning inside-out dimension) / from (out) of his hand /;

and·I-scatter Egyptians in·the·nations and·I-toss·them in·the·lands and·I-make-steadfast arms-of king-of Babylon and·I-give sword-of·me in·hand-of·him and·I-break arms-of Pharaoh and·he-moans moanings-of one-wounded to·faces-of·him
And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and will disperse them through the countries And I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and put my sword in his hand: but I will break Pharaoh’s arms, and he shall groan before him with the groanings of a deadly wounded [man]
“and I scatter / the Egyptians (Canaanites and offspring) / ininto the nations (horus-spirits) /, and I toss them / ininto the lands (now as prison-dimension) /,and I make steadfast / the arms (willpower) of / the king of / Babylon (Thoth) /, and I give / my sword (to dimensionally-inverse) / in his hand /, andfor I break / the arms of / Pharaoh (rule of Sekht-áaru) /, and he moans – toin front of him (Thoth) – the moanings of – a deadly wounded /:

and·I-make-steadfast arms-of king-of Babylon and·arms-of Pharaoh they-shall-fall and·they-know that I ieue in·to-give-of·me sword-of·me in·hand-of king-of Babylon and·he-stretches-out her to land-of Egypt
But I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and the arms of Pharaoh shall fall down; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD, when I shall put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall stretch it out upon the land of Egypt
somewhere, in some other chapter, must be a line to un-do this section of “I will make steadfast the arms of Thoth” – because these type declarations are Valid – but for a moment – therefore this aspect must be un-done again. The thing is, that them spirits “will destroy their own empire, themsélves”, being forced, by a 20-20 situation for them, to have to do that;
“and I make steadfast / the both arms of / the king of / Babylon (Thoth) /, andso the arms of / Pharaoh / shall fall-down /, and they know / that / I / (am) IEUE / inwhen I give / the sword of me / in the hand of / the king of / Babylon /, and he stretches – her – out – to – the land of – Egypt (Sekhet-fields) /;

and·I-scatter Egyptians in·the·nations and·I-toss them in·the·lands and·they-know that I ieue
And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and disperse them among the countries;
and they shall know that I [am] the LORD

“and I scatter / the Egyptians (all Canaanites and related) / ininto the nations (horus-spirits) /, and I toss / them / ininto / the lands (now their secluded region) /, and they know / that / I / (am) IEUE /.

08. 05. loNe

so many places and regions again – as in the spells;
yet many of them seem to Match here;
we really would need to make an index (if we but had the time),
and list side-by-side all of them, to compare their characters…
2] that the ‘swords’ first appear in amtuat lower register (outer-court)
as the ennead (9 constructs), then ascending to be the double-ennead,
in the upper-register (Sekht-fields),
must imply that the concept of ‘sword’ (to turn inside-out the dimension) must be eden’s;
and that somehow, they acquired this concept,
considered that the axe-glyph is “the god”, NETER;