CT 102

CT 102 II 109

d] the ‘enemies’ [eden-hail to make the solarplane] (sbá, unclear; see note). [for,as?] all [of]. the workplace (ás).,
[for this N.]. [the workplace at] the doubled-place-T of existence. [for] the [an-] face (north).; (note)

c] [yet] thou. speech. [by]. the ones as ‘enemies’ [eden-hail to make the solarplane] (sbá, see note). +
[for] completion of the solarplane. the words. to make (ár). nót.;

b] [but instead,] Osiris (as construct). words. [of] existence (matrix). [by] these (pu). horus-spirits.,
[through] place-T to found (uah’t). of [=as?]. the divine “One”. [namely] place-T of the word to connect to (thut).:
a] [in order for] ãnkh-life. [for] the divine Ba-ram-soul. alike-adam (miá).,
[through] thou. leg [standing on lampstand] (r’t). of [=for]. thou. sekhem-power.;

II 108

g] my. head. which is by (T/existence). this (to connect to). place-T of (the four of) the hand of he-eden for hail (áft’t). +
[for] my. essence by he-eden for hail (áf flesh).,
[as] existence. [by] the essence of words of the eden-mountain for speech. of [=to]. thou. to wander-astray (=essence).;
f] [by means of] the word. to connect to. to carry-off., [for] the divine corn [speech by root for existence]. [of] existence of hail.;

e] [and by] he (=corn). within (the matrix)., existence to make (via ad.soul).,
[through] the word to descend (hebrew-H). [and so] the word of (eden-) speech to manifest (perru).,
d] [as] divine spirits-light of the word for the kh-house of vulture-rule of hail (áakhu+).,
[by] this (pu). house of the star to make the solarplane (sba-gate as T’ua-star). of [=for]. the word. to connect to. words (eden’s).,
[by means of] the eden-hand to seize (sht’-t’).;
[and so for] Osiris (as construct). the word. [for] existence. [by] these (pu). divine horus-spirits. the lights of the cord. [for] existence of hail.;

c] [by] he. the [an-] face (eden’s). the place-T of he-eden for the kh-house (khft).,
{by this -T] the word. to connect to. to make the k-axis (via ad.soul).,
it. to dwell. [by] he (=place-T). to stand-upright.;
b] [and so for] me. to become the words by to cunningly make to inverse by the sh-pool-north (shesau+).,
[in order for] my. image (áru). me. to create [by] (qma).; of [=by] (means of). +
a] [being] within., [as] place-T of existence (by which is). all. the word for the solarplane (bu).,
of [=by]. he the root (pf). [as] the god., [for] the word to connect to. sight (maa).,
[and as] he the root (pf). [for] my. Ba spirit-soul., (that root as) the doubled-cherub-wheel. [for] to come the adamite-soul. [for] hail.,

II 107

h] [and so] to complete. (by the soul) within (matrix)., thou. existence. +
g] [by] thou. head (or ‘main-k-axis’?). [as?] the ureaus. [by?] the land. of [=for]. thou. (-T of) sekhem-power.; (?)
f] [in order for] the sky of earth (north). of [=as]. thou. sekhem-power.,
[and as] the sky of earth. of [=as]. thou. user-power (to make speech).;

e] [and so] the ãnkh-life. [for] this (pu). my. Ba spirit-soul. [for] existence of hail. alike-adam (miá).;
[by] this (to connect to). to make (ár). [for] the gods (matrix).,
[namely] this (to connect to). the Self (tches). [for] this (to connect to). existence (matrix).,
[by means of] this (to connect to). existence (eden’s). place-T to make (ár-t).;

d] [and so for] the gods (matrix). existences to make (via ad.soul). [of] existence of hail (án).;
[as] the hail for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [by] the names. head (main-names). +
[of?] the divine word of saturn (-wick-H’). of [=by]. the k-axis.; to become (áu). +

c] [for] the gods (matrix). [by] to become the dimensional-veil for the solarplane by the k-axis of vulture-rule of hail (áakb+).,
[by means of?] the branch (at -T of kh-house)., [and so] of [=for]. +
b] the divine an-face (north). existence to make (via ad.soul). [through] existence. to give. speech.;
[namely through] this (pu). adamite soul. to slay (glyph) for to make a spirit (via ad.soul) (s-ákh).,
[and so by] Isis (new adamite-throne). thou. existence (matrix). to give.;

a] to become the divine word of voice [of speech and nature]. [+existence?]. to seize (sht’).;
[in order for] existence (matrix). existence to make (via ad.soul). [and so] double-stability to come (mnmn). alike-adam’s (mia).;
[by] existences to make (via ad.soul). [by] the things of the adamite-throne. [of] the [an-] face (eden’s).;
[and so] the divine words of great speech. [of] thou. existence. to come doubled-stability (menmen).;

II 106

f] the T’ept-boat as the god [ the boat at place-T of the eden-root for? the new-hand]. of [=as?]. thou. \\ dimensional backside (glyph).,
[by?] the boat doubling the mouth [at place-T of the kh-house by the root to fly-up (pakhet+).; (note)
[and so] of [=by]. thou. (to make) place-T of the dimensional foreground [of saturn] (h’at). to acquire.; (note)

f] [as] T’em (as hand; ‘to divinely complete’). the main-place-T (tep-t). [as] place-T of great speech.,
[through] place-T to violently split-off (t’ent’t). [for] thou. existence. [of] victory., +
e] [by] the doubled-T as the perch-region of Thoth. alike-adam’s (miá).,
[for] divine great speech. [by which is foremost kh-house]. of [=by]. (the island) the main-10. thou. to give.; (note)

d] [by these?] place-T to found (wick-H’ for w-course word) (uah’t). [by] place-T-eden to reap (ma-t).;
[and by] the T’ept-boat as the god. [for] the speech. [of] place-T of spirit-consciousness [=island of horizon].,
[through] the upside-down (connecting-devices?) [of the new-hand of the kh-house for the word] (ukhet’+). [for] speech.;
[by] thou. the islands at place-T of vulture-rule to un-tie+eden (?,khefat+)., to become (áu).+
the (island of) eden-aspects (?,shbt). [for] the word of hail (áu). [for] my. Ba spirit-soul. [of] hail.;

c] to become place-T at the q-axis to build (qet?,text). [as] he. alike-adam’s (miá).,
[and as] he. place-T of the dimensional background of saturn (h’at). [for] thou. speech.,
[namely as] Horus’ (or ‘watercourse’). eye.;

b] [by using] the prisoner (śu,Cain). [in order for] my. existence. thou. existence to bring (ánn).;
[by] to come for the fish-soul [=author!] (án+walk). the speech of hail (ár).,
[and that by] to come to dissect (nem). the cherub-poles., [for] speech of hail.,
[and so] to come the split-off watercourse. [to?] he. the new-hand for the word (ut’). [for] speech of hail.; (note)

a] of [=by]. he (=new-hand). the word. [as,for] place-T of existence (by which is). all [of]. the word for the solarplane.;
of [=by]. he the root (pef). [as] the god.,
[using] the prisoner (śu,Cain). [for] the sight (maa). it. to wander-astray (=the sight).;

II 105

g] [using] the prisoner (śu,Cain). [for to] me. to come to the solarplane the descended-house-H (Hab).,
[using] the prisoner (śu,Cain). [for] my. sight (maa).,
[and so as?] the divine ãnkh-life. [of] my. existence., [by] he (=prisoner). [causing to] place-T to bring (án-t).;

f] [for] the divine egyptians. [by] the belly (inner-court). of [=for]. the speech to transform.,
[as] the essence of the words of the eden-mountain for speech. of [=for]. (eden-) speech to manifest.;
[and as] divine great speech. to manifest.;

a] [by] he. to die (=eden speech?). [by] the branch (kht). of [=for]. ãnkh-life.;
[and so through] the place of Õn. existence. [as] the divine foreign-land of the opened wod-inside (glyph).,
[and as] divine great speech. [by] the perished eden-star [making the k-axis] (sek). [for] hail.;

——– end CT 102
A] notes:
II 109

  • – line d] ‘enemies’
    as SBÁ, textglyph to right;
    sometimes a serpent is added, but here you see also a ‘person’,
    so it must be beings – not a concept?. The term is obviously linked to SBA,
    but what are these?
    In the dictionary textglyph, to right, nothing in that cluster shows a flame or
    a star, but they are consequently linked to either a bearing-pole
    and/or finger, which is about the slanted axis to the Õn gate;
    they are obviously related to the SB-star and house — which is however
    another term for the star who ascended out of the eden-gate and is now the
    T’ua-star, the morningstar;
    then these poles (?) like held-up that original star?
    The problem is that these SBÁ dissapear in the text; and where often at the end
    the theme returns, here is but the SEK-star (which is, frankly, unclear too);
    but perhaps this SEK-star was the original head óf these (ten?) SBÁ poles?
  • 2) the only other glyph is “jest, mockery, to laugh” as S-BÁA, which must be a pun
    on “to make iron, to make place-T for iron” [where -B is ‘solarplane’].
    An unorthodox comparison is to make with Isaac, son of Abraham and Sarah;
    we saw how Abraham was the play-out of Adam, as re-start by playouts
    [and that is until this very day with you and us!], how he planted the tamarisk
    as ÁSER-glyph or KHET-branch, etc.
    They “laughed” when the announcment came – and Isaaq itself is ‘to laugh’.
    It is not impossible that Isaaq was the counter of their “iron”:
    he maried a girl from his far-relative uncle, as Laban (‘white’) as the same
    aspects as Lebanon, which is their region at Õn (see cedars of lebanon page).
    Consequently, Isaaq [and Rebekah] must represent the Split, after eden fell,
    as solarplane region and the region of eden below.
    [and Jacob and Esau, his sons, as the adamite and canaanite soul which both
    live in our present type physical body, since the solarplane completion 8000 BC].

  • Does that help? – not really;
    we still don’t know the nature of the SBÁ.
    Yet they must be related to the cherub-poles, in glyphs as NNIU or NN;
    in the book of gates these NN are mentioned, and depicted as 4 horizontal
    fettered figures — here, in amtuat VI you see three horizontal ones, but without
    the term NN, written next to them only “the word”, “the word at place-T” and in front
    “the word at doubled-place-T”. But who is who?
  • 3) in textglyph of dictionary, to right, is visible a “decapitated SBÁ”,
    which should imply that the kneeling deities [in other pic] are the SBÁ;
    and indeed the text starts to mention “head”, in line 108 G.
    The theme in the text is about ‘words’, but the only ones we know are the
    [7] torches – eventhough these should be Uraei, and on top of that the figures
    in the pic are males, not women; and “the head” is a typical masculine attribute.
    Similar kneeling figures are added in the
    glyph SEQR, speech by the q-axis, where “speech” is the masculine attribute,
    see line 109 C, and “axis” and “poles” [the SBÁ hold] are the same theme.
    [Ramesses tomb shows rows and rows of these kneeling figurines]
  • 4) the lion in the pic of the decapitated figurines is about “existence to make,
    by speech to enter (q-axis and willpower)”, he has a lion-head; suppose these poles were standing in a circle, at the throne of adamite, as part of a construct with the eden-cord (cord of words, per spells, see 108 D) in the centre; compare poor example as pic to right – but then standing up Vertically; similar to how Joseph dreamt that stars and moon were [around him] bowed for him; he representing the “existences to make” per multi-coloured coat. Perhaps these SBÁ-poles standing in a circle were inversed? and becoming the QES bone-poles, “the bones of? the adamite-soul for the new-q-axis”, but as that inverted section of the q-axis?
  • Job 40:18, about Behemoth, states “bones of him are channels (tubes) of copper,
    and the ribs of him as cast of iron”,
    and 41: 14 about Leviathan (see diagram; that centre as head) “..who is he [who] shall come
    to the doors of his (leviathan) [AN-] face? Who [is] he (=leviathan) to have opened
    the round-about teeth of dread, [as?] prideful channels (tubes) [to?] the shields (magen),
    being closed with a seal (khetem) of narrowness?”
  • the seal as glyph KHETEM we recognize, as cherub-wheel; the shields we dont know yet;
    but note the line “teeth round-about”, or perhaps “surrounding”,
    and that likely those teeth are “channels, tubes” — what if the Joseph example fits?
    We gather the core stayed the same – though inversed? – and that a second row of ‘tubes’
    has been constructed aróund these SBÁ-poles,
    this second row of poles standing in a circle being the 30 QES-bones;
    and this whole construct as “the double bridle” mentioned in line 14…?
    These bones can be the same ‘stalks’ behind the couch of the ‘Isis suckling horus’ painting;
  • though the official glyph for ‘tooth’ is BEH’, as also in T’EBEH’,
    we do have one BEH’QA, in PT 1116; “the high-place (at q-axis) as tooth”, where QES is a stepdown of QA “high place”; BEH’EN, “to battle existence (eden’s) by the tooth”, BEH’UT’T, “horus’ throne at,by place-T of the new-hand for? as? the tooth”, and BEH’ES, textglyph to right, showing the QES-bone glyph next to the stone; b] the other way around: QES is their construct and yields little, but the QERES-cluster [inserted -R] shows often the same QES-bone glyph, to right, as the “to bury” cluster, rather frequent in spells; and is the strange coffin drawing far from the above idea of these SBÁ-poles forming some type of construct…?

II 108

  • – line a] cherub wheel,
    textglyph to right; the wheel to make the new-root SEP+wheel;
    but hów it causes that the adamite-soul comes to their north, is a mystery,

II 107

  • – line d] names and word of hail,
    the line refuses to run, contextually; oftentimes the RN+multiple is “names”, [lit. ‘existences / of speech’], and these names seem to relate to them – not to eden, since there is no ‘killing’ context in this line; however the intent is unclear; for k-axis see next note,
  • – line c] covering and k-axis,
    previous line could read “the word of saturn as thou word of hail”, but we made “the word of saturn by the k-axis; to become” being the same glyphs —- reason because the -K appears again in this ÁAKEB, we do not yet know what this dimensional veil is: perhaps “theirs”, as opposed to the glyph ÁSHEST; in Amos (?, but see page) we saw how “the dimensional-veil will be pulled down,
    and all peoples on earth will see your ugly an-face”, see CT 99 for the concept of the an-face; and see next line B; in Job 41:13 it tells ” Who is he (leviathan) to have rolled-back the surfaces for his garment by his double-bridle?” That it is listed as “mourning, weeping” may relate to “essence of the eye”, as similar theme in -REM; but we need to discover that link still,
II 106

  • – line f] t’ept and pakhet
    the PAKHET boat, pic to right; it’s nature is “the both lion heads” at front and stern, implying a “doubling”; as the glyph in top of textglyph to right; the T’EPT is more tricky [bottom glyph, to right]; eventhough we know it is a ‘wormhole’, see book of gates, suggesting traveling-through, in this case to the North (because of it’s relation with the PAKHET boat);
  • where “the root” as -P is in spells often juxtaposed with “root T’EP”,
    we must assume that both are in the North, as théir double-root
    [as opposed to eden’s double root, per ãPEP];
  • – line f] dimensional foreground,
    shown in “forelegs of sphinx glyph”,
    very much as the depiction in diagram on top of page –
    in Tut’s inversion relief;
    their dimensional-foreground appears by “connecting to the new-hand (where Adam is in)”,
    hence the prominent hand there, and see next line,

  • – line e] the main 10,
    in textglyph to right; next to the ‘5’ is a glyph like an inverted -U, as “ten”; the small glyph below can be either “island” or “aspect (food)”; and the mushroomglyph either “main, top, first, etc”; either “the 10 of the head” or 10 + head = main-10″; so what is it? — the ’10’ we know, are the 10 flames of the lampstand;
  • thoth perch,
    it writes “alike-adam’s”; so similar eden-construct [connecting eden’s double-root] must’ve been, previously; this T’eh’ut-perch connecting the eden-root to their new-hand-T’?