XV B (Mut-hetep) and XV C (Dublin papyrus) ;

readable and comprehensible lines in bold
not yet understood concepts or/and nonrunning lines in black

themes :  
notes : for each subsequent paragraph ; below main text ;
perhaps open new tab for side-by-side comparison
remarks : the chapters of the book of the dead are typically very hard
to follow – first because of the extensive chapters ,
secondly because the relational context between the many
different themes makes one lose sight of the general idea ,
and third because there are still concepts we don’t get yet .


BD XV 2 , ‘hymn to the setting sun’ (Dublin papyrus)

the true voice. [of] [blank space for name candidate]. Osiris. :
the dome of nut [-T for the word-inside]. the mother. +
[being] the one. to embrace [=to embrace hail at the beating-ground (eden-head) ] (qená). ,
[for] all. [mutilated eden-] light. [as] Rã [=our sun]. ,
[by] the staff-tá. [of] beauty (nfr). ;+

the foreign-land’s mountain Manu [=tsiun]. [by] which is. [-T of] the island of the horizon. , +
[as] thou. boat. which is [by]. the cord to place-T in the dimensional-foreground (h’at). ,
24) [in order for] existences to make [=as concept]. to acquire. ;

[and so] existences to make. [by] the essences by the nostril of the new-hand [=north] (fent’). ,
[as] the speech. [through] the words of breath-air. thou. to give. ;
[and so by] existences [=eden’s]. existences to make [=for matrix]. ,
23) [by means of] the evil words of the mountain [=eden’s]. to go repulse (khsf). , +
[and so] existences to make. ,
[by] the evil word of descended-hebrew-house-H. thou. existence [=eden’s]. to erase (t’r). ;

the house at place-T for to furnish. of [=as]. the double-place-T for existence [=matrix]. ,
22) [to be] existence. to become the praised things by to make to dissect [=eden] (s-nmm+). , +
[in order] thou. to be listened to [=by eden]. ,
[by means of] the one. existences to make [=as concept]. [of] sight (maa). ;

existence [=eden’s]. to open (snsh). ,
21) [and so by] the prisoner [=to make the word]. existences to make [=as concept]. ,
[as?] the word \\ by the two eyes (?,glyph). [being?] the double-place-T of the west. ,     [sic]
[by] the lights by place-T of the ámm-tree (eden-vine north?). +
20) thou. [for] existence [=matrix]. things to make to illumine. ,
to become the sweetness (ntchm). [of] existences to make. [as] things of the torso [=region]. ;
[and so for] the t’uathouse. [to be] all the words. [for] existences to make. ,
[as] existence. [by] the lights of the shining backbone [=axis] (pst’). [for] thou speech of hail (ár). ;

to come the branch [=axis] (kht). [in order for] place-T of all. existences to make. ,
[this way,] to come the [eden-] moon of speech for to make the new-root [=Thebes] (spr). +
[in order for] thou. existence [=matrix]. existences to make [=as concept]. ;

to say. :
18) thou. to double (Ka). existence [=matrix]. ,
[by] to become the places-T for the praised words of olden times [=pre-eden] (áaut+). ,
of [=for]. existences to make. [through] the word \\ of double-willpower. ;

[by means of] existences to make. [through?] the t-p-h’-t gate. of [=for?] the ‘ochre’ (qnrt+lights). ,
17) [to be] all words. [for] forever. divine rule. [of] Osiris. , [by] to become the great pillar. , the god. ;

[by] existence [=eden’s]. within [=in matrix]. , thou. to make to illumine. ,
16) to become the words to rejoice in (hã). of [=as]. the words of nobility (shpsu). ,
[being] the word of the most-beautified-soul-adam for vulture-rule by place-T-eden within [=matrix]. ;

the foreign-land’s Manu mountain [=tsiun]. [by] which is. [place-T of] the island of the horizon. ,
of [=for]. to become the word of totality. ,
[for] thou. torso [=region]. [of] beauty (nfr). , [as] thou. peace [=matrix status-quo] (h’tp). ;

[startline repeats] ,
the dome of nut [place-T for the word-inside]. thou. divine mother. +
to embrace the essence at place-T [eden’s] of the root for wick-H’ (h’pt+). ,
[in order for] all. [mutilated eden-] light (‘day’, Hru). [being] Rã [=our sun]. ,

of [=by?] the staff-tá. [for] he. the beauty (nfr). ;

14) the ãpep serpent’s [=eden double-root]. place-T to come (t+walk). ,
[and by that,] thou. existence [=eden’s]. to snatch-away (nh’m). ;

[by?] thou. the evil of the places-T of the ‘those who are’ spirits of he-eden for the kh-house (khft-t\\u). ,
[to be?] the ureaus [of?] the word of place-T for spirit-consciousness (?, khut+). ,
[by means of?] existence [=eden]. to make to fall down (skhr). ;
[and so by?] the staff-tá. to become peace [=matrix status-quo] (h’tp). ,
13) [by means of] thou. the places-T (?) to build. to become the words of peace. ;

of [=by]. the divine Nu dome dimension [=inner-court]. [for] thou. existence. existences to make. ,
[as] existence [=matrix]. [by] to come the disscted [eden-] leg (nm+,=). ;
[in order] to be ‘the neighbours’ [=of eden] (Hnnuu ; descended hebrew-house-H). +
[by means of] the most-beautified-soul-adam’s hebrew-house-H [=now north]. ;

12) [because] of [=by]. the morning-boat [double-T of the hand for willpower]. +
[for] the torso [=region]. to become the word of totality. ;
[and] of [=by]. the evening-boat [double-T eden to perish]. to become. he. the two places-T (nut-II). ,
[as] place-T for every. egyptian-adamite-soul (my+S). [to be] the sight of intuition [=inversed hail] (saá). ;

11) [by] place-T of willpower of speech (rãt). [to be] the speech. [as] he. the divine words of spirit light. ,
[for] the dimensionally-wide house [=descended hebrew-house-H]. +
the speech. [of?] the land [=eden’s?]. to make [=the speech] (ár). ;

[through] he \\ the two eyes. [being by] to come the double-place-t [to?] the bow-dome (h’eptt+=). , +
[for?] speech. [of] the sky [=north]. ,
[through] the [bow-] dome suspended on high (ãkh). the gods. to make [=the dome]. ;

[and so for] thou. existence. to be the praised words of descended-hebrew-house-H. ,
9) [by] the boat. [as] place-T of the dimensional-foreground. of [=for]. speech to transform. ,
8) [through] the moon of double-place-T to fly-up (?,pat+). he the self. speech to transform. ,

7) to become double-speech by place-T as the god. ,
[being] the divine doubled-house [as?] double-place-T of the island of the horizon. [of] Horus. ;
[in order for] the divine word to complete (temu). [as] he. the peace. of [=by]. Rã. ,
[to be] thou. above protection of hail. ;

4) the sky [=north]. [as] existence [=matrix]. [by] the double-place-T of the west. ,
[being] [-T of] the island of the horizon [=Khittim]. , of [=by]. he. to become peace (h’tp). ;
of [=by]. the divine doubled-house [as?] double-place-T of the island of the horizon. [of] Horus. ,
[to be] Rã [=our sun]. [as,by?] the praised t’ua-star. ;

End XV 2


general idea :

25) embrace the beating ground ,
in textglyph 1 , to right from centre , the both arms showing ;
the last part QN is in the “beating-ground” cluster (q-axis) ,
as the top of the column of fire [of the tabernacle] ,
the same area which is being fire-drilled by them ;

1 – rpt

25) staff tá ,
in textglyph 1 , to the left of Rã (the seated deity) ;
the strange-shaped-T must be an eden-concept ,
in other spells it is said “to shoot-out (to the north)” ,
we think for no wit is ‘the lawgiver’ mentioned in Gen. 49 ;

25) Manu mountain ,
in same textglyph 1 , leftside , where shows the sickle ;
“the foreign-land’s ultimate-word-inside to reap” ;
In the same cluster as Á-MAA , “the eden-tree to reap (for hail)”,
‘sight’ MAA “(eden-) sight (to reap)” with the same sickle , etc ;

18) ‘ochre’ ,
as QN-RT+lights ; the same QN as ‘beating-place’ ,
“the lights by place-T of [eden-] speech by the beating-place” ;
the TPH’T or THEPH’T gate we haven’t located yet ;

17) great pillar the god ,
as the main pillar of the world-tree , to right ;
in spells this pillar is often related to (emitting) ‘sound’ ,
and likely the theme of ‘trumpets’ in Revelation is connected here ;
compare also ‘the 7 bowls’ with the cup-like extension of the pillar ;


BD XV (version 3)

readable and comprehensible lines in bold
not yet understood concepts or/and nonrunning lines in black

themes :  
notes : for each subsequent paragraph ; below main text ;
perhaps open new tab for side-by-side comparison
remarks : the chapters of the book of the dead are typically very hard
to follow – first because of the extensive chapters ,
secondly because the relational context between the many
different themes makes one lose sight of the general idea ,
and third because there are still concepts we don’t get yet .


BD XV 2 , ‘hymn tot he setting sun’ (MUT H’ETEP TH)

he. the áten disk-light \\ of adam-within. ,
[by] the boat of the word-inside to build the new-hand [=north]. [for] he. the spirit-consciousness (khu). ,
of [=as]. the boat of [eden-] willpower for existence. , [being] thou. above protection of hail. ;

he. the eye [=áten/Rã]. of [=for]. the t’uathouse. to make to illumine (s-h’tch). ,
[and so for] the gods. the speech. [by] to become spirit-consciousness (khu). ,
[being] thou. above protection of hail. ;

[by] [place-T of] the island of the horizon \\ of adam-within. ,
to become sacred. the Ba-ram-souls (likely ba). ,
[for] the Ba-ram-soul. of [=by?] the staff-tá. to come hail as advanced-beautified-soul [spirit blueprint]. ,
[being] thou. above protection of hail. ;

[for] the gods. the word to create (qmau). of [=by] [means of]. the staff-tá. speech to transform. ;
[through] Tem [=Damascus]. of [=by]. the staff-tá. to come hail as advanced-beautified-soul. ,
[being] thou. above protection of hail. ;

the t’uathouse [=sheol]. of [=for]. the spirits’. existence of hail (án). ,
[by means of] he. to become the praised t’ua-star. [for] Osiris’. peace [=matrix status-quo] (h’tp). ,
[being?] Rã [=our sun]. [for] divine beauty to become new. ;
20) [by] he place-T for hail (‘father’= Tem). above. [to be] the word-inside for protection. [by] Horus. ;

[through] he. the áten light-disk \\ of adam-within. ,
to become the great pillar the god [=world-tree stem]. [for] existence of hail (án). ;
[by means of] to come the moon [of the HÁU donkey] of speech to make the new-root (spr). [for] ãnkh-life. ,
[for] all [of]. Osiris [=as construct]. [of] adam-within. ;

to become place-T of the great pillar. +
[by] the divine things by the beating-place [eden-head] to fire-drill (tchatcha+). to make the m-realm. ,
19) [and so by] he. the double-place-T of he [eden] for the kh-house (khftt). [to be] the speech. +
[as] the true voice. [of] Mut h’etepth [=this scribe]. ;

the word to make true voice. [by] he. the lights of place-T of he [eden] for the kh-house (khft+). , +
[for] the speech. [of] Osiris. the word to make true voice. , [by] Thoth. to be hail. ;
[through] the double-place-T of the west. [of] the words of adam-within. , +
[to be] the new-adamite-throne (ást). [of] mysterious and secret words. , +
[for] the gods. eden-willpower to sacrifice. [in order for] existences to make [=concept]. ;
18) [and so by] the word of voice. [of] peace (h’tp). of [=for]. existences to make. ,
[as] existence [=matrix]. to come hail as the advanced-beautified-soul. ;

the evening-boat [double-T-eden to perish] (sktt). of [=by] means of]. +
the nuh’ cords [‘cords of the eden-word-inside’]. [for] existence to make [=as concept]. to acquire. ;
[and through] the ‘westerners’ [‘those who are’ spirits] (ámen-t\\u). +
[for] the gods. to become the words to rejoice in. , [for] Osiris [=as construct]. above [=north]. ;
[by means of] the divine covering(s) of the eden-hand [for the solarplane of existence] (nbt’+). +
these. to go repulse [=the covering] (khsf). [by] Rã [=as cat MiÁU]. above [=north]. ;

17) [by] the sbá serpent [cherubs as bent-axis?]. speech. this. to make to fall-down (skhr).,
[in order for] the arrows to battle. these. to acquire [=arrows]. ,
[being] he [=them] [=arrows]. the [eden-] words to repulse [=eden]. of [=as]. the words to rejoice in. ,
[as] the words of the most-beautified-soul-adam to be given. ;

16) Tem [=Damascus]. [to?] Rã. to offer the [eden-] words as the blossom for existence [=matrix]. ,
[through?] the ‘westerners’ [‘those who are’ spirits] (ámen-t\\u). [as] these. gods. to be hail. ;
Rã. [by?] the [descended-] cherub-wheel to make the new-root (sep-II). [of] peace (h’tp). ,
[through?] he. the house of the cord of eden-speech for hail as vulture-rule for existence (naárr+). +
[for?] the torso’s [=region]. word of totality. ,
existences to make [=concept]. [by] the saturn house. of [=for]. the spirits. ,
[by means of] the new-adamite-throne (ást). above. , [for?] the gods. thou. to give [=throne]. ;

15) the divine double-place-T as the double-lionmouth [=matrix-gate of sound] (RRt\\). +
[as,by?] place-T of the split-off watercourse. thou. existence [=matrix]. to open [and bec new] (un). ;
the foreign-land words to drag to the [matrix-] mouth [=liongate] (rsthau). , +
[and so by?] place-T of the split-off watercourse. thou. to make to illlumine. [-T of] the island of the horizon. ,

[to be?] speech. all things. the [eden-] word for the word-inside to make stability. within [=in matrix]. ,

[by] the ‘those who are’ spirits (nt\\+). above [=north]. +    [Kedar sons]
thou. to make to illumine. the t’uathouse [=sheol]. [of] the word of adam-within. ;

[as] existence. [by] thou. desired word by place-T (mrtu). [for] to become the great pillar.,
14) thou. the words of speech to make for hail. [being] the user-power [‘speech to make for the word’]. ,
[in order] to be the word to be feared [=by eden] (snt’u). ;

to become the great pillar [=plasma pillar]. [by] the places-T [eden’s] to sacrifice [‘truths’] (maãt). ,
[these to be] all. double-place-T of the west. [by] which is. [-T of] the island of the horizon. ,
of [=for]. Rã [=our sun]. [as] the one. beauty. ;

the ennead [9 constructs]. [by means of?] the phallus [=axis]. my. word of true voice. thou. to give. ,
13) my. desired place-T (mert). thou. to make (ár). ,
[to be] the one. my. praised t’ua-star. [at?] Tem [=Damascus]. ,
[and so by] Rã. [for] existence [=matrix]. to come hail as willpower for m-realm. ;
Osiris. speech and nature (khr). +
[by means of] the retired most-beautified-soul-adam (ámkhi). of [=for]. +
the word. thou. existence. willpower of speech. to become. ,

[by] the dome of Manu [=tsiun]. [to be] place-T of adam-within. [of] thou. peace [=status-quo].;
12) [as] the peace. of [=by]. thou. to watch over. ;
the land. flesh [essence of eden-willpower] (hã). of [=by?] the staff-tá. +
to become place-T-eden for speech to be place-T-matrix as the god. ,
[and so by?] the staff-tá. speech to transform. ,

thou. dimensional-background [=eden] (h’a). he. the [eden-] double arm [=willpower?]. he. to give. ,
[to be?] the divine two elongated eden-ram-horns (?,NN). [of?] the one. land [=eden’s?]. ,
[in order for] thou place-T for hail (átk). [as] the one. to rise-up [by the support] (ths).+
to make the sh-pool [=cistern north as new-root] (s-sh). ,
[to be?] the innermost sacred place (khnnu). of [=for]. ãnkh-life. of [=as]. thou. peace (h’tp).;

shefsheft [by the T’s of he-eden to be the cistern north?]. to become the great pillar. to be feared. ,
[for] all. of [=by]. thou. to make within [=in matrix] (sám). ,
[by] to make the son-construct. [for] sight (maa). ;
[through] Isis [rule of new-adamite-throne]. thou. mother. ,
[by] which is. the protection.
[-T of] the west. to rule (hq).
the sky [=north]. all. to be the [descended] hebrew-house-H. ,    [see Isaiah, tear windows]
[and this way,] thou. existence. to become. peace [=matrix status quo] (h’tp). ,

of [=by]. to come the moon of =of HÁU donkey] speech to make the new-root (spr). ,
[for] the word \\ for to come hail as advanced-beautyfied-soul [spirit blueprint]. ;
thou. divine majesty. the words to repulse [=repulse eden]. ,
[for] he. existences to make. [of,by?] the self (tchef=tches?). ;
the ‘easterners’ [‘those who are’ spirits] (áab-t\u). [being?] the Ba spirit-souls.
[for] the one. Egyptian-adamite-soul. existence to make [=as concept] (sns). ,

9) the evening-boat [eden-double-T to perish] (sktt). [of] the words of adam-within. ,
the one. to make to build. the new-adamite-throne (ást). ,
to become the secret and mysterious words. [by?] the one. praised t’ua-star. ,
[for] thou. things of beauty. of [=by]. place-T of the west. ,
[and so for] the gods. to become the [former eden-] word to rejoice in. ,
[as] all. light of willpower of speech (rã+). to become the words of olden times [=pre-eden]. ,
[and so] thou. existence [=matrix]. existences to make [=as concept]. to give. ;

8) the bent words (ksu). of [=for]. the double átert\\ house [N and S-egypt, dimensionally?]. +
[as] thou. existence. [by] the one to come. [namely] the dawn. ;
[by means of] thou. existence [=eden’s]. to ferry-over [=to north]. ,
[to be] the land [=matrix?]. [by] all. [eden-aspects] succeeded to acquire and made to inverse (ssah+). ;
[and?] the sky. [tob e by] thou. fire-drill boat [at cistern north]. [for] thou. essence of he-eden for hail (áf).
[and so by] the dimensional-background [=eden]. existences to make [=as concept]. ;

7) protection for egyptian-adamite-souls. The egyptian-adamite-soul. ‘to select’ (setep). (?)
Tem [=Damascus]. [being] the eye. +
[for?] the word by which is (?,ntu). to become united and build (khnm). +
the [inverted-] cherub-wheel to make the new-root (sep-II). [of] peace (h’tp). ,
of [=as]. thou above protection of hail. ;
[by?] the [inverted-] cherub-wheel to make the new-root (sep-II). +
[of,in?] thou. dimensional-background. thou. ureaus to ascend for hail (?,áãr). ,

the dome of Manu’s [=tsiun]. place-T of adam-within. , [as] thou. field. [of] thou. peace (h’tp). ,
[as?] [-T of] the west-land. [-T of] the island of the horizon. of [=for]. ãnkh-life. , of [=as]. thou. peace. ;
of [=by] [means of]. the staff-tá. to rise and be crowned. [to be] the things of beauty. ;
thou. words to come. of [=for]. Tem [=Damascus]. ,
[and so by?] Rã. thou. existence. to become the praised words of olden [=pre-eden]. ;
[for] the true voice. [of] Mut h’etepth [=scribe]. [of] existence of hail (án). , to recite. ;

5) [to be] sekhem-power. of [=as]. the mysterious and secret words. [by] the fiery gate (glyph). above. ,
He =they, the words]. to enter. [for] existences to make. within [=in matrix]. ,
[as] the ‘one’ [willpower of the word] (uã). alike-adam’s. ;
[by means of] the prisoner [the word to make]. existences to make [=as concept]. ,
to be the intuition [=eden hail to inverse] (saá). [for] the t’uathouse [=sheol]. ;
[and so for] the gods. [to be] willpower for the m-realm. , [by] he. the sekhem-power. he. to become. ;
4) he. the desired. all. words to transform. of [=for] [to be] the [mutilated eden-] light (‘day’, Hru).
of [=as]. he. to manifest (per). ;

he. to become. the extended eden-horns (?,NN). [for] he. existence. the word for speech to make. ,
[to be] all. spirit consciousness. [of] speech of hail (ár). ;
to become the great pillar. the god. , [of] eden-willpower for existence. , [as] he. above [=north]. ;
to make craftmanship. [by] he. the places-T-eden to come. ,
[to be] the essence for the kh-house by to make the new-hand for the word. , +
[and this way,] the t’uathouse. the words to guide. ;
[by] the ennead [=9 gods as constructs]. the speech and nature (khr).
he. place-T of he-eden as the cistern north (?,shfshft+). +
[being] place-T of willpower of speech. [for] Osiris. speech and nature. ,

he [=Tem]. to make the great pillar. Tem [=Damascus]. ,
[by] speech and nature. [as] he. the sekhem-power [rule over constructs existing of words].,
[through] place-T of willpower of speech (rã). [for?] Rã. ,
[as] existence [=matrix]. [by] the torso [=region]. above [=north]. ;
the spirit [-consciousness]. to make perfect _sáqer). the t’uathouse [=sheol]. ,
of [=for]. the spirits. [being] the gods. [of] existence of hail (án). ;

he. the praised t’ua-star. [by?] the double-T of the west. of [=for]. he. the peace (h’tp).,
[as?] the áten light-disk [=áten-light?]. [for] sight (maa). ;
[by means of] place-T of the cemetary below [eden]. existence [=matrix]. to become a mystery. ,
[through] to come the image (bes). [by] the sbat stargate [=top of hill QÃ]. ,
[being?] place-T of the land as the sh-pool [cistern north, Thebes]. ,
[for] existence [=matrix]. [by] the mouth [eden-gate]. [of] another (ki). ;

end BD XV 3


general idea :

17) SBÁ serpent ,
to right ; very unclear what it could be ;
“the serpent bent-pole of eden-hail to make the solarplane”,
or “the passive words by the bent-pole to make the solarplane”;
an option is that it refers to “the cherubs” mentioned in Ezekiel ,
which stand a bit out of position , from the hips upward .
These figures show in amtuat and book of gates [and once indeed
as 4 beings !] , but we’ll need to do those chapters again ;
the cluster steps down into SBA ‘star’ and ‘SBA ‘stargate’ ,

16) cherub wheel ,
to right ; the SEP , as ring+II is tricky ;
it is said to mean “to repeat, to do again” , and in a number of spells
it indeed seems to have that meaning ;
yet frequently is written SEP IV , and ‘to repeat 4 times’ makes no sense .
The circle contains the ‘magically-dangerous’ sign \\ within it , see pic ,
Implying it was originally an eden-construct (compare the cistern SH) ;
fully as “the ring to make the new-root P (via the adamite-soul)” .


The situation in this line is that “Rã to repeat for peace” is nonsensical ;
the last stopword is here ‘to be hail’ (to right) , and also ‘peace’
is a stopword – which leaves us little option but that the cherub-wheel
is intended here .
Remember that the cherubs “appeared to Ezekiel , coming from the north”,
while it writes that “the wheels went where the cherubs went” ;
and Ezekiel saw the wheel at [=as?] the land”:
it may be that the spells describe Geb (the land) as the inverted wheel ;
here it is unclear whether Rã ‘is by’ the inverted-wheel ;
yet the context is probable because of the preceding SBÁ ;

12) double arm ,
to right , the both underarms ;
often as ÃÃ\\U , ‘word of double willpower’ ,
but here the next glyph NN (seated deity and two reeds,
which is depicted with the ‘helpless-glyph’ when eden’s NN)
suggests that “arms” is intended here : becoming divine NN .
Daniel writes about “the ram’s horns which grew high” ,
(here likely to be the divine NN) ,
and we had the chapter where female preachers ‘bind His arms’,
context must read that both concepts are the same ;