PT 574

PT 574

PT 574
1491c] Forever. he. existence become new (matrix, unn).;
[..3 lost..]. existence to become new.;
1491b] the light. [for?] the light., [by?] T-e (halfstaff) of darkness (?). of [=by?]. T-e (halfstaff) of darkness (?)., the light. of [=for]. the light., + (note)
1491a] [as?] the hail bý hebrew-H-cube fór hail (mirror-glyph; áHá).; the hail by hebrew-H-cube for hail (mirror-glyph; áHá). (2x);
[for] N’s. existence. [of] existence of hail., [for] N’s. existence. [of] existence of hail. (2x);
1490b] [through] the eden-stars to perish who are ignorant of hail (ákhm-seku). [of] the word of adam-within (ámi-u)., [for] thou. existence. to tie-up (the crown) [to make the hand of the soulpool north] (s-sht’+). [of] the word of adam-within., [in order for] thou. existence. to embrace [the q-axis for existence of hail] (ánq+). +
1490a] [for] the sky of earth (north). [of] the word of adam-within., [and so for] the gods (matrix). existence to make (via ad.soul). [through] the horn [of solarplane willpower] (ãb). of [=as]. existence. [for] N. [namely by] the workplace (ás). existence to become new (matrix, unn).;
1489b] thou. to say: (hand-t’ of hand-tch). [for] to complete. thou. existence., [through] the doubled ennead (18 gods). [by] the word. to say: (of hand-t’ of hand-tch). [for] to complete. thou. existence.; [by means of] to complete. the wórd. to say: (by hand-t’ of hand-tch). [through?] Geb. [as,by?] the flesh of the heir as the word of willpower of hail (adamite originals). [for?] Horus. thou. speech and nature (matrix, kher). [for] this. N. existence. the word to come hail.; (note)
1488b] [namely by] the place of the root [north] (p). [of] the word of adam-within., [as] the red nt-crown of the horus-spirits at place-T of honey [north]. [of] existence.; [by,for] the torso (centre). [of] hail. to connect to. the slaughtered (lights) meat at place-T of willpower of the sh-pool south (shãt+). to connect to. existence’s (matrix) hand. [of] existence (matrix).;
1488a] [by] the land (south, eden’s). [fór] the word. [of] doubled speech of hail (?,árár). to connect to. to make protection [by the serpent-hand] (via ad.soul) (s-netch).;
[fór] the sky of earth’s [north]. word. [of] doubled speech of hail (?, árár). to connect to. (of) victory (ner-mut).;
1487d] [as] Osiris (as construct). [by] thou. shadows=shut+ (+wheel?). [of,by?] place-T-e (halfstaff). +
1487c] [as] the place (-T) of the gazelle [on top cube] (gh’es-t). [for] this (pn). khu spirit. [of] existence., [by means of?] the eye (eden’s?). to become place-T of the peace [of saturn] (h’etep-t). [as?] [the island of] youth [by saturn] (h’un-t+)., +
1487b] [in order for] the tile place-T of the adamite soul. [by] thou. moment. to repulse (khsf).; (note)
1487a] [and so] Osiris (as construct). [by] thou. head for the an-face. [being] thou. sh-pool north (+shadow?)., [as] Osiris. [by] thou. place-T to stand upright.;

—————– less:

1486c] (-T of) the east. [as] all [of]. t’pnt (?,text unsure). [for?] place-T of the peace [of saturn] (h’etep-t). [as?] the workplace (ás). place-T which is the foremost (kh-house).
1486b] [being?] place-T of great speech. [for,by?] the djed pillar (tch-t’). [as?] the boat [construct] (glyph). [for] Osiris (construct).; [by] existence. +
to connect to. the shoulder [to bear up (rmn,lampstand). the [an-] face. to connect to. place-T of the dimensional foreground [of saturn] (h’at).,
1486a] [and] place-T of the outstreched (domes of) the root (?,ptch+). [of] the word of adam-within., to connect to. embracing [the q-axis for existence of hail] (ánq).,
[in order for] the words of the ultimate-word-inside for existence. [of] the word of adam-within., to connect to. the q-axis to make to inverse (saaq,’assemble’).,
1485b] place-t of the word. the water-pot of a palette (vessel/soul/root fly up). place-T to sacrifice (maãt,’truth’). the adamite soul’s. place-T of adam-within (ámi-t).
(-T of) the flame of the fire-altar suspended on high (willpower of the kh-house). the workplace (ás). (note)
the adamite soul. word the border [-sky]. the flame of place-T of the adamite soul of he (f-st+, unusual).
1485a] the adamite soul. below., the inverse dome of the horus-spirit as the place of existence. [for] the gods (matrix)., [by] place-T to stand upright.;
[as] the god. [for] place-T to unite and build (khnmt). [by means of?] the neHt sycamore tree. to connect to. the [an-] face (north). [for] protection (netch). [of] hail.;
to recite.;
—— end PT 574
First Draft, 1 Aug 2016

[skipped 1491a,b,c; short + lost]

[1490b] the ‘imperishable stars’. [of] the word. [of] Adam-within. [for] thou. Existence.circuit like a star/ascend/revolve/to bind/inventory/diadem (seshet’).- stretching out. the word. [of] Adam-within. [for] thou. Existence. to gather together.;

1490a] the sky of earth. [by] the word. [of] Adam-within. [is by] the gods. – their. horn. of. Existence. [for] N. [by] the Workplace. [of] becoming new. +
1489a] [by] thou. language., completing. thou. Existence., – >[by] the double-Ennead’s. word. saying. to complete. thou. Existence.;
1489a] completed. [by] the word. saying.: Geb. [is by] the flesh and bone of the Heir (adamites). – [and] Horus. thou. speech (kher). [for] this. N’s. existence. [is by] the word coming to. the beautified-soul.:
1488b] the place of the Root (south). [of] Adam-within. [for] the king of the North’s (Bát). existence. [by] the Torso. [for] the speech. [of] Beatified-soul.- connected to. slaughtered pieces of meat (Shãt). connected to. Existence. to bind/tie tie up? (Net’).
1478d] the land. [of] speech of beautified-soul (árár). connected to. protection.[using] the adamite soul. – the sky of earth. [of] speech of beautified-soul (árár). connected to. the mother of victory(Nermut). – [who is] Osiris. thou. shadow (Shut).;
1487c] the half-staff (tá). [in] the place. [of] the Gazelle (Gehes).[for] this. áakhu-spirit’s. Existence. [by?] the Eye.[as?] peace-offering (Hetept). [in?] the land of youth (Hunt’, saturn H’).
1487b] Setesh (Set). thou. moment in time. [is] repulsed.;
1487a] Osiris. thou. head. [is] the anunna-face. [as] thou. shadow (Shut)., – Osiris. thou. stand upright (ãhã).
1486c] [all of] the East (abetch). all (neb). which? (nt?). head (t’ep). peace. [by] the Workplace. which is. in front of/before.
1486b] Great-Speech. [in?] the Djed-pillar. untying heaven&earth (uhã). [for] Osiris’. Existence. – connected to. the bearing up (remen). [of] the anunna-face. [which is] connected to. the sphinx’ paw (h’at).
1485b] the outstretchednesses? (bows, pestchu). [of] the word. [of] adam-within. connected to. gird round/gather together (ánq). the words inside existence (Nu,god). [as] the words. [of] Adam-within. connected to. assembling together (saaq)., +
1485b] [as] the one. waterpot attached to a palette (pas?). [by] the general sacrifice. (justified?maat?, no det.). [by!] the adamite-soul. [of] Adam-within. [inside] the fire-altar’s (ãkh). [of] the Workplace (ás)., – the adamite-soul’s. boundary. [by?] the flame (setcht)., he., +
1485a] the adamite-soul. below. [in] the inverse dome. [of] Horus’. place. [of] the gods (spirits) who stand in their appointed places. – [by?] the god. to unite/to build (khnem). the sycamore-tree (neHt). to connect to. the anunna-face., [as] the protection. [for] the beautified-soul.;
to recite [this] spell;