CT 109

CT 109 II 123

c] [by] the covering of the double-place-T for speech. to open [eden-root] (upt+).,
[and to] Hathor. place-T to give. [for] the speech.,
of [=by] (means of). +

— Hathor. existence. [through] the covering of the double-place-T for speech. to open [eden-root] (upt+).,
[and] of [=as]. place-T to give. [for] speech.; of [=by] (means of). —–

b] the praised most-beautified-soul-adam-like existence by the hebrew-house-H (Heni). to open [eden-root] (up).,
[in order for] to be the (praised) vulture-rule of hail (áa+). to give. speech (=instead).;

a] place-T of the west. [for] the Ba spirit-soul of craftfulness (h’em-Ba).;

——- end CT 109
A] notes:
  • – both columns C and B in textglyph to right;
    as remarkable consistent to eachother;
  • we wrote Hathor because H’et-h’er is a bit unreadable, “saturn’s house for Horus”, her double-horn is the -UP, and the red sun means she serves for Horus as [an-] face, north;
  • …though there are 2 ‘coverings’ at RT- (at the *11’s), in the righthandcolumn is a “covering double-T speech”; so the one shared-root they opened [of the two of eden – as in ãPeP];
  • and this is “the place-T of speech”, which is ‘masculine’ (speech is);
  • -line b],
    the object of the “to open” is Heni, then this Heni is attributed to eden; [the inversal NEH is always negative], this being the “house thrown to them for 30 silvers”, see page, and has aspects like “speech, moon, masculine, silver, to create, etc”;
  • [so we need to remember that this hebrew-H-house is related to “30”,
    for some reason];
  • – line a]
    we are not sure yet of the context of H’EM, but now this place-T north is linked with that term; considered the context it must be ‘masculine covering’, we suggest in ‘auric’ sense [for lack of better term], whether related to beings or creation [interesting is that “goddess” is also H’EMT, sometimes with “dishevelled-hair glyph”, showing eden’s feminine is now covered by thém;
    the women of Sebek, as mistresses, are depicted as this glyph],