IN the scene which illustrates the THIRD DIVISION of the Tuat, which is passed through by the Sun-god during the THIRD HOUR of the night, we see the boat of the god making its way over the waters of the river in the underworld. The dead Sun-god AF stands within a shrine in the form of a ram-headed man, as before, but there is a change in the composition of the crew, which now consists only of four mariners, two of whom stand before the shrine and two behind, and the goddess of the hour and a hawk-beaded deity, one of the forms of Horus, who is occupied in tying loops of rope to the elongated hawk-headed rowlocks in which the paddles may be worked.

b] context:
….the double-oar and doubled-twins must be related,
the goddess in front looking like H’athor-Saturn,


The boat of AF follows in the train of three boats, which may be thus described:–
The foremost boat is called UÁA-PENÃT, i.e., “The boat which capsizeth”[1], it contains three hawk-headed forms of the god Horus, and is steered by two male figures, who stand one in the bows and the other at the stern. In the middle of the boat stand the hawk-god BÁK, and the hawk-goddess BÁKET,[2] and behind them, standing on a snake, is the third form of Horus.[3] Between the front steersman and BAKET is the serpent TEKA-HRA, i.e., “Fiery face,” and the aft steersman bears a name of similar meaning, NAB-HRA [5]

[1] –   as ‘existence (eden’s) / (as) the upside-down / boat’,
[2] –   construct of their dualism, remember that the suffix-t is often ‘the thing of ‘, not necessary ‘feminine’, see 6],
[3] –   as ‘the thing / (of?) the horus-spirits/to make/to guide/existence /(?)/thou/double-sekhem-power’,
[4] –   TEK H’ER TEKA H’ER, as ‘the (an-)face / the teKa flame/the (an-) face/to enter (?)‘, but we don’t see yet who is doing
what here; see for teKau flames BD,
[5] –   the term NEBÁ is the older form of ‘reed’, as in ‘field of reeds’,
as ‘the (an-) face/the fiery reed’, white hole, likely;

A] context:
….. considering the composition of the pic, the second hawk BÁKT
should be related to the teKa serpent [burning ad.heads in V],
then bákt should be ‘stolen aspects, suiting them’, as Dual for
their own aspects, in the hawk BÁK,


The second boat is called UAA-HERER, [1] i.e., “The boat of Rest”, and has in the middle an Osiris god in the form of a mummy; each end of the boat terminates in the head of a cynocephalus, and it is steered by two beings, one of whom is called TESEM-HRA-F, i.e.,”He whose face is like a knife,” [2], and the other KHEN-EN-URT-F, i.e., “The ferryman who resteth not.”[3] The Osiris god stands between two gods, one of whom is called AU-MATU,[4] and the serpent which stands on its tail between the steersman in the bows and the first god is called SET-EM-HRA-F.[5]

[1]-   as ‘eden’s speech (of) hebrew-H / the boat’,
[2]-   as ‘he / the (an-) face / by / the flint-knife ‘,
[3]-   as ‘he / the very great speech (adam’s) / (for)
existence (matrix) / to ferry-over’,
[4]-   term seems to be ‘bearing-pole,stalk’, using glyphs
as ‘to reap (adam)‘ and ‘totality’,
[5]-   SET M H’ER F SET H’ER, as ‘the (an-) face/the flame the thing of the adamite soul/he/the (an-) face/as/the flame the thing of the adamite soul’,

A] context:
….the middle register pertains to the thes-dome area; the fire
and very great speech of eden’s eye are transferred to the
white hole, since the utchat is in the stern of the boat again;
ferrying the ‘carrying pole’ for the áten disk,

The third boat is called PA-KHET, “The Branch,”[1], and each end terminates in the head of a lion.[2] In the middle of it stands the form of Osiris, who is called SHEF [3]; his arms and the upper portion of his body are swathed. Behind him stands the mummied form called AM-TA,[4] and before him the god NEB-UAST. Of the two steersmen, only the name of the second, KHEN, or KHENNU is given [5]; the name of the serpent which stands on its tail is SET-EM-MAAT-F. [6]

[1] –   as ‘the branch / to fly upwards’,
[2] –   the term ‘double-lion-mouth’ is often used when referring to white-hole and áten disk,
[3] –   as ‘to become the mighty one’, referring to the dual construct as ‘ram’ from the soulpool SH,
[4] –   as ‘the land /of adam-within / (by) the land /to mimick’,
[5] –   as ‘the word / (for) the word-inside / to doubly-ferry-over’
[6] –   as ‘he / the eye / for / the flame / he / the eye / for / the flame’,

A] context:


The procession of boats is met by four forms of Osiris, who stand with the upper portion of their bodies swathed. Their names are:–1. NEB-NET,[1] 2. MENI,[2] ARA-TCHERU,[3] 4. MAA-TCHERU.[4]

[1] –   NEB N NT QENQEN, as ‘to beat / which is / existence / (in) the chalice’,
[2] –   MENI MEN, as ‘to become stability / (as)
m-b-soul-adam-like stability’,
[3] –   impossible; glyphs refer to the tcherru-dome (*pic),
mirroring eden’s sky; as something like ‘the border / (of) light / to become the word of the border / to make ‘,
[4] –   same as 3], ‘the words of the border / (for) sight / (through) the border / to go reap (them)‘,

The text written above the boats reads:–

“This great god journeyeth over NET-NEB-UA-KHEPER-AUT (i.e., the Water of the Lord One, the Creator of food). [He who is in] this picture transporteth the boats which are in the earth, and he paddleth Osiris to this City. This great god resteth for a period in this City, and he sendeth forth his voice to Osiris, and to those who are in his following, and [then] these hidden boats guide him into this Field. This great god paddleth through this Field towards the Hour TENT-BAIU, and these boats journey round to the district of THETTU, after traversing this City. Whosoever knoweth these things shall have both his habitation and his bread with Ra.”

[entire text above the middle register, from right to leftside:]
“Rã. [as] the willpower of Saturn (h’enã). the [an-] face (eden’s!). speech. he. to know. [in order] to fly upward (pa). [from] the houses of throne of the adamite soul. [for] the speech of hail;
of [=by] (means of). the thing of original adamite soul (set). to know.; to become (2x?) [by] this (tn). place. to orbit (khens,moon-cluster). speech. [of] Osiris. [as] the rudder [top-square of cube] (h’ept). he. to make. the land (eden’s,here). [of] the words of adam-within. [for,as] the boats. of [=for]. he. to ferry-over (to north). to guide. (bec) words of turtle. [as] the boats. eden realm.;
to become. [by] he. to come the branch. [as] the words of adam-within. [by] the willpower of saturn. [for] Osiris. existence (matrix). [as] he. the voice by decree of law. [for] existence (matrix)., [by means of] this, place. of [=for]. the light as word to stand upright (‘lifetime’,ãhã+). [as] he. the peace [of saturn]. to become the great pillar. this (pn). god.;

[through] eden’s realm (NeN). to revolve (pekhar). [for] the Ba-spirit-souls., [as] the thing to split-off (t’ent). [for] the Time-dimension [to become new] (unnut). [as] speech. [by] this. field. [for,in] to become the great pillar. this. god.; [by means of] the rudder [top-square of cube] (h’ept). this. field., [and] of [by]. the prisoner [Cain] (su). of [=for]. these. designs and nature, (sekher). [as] aspects of totality [144,000!] (autu). to transform (kheper). [for] the divine “one”. [for] all [of]. the dimension. which is. the great pillar. this. god., [by means of] to orbit (khens).”,

B] notes:
….the term KHENS, used here, is peculiar since it is earth’s moon
related; but perhaps they used it as SHEN ‘to encircle’,


amTuat— third hour links:

middle register: thes-dome or boat of Rã stream
upper register: the realm above the thes-dome
lower register: inside top of cube


area: above thes-dome
note: unusual difficult chapter;

packed with deities whose names are puns, and complicated textlines,
will require revision in time –

In the upper register are the following:–
1. A dog-headed ape seated on an oval mass of sand; he is called HER-SHA-F, “He who is on his sand.”[1]
2. A dog-headed ape called TCHEB-NETER, or TEBI-NETER, seated in a coffer (?) with a vaulted roof.[2]
3, 4. Two jackal-headed gods called ANPU [3] and NEHEM-KHERU, or NEHA-KHERU.[4]
5, 6. A man and a woman, who hold in each hand a pupil of the Eye of Horus, or Ra; the man is called ANTH, i.e., “He who brings,” and the woman ANTET, i.e., “She who brings.”[5]
7. The ram SMA-KHEFTIU-F.[6]

[1]-   as ‘he / the lands(?)/ the dome/ he / the sand/ speech of an-face’,
rather dark: it is a ‘praising baboon’,
[2]-   as ‘to become the god / (by) m-b-soul-adam-like tile (upon cube) (for?) the god / of the coffer (mimick-cube)‘; T’EBI and TCHEB are puns; see also hour IV for the vaulted dome,
[3]-   as ‘anubis (ánpu) / the word of the root for existence of hail’, both anubis and the line are ÁNPU ÁNPU,
[4]-   as ‘the voice / (by) descended hebrew-H / (for) existence / (as my?) word of voice / (by) to snatch (it) away’,
[5]-   as ‘(?) / to bring (án)‘, woman, ‘to double-connect/ to bring/ the doubled-thing/ to bring’,
[6]-   as ‘(by?) he/ the enemies’/ knife/ the enemies/ to ritually sacrifice’,


8. A mummied form, with projecting hands, called PET’-ÃHÃ [1]
9. ANUBIS of Thebes, in the form of a jackal, couchant on a pylon [2]
10. A kneeling man, who holds in his left hand a pupil of the Eye of RA, and is called AN-MAAT-RA-SEHETEP-NETERU, i.e., “The bringer of the Eye of RA, who maketh content the gods”,[3]
11. The papyrus sceptre UR-HEKAU, i.e., “Great one of words of power,” surmounted by a piece of flesh [4]

[1]-   as ‘the thing to stand upright / stretched-out / (as)
the ladder (pillar) / stretched-out’,
[2]-   as ‘the UAS-sceptre /to become the word of root for existence of hail / (as) the UAS-sceptre’; it would be fatal to write ‘to become Anubis (ánpu)‘; note he sits upon the cube,
[3]-   as ‘the gods / to pacify / (by) the pupil / to bring’,
[4]-   as ‘sorcery / (of) great speech / sorcery/ (of) great speech’,


12-15. Four gods, whose names are SAU-AB, THEMA, HUN-SÃHU H’UN, and THET-EM-KERH,[1]
16-19. Four mummied forms. The first has a pair of horns on his head, the second two curved plumes (?), the third a winged uraeus, and the head of the fourth is without ornament; their names appear to be PEBA-F, KA-ARU, ÃUAI, and TEBA,[2]
20-23. Four goddesses, whose names are HAIT, AKEBTIT, MATHI, and REMIT [3],[4]
24. The god HERU-KHETI, followed by the HENNU, standard, i.e., the hawk of SEKER upon a standard
25, 26. The gods MEH-MAAT, and NETER-NEFERU [5],[6]

[1]-   appears to be one impossible line, pertaining to all four, as ‘the torso’s / to become royalty / (?)/ gazelles’ youth / royalties / youth’; double pun on both SÃH’ and H’UN; in hour VI of BookOfGates, four ‘gazelle-heads’ hang at the ceiling of the judgement hall – probably referring to the four sons of Horus, hence the term ‘youth’..?
[2]-   continuing the ‘one line above figures’, this should read as ‘he / the Ba-spirit-soul / (by) the root / the images / (of?) the Ka spirit-double bull /, (by) to steal (from m-b-s-adam) / the garment (the Ba-soul of the tile) / (by) to darken (gerh’) / (in order) for / the light to carry-off’,
[3]-   it seems the ‘nature’ of the four goddesses is in a separate glyph below them, ‘the tear (of the fish-soul) / the tear of thing of m-b-soul-adam for speech’; REMT REMIT; it sounds nonsense, but egyptians were created from the ‘tears of Rã’, REMT, denoting ‘(mixed) essence’,
[4]-   continuing the possibility that the line above them is about them, the impossible line appears:
as ‘the (double) branch /(of) Horus / (by) the word for word-inside of existence by Saturn / the covering as thing of m-b-s-adam to denude / (for) the covering of mourning / (gap?) / (by) the m-b-soul-adam to reap (from)‘,
[5]-   the statue is Horus as ‘image of a man or god’, so the above line may tell that the four women are artificial constructs óf that mixed image – stripping the skin of adam in order to clothe
[6]-   two gods, appearing to enter a doorway – with impossible names, as ‘the gods’/ voice (?) / (as?) the beautiful gods’, and ‘by / the thing to sacrifice / to become filled / the axis (shu) to fill’ — we cannot make anything more of the heavy puns;

The text which refers to the above reads:–

“Those who are in this picture in the TUAT have the flesh of their own bodies, and their souls speak over them, and their shadows are united unto them, and after this great god hath addressed them, they speak to him, and they say words of praise to him, and they weep after he hath passed them by. The work which is theirs in Amentet is to take vengeance upon the Seba fiend of Ra, to make Nu to come into being, to make Hap (i.e., the Nile) to flow, and when he hath come forth in the earth from them, they send forth their voice, and take vengeance upon the Seba fiend. Whosoever knoweth [these things] shall, when he passeth by these beings, not be driven away by their roarings, and he shall never fall down into their caverns.”
[full text in upper register, starting righthandside, but the solid-sure
part of the text only starts above the guy with the horns at 2/3d of the register:]

“the furnaces (tuatXI) (h’at’u). [in] the hidden background of saturn (h’a). of [=as]. his. existence (eden’s). [fór] he. the existence (matrix). [in order] to descend hebrew-H. [in order] of [=for]. hebrew-H. [to be] nót.;
to become the things. to pacify (s-h’etep). the gods [with] (matrix)., [by means of] the eye. to bring. [for] the mimick-cube (*pic,yellow cube) (HemHem). [of] existence (matrix). [in order for] he. existence (eden’s). to hurry to. nót.;

their (ad.souls). wandering double-root of willpower (eden’s). [in order] of [=for]. them (ad.souls). to know [= ‘to know thém],; to become (áu). [by] the sbá-enemy (stargate:eden’s). thém (ad.souls). to make to protect (snetch?) [=hostage]. [by means of] to become the word of voice. to know., [and this by] them (ad.souls). to give., [by means of] them (ad.souls). below (to found?). the land. of [=for]. uatch [sceptre]. [as] the willpower (Ã). [of] he. eden’s speech house (to manifest by eden speech)., [through] the inundation of saturn’s hidden dimension (likely). [for] the thing to come. of [=for]. existence., [namely] the eye. to make to transform [via ad.soul]. [as?] the light of the Sbá-enemy. to become protection. [for] the West.,

[in order] of [=by]. this. their (ad.souls). thing of speech to make. [as] their (ad.souls). [an-] face (eden’s eye). [by] he. to wander the double-root of willpower (eden’s). to come (as) the branch (KHET).; [and] of [=by]. them (ad.souls). (my) covering of mourning [garment-body of dead spirits] (lit.glyph,áakeb+)., [by means of] the prisoner (su,Cain). [for] existences. to praise. [as?] he. the existence (eden’s).; [through] their (ad.souls). word to command., [and through] them (ad.souls). to become (áu). the great pillar. this. god., [as] théir (ad.souls). existence (eden’s). [of] hail for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

[as] the one. to give. to come the branch (khet)., of [=by]. their (ad.souls). the [an-] face (eden’s). [as] their (ad.souls). empty lights (?,shutu?). to become the peace [of saturn].; [by] their (ad.souls). [an-] face (eden’s). them (ad.souls). [for] the Ba spirit-souls. the word to command. their (ad.souls). Self [!] (thes,serpent to soul). [as] their (ad.souls). pupil [=core] (tchet). [of] existence., [and] their (ad.souls). flesh of Áf (eden aspects). of [=for] the tuathouse (sbat?). of [=for]. these. designs (sekheru). [because] of [=by]. them (ad.souls)., existence to become new (matrix) (unn).”;
[full text in ceiling above upper register:]
[..] the garment-body. [by] the cemetary below., of [=for]. the land. the head (main-land). [of] my. existence. [as] khu-spirit.; to become (áu). the West’s. speech., to become the designs (sshu). (gap 1x?). the dimensional foreground of saturn (h’at). [for] the tuathouse (sbat?). which is. the hidden thing. of [=for]. to become the design. of [=by].\\which is [= which is by]. this. to become the blueprint. [of] hail.;
[?]. to serve,majesty (?). to become the turtle (*pic,thes-dome). [in order for] the Ba spirit-souls. existence (matrix). to guide. the eden realm’s (NeN). eye.; to become (áu). the (Sekhet) fields. [in] name [of].: the aspects of totality [144,000]. to transform. [through] the divine “One”. [for] all [of]. the dimension. which is. [as] one. he. the field. [as] the dimension. [by] his. existence (eden’s!). the word. to give. within.; [in order for] Osiris. below [to found?]. the solarplane. [by] the word. [of] speech. [through] he. the watercourse to ascend (eden’s). [for] he. to become. [by means of] their (ad.souls). existences. [of] speech. to know. [for] speech of hail.; (read: learn their divine language)
to become the words of the turtle. [for] the Ba spirit-souls. to know., [by] this. field. the thing to dress (h’ebst?). their (ad.souls). existence. it. to become decree of law. [by] he. to make. the branch. [as] the words of adam-within., [….should continue on ‘a’ next plate].”;

B] notes:
….we struggle with this one,
a difficult chapter with many themes – perhaps later on, things
will get more clear; overall, it appears to be an entire preparation
for the aspects to be placed in this north-side of the ãnkh-torus,


amTuat— third hour links:

middle register: thes-dome or boat of Rã stream
upper register: the realm above the thes-dome
lower register: inside top of cube

theme: another impossible line-up of deities with weird names
notes: see pics below

In the lower register are:–

1. The god KHNEMU, ram-headed,[1]
2. A bearded male figure called NERTA, with hands raised in adoration.[2]
3-6. Four forms of Osiris, mummified, bearded, and wearing the White Crown, and seated on chairs of state; their names are ASAR-NEB-AMENTET, ASAR-KHENT-AMENTET, ASAR-ASTI, and ASAR-THET-HEH, that is, “Osiris, lord of Amentet,”, “Osiris at the head of Amentet,”, “Osiris of the two seats,”, and “Osiris, conqueror of millions of years.”[3]
7-11. Five goose-headed beings, each holding a knife in his right hand; four of their names are NEHA-HRA, AKEBSEN, ATEMTI, and TUATUI.[4]
12-13. [adapted] A male figure called SEPAASHAT, [5] who holds a knife with both hands, and stands after a woman MESKH-SET, [6]

[1]-   KHNEM KHNEMU, as ‘the word / by to unite / to build’ (?)
[2]-   as ‘the land / (of) speech / (of) existence’,
[3]–   as ‘the West / all (of) / Osiris’, ‘the West / the foremost / (of) Osiris’, ‘the house\\of the adamite throne / (as) the doubled-adamite throne / (of) Osiris’, and ‘(for) eternity / to carry-off / (by) Osiris’,
[4]-   puns are a disaster,
[5]-   as ‘thing of adamite soul / (for) kh-house / to birth’,
[6]-   as ‘the chakra-spines / (by) slaughtered pieces of meat / to make to fly upwards’, SEPA ÃSHÃT SEPA

B] context:
….we’ve no clue. But when observing the register, we see
– two sections, leftside the white crown, righthalf the red;
– KHNEM, ‘to unite’, leads the entire procession, which starts
by establishing the mixed rule of them óver the eastern sky,
depicted in the white crown (in 4 aspects), and that rule is now
independent from the cube – since he sits upon it;
– the ‘geese’ are used representing ‘a mimick nature’; one of them
is named ‘to connect to hail / to complete hail’, and that these
march on with knives, must indicate they slay the aspects in
order to get born – since the next goddess is ‘thing of adamite
soul to birth’;
– the next deity holds the knife the same manner as the geese;
his name is related to ‘the chakra-line-up in the spine’, or ás the
physical-energetic-spine, SEPA, as the very basic sorcery-construct
Osiris is based upon; and since we are in the lower register, the
top of the cube, the ‘to fly upward’ makes sence here,

— starting the union with the Red Crown NT of weaving the energetic-physical body,

14-15. [adapted] The male bearded figure AMENTI, [1] next to a woman TEPT BES S [2],
16-19. Four forms of Osiris, mummified, bearded, and wearing the Red Crown, and seated on chairs of state; their names are ASAR-KA-AMENTET, ASAR-HER-KHENTU-F, ASAR-BATTI, and ASAR-KHERP-NETERU,[3]
20, 21. The two goddesses SEH, and AHAU, who stand grasping the sceptre with both hands, and have their heads turned behind them.[4]
22. The goddess BA-KHATI, who holds in each hand one of the eyes of Horns or RA. [5]
23. The god KHETRA, holding a sceptre and an ankh. [6]
24-26. Three gods, with bowed backs who touch the earth with their hands [7]

[1]-   as ‘\\the hidden thing’,
[2]-   as ‘the doubled-original adamite soul / (for) the
fish-soul-image / the first /, the imprisoned adamite soul / the flame of the fish-soul image / the doubled-head’,
[3]-   as ‘the West / the Ka-spirit-double / (of) Osiris’, ‘he / the mountain of the KH-house / (as) the dome / (of) Osiris’, ‘the double wasp / (as) Osiris’, and ‘the gods / (of) sekhem power / (as) Osiris’,
[4]-   if so, then ‘Orion’ and ‘word of the ladder’ (pillar),
[5]-   BAKHAIT, an allusion to the mountain of Sebek, ‘the thing m-b-soul-adam-like intestine / (for) the Ba spirit-soul’, the two pupils must be the core of eden eye and white hole, since they return in the úpper register, being added there to
prepare the place, north, for the mixed áten light-disk,
[6]-   as ‘hail / of speech / (by) the KH-house ‘?
[7]-   legend tells ‘to doubly wander-astray / to become the turtle (as) turtle / (for) to bear up / the bearing-pole / (for) the word / (of) thou / hail’,

B] context:

The text relating to the above reads:–

[full text starting rightside, section across red crowns:]
[by] he. the legs (*pic). to become sekhem-power. [for] the khu-spirit. of =[by] (means of). the thing of the adamite soul. to know.; to become (áu). this (tn). field. to guard. existence., [in] name [of].: the divine khetrá. them (ad.souls). (gap 2x). the [an-] face. to become the great pillar. this. god.; [by means of] to wander the double root of willpower (eden’s). [as!] the branch to come., of [=by]. them (ad.souls). the covering of mourning (áakeb). their (ad.souls). word of the H-house., [by means of] their (ad.souls). words to cut-off of yesterday [yesterday’s light]. the head (main-light). [for] the thing of adam-within. of [=by]. the enemies. [in?] the consuming flames (amtu,?). [and so through] them (ad.souls). to make to transform (s-kheper). the flame of the hand [mountain] (set’t). them (ad.souls). to give.;
the flame [shooting seed] (eden’s eye). [fór] the house. [of] great speech., [by] to destroy the adamite throne. which is. their (ad.souls). throne of adamite. [for] the speech. [of] existence to become new (matrix) (unn).;

the house of great speech. ta. nót.;
the evil word to complete (temu+). [for] the tool [willpower of speech]. [by?] the (two) axis (shutu?). [for] great speech., [by means of] the foremost-adam as prisoner (khenrá). [for] the Ba spirit-souls. to go slaughter (shã). [by?] the knife of the equilibrium (?,ãq+). of [=fas]. the eye. [for] the West., of [=by] (means of). this. their (ad.souls). eye (thing/speech/to make). [fór] he. the mouth. the head (main-mouth) (*pic,white vesica). [of] the (dimensional) background of saturn., of [=by] (means of). their (ad.souls). the head(s). [of] them (ad.souls). to acquire (shep).; [and by] them (ad.souls). the dimensions. [as] their (ad.souls). existence. he. to become decree by law. to become hail by the mountain (t’uá+scroll)., by means of] them (ad.souls). [by] ãnkh-life. the words to command. [of] their (ad.souls). existence., [in order for] he. by decree by law. to become the great pillar. this. god (2x).; [and through] them (ad.souls). to become the Tuat-morningstar……(end; some five tiny glyphs still scribbled into the corner).”;

notes lower:

the proto-entwined serpents, as caduceus, were the ‘serpopards’:

Narmer palette, ca.3100BC
possibly the bull, as Ka-double, representing H’athor-saturn, destroying the fortress of eden eye, lower right

shows the same type Union, represented in the two entangled necks, very much like the saturn-H’-wick hieroglyph, the double caduceus of the pillar; there is no text, but a few recognizable glyphs, as well pictures which were about to becóme glyphs;

–   note the one side the white crown – like in left-side of lower register, and right the red crown;
–   even here, the plate is divided in three ‘registers’,
–   on leftside, a Horus-like bird is ‘opening the mouth’, standing upon a SHA-like construct,
–   the mace he holds is H’ETCH, saturn’s false light, compare sumerian Ninurta, destroying Tiamat – the cube – with his mace,
–   the ‘serpopard’, a contraction between leopard and snake, or between a giraffe and leopard, with entwined necks, also in Elam and Uruk, 3000 BC,

grahamhancock.com, Uruk, 3000BC

complete hour — first revision: 22/4/2017