PT 689

PT 689
Eve birthing the adamite soul inside their inversed bull’s skin, as Ka spirit-double

PT 689
2091d] (s)he. the eye. [of] the [an-] face (eden’s). [for] Horus. [as] he the place-T (tf)., [in order for] the word to make to be re-inversed (s-sau). nót.;
[but] of [=by] (means of). the adamite soul. +
2091c] [as?] the iron [+character] (báa). [by] this (pu). he. the throne of the kh-house [upon boat] (khent’). [for?] the [an-] face (eden’s)., [as] Horus’. place-T of adamite throne to dwell (h’em-ás-t).;
[by means of] the border [-sky]. +
2091b] [for?] the sky of earth [north]. [as?] the sky of the t’uat (seh’t’, note). [of] speech of hail.;
[for] the sky of earth. [of] speech of hail. [by] Horus’. eye (-t make). [for] thou. existence. to connect to. the word (eden’s). [through] the support to rise up (thes). +
2090d] [to] the dome of nut. [namely as] the support to rise up for the word (uthes). [to] the divine soulpool [north] (shu).;
[and through] (s)he. the eye. the [an-] face (eden’s). [for] Horus. [as] he the place-T (tf). [for] the word to make to inverse (via ad.soul, s-sau). the adamite soul (sic)., [in order] of [=for]. +
2090c] the sky of earth. [as] the sky of the t’uat (seh’t’, note). [of] speech of hail.;
[and] the sky of earth. [of] speech of hail. [by] Horus. eye (-t make). thou. existence. to follow.;
2090b] [as] the divine image of ADM. [for?] the light., [by] place-T to open the root [eden’s] (up-t). of [=for]. place-T of the dimensional foreground of Saturn (h’a-t). [and so by?] the adamite soul. existence. to make.
[through] the adamite soul’s. head (eden). existence. m-b-soul-adam. to give speech.; (?)
2090a] Horus. to make. the eden realm. to discover (gem).;
2089b] [by] Horus’. eye., N. existence (matrix). to discover.,
2089a] [through] the word of voice [of speech and nature]. [by] the sacrifice (maã). [of] the divine adamite soul (sic). [for] the son [construct]. existence to make (via ad.soul). [through] to make both breasts [-construct] (via ad.soul) (s-mentch+).
existence to make (via ad.soul). [by] existene (eden’s). to grasp [by border-sky] (ntcher+).;
[and so as] the divine place-T of the adamite throne (isis). [for] the advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).;
2088b] to become to command. the word to judge., [by] speech to transform. [the words?, lost]. to dwell.;
[by] he. existence to make (via ad.soul). [as] Horus. to connect to. sight (maa)., [by] to connect to. the head (eden). to give.;
2087b] [as] the word for the many [proto-spirits]. [through] he. the Ka spirit-doubles’. main place-T (tep-t).
[of] great speeches (mult.)., [for] he. the Ka spirit-doubles. word (eden’s) \\[of] willpower (matrix). [through] place-T of speech for the an-face.,
2087a] the moment [in time] (at). to devise (ka). [through] Horus’. eye.,
[by] Geb [land on tiles]. [for] existence. the support to rise up (thes). [to] the workplace (ás).
[by] Geb [land on tiles]. [for] existence. to make the support to rise up (s-thes). [of] hail (á).; [2nd reading]
to recite.;
—-end PT 689