PT 554

PT 554

PT 554
1372b] [by] the land (south, eden). the hail. head (main-hail). [for] thou. existence of speech (matrix)., [in order for] existence (matrix). [by] the (evil) word of the mountain (eden’s). nót.;
[as] thou. existence. [by] the (evil) word of the mountain (eden’s). nót.;
1372a] [but instead, by] the t’ua star. [as] the god., [for] the word (matrix). [of] the dimensional background [of saturn] (h’a). [as] the light., [by means of] the word. to revolve [eden root] (pkhr). [in order for] the word (eden’s). to connect to. existence of hail (án).;
1371c] [and so by] the retired (ámakh). word (eden’s). [for] all. hail. [in order for] existence. thou. to make to become new (s-un, unusual).;
[as] the speech of hail. [by] thou. to force the root-e for speech of the kh-house (‘to steer’, kherp+). [in order for] thou. to strike [eden] [with word of saturn] (h’u). [for] hail.;
1371b] [by means of] thou. handpalm (tcher-t). within (lampstand)., [in order for] the khu spirit. [through] the wax (meneh’). [for,as] thou. sceptre of the Ba spirit-soul as the solarplane willpower (ãb-ba+). +
1371a] [of] thou. dimensional backside [of eden root] (glyph peh’). [for] the speech of hail.;
[by means of] the place-T [of the house of saturn]. [as] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [through] thou. place-T of intuition [ to make to inverse hail] (saá). +
1370c] [as] thou. within (lampstand)., [by] the pool to make the word of hail (via ad.soul) (s-áu+). the adamite soul. the nemá boat (unknown). thou. within. the [sh] pool. the adamite soul. fire-drill boat. (?)
1370b] [by?] the adamite soul. the wing [axis] (tcheneh’). [for] the word in the innermost sacred place (=khennuu?)., of [=by] (means of). the prisoner (su, Cain). existence to make (via ad. soul). [as] the hand., +
1370a] [using] the prisoner (su). the workplace (ás). to birth (sic).;
[and] to make (by) the prisoner (via ad.soul). the great speech. [of] hail. [through] place-T of great speech. [as] the woman/vagina/t-to return (h’emt).
place-T to ritually sacrifice [cherub] (sma-t). [through] the son [construct]. [for[ this. N (candidate). existence of hail.; to recite.;
—— end PT 553