tuat VIII – lower register

pic credit vanosta.be

In the lower register are also five Circles, and an open door, which may be thus described:–
1. This Circle, which is called HETEPET-NEB-S, is entered through a door having the name of TET-SEM-ERMEN-TA,

” the land (south) / to carry (bear up) / to guide / the hand (eden eye) “,
” the land / to bear up / the son / (of) speech / (by) the flint-knife”;
in it are:–

1. A goddess standing upright, called AMEM.   M ÁMi, “as /adam-within”
2. The serpent MEHEN-TA,    “meh’en / of the land “
3. Three arrows lying on the top of these are the “arrows of Ra.”
4. A rain-headed god, seated on a weaving pole; his name is NEB-REKHIT.

The text reads:
Those who are in this picture are [seated] upon their instruments for weaving, [which are set firmly on their sand], according to the mystery which Horus, the heir, the young [god] made. This great god crieth out to their souls after he hath entered into this City of the gods who are upon their sand, and when this god crieth out to them in the two ATERTI there is heard the sound of those who are shut in this Circle, which is like unto the voices of male cats when they cry out and their souls cry out to RA. The name of this Circle is HETEPET-NEB-S.”


“this. qerrt circle. [for] existence. [in] name [of].: [by] the house. [of] the adamite soul. [for] every (neb). thing of peace [of saturn] (h’etept)., [by] the light (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix). [of] hail. [of] the mountain (pic).; [by] them (ad.souls). [for] the Ba spirit-souls. [as] the m-b-soul-adam-like virility (bah’i; or ‘seed’?). alike-adam (miá)., [for] the island of saturn to SB (sbeh’). [by?] the voice [from below] (kheru). alike-adam (miá).;

“this. qerrt cave. of [=for]. to seal up (?,khetem). to listen to. the word of hail (to become,áu). [by?] the land. [for?] the house \\ of átert., of [=as]. their (ad.souls). speech. this. god. [of] hail. [of] the mountain (pic).; [by] them (ad.souls). [is] the sand (shã). [as?] the words. [of] speech for the anunna-face (white hole). [for] the gods. who are. [in] this. place.; [by means] of [=by]. he. to enter (ãq). the staff,branch (khet). of. them (ad.souls). [for] the son. [of] existence., [as] he (the). hail. [of] the mountain.; [in order for] the great pillar. this. god. [through] the speech of the soulpool (sher). to become (by) the willpower of the Heir [ad.originals]. [in?] the Watercourse [eden axis]. existence. to open the land (seshta). [in order] of [=by]. them (ad.souls). existence. the weaving pole. [an-] face. this. designs,nature,etc (sekheru).; [because] of [=by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new.”;

A] context:

– this lower register is the area within the top of the cube, below the thes-dome;
(lower ring in double torus picture), with also five sections / rooms;
the entrance door tells that “the southland bears up this pentegonal region”;
– which is to change eden’s aspects to become “as adam within”, the goddess;
– the serpent Meh’en, usually as “the walls of the ãnkh-torus”, does not stand
here upón a weaving pole – so he is not being created – but perhaps copies
the southland ‘as torus’, in order for him ‘to fill the north as torus’ (meh’);
– the arrows of Rã, and the group of people is yet unclear;

B] 1] ‘island’,

…the glyph SBH’ is translated as “to cry out”, but that will not tell us a context;
it’s root is probably SBh’ – and not sBH’ – which would primarily relate her to
the SBA-gates (compare last door in upper register);
however, it seems to be a composite, including BEH’, being the term related to
Horus in Edfu, when “dry land was established, rising up out of the sea”, read:
the thes-dome rising up, as “island”, hence this word may carry the island-glyph,
and relates to the place of the cube-windows, the SBa-gates,

2] ‘átert shrine’,

….it is curious that the ÁTERT, as measure, is “one mile”,
relating very much to the measure of the city of God; not that they are the same –
the magically-dangerous doubleslash \\ indicates this – but they may have
established in the top of the cube a house (shrine), as eden-aspect, in order to
copy that at the ãnkh-torus’ side,
…and indeed there are spells with “the double house \\ átert”;

2. This Circle, which is called HETEMET-KHEMIU, is entered through a door having the name TES-RA-KHEFTIU-F,
(by) he/the lights of the enemy/\\(for) willpower of speech/(by) the flint-knife”,

in it are:–
1. NT, bearded and man-headed,   “place”
2. TA, bearded and man-headed.   “land”
3. SEBEQ-HRA, crocodile-headed,   “the [an-] face (eden’s) / to become the leg”;

The text reads:
“Those who are in this picture are [seated] upon their instruments for weaving, which are set firmly on their sand, according to the mystery which Horus made. This god crieth out to their souls, in whatsoever regions they are in the two Aterti, and there is heard the sound of the voices of those who are shut in this Circle which is like unto the sound of the confused murmur of the living when their souls cry out to Ra. The name of this Circle is HETEMET-KHEMIU.”


“this. qerrt circle. [for] existence. [in] name [of].: [bý] the words of m-b-s-adam of ignorance (khemiu). the thing to destroy (h’etemt). [being] the light (eden’s)., [in order for] existence (matrix). to become the word. [of] hail. [of] the mountain (pic).; [by means of] them (ad.souls). [for] the Ba spirit-souls. [as] ãnkh-life. which is. ‘the things of the mimicked hebrew-H (as) the descended cube-H ‘ (HaHemtu). alike-adam (miá).;

[this]. qerrt cave. of [=by]. to seal up (?,khetem). to become the word of voice. to listen to. the word of hail [to become,áu]. [by?] them (ad.souls). the átert \\ shrine. [in order] of [=for]. their (ad.souls). words for hebrew-H to descend (Hau). [as?] the speech. [of] them (ad.souls). [for] the Ba spirit-souls. [for] hail. [of] existence (matrix). [by] he (the). mountain (pic). this. god.;
[by means of] the Watercourse. to make. to open the land [or,’make the turtle’, the thes-dome] (seshta). of [=by] them (ad.souls). the sand. [for] the [an-] face (white hole). to become stable., [by] them (ad.souls). the weaving pole. [for] the [an-] face. this. designs,nature,etc (sekheru)., [because] of [=by]. them. existence to become new.”;

A] context:

– so in 1 they made the island, the thes-dome, with? an átert-shrine;
now, they destroy edens light using adam’s own words against her,
and talk already about the metatron-cube (*pic), HaHemtu,
– SBQ cannot refer to the thigh (*pic), which is uãrt’ or khent’,
but must refer to the different angle the north-windows of the Cube
become within the thes-dome;
(compare how the torus’ vertical axis differs from cube; see Giza)

3. This Circle, which is called HAP-SEMU-S,
“the house / (of) the adamite soul / to guide / (by) to Veil (it)“,
is entered through a door having the name of TES-SEKHEM-ARU,
“to become the image [to make] / to become sekhem-power / (by) the flint-knife”,

in it are four mummied gods, each with an instrument for weaving in front of him [!], and their names are:–

1. HEBSET,   “the garment/(of) he/(for) completion of the solarplane”
2. SENKET.   “the light (eden’s)/(as) thing/to make to copulate with”
3. TEBAT.   “to become the Tile”, square tile upon top cube,
4. TEMTET,   “to become union (by the hand) to slay”, hand is eden eye,

The text reads: “Those who are in this picture have their instruments for weaving before them, and they are set firmly on their sand, according to the mystery which Horus made. This god crieth out to their souls, in whatsoever regions they are in the two ATERTI, and there is heard the sound of the voices of those who are shut in this Circle, which is like unto the sound of the voices of those who go down to the battle-field of Nu when their souls cry out to Ra. The name of this Circle is HAP-SEMU-S.”


“this. qerrt circle. [of] existence. [in] name [of].: the house. [of] the adamite soul. to guide., [by] the cover (h’ap). the light (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix). [of] hail. [of] the mountain (pic).; [by] them (ad.souls). [for] the Ba spirit-souls. [as] the Nu (word-inside) [realm]. of [=for]. the island of corn (nepert,III)., [by] to descend hebrew-H [cube]. [through?] the word of voice. alike-adam (miá).;

[this]. qerrt cave. of [=by]. to seal up (?,khetem). to become the word of voice. to listen to. the word of hail [to become,áu]. [by?] them (ad.souls). the átert \\ shrine. [in order] of [=for]. their (ad.souls). words for hebrew-H to descend (Hau). [as?] the speech. [of] them (ad.souls). [for] the Ba spirit-souls. [for] hail. [of] existence (matrix). [by] he (the). mountain (pic). this. god.;
[by means of] the Watercourse. to make. to open the land [or,’make the turtle’, the thes-dome] (seshta). of [=by] them (ad.souls). the sand. [for] the [an-] face (white hole). to become stable., [by] them (ad.souls). [is?] the phallus [inverse pillar] (met). [by?] them (ad.souls). the weaving pole. [for] the thing to dress (glyph). this. designs,nature,etc (sekheru)., [because] of [=by]. them. existence to become new.”;

A] context:

– after the preparations in 1 and 2, now the thes-dome gets it’s contents;
they stand behind the pole – so they represent something stolen –
the light (‘to devour gluttonously’, SNK, is literally S + ‘to copulate’, NEK),
the garment, probably dimensional qualities; and the concept of “4”, the tile;
– they have no arms, assumingly because “eden is powerless”,

4. This Circle, which is called SEHERT-BAIU-S,
“the house / (of) the adamite soul / (by) the Ba spirit-souls / (by?) the Watercourse (eden’s) as the thing to make to drive-off ” (and even then there are aspects missing of the glyphs used); but it appears that the réal “house of the adamite trone” is being Dislocated to a place which will be termed “ÁST”, Isis, representing adamite throne;
is entered through a door having the name of TES-SEPT-NESUT,
“the fiery words of the throne of the Tongue / (of) sharpness / (by) the flint-knife”,
this throne, NEST, should be located somewhere between eden eye and white hole; remember the closing line in BD spells “..the noble primeval child, of the covenant, with the house of the tongue..’, is the same concept as used here;
in it are four mummied gods,
each with an instrument for weaving in front of him, and their names are:–

1. KEKU.   “word of darkness”
2. MENHI   “m-b-soul-adam to slaughter”
3. TCHER-KHU,   “the Khu-spirits/(of) the boundary”, tcherru-stream,
4. KHEBS-TA   “the land (south)/to plough-over (by solarplane)“,

The text reads:
“Those who are in this picture have their instruments
of weaving before them, and they are set firmly on their sand, according to the mystery which Horns made. This god crieth out to their souls in whatsoever regions they are in the two ATERTI, and there is heard the sound of voices of those who are shut in this Circle, which is like unto the sound of the cry of the Divine Hawk of Horns when their souls cry out to Ra. The name of this Circle is SEHERT-BAIU-S.”


“this. qerrt circle. [for] existence. [in] name [of].: the house. [of] the adamite soul. [by] the Ba spirit-souls. to drive-off (see above). [in order for] the light (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix). [of] hail. [of] the mountain (pic).; [by] them (ad.souls). [fór] the Ba spirit-souls. existence. to become the unguent of existence connected to speech as the god (nether). [for] thou. [as] the reed (see note). [to can] cackle [talk] (gg). [by] the word of voice. alike-adam (miá).;

[this]. qerrt cave. of [=by]. to seal up (?,khetem). to become the word of voice. to listen to. the word of hail [to become,áu]. [by?] them (ad.souls). the átert \\ shrine. [in order] of [=for]. their (ad.souls). words for hebrew-H to descend (Hau). [as?] the speech. [of] them (ad.souls). [for] the Ba spirit-souls. [for] hail. [of] existence (matrix). [by] he (the). mountain (pic). this. god.;
[by means of] the Watercourse. to make. to open the land [or,’make the turtle’, the thes-dome] (seshta). of [=by] them (ad.souls). the sand. [for] the [an-] face (white hole). to become stable., [by] them (ad.souls). the weaving pole. [for] the [an-] face. this. designs,nature,etc (sekheru)., [because] of [=by]. them. existence to become new.”;

A] context:

– the glyph ‘reed’, NEBÁ, is also used in the Edfu texts, and means the same
as “áaru”, per Field; a soul-essence, but here related to the pre-eden solarplane,
where it’s inversion BENt is “monkey”;
– these four also stand behind the pole, but seem to be the doubles of the previous
in 3]; a term like “word of darkness” is used to denote tempering eden’s light;

5. This Circle, which is called AAT-SETEKAU
(by) the house / to make the teKau flames / (by) the flint-knife”, see tuat V,
is entered through a door having the name of TES-KHU-KHU;
“the gods / to become the doubled-spirit / (by) the flint-knife”,
in it are four uraei, each of which rests upon its instrument for weaving, and their names are:–

1. ÁARET-ANKH.   “ãnkh life/(as) ureaus”
2. RERIT-ANKH   “ãnkh life/to revolve eden’s speech”

The text reads: “Those who are in this picture are [seated] on their instruments of weaving, and they are set firmly on their sand. This god crieth out to them in whatsoever regions they are, and they shed light by means of their radiance [which cometh] from the depth of their mouths, but they do not come forth from their Circle, and there is heard the sound of the voices of those who are shut in this Circle which is like unto the twittering of the whole of the birds of a nest of water-fowl when they cry out to Ra. The. name of this Circle is AAT-SETEKAU.”


“this. qerrt circle. [for] existence. [in] name [of].: [by] the house (of soul). to make teKau (flames). [for] the great pillar., [by] the light (eden’s). [of] them (ad.souls). [for] existence. [of] hail. [of] the mountain.; [by] to unite. the (bird) nest (sesh). the island of saturn to SB (sbeh’,see 1). alike-adam (miá).;

[this]. qerrt cave. of [=by]. to seal up (?,khetem). to become the word of voice. to listen to. the word of hail [to become,áu]. [by?] them (ad.souls). the qerrt circle. of [=for]. them (ad.souls). to manifest (per). the thing. nót.;
[by] them (ad.souls). the mouth. [as] the thing in the deep place (metcht). them (ad.souls). the lights as thing to make to copulate with (senektu). [fór] speech and nature (kher). to illumine [light of saturn] (h’etch).; [by] them. the (words of) descended hebrew-H of speech (reHau)., [and by] them (ad.souls). existence (matrix). he (the). hail. [of] the mountain (*pic). this. god.;
to become (áu). [by] them (ad.souls). the sand. [for] the [an-] face. to become stable (men).; [by] them (ad.souls). [is] the weaving pole. [for] the [an] face (áten?). [for] this. designs,nature,etc (sekheru).; [because] of [=by]. them (ad.souls). existence to become new.”;

A] context:

6. A door called TES-AMEM-MIT-EM-SHETA-F.
(by) he /within,/ for/ the lights of m-b-soul-adam/ the flame to seize /(by) the flint-knife”,

Beyond it is a figure of the god Nu, who appears to be over the “chamber of destruction.”
– Nu is the “top part of the cube”, that he steps out, must imply that he now officially rules that area; and the glyph next to it reads “the house / destroyed”, H’ETEMT, that is the throne of adamite;

——– end LOWER REGISTER of hour VIII
amTuat— eighth hour links:

middle register: thes-dome or boat of Rã stream
upper register: the realm above the thes-dome
lower register: inside top of cube