BD 145 part 2


part 2 of BD 145: pylons XIII – I and rubric

pylon XIII

as one. purified (uãb). thou. becomes. thou speech [for] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.;

lamenting (bega). the set-body-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). [as] testing (sáp). the posessions from below (kher).[as] the thing becoming (áut). [in] the name(rent). [of]: “the adamS-within. of [=by]. dimension of flesh essence? (glyphs). to make to illumine (s-h’etch).[by] the adamite soul’s. speech.[in] the anunna-face. [for] existence (matrix). to be worshipped (áau)., of [=by]. the Ennead (pestchu, pantheon of 9). dragging, hauling [in] (setau). [that] which is. the fortress (menu, word/inside/is stability). which is. the name.;

I. know. the name (rent)., I. know. this. name. [how] became. the Path (axis, Watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). making. the god. [in] the torso(áb). [as] passive one of great speech (urrt’)., which is. the thirteenth. pylon(sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence.[for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face. [as] the protection(netch). [of] the beautified-soul. [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life. [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

– to recite [this] spell

pylon XII

as one. purified (uãb). thou. become. thou speech [for] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.;

lamenting (bega). the set-body-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). [as] testing(sáp). the posessions from below(kher). [as] the thing becoming (áut). [in] the name(rent). [of]: “every. light. [for] the adamite soul. [by] the Master’s (neb, chalice below solarplane). voice from below (kheru). to listen to (setchem, obey). the áakhut-spirit., [by] all [of]. the divine high place (qai). [as] the Dawn (neHep,hebrew-H)., of [=by]. subdueing (seksek). the land.[of] the adamite soul. to transgress (teH). which is. the fortress (menu). which is. the name.;

45] I. know. this. name. [how] became. the Path (axis,watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). making. the god. [in] the torso (áb). [as] the passive one of great speech (urrt’). which is. the twelfth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face. [as] the protection.[of] the beautified-soul. [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life. [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

– to recite [this] spell.

pylon XI

as one. purified (uãb). thou. become. thou speech [for] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.;

lamenting (bega). the set-body-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). [as] testing(sáp). the posessions from below(kher). [as] the thing becoming (áut). [in] the name(rent). [of] “the catastrophe (áu – Heir!). to listen to (setchem,obey). existence (matrix)., 43] [from] the day (Hru,hebrew-H). to praise (Henu, hebrew-H,mock of h’en saturn). the adamite soul. existence. [by?] the Eye’s (south). every. sebekht pylon. which are. hathor+prison+god?(glyph). [for] the enemies(sebáu). to burn/insect sting/(abt’). [by] the flint-knife (7-poly of heart, t’es).[which is] renewed constantly (uHem, hebrew-H!). [by] the innermost sacred place (khennu,south). of. which is. existence (read: sacred place, south, is by eden’s existence). name.;

I. know. 42] this. name. [how] became. the Path (axis,watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). making. the god. [in] the torso (áb). [as] the passive one of great speech (urrt’). which is. the twelfth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face. [as] the protection.[of] the beautified-soul. [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life. [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

– to recite [this] spell.

pylon X

[new text!] red gate?

as one. purified (uãb). thou. become. thou speech [for] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.;

[as] the head (=leading). [of] the greyhounds (thesemu,’greyhounds of Horus’). [by] the red,blood (tesher, Eden’s ‘ruddyness of being’). [of] the flesh and bone of the Heir. of [=by]. devouring (ãm). the ames birthsceptre.,[for] the red,blood,red devils,fire (tesher). [as] the unguent (merh’). of. me. to be anointed with (urh’u). to become. 40][by] the hidden(ámen). tomb(ãt).[of] existence(eden’s).,[as] the fortress(menu).[of] the thing within(ámt). Set(fallen adam). protection(netch). speech. he,his. invade,enter(ãq). of[=by]. he. within. Ástes (one of thoth’s company). to wash(uãb). these[two](ápen). dimension(sing.). of[=by]. i,me. to purify (uãb). to become. the shepherd (saat). the god. existence. name. divine great speech.\\ to embrace (sekhen, conn.word). the name [of].:. 39] the adamite soul’s. existence. [in] the fortress (menu). which is. the adamite soul. existence (matrix). to finish, complete (tcheráu). existence. (eden’s). nót.;

the enemies (kheftu). victory (renáu). adamite soul. voice from below (kheru). existence. high exalted[place] (qa). speech. to cry out(s-beh’u). the name (rent). estate of thou?(unclear glyph). the adamite soul. speech (not ser,’decree’). the arrival(sepert). anunna-face. tumour (sheft),south?). portions(tenátu). the split-off adamite soul (neHes, guiding Rã boat in am-duat). double door.[in?] the high exalted place (qa). 38] the shepherd. the god. existence. name. I. know. the name(rent). [how] became. the Path (axis,watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). making. the god. [in] the torso (áb). [as] the passive one of great speech (urrt’). which is. the twelfth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face. [as] the protection.[of] the beautified-soul. [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life. [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

– to recite [this] spell.

pylon IX

as one. purified (uãb). thou. become. thou speech [for] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.;

[as] the light for the Phoenix? (Benn,phoenix-cluster,solarplane, dict. is Off). of[=by]. devouring(ãm). the ames birthsceptre. [for] the beauty(nefer). [of] the white light[of Saturn] (h’etcht). which is. [in?] the SH pool-land (south vesica,see graphic)., of [=by]. me. to breach (set’). [for] the unguent of ãnkh-life. [by] the god of the physical flesh (h’a). which is. myrrh (ãnt, myrrh is about ‘the head’). [and] of. me. 36] to anoint with (urh’u). [of which] was (áu). all. his (adam’s). fat (ãt, desirable qualities). [as] the speech. he. overthrows [with] (nonlisted, ‘should be ‘khefã ‘grasp’? khept’, overthrow)., of [=by]. he (adam). within. the place of the djed-pillar (tchet’t). [for] every. Ba-ram-soul.;

to wash(uãb). these[two](ápen). dimension. of[=by]. i,me. to purify(uãb). to become. the shepherd. the god. existence. name. he,his. pupil (tchet, north?). to protect (khu). he,his. to lull to sleep (HenHen). existence.[by,in?] the great[pillar]. existence. to fear (sent’). the name (rent). adamite soul. damage,injury (senáHa). anunna-face (vesica north). go not,stop?. without. counselor (netchnetchnut). nót.;

to cut up (sma).[by?] the anunna-face. swift (khekh). fires (willpower/of Root, pãu). ready,sharp (sept’, from sep vesica south). he (set). secondary/clone(seni). fires (glyph). he,his. tcha=?. to quench thirst,extinguish fire (ãkhem). without. Horus. his,he. fire (bes). to consume by fire (rekeh’). 34] the shepherd. the god. existence. name. I. know. the name(rent). [how] became. the Path (axis,watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). making. the god. [in] the torso (áb). [as] the passive one of great speech (urrt’). which is. the twelfth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face. [as] the protection.[of] the beautified-soul. [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life. [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

– to recite [this] spell.

pylon VIII

33] as one. purified (uãb). thou. become. thou speech [for] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.;

the Cat’s (miáu, Rã-form, cutting off the snake head near persea tree in Õn, south). máu-garment. [of] adam-within (ámi)., of [=by]. the estate of thou?(unclear glyph). body-garment of eden’s realm (nn). of [=by]. devouring (ãm). the sceptre,staff (ausek,unclear, ‘the Heir/to perish-related?). [of] the body-garment of dark red cloth (átmiá,1 of 5 menkh-cloths,Adam-átm-related).[for] existence. to dress with(set’). of[=by]. i,me.;

to destroy(set’). sacred oil(seft). of[=by]. i,me. anoint (urh’u). to become. Osiris. existence. Heb-festival[of completing solarplane] (+person glyph?). the estate of thou?(unclear glyph). to mummify/mummifyer/ (ut). of[=by]. his. speech. to make. of [=by]. he (Adam). within. Anubis (ánp). 31] to wash (uãb). these[two] (ápen). dimension. of[=by]. i, me. to purify. to become. the shepherd. the god. existence. [in] the name [of].: the Netchess-god (protection by/adamite soul as hostage). [as] the name. [of] the head,first. [of] the adamite soul’s. high exalted place(north; qa- not qas). of [=by]. the adamite soul. [in] the deep place (metch,south)., of [=by]. willpower (ã). filling (meh’- not mehã,cubit). existence. eternities or: millions (h’eh’u,saturn). adamite soul. to come into existence of solarplane? (ben,nonlisted,bennu-phoenix-related). this (pu? word/of root). progress (bes). estate of thou?(unclear glyph). the divine adamite soul. every. image (tut). to birth (mes). [inside] the masterholder (chalice below solarplane,nebt). “to satisfaction”(Her-áb, torso/is speech/for hebrew-H). [of] the cobra of the mighty jackal staff of speech (user). [via] the adamite soul. all [of]. 30] adam-within. the shepherd. the god. [of] existence. name.;

I. know. the name(rent). [how] became. the Path (axis,watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). making. the god. [in] the torso (áb). [as] the passive one of great speech (urrt’). which is. the twelfth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face. [as] the protection.[of] the beautified-soul. [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life. [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

– to recite [this] spell.

pylon VII

as one. purified (uãb). thou. become. thou speech [for] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to(ás). the beautified-soul.;

the rudder? (h’epuh’+rudder). of [=by]. devouring (ãm). the birth sceptre (ames). to dress (unkh). 28] of[=by]. i,me. to break(set’). unguent(h’ekenu,saturn+Ka). of[=by]. me,i. to anoint(urh’u). to become,was. house of purification (uãb). mouth. speech. he,his. greedy men, bestial persons (h’enut). evil, hostile (h’ent, pun). their (adamite souls). progress(bes). of[=by]. me,i. to weep/cry/within (ám, no det.). Isis and Nebh’et (sister-goddesses = chalice and vesica north). 27] to wash (uãb). these[two](ápen). dimension. of[=by]. i,me. to purify (uàb). to become,was. the shepherd. the god. existence. name. ãnt-god (or Neith? Dna string). within. the name (rent). belly,body (khat). to cover, to veil (h’apu,saturn). adamite soul. beloved,the desire (mert). to make to worry. to lament,grieve (bega). set-body-garment to dress in (h’ebs). flood (ágap,giants-related). 26] the shepherd. the god. existence. name.;

I. know. the name(rent). [how] became. the Path (axis,watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). making. the god. [in] the torso (áb). [as] the passive one of great speech (urrt’). which is. the twelfth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face. [as] the protection.[of] the beautified-soul. [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life. [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

– to recite [this] spell.

pylon VI

as one. purified (uãb). thou. become. thou speech [for] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.; “kind of wood”(sept’, vesica south). of [=by]. devouring (ãm). the birth sceptre (ames). body-bandlet (thesthes). of[=by]. i,me. to break (set’). “kind of bull” (ga, giants-related, from negau-bull?). willpower (ã). of[=by]. i,me. to anoint (urh’u). 24] to become. Horus. existence. Tha-t+noble, noble masculine?. his. speech. Eye. of[=by]. he. within. Thoth. to wash (uãb). these[two](ápen). dimension. of[=by]. i,me. to purify (uãb). the shepherd (saat). existence. name. divine union (sma). the name (rent). the god.[in] the torso (south). passive one of very great speech (adam). forepart/importance/paw (h’at). below (kher,south). which is. “to deliver a woman”(smes, is that so?). of[=by]. night. which is. 23] to make healthy (sutcha). the image (tut). them,their (ad.souls). serpent-bellies/bodies (khatu+serpents). the domes of speech of/for the anunna-face. their (ad.souls). number,quantity (tenu). knowledge (rekht). existence. nót.;

the head/first. treshingfloor (sep). boundary (tcher). adamite soul. to become [last 3 unsure]. creation (qemat?). nót.; the adamite soul’s. broad. speech. (read: babble) [in] the adamite soul’s. high exalted[place] (qa,vesica north). [is] knowledge (rekht). nót.; the light. [in] name [of]. the creating-god (HenHen, tuat I and VI, hebrew-H).[in,as?] the great[pillar].(=neHt tree). go-untie/tie-thee? (glyphs). 22] the shepherd. the god. existence.

I. know. the name(rent). [how] became. the Path (axis,watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). making. the god. [in] the torso (áb). [as] the passive one of great speech (urrt’). which is. the twelfth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face. [as] the protection.[of] the beautified-soul. [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life. [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

– to recite [this] spell.

pylon V

22] as one. purified (uãb). thou. become. thou speech [for] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.; despicable rebels (khaku ábu). to smash (h’u). of [=by]. devouring (ãm). to come/go (glyph). adamite soul within (áms, must be: birthsceptre, ames). leopard beast (áabi, 1 of 4 of Daniel). who is. the anunna-face’s. 20] talon, claw (ãnt).[for] every kind of. god.[of] existence. oil (áber,from áb). of[=by]. i,me. to anoint(urh’u). to become. Osiris. he,his. father (tef). existence. his. beloved. son. h’eb-festival(installing solarplane+person?). he. make. of[=by]. within. Horus. to wash(uãb). these[two](ápen). dimension. of[=by]. me,i. to wash(uãb). to become. 19] the shepherd. the god. existence. name. the opponents(reqáu = canaanite). speech. coming-from-blossoming-h’en?(h’en+blossom+walk). the tool(retã). the name(rent). head/first. to become new(un). Workplace(ás). to enter,invade(ãq). existence. nót.;

the adamite soul. existence. the gift. prayers,offerings(tebeh’u). cobra boundary of the solarplane chalice(nebertchert). high exalted[place](qa). h’ekenu(no det., offering? saturn+Ka). every,all. fiery protection(khu). every,all[of?]. the shepherd. the god. 18] existence.

name. I. know. the name(rent).[how] became. the Path(axis).[of] existence(eden’s). to make. the god.[in?] the torso(áb). passive one of great speech(urrt’). which is/who is. the fifth. pylon(sebekht).[of] Horus’. existence.[for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face.[who is] the protection.[of] the beautified-soul.[by] the true voice(from below).[of] ãnkh-life. he(N.). becomes.[as] Osiris.[through] existence.[as] beautified-soul(canaanite spirit).;

– to recite[this] spell.

pylon IV

17] (missing:as one) purified (uãb). thou. become. thou speech [of] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul., [as] the atutu+branch (nonlisted, branch-of-image?tut). foods(aspects). of [=by]. devouring (ãm). the birthsceptre (ames). [of,for?] the adamite-soul-as-stone? (glyph). [for] thóu. [as] the son. [in] this[opened word inside] (nu, one word). garment of linen (shesá, south, comp. Daniel, SH+sa der., inverse)., of[=by]. i,me. to break (set’). cleanse/reject/colour, t-ur, t in brackets, or ‘great speech’). [which] was (áu). the ointment[of eden’s realm] (nn)., [as] the unguent (sunát, make to become new by ad.soul). of. 16] mý. anointing (urh’u)., to become. the true voice[from below]. [of] un-nefer (god of beauty by becoming new). [by] the voice of righteousness. which is. the tool (retã). of. Set(fallem adam)., [but by] the willpower of saturn (h’enã). it. [is] the opener,messenger (up). of. he (Adam). within. the true voice[of below]. [of] un-nefer.,[by] purifying(uãb). these[two] {ápuu). dimension. of[=by]. i,me. to wash. to become. 15] the shepherd. the god. existence. name [of].: the cattle (tepáu = head-related). to strike (h’u). the name (rent). sin, calamity (Heir-glyph). of [=by]. emptyness (shu). to make miserable (s-maár).[by] the Eye. the god. [in] the torso (south). passive one of great speech (adam).[word] inside (nu). enemies. to destroy (h’etch, false light of Saturn). the land. the width,breadth (usekht). flint-knives (t’esu, 7-poly of heart). sekhem-power. 14] the shepherd. the god. existence. I. know. the name (rent). [how] became. the Path (axis,watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). making. the god. [in] the torso (áb). [as] the passive one of great speech (urrt’). which is. the third. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face. [as] the protection.[of] the beautified-soul. [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life. [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

– to recite [this] spell.

pylon III

13] as one. purified (uãb). thou. become. thou speech [of] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul., [as] headbox/for the branch? (Hen+stick,hebrew-H; not áHen). [for] the beautified-soul. of [=by]. devouring (ãm). the birthsceptre(ames). [for,of?] the linen body-garment (shená,see Dan.12:7). of[=by]. me(in brackets). breaking(set’). the unguent(qemanuu?). of[=by]. seed,ointment?(h’ekenu+3dots, saturn+Ka). which is. the finest oil (h’at). [for] my (brackets). 12] anointing (urh’u). to become. the an-face (vesica north). opening (un). existence. [of] light. [of] Seker and his boat (h’enu, saturn+osiris). to carry (remenu). he,his. sailing south (khentt). of[=by]. he. within. the head+saturn (pteh’, to Ptah’-god). to wash (uãb). these[two] (ápen). dimension. of[=by]. me. to wash. to become. the shepherd. the god. name. 11] beq olive tree (bak=Horus-falcon, solarplane B). the name (rent). place of abtú (abzu). speech. Neshemt-boat (south). existence. to sail south (khentt). existence. this (pui,word/of root). day (Hru,hebrew-H). [as] the tool (retã). [of] the gods. [for] existence (matrix). to bring to an end? (sekem, must be sekam,to complete?). pleasant offerings (ãabtu, aspects,southeast). to guide. within.[by] those who are (ntu, horus-spirits). existence. to give. thou? (text unsure). [by] the pleasant sacrifices (ãabtu). [in] the fiery gate (glyph; unclear sbat or tait). all [of]

the shepherd. 10] the god. existence. I. know. the name(rent). [how] became. the Path (axis,watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). making. the god. [in] the torso (áb). [as] the passive one of great speech (urrt’). which is. the third. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face. [as] the protection.[of] the beautified-soul. [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life. [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

– to recite [this] spell.

pylon II

9] as one. purified (uãb). thou. become. thou speech [of] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul., [as] the palm-stick (benben,solarplane,benben-stone =pyramidion). of [=by]. devouring (ãm). the birth sceptre (ames).[for] the waterskin by the adamite soul (s-shet’, or: diadem/girdle/belt(seshet’). of [=by] i,me. to break (set’)., 8][for] the festivals of completion of the solarplane to grow he(h’ebuset, comp.word). of. my. anointing (urh’u)., becoming.[by] the pylons (sebekhtu). [for] the anunna-face (vesica north). he,his. to come/go of hebrew-H (glyph). sacrificial bull/ox (tur). [of] adam-within., [for] the anunna-face. it’s. manifesting (per). of [=by]. the mãntt-boat (morningboat, sailing north). [of] the willpower of Saturn (h’enã)., [and] the sektt-boat (eveningboat, sailing south). [for] his. existence. [by] the tool (retã). [of] he (adam). within. 7] Osiris., to wash (uãb). these[two]. dimension. of[by]. i,me. to purify. to become. the shepherd. the god. existence. name. [for] the head+saturn (pteh’,to ‘ptah’-god’). to birth (mess). the name (rent). body,belly (khat). house of the solarplane (bu). of[=by]. the land. victory (neráu, over Heir áu?). the adamite soul. two lands. breadth,width (usekht). the dome. master-holder (nebt, chalice below solarplane).

the shepherd. the god. existence. I. know. the name(rent). [how] became. the Path (axis,watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). making. the god. [in] the torso (áb). [as] the passive one of great speech (urrt’). which is. the second. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face. [as] the protection.[of] the beautified-soul. [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life. [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

– to recite [this] spell.

pylon I

5] as one. purified (uãb). thou. become. thou speech [of] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.; the weapon (h’et, house of Saturn, also scorpion and an-face). of [=by]. devouring (ãm). existence’s (eden’s). birthsceptre (ames + uatch!). [for] the Menkht body-garment. of. my. waterskin (shet’,or like II,s-shet’, diadem,turban,bandlet) [by] the new cedar-tree (ãshu,SH south,also ‘multitude’). [of] existence (eden’s). [as] the finest oil (h’atu; cedar-oil=ãshnu). of. my. 4] anointing (urh’u)., to become. the dome. which is. the eastern. side (ges). of [=by]. his. river of boiling fire (netu, tuat V, but no det.; or: word/of matrix, but unlikely[pishon river perhaps?] ). to drive off (kaf). he. within. the god of light. to purify (uãb). these[two]. dimension. of[=by]. i,me. to wash. to become. the shepherd. the god. existence. name. the vulture mother of names (renáumut, mother-of-Heir-names?). the name (rent). to be remote from. existence. coming of advanced beautified-soul. existence. to steal, plunder (ãuai, eden-related). to snatch away/to rescue (neh’em). [by] terrifying, paralyzing fear (neshen, Adam in Eye south). to repulse. [by] the commands(met’u). [of] the decree (res). to force open (khebkheb). every. head (of the imprisoned Heirs!). [for] the anunna-face (vesica north).,[in] the walled fortress of the solarplane (seneb, the prison-area of them). [for] the exalted high place (qat,vesica north). to quake, to tremble (sett-bird). the master-holder(chalice below solarplane,nebt). the shepherd. the god. existence. I. know. the name(rent). [how] became. the Path (axis,watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). making. the god. [in] the torso (áb). [as] the passive one of great speech (urrt’). which is. the head/first. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. connected to. the anunna-face. [as] the protection.[of] the beautified-soul. [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life. [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [as] beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

– to recite [this] spell.

[closing line:]

Osiris’. house of speech (per). which is. the place [of] the blossoming serpents (glyph, one word)., [as,for?] the mouth- [of] existences- to praise (áan-r, composite). [in] the field (sekht, saturn’s fields). [bý?][the word] inside (nu). the pylons (sebekhtu). of. the Beginning[or: archon/prince of Willpower] (h’atu ã, willpower/of forepart).

added: moved RUBRIC of 145:

the true voice.[from] below (kher). Menu (allah/etc). existence. image/child (tut?). existence. birth (mess). the true voice. [of] ãnkh-life. he. became (áu). Osiris., [in] the place [of]. Tchet’u (djed-pillar, south, of stability of adam inside it). of[=by]. the one. being praised (h’es). [as] the one. beautified-soul. having become. the aged prince of the house of Saturn. 87] [of] existence (matrix). [as] the fortress (menu, house-of-the-word-inside). [of] Sekhmet (lion of Rev.5). double-god hostile to the wicked (to adamites, khatiu). existence. to fail (uHau,hebrew-H). Ástes-god (one of Thoth’s company). house[of speech]. speech. i. enter (ãq). to become. mankind,plebs (rekhu). existence. 86] covering (shenu). by[=of]. vagina/cow (kat). myrrh (ãnt). manifestation (per). background of Saturn (h’ai). existence. boat. of[=by]. the travelling blueprints of orion (seqet’nu). existence. [for] the physical flesh(h’ã). [of] the adamite soul. to flourish,green (uatch). the house of willpower of Saturn (glyph). of. existence. [for] the advanced beautified-soul.;

the serpents of spirits-light (ãkhkha, nonlisted). existence. make to flood,fill(smeh’). — righteousness (maãt). 85] below (kher,south)., [for] the qã (nonlisted, related to ‘exalted hight place’, north?). mouth. to become. sacred foreign land (tcheser-ta). the land. which is. the birth-stone (meskhen). existence. to praise (tua). head,first. primeval gods (pautu). the divine father (tef). existence. throne of adamite soul (north vesica). of[=by]. the house of throne (get,giants-related). anunna-face. to beseech? (smeh’+person). king’s body/garment (khãi). 84] to rise and crown(khãi). to acquire (shep). divine wisdom (sáa). [and] divine taste (H’u, word/ofSaturn, and sáa were the guides of Rã). existence. to become a spirit. place of áabt’u (abzu, but here pun on east).[of] speech. i. me. to sail to the south (khentt). to become. undress, to strip (h’au). anunna-face(face?). which is. the existence. set-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). the place of his growing speech nót (glyph). speech.[of] existence 85] the coming,going of hebrew-H. to become. to depart from (tesh). existence. qemam?, create?. existence. hidden (ámen). Restau (land of osiris). speech. i, me. to enter (ãq). to become. the aged gods of the estate of thou? (unclear glyph). Neith goddess. house of saturn. the fortress (menu). [of] Sekhmet. the double-god hostile to the wicked (to adamites, khatiu). 82] existence. prophesy,extasy (suHa, hebrew-H). Ástes (one of Thoth’s company). house of speech. i. enter (ãq). to become. divine wisdom (sáa). [and] the divine taste. to become a spirit. place of the Abzu. speech. i,me. to sail southwards. to become. undress (h’auu, mult.). which is. existence. set-body-garment to dress in (h’ebs). [in] the place his growing of speech nót (glyph). speech. thou. force a way through (Hebtu,hebrew-H). to become. to depart from (tesh). existence. to discover (gem).existence. hidden (ámen). Restau. speech. i,me. enter (ãq). to become. house of the divine Booth (north solarplane, seh’). [of] Horus mimicking the foremost (adam; khent).; 80] existence. to look at,Sight (maa). his.[evil] mountain (t’u). head,first. house[of speech].of[=by]. existence.[for] the advanced beautified soul.;

his. legs. of[=by]. the god. sekhem-power. to give/set/place. existence. to spread out/to cleave/(peg). the designer (sesh). of,by. existence.[for] the advanced beautified-soul. his. existence. to make to complete (s-kam).[by?] the light.[from] the naked gods (kefai). his. existence.[by he] who stands in the appointed place?(ãhãu). adamite soul — or ‘to make to stand in appointed place’? — within 79] Geb/jackal (sab). the shepherd (saat). below (kher). their (ad.souls). to manifest (per). existence. nót.;

the east. which is. the slaughterhouse(khebt). speech. all(nebu). his. enemies(kheftu). firedrill boat(tcha uá). his. enemies. speech. west[áment?]. the foremost (adam). Osiris. to make true voice(true voice+soul?). Neshem boat. dimension. i,me. firedrill boat. encircling+dress/garment (shent). existence 78] to guide. ba (grain,seed,?). Eye. anunna-face. the divine house of Saturn. of,by. the daily (mián). existence.[for] the advanced beautified-soul. commanders. bennu-bird (phoenix). manifesting (per). to give. the Ba-soul. existence. lower part of the body (tcheráu). speech. existence. to become new (un). divine beauty. to become new. Osiris. father (tef). existence. necks of foremost?(glyph). beer-measures (h’eqtu). food-offerings (aspects, h’etepu). prayers/offerings(tebeh’u). to guide. 77] house of the fire altar. every(nebu). existence. foods(aspects). existence. to give,set. adamite soul. adam-within(ámi). h’eb-festival(saturn+solarplane). existence. to guide. his. every. Haker-festival(of capturing God’s house). existence. to make. the adamite soul. to make. existence. completed thing?(kamt?). existence. to make. to become. the south-land. the sky of earth. of,by. the true voice. ãnkh-life. he. becomes. Osiris. place of Õn (hostile universe, ruling eye south). every,all. ape-god, or god to complete. divine father(tef). house of speech. of,by. 76] retired servant(ámakht). every. righteous voice. of,by. daily(mián). existence.[of] the advanced beautified-soul. every,all. his. enemies(kheftu). existence. the father(átef!). who is. the flesh and bone of the Heir. his. father(tef). the protection/ed thing(netchnut). Horus. Menu. i, me. the path(axis). existence. to make.

75] within. another(ki). existence.[in] name[of]. Anubis., within. another(ki). existence.[in] name[of]. beg olive tree., within. another. existence.[in] name[of]. opening of ways(no deity glyph = not upuat?). within. another(ki). existence.[in] name[of]. the mouth. healthy?(utcha?). within. another(ki). existence.[in] name[of]. the fire of the treshfloor(sep+fire).[of?] birth(mes). within. another(ki). existence.[in] name[of]. to birth. peace(h’etep, saturn). the estate of thou?(unclear glyph). mouth. of,by. another(ki). 74] existence.[in] name[of]. below(kher,south). Neith/ãntch?. estate of thou?(unclear glyph).

[for continuation, see pylon 21]