CT 716

CT 716 VI 345

o] the place of Õn. of [=for]. hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite-spirit). [by,as] the hand of the serpent-hand (tch-t’, ‘to say’).;
n] [yet] the beautified-soul. [of] existence (matrix). [by] place-T for the kh-house. nót.;
[but instead,] to make the M-realm (via ad.soul) (likely; s-m). [for] the beautified-soul.,
[for] existence. [by] place-T to make the plasma-construct (via ad.soul) (diagram, ‘to remember’, skhat);

m] [as?] he. the divine mother (plasma-construct). [for] the intestine-coil of the solarplane (by q-axis, qab+).,
of [=by] (means of). the boat of the word for the heir (originals). to sleep (speech to make the serpenthand).;
l] [and so] the divine word of youth [of kh-house] (nkhnu+). [for] existence (matrix).,
[by] the opened word-inside. [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit-soul). (whom) I am.;

(un, matrix)., [..unclear..].;

—- end CT 716