IN the Scene that illustrates the SECOND DIVISION of the Tuat, which is passed through by the Sun-god during the SECOND HOUR of the night, the Boat of the Ram-headed god AF is seen making its way along the stream which flows, as before, through the division lengthwise; the crew consists of the same gods, and they occupy the same positions in the boat as they did in the First Division. It is, however, important to notice that immediately in front of UP-UAT [1] we see two serpents, which are called Isis and Nephthys respectively, occupying the front of the boat. [2] No carpet or mat hangs over the bows of the boat, and the utchat is not represented on its side; the boat moves over the waters by means of some power exerted either by itself or by some of the gods who stand in it. [3] In front of the boat of AF the way is led by a procession of four boats, which are moved, presumably, by the same power which moves the boat of Ra.[4]
[1]- | as ‘the things of the Watercourse (eden’s) / to open’, |
[2]- | adamite throne, and chalice (*pic) |
[3]– | they, most likely, now ferry on the tcherru-stream (*pic), the iron sky copying the sky of cube-H, |
[4]- | H’athor-saturn, with horns, stands at the frontside, with the glyph ‘the boat / (for) the thing of the chalice’; the name of the deity in front of her is partly unreadable, |
The FIRST BOAT has ends which terminate in bearded human heads, and its celestial and solar character is attested by the utchat-Eye sign, with which its sides are ornamented. The object of this boat is to support the disk of the full moon which rests within a crescent upon a support divided into thirteen sections, each typifying a day; thus the full moon as it appears on the fourteenth day of the month is here represented. [1] By the disk kneels a god who is “supporting Maat,” [2] which is symbolized by a feather, and is described by the word MAAT written between it and the support of the moon’s disk. [3]
In the mutilated text above the boat it is said that “this great god approacheth this region, and he is conveyed along in the boats of the earth, by means of their….., and he paddleth along through this Field and uttereth words,”[4], The name of the fore part of the boat appears to be URER, and in front of the boat is written “Chief of the gods of the Tuat;” [5]
[1]- | a nice find, but very risky; though we admit that there is a still unclear link between the utchat-eye, being brought in this very boat, and the moon of earth ánd real-moon; |
[2]- | as ‘to bear up / existence / (..) /the axis’; the misunderstanding is because the root of MAÃT, ‘truth,justice’, is MAÃ, ‘to sacrifice (in general)‘; that is their ‘justice’, |
[3]- | literally ‘(by) to sacrifice / the axis’, MAÃ+SHU, context here is that the cube’s vertical axis is abandoned in favour of their Õn-realm axis, which’angle is at a different angle, |
[4]- | a line using words from 1st plate as well; see full text; |
[5]- | we sadly cannot make sense of the few glyphs at both ends of the boat; we would extort an interpretation, |
The ends of the SECOND BOAT likewise terminate in bearded human heads, but each is surmounted by a pair of plumes. In the centre of the boat, between two goddesses, stands a huge sistrum, which is the symbol of the goddess Hathor, and indicates that the boat is that of HATHOR, or of HATHOR-ISIS. In the fore part of the boat is a beetle, which is described as “This great god NEPER”, [1]
Above the goddess to the left of the sistrum are written the words, “their boats send forth their words” [2] over the plumed head in front is written U ÁM SEN SEKHEM,[3] and over that at the other end of the boat, “Osiris crieth to it.”[4] On the side of the boat are the signs {utchat-eye} and {dome}.
[1]- | no, is part of the heavy mutilated text, above, |
[2]- | see previous, |
[3]- | also, |
[4]- | also, |
A] context:
….we have very little to go by…but using their logic –
the first boat brought the “One” construct; this second
boat should then depict the [yet to build] ‘area between
white hole and áten disk: because of the two plumed heads,
both carrying the double-plume of ‘axis’, and the beatle
towards one of them – at the Áten disk side;
the ‘sistrum’ is “the sounds saturn emits”, as energetic impulses
of many basic (biological) rythms within the solarplane, and
that in Dualism, represented by the two goddesses,
The prow of the THIRD BOAT is surmounted by a crown of the South, and the stern by a crown of the North, and between the two sceptres, which symbolize the gods ANPU and AP-UAT, i.e., the jackal-headed gods of the South and North [1], is a huge lizard, from the back of which spring the head of Osiris and a White Crown. On the side of the boat are the sign utchat {plexus} and {sky-dome},
Above the crown of the North is the legend “..[2]“, which, however, probably refers to the sceptre near it; above the lizard we have “..[3], the foremost’s sceptre “..[4]” and immediately in front is “..[5]“, and under the front of the boat is NETERU H’EPT.[6]
[1]- | they are either two sekhem- or kherp-sceptres, |
[2]- | we skipped the terms as within brackets; but each |
[2,3,4,5]- | are parts of mutilated text above the boat, |
[6]- | as ‘\\the thing of the square (upon cube) / (for) the gods’, |
A] context:
….a tricky one; the only word we have is \\H’EPT,
the ‘magically-dangerous square on top of H-cube’, because
she is being divided into Dualism (the red NT-crown and white
The prow and stern of the FOURTH BOAT terminate in heads of uraei, each of which is turned towards the deity who is kneeling in the middle of the boat. In the centre kneels a woman without arms, and before and behind her stands a man [1], who is likewise without arms. The legend by the ear of corn in the front of the boat reads, “the boat which conveyeth Neper,”[2] and that by the ear in the stern, “collector of herbs and plants,”[3] The deity in the boat, or the boat itself perhaps, is called HEPT-MENA-F-TUA-UAA-F. [no] This boat is the boat of the god NEPER, [no] the god of grain, and a form of Osiris as the god of vegetation; it may be noted that its side has no utchat upon it.
[1]- | for reasons, as ‘two women without arms’ (willpower) |
[2]- | as ‘this (root) / (of) existence / divine corn / he / the thing to ferry over / (by) the boat / (of) hail’, |
[3]- | as ‘(unr.) / the blossoms to beget / for / to devise / the áat’, |
A] context:
– | the last fourth boat must be Eden’s eye – throne of Adamite [remaining few fragments in ceiling, which seem to be in a rather coherent lineup:] “(gap).the rudder [as the square on top of cube] (h’ept). [for?] (the boat) to arrive in port (mená). (for) hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; [by] the mountain. he. the boat. the original adamite soul. existence of speech (name). (gap). to bear up (remen). the pool of the mooring-place (mená). [of] great speech. of [=by]. the thing of great speech. to become the great pillar. (huge gap next).””(gap). great speech. the word to come., to become sekhem-power. [through] them (ad.souls). within.; [by] the word. [for] the divine corn (neper+). to become the great pillar. this. god., [and by] them (ad.souls). [by] decree by law. them (ad.souls). the boats. [of?] the adamite soul. [for] speech and nature.”(unsure,gap). the boat. [of] the foreign land. [for] very great eden speech. [by means of] descended-hebrew-H. of [=for]. to become speech and nature (kher)., to become (áu).(large gap).” “(gap; word to command). this (tn). field. [of] speech. [as] the rudder [square at top of cube] (h’ept). he. to make. [in order for by] them (ad.souls). to come the word. (gap). [of] adam-within. [as] the words of adam-within. the boats (*thes-domes) (uáau). of [=by]. he. to ferry-over. these. (to become) speeches. [of] existence. (next unsure,few glyphs till end).” |
– | following the logic, that each of the deities standing in the stern of Rã’s boat depict each one of the four boats in front, then this fourth boat is related to Isis and Nebh’et, |
– | each boat is about ‘a stretched-out spacetime’, depicted in the heads of the boat; here, the uraei are like the double-uraei in every corner of the book of gates – and feminine – |
– | Isis, ruling the throne of adamite, and Nebh’et, the chalice, can be very well the two females standing on both sides of the ‘helpless’ eden eye – since she has no arms, and kneels, in a pose we have not seen yet – showing eden eye is divided in two, represented by Isis, ÁST, and Nebh’et; |
B] suggesting:
…the throne of adamite should be on top of the mountain, per diagram; it should exist out of three aspects, “containing forests, seas and mankind, and the garden of righteousness”, so Henoch tells;
we could imagine, they made a copied place *right above it*, and from thére started the division in two:
– | this place going under several names, ÁST, Isis, KHESEM shrine of Menu, perhaps also MENÁ, also Menu and used in fragment above; |
– | the ceiling at the lizard-boat is empty but on three glyphs, “the boats. eden realm. to revolve”; which reminds us of a CT saying “the KHESEM shrine to revolve”; where the glyph KHES is the revolving ‘spindle’ |
– | KHEMt cluster is “three”, |
– | KHEsEM, added-s, listed as KHEM-shrine of MENU, and see KHES, above, |
– | MENU, the ithyphallic deity, is also related to ‘three’, see next, |
– | áMEN serpent in next hour being MENU, with three heads; |
– | MENÁ, inversal, ‘mooring-post’, ‘to die, funeral, etc’, as ‘the branch/finger/stake to tie the (torus) boat to’; MENÄ also has the sloughi-dog, used in describing the top of the cube as dome – in SETCHER, ‘dome to sleep to death’, |
B] mountain of Zion, mountain of Sion [Hermon],
….so close are the Mimicks, that we need to distinguish,
1] the mountain of Zion, God’s place,
צֻ דַ ת mtzdth fastness-of צִ יּ ן tziun Zion הִ יא eia she
2] the mountain Sion, as Hermon, where the Watchers came down,
מֵ עֲרֹ עֵר 48:4 m·oror from·Aroer אֲשֶׁ ר ashr which עַ ל ol on ־ – שְׂ פַ ת shphth ridge-of ־ – נַחַ ל nchl watercourse-of אַ רְ נֹ ן arnn Arnon וְ עַ ד u·od and·as-far-as ־ – הַ ר er mountain-of שִׂ יאֹ ן shian Siyon הוּא eua he חֶ רְ מ ן chrmun Hermon::
From Aroer, which [is] by the bank of the river Arnon, even unto mount Sion, which [is] Hermon
[will be updated]
Label: Philadelphia Intl Records
that is what we desire:
and btw – the good tunes are ours.