BD 186

justice (maãt). flies up. [by] the firedrill-boat (tcha uáa, unclear still). speech. something of great speech (? URT, see note). the neshemt-boat (capturing speech, unclear where). speech. to make. his (set; hebrew-H aspect). cooled-down Dew? (qebh'ita, comp.word, dew = eden's). existence. ferrying from innermost sacred place (khennu). of [=by]. justice (maãt). to make. existence. the peace (h'etep,saturn). throne of adamite soul (north vesica). [for] millions [of spirits] (h'eh'u, not 'eternities'). existence. the boat (uáa). of [=by]. the anunna-face/face. beautiful (nefert). his. forepart,front [body] (h'at, beautiful-he-the-forepart). [of] adam-within. Rã (rã glyph). the Eye. the foreign land of holyness (tchesert). the land. everything/masterholder (nebt). the foreign land of feminine great speech (URT,see above). [of] adam-within. Áment (the West). everything,masterholder. the house of Horus [of saturn] (het'heru).