Many people cherish the False conclusion of “because hieroglyphs were written befóre (the originals of) scripture, therefore scripture is some Offshoot of ancient egypt “: Nothing could be further from the truth – because “timeframes” are irrelevant here;…the spells themsélves start by the Fall of Eden [see introduction page], and therefore only their content matters: not the era they was written in;


Introduction to reading PT Texts

note: most PT are stanza-like, have a certain rythm, but it is not always clear when a sentence stops, because they did not use any interpunction, whatsoever. One must look for ‘stop-words’, but also that is not always clear to find. The problem here is that it is not the same to read “Tom stayed a week in the hospital with an infection “, or ” because of the hospital’s poor hygiene, Tom stayed a week in the hospital with an infection “; here, cause and reaction have quite different colours. Therefore, parts in a spell occasionally may remain open to this change of colours;
– apart from the main four points of reading, described in the introduction page, the often large difference in translation is also due to the choice of a certain word: the glyph itself may have three or four versions, written the same, but the determination-glyph at the end decides which word the scribe had in mind – it is fair to say, that in the nowadays used translations of PT, frightenly often the transltor ‘ seems to have just randomly picked a version of a glyph ‘….
Concerning the general themes list, below: please keep in mind that most spells contain more then one Theme, due to their nature of connecting different aspects;
for the most important lines of every spell see "spell quotes"
example of transcription from the original in the Berlin museum
To show you how a spell looks, after having located every glyph and it’s right meaning [and below shown from right-to-left], as the rough material to form [somewhat] comprehensible sentences from, here as example the short PT 236:

throne [get] his
grain [soul,saturn] injury, wound
staff [tá] pavement, grain,a cry, flower, palm [bá] tá

copulate, husband[H] beb [deep place?] thou
to recite;

….you will see that “thou this name” is a common expression [ where we would just say “your name” ]; but that the context of the words is not always easy to discover. The context requires as less ‘bending’ possible; therefore the final text is often archaic, sometimes plain Unclear, but either way, we chose to not simplify it;

Read PT texts by theme: