BD 63 E

the adamite soul. within. existence. the manifestation (pert). this [your] (connect to). the way (axis, Watercourse). backwards 9sa). of [=by]. to travel (shas, soul/new sh-pool). of [=by]. to force his-self (tchesef). 4] to mutilate (h'esq,saturn). to come to beautified-soul the willpower like [adam] (mãá+walk, comp. glyph). the cat (miáu, skin-alike-Adam). the adamite soul. the prisonhouse of the foremost-adam (khent+foremost). the god Khenem ('to unite,to build'). divine light of spirits. of [=by]. existence. to sink down [to north!] (h'eft, saturn). his. existence. the flame (ãug, willpower+giants). lacking. the flames (asebi, inversion of BES?). 3] the SH-pool-land (south). speech. Osiris. to emanate [the word from the evil mountain] (God's, ret'u). the support to rise (uthes,related to ad.soul split in 4). the olden gods. to ferry [existence] (khenn). it. within. Rã (rã glyph). to ferry the word inside (khennu). to become equipped (ãper). this (root). the voice from below of Saturn's pool-land (composite glyph, sh pool?). I,me. the true voice [from below]. [as] the primeval child. (etc)., to recite.:
the dimension (glyph). of [=by]. the burning sting (ubt', word+solarplane). to complete. existence (matrix). [by] the mouth (north, speaking creation).  
— end BD 63