CT 123

CT 123 II 146

e] Geb (land upon cube). [by means of] the covering at place-T to open [eden-root] (upt+).,
[in order] of [=for]. the word of (eden-) speech to manifest (perru).;

d] [through] these (ápu). four. gods.,
[as] existence (matrix). [by] the four of the word for the word-inside of the hand of he-eden (ft’nuu+). of [=for]. to purify., [by which] I am.;
—- [by] the four of the word for the word-inside of the hand of he-eden (ft’nuu+). of [=for]. my. existence. [as] advanced b-soul.; —-

c] [by] he. the (original) adamite-throne. of [=for]. the most-beautified-soul-adam-like high place [at q-axis]..
[as] my. existence (matrix). [by] to build the hand of he-eden for saturn-wick-H’ (h’ft’+).;

—— end CT 123

A] notes:
  • – line d] these four gods,
    it does not say who these four are, textglyph column D lower glyph,
    we think rather the 4 H’eh’u (see CT80 range) as the four horus sons;
    second version we added between —–,
  • – line c] high place,
    either most-b-soul-adam-like (double reed in column A) glued to QA,
    or “by. the most-b-soul-adam (himself). [at] the high place. [for] my.
    existence. the hand to build (by m-b-s)”,
    because context is very possible that they indeed spelled him to build it,