BD 66

the god Nu [ the divine dimension of the word-inside]. [of] adam-within. his, he (the). boat (uáa). the front, forepart [of the body?] (h’at). of [=by]. Rã (rã glyph). the thing opened (upt). of [=by]. existence. to hover over,coming to rest (khen). the wing, flying up (paa). 4] the divine axis, Watercourse (eden’s axis). i,me. Horus. of [=by]. the manifestation (pert). the cobra goddess of the uatch-sceptre [crytalline]. i,me. Horus. Eye. of [=by]. to manifest (per).

3] the divine axis, Watercourse. i, me. Neith (ntt). existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;

I, me. to birth (mes). divine sekhet-power. existence for the beautified-soul.;
i, me. 2] the pregnant goddess of the great speech of the Heir (see note).;
I. know (rekh). [how] became (áu). the tooth of willpower like [adam]. to design (sesh). the existence for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).: [as] the light. of [=by]. the manifestation (pert).;