TUAT VIII – upper register

pic credit vanosta.be

In the upper register are five Circles of the Tuat, and a door, which may be thus described:–
1. This Circle, which is called SESHETA, is entered through a door with the name of TES-NEB-TERER….., and in it are seated:–
door name: T’ERR NEB T’ES neb t’es,
[lost] to erase eden speech / by all of / the flint-knife”,

1. The image of TEM, wearing the White Crown.   Tem is (*pic,áten),
2. The image of KHEPERA.   = transformation
3. The image of SHU   = pillar + an-face (*pic)

Each of these is seated upon an instrument for weaving. The text reads: “Those who are in this picture are [seated] on their instruments for weaving [after the manner] of Horus, the heir, the youthful one. This god crieth out to their souls after he hath entered into this City of the gods who are on their sand, and there are heard the voices of [those who are] shut in this Circle which are like [the hum] of many bees of honey when their souls cry out to Ra, The name of this Circle is SESHETA.”


“this. qerrt circle [eden speech rr]. [for] existence. [in] the name [of].: “the house. to open the land (south) [or:’to make the turtle’]., [for] the light (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix). [of] the mountain (*pic).; [by means of] them (ad.souls). [for] the Ba-solarplane spirits. [as] the things of the Wasp (khabtu). [for] the many. wasps. [to have] he (the). willpower. alike-adam (miá).;

this. qerrt circle. of [=by]. to seal up (?,khetem). the voice [from below] (kher). to listen to.,
[as] the word. [of] hail (to become,áu).; [by] thém (ad.souls). [is] the dome of sand (tuat V)., [for] the gods. who are. [in] this. place., of [=by] (means of). he. to enter (ãq). the staff, branch (glyph). [of] their (ad.souls). existence (eden’s)., [from?] he (the). mountain (t’u). this. god.; [fór] the speech of the soulpool (‘diminished speech’, sher). [through?] the willpower of the Heir [imprisoned ad. originals]. [in?] the Watercourse [eden axis]. [of] existence (eden’s)., [and by] them (ad.souls). [are] the weaving poles (see pic). [for] the [an-] face (áten?). [of] these. designs,nature,etc (sekheru). [because] of [=by]. them (ad.souls)., existence to become new.”;

A] context:

– the upper register represents the things for the Torus; as the three deities do;
– they “sit upon the poles”, meaning they are béing created; fróm the ‘sand’,
that is the crystalmatter of Saturn (perhaps mixed here with eden aspects),
– it seems that the staff, representing the river flowing down from the mountain,
is now inversed, in order to become the pillar [the deities represent],

B] notes:

…..still tricky paragraph; since it’s upper register, they weave for the Áten disk?

2. This Circle, which is called TUAT, is entered through a door with the name of TES-AHA-TATHENEN, “divine existence, through existence (eden’s) to connect to the land of olden (ta-th-n-n) / to stand upright / (by) the flint-knife”, and in it are seated

1. The image of TEFNET,   Tefnet / to guide;
2. The image of GEB.   Geb / to guide
3. The image of NUT.   Nut / to guide

Each of these is seated upon an instrument for weaving. The text reads:
“Those who are in this picture are [seated] upon their instruments for weaving, which are set firmly on their sand, according to the mystery which Horus made. This god crieth out to their souls in whatsoever regions they are, and there are heard the voices of [those who are] shut in this Circle which are like the sound of the swathed ones [when] their souls cry out to Ra. The name of this Circle is TUAT.”


” this. qerrt circle. [for] existence (matrix). [in] name [of].: the star. [for] divine light of willpower of speech [rã]. [for] existence (matrix)., to become the word of the mountain (t’uu).; [by?] them (ad.souls). [fór] the ba-spirit-souls. [through] the weaving pole (pic). of [=by]. the willpower. [of] the word of the voice [from below] (kheru). alike-adam (miá).;
[in] this. qerrt circle. of [=for?]. to seal up (?,khetem). the word of voice [from below] (kheru). [as] the word to listen to., to become (áu). [by] them (ad.souls). the words for hebrew-H to descend (Hau). [as?] speech. [of] them (ad.souls). [fór] the ba-spirit-souls. [of] existence (matrix). [of] he (the). mountain (t’u). this. god.; [by means of] the Watercourse [eden axis]. [for] existence (matrix). to make. to open the land [south] (sesh-ta).; [and] of [=by]. them (ad.souls). the sand (shã). [for] the [an-] face (white hole). to become stable (men).;
[by] them (ad.souls). [is] the weaving pole. [for] the face (áten?). [of] this. designs,nature,etc (sekheru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new.”;

A] context:

– they have the mountain back by their ‘star’, as the place of GEB, earth-god below,
fór Nut, the torus dome [second step, after the pillar in 1],
– also these constructs are being made now,

B] notes:

…. the name is likely “the star”, star+t, not ‘tuat’,

3. This Circle, which is called AS-NETERU, is entered through a door with the name of TES-AKHEM-BAIU, “the ba spirit-souls’/ divine image / (by) the flint-knife”, and in it are seated:-
door: BAU ÃKHEM T’ES, “the Ba-spirits / divine images / by the flint-knife”;

1. The image of OSIRIS.   ÁSÁR, “Osiris / to become to lead “
2. The image of ISIS   “Isis / to become to lead”
3. The image of HORUS,   “Horus / to become to lead”

Each of these is seated as before. The text reads:
“Those who are in this picture are [seated] upon their instruments for weaving, which are set firmly on their sand, according to the mystery which Horns made. This god crieth out to their souls in whatsoever regions they are, and there is heard the sound of the voices of [those who are] shut in this Circle, which is like unto the sound of men who lament when their souls cry out to Ra. The name of this Circle is AS-NETERU.”


“this. qerrt circle. [for] existence. [in] name [of].: the gods’. Workplace (ás). [for] the divine light of willpower of speech [rã]. [for] existence (matrix). [of] hail. [of] the mountain (*pic).; [through] them (ad.souls). [for] the ba-spirit-souls. [using?] them (ad.souls). [for] the covering-garment of mourning (Osiris-class spirits; áakeb-ákhabu). [to] this. speech. the word of the voice [from below] (kheru). alike-adam (miá).;
[in] this. qerrt circle. of [=for]. to seal up (?,khetem). the word of the voice (kheru). to listen to., to become (áu). [by] the (words of) descended hebrew-H of speech (reHau)., [and by] them (ad.souls). [for] the ba-spirit-souls. [of] existence (matrix). [is] he (the). mountain (*pic). this. god.;
[by means of] the Watercourse [eden’s axis]. existence. to make. the land to open (sesh-ta). of [=by] (means of) them (ad.souls). the sand. [for] the [an-] face. to become stable (men).; [by] them (ad.souls). [is] the weaving pole. [for] the [an] face (áten?). [for] this. designs,nature,etc (sekheru).; [because] of [=by]. them (ad.souls). existence to become new.”;

A] context:

– also these three are being made;
viewed as the dimensional garment they get from the adamite soul for their
‘covering of mourning’; in order to live in the torus;
but since here the workplace is mentioned, these aspects may come from Cain,

4. This Circle, which is called AAKEBI, is entered through a door with the name of TES-SHETA-THEHEN-NETERU, “the gods / of crystalline-energy / for? / the turtle / (by) the flint-knife”,
and in it are seated:

1. The image of KA-AMENTET, bull-headed,   “the West / ka-spirit-double / to guide”
2. The image of BA-NETERU, ram-headed,   “the gods/ the Ba-spirit / to guide”
3. The image of REM-NETERU,   fish-headed, “the gods/ the fish-soul/ to guide”;

see note;
Each of these is seated as before. The text reads: “Those who are in this picture are [seated] upon their instruments for weaving, which are set firmly on their sand, according to the mystery which Horns made. This god crieth out to their souls in whatsoever regions they are, and there is heard the sound of the voices of those who are shut in this Circle, which is like unto the sounds of bulls and of other male animals when their souls cry out to Ra. The name of this Circle is AAKEBI.”


“this. qerrt cave. [for] existence (matrix). [in] name [of].: the house of m-b-soul-adam-like covering of mourning (osiris-class spirits;áakebi-akhabiu). [as] the divine light of willpower of speech [rã]. [for] existence (matrix). [of] hail. [of] the mountain (*pic).; [by means of] them (ad.souls). [fór] the Ba-spiritsouls. the virility (bah’u). [of] the physical phallus (bah’). [as?] the Ka-spirit-double. [for] existence (eden’s). to become within (ám+scroll). existence (matrix). the word of voice. alike-adam (miá).;

“this, qerrt circle. of [by]. to seal up (?,khetem). the voice [from below]. the thing to listen to.; to become (áu). [by] them (ad souls). the words of descended hebrew-H (Hau). [as?] the speech. [by] them (ad.souls). [for] the ba-spirit-souls. [of] existence (matrix). [is] he (the). mountain (*pic). this. god.; [by means of] the Watercourse [eden’s axis]. existence. to make. the land to open (sesh-ta). of [=by] (means of) them (ad.souls). the sand. [for] the [an-] face. to become stable (men).; [by] them (ad.souls). [is] the weaving pole. [for] the [an] face (áten?). [for] this. designs,nature,etc (sekheru).; [because] of [=by]. them (ad.souls). existence to become new.”;

A] context:

– difficult; it appears that these three types of artificial-souls, essences, receive here
the mixed garment-body, which the three in the 3d circle just acquired; since here this
covering includes m-b-soul-adam-like, as garment of willpower;
– the term Bah’bah’ we found in another spell also, but is linked to eden-within here;

5. This Circle, which is called NEBT-SEMU-NIFU, is entered through a door having the name of TENS-SMA-KEK\\U, “the word of darkness / (for) to unite / (by) the flint-knife “,
and in it are seated:
1. The image of KHATRI, ichneumon-headed,
2. The image of AFFI, animal-headed,
3 The image of ARI-ANB-FI, cynocephalus-headed. baboon-fish types
Each of these gods is seated as before. The text reads: “Those who are in this picture are [seated] upon their instruments for weaving, which are set firmly on their sand, according to the mystery which Horus made. This god crieth out to their souls in whatsoever regions they are, and there is heard the sound of the voices of those who are shut ill this Circle, which is like unto the sound of those who make supplication through terror when their souls cry out to Ra. The name of this Circle is “NEBT-SEMU-NIFU.”


“this. qerrt circle. existence. name [of].: the words of breath-air. to guide.
[by] willpower of speech. to become to guide. [for] every (=neb). light (eden’s). [for] hail. [of] he (the). mountain (*pic).; [by] them (ad.souls). [is] the willpower of speech. [for] thou. Ba spirit-souls;
[by means of] he (eden eye). to paralyze wih fear (nesh\\). [for] the great pillar. [as] the word of Saturn. [for] existence (matrix). [as] the word of voice. alike-adam (miá).;

“this, qerrt circle. of [by]. to seal up (?,khetem). the voice [from below]. the thing to listen to.; to become (áu). [by] them (ad souls). the words of descended hebrew-H (Hau). [as?] the speech. [by] them (ad.souls). [for] the ba-spirit-souls. [of] existence (matrix). [is] he (the). mountain (*pic). this. god.; [by means of] the Watercourse [eden’s axis]. existence. to make. the land to open (sesh-ta). of [=by] (means of) them (ad.souls). the sand. [for] the [an-] face. to become stable (men).; [by] them (ad.souls). [is] the weaving pole. [for] the [an] face (áten?). [for] this. designs,nature,etc (sekheru).; [because] of [=by]. them (ad.souls). existence to become new.”;

A] context:

– after the coverings themselves, then the coverings for the artificial-souls,
now the physical constructs (apes) are adressed; eden’s light needs to be
changed into the words of the pillar for manifestation of those bodies;

6. An open door, called TES-KHAIBITU-SBAU, beyond which is a goddess.
“the SBA-stargates / (for?) the shadows-energyfields / (by) the flint-knife “,
beyond which is a goddess.
“hail for beautified-soul / (by) he/ the speech and nature”;

A] context:

– the first door was “to erase eden speech”, and the goddess (= a construct)
leaves this last door as “speech and nature of the kh-house” (kher);
– the Sba-gates are a problem,still: Henoch tells there are “three windows
in the north [of the cube], for evil and gentle winds”: but we still need to
get a better idea of their concept;


– there is still a text in the ceiling of the upper register,
which is definitely not the ‘introduction’ Budge used – and preceding the middle register –


“to sacrifice (maã). [..lost..]. to become the Shes-garment-body. [as] the thing. [by] the great pillar. the thing to stand upright. [for] the speech. [of] the land [south]., [by means of] he. to destroy the Root (t’erpt). to become the word of the turtle (*pic,thes-dome;sh-tau). [bý] the SBA-stargates. [for] the anunna-face (white hole). he. to come (walk-glyph). he (the) the adamite soul’s. light (eden’s). [as] the thing. nót.;
the land. of [=for]. the weaving pole (pic). [by] speech. of [=by]. their (ad.souls). names. [!]., [so that] of [=by]. he [aspect of hebrew-H] (set). to become the speech and nature (of KH-house) (kher). [in order] to become (áu). the tuathouse (*pic,yellow cube). of [=by]. to hide (ámen). the house of Fat [adam’s aspects] (*pic,thes-dome; ãt). \\ the thing to fill [the north] (meh’t). [..lost..]. this. to guide. alike-adam (miá). existence. the Eye (eden’s).; to become the Tuathouse. [of] the words of adam-within., [by means of] the gods. to tow, to haul. of. he. the thing of the boat. [of?] their (ad.souls). [an-] face (eden’s). [to?] the great pillar. [this]. god. [in order for] to wander the double root of willpower [eden’s]. [to] the West. which is………………………………………..”,

– which makes us very angry:
since the plate ended – and the text MUST continue: but DOES NOT!

[skipped our addition from original draft]



amTuat— eighth hour links:

middle register: thes-dome or boat of Rã stream
upper register: the realm above the thes-dome
lower register: inside top of cube