CT 126

CT 126 II

b] [by] the divine axis place-T of eden-willpower to sacrifice (maãt,’justice’).,
[in order for] the seven [of eden] (islands) to un-tie (sfkh+). the head (main-seven to un-tie).,
of [=by]. +

a] the divine axis place-T of eden-willpower to sacrifice (maãt,’justice’). [for] the cord (of the seven) to un-tie (sfkh+). [which] I am.;

———- end CT 126

A] notes:
  • – line b] seven to un-tie,
    in column B, coffin G2T, is the SFKH shown with 7 stoplines, but added is the “festival-glyph”, turning this event in a feastday; however it can be a (bit distorted) version of the glyph ‘island’, also; we have no comparison yet of which idea was intended.
  • In Revelation is “who holds the 7 stars and lampstands”,
    so the seven mentioned here must be related; we think it are ‘seven regions’ (islands), depicted as ‘7 utcha-eyes’ in a CT spell in the 150 range, yet more often described as ‘cows’, which are then ‘doubled’ by the Ka-double-bull; making then a total of 14 ÁAT regions
  • – line a] cord,
    same SFKH as previous, but now shown with curled cord;
    context should tell it is the ‘cord of words’ per simple diagram,
  • # the P.Gardiner II shows somewhat different version,
    the divine axis place-T of eden-willpower to sacrifice (maãt,’justice’). [for] Osiris (as construct).,
    [as] the [an-] face. [by] place-T of the pyramid [for desired speech for the M-realm] (mert)., [through] the cord (of the seven) to un-tie., [which] I am.;
  • – place-T of the pyramid should be the new-hand,
    (since the MERT cluster also shows the Set-dog as ‘damned one’ listed),
    this line indicating that the cord has been inversed already towards north,