CT 677

CT 677 VI 304

o] [by] to die [eden] (mt)., to become stability (men+scroll). [for] to complete.,
n] [through] the head [eden’s]. to snatch-away (neh’em).;

m] [in order for] to die. he (matrix). having become the stability [of matrix] (men+scroll). nót.;
l] [but instead, by] the doubled-divine place-T of wick-H’ for speech (reh’t+).
he. to weep [expulse essence of the eye for matrix speech] (rem+). [as] the essence of he-eden for hail [flesh of Áf].;

k] [and] to die. [this N as]. the beautified-soul by the hail of stability. nót.;
j] [but instead, by] the doubled-divine place-T of wick-H’ for speech (reh’t+). [for] he. the existence (matrix).,
[as] existence. [by] the essence of the eye [by place-T alike-adam for speech] (remmt+) [Tao field].,

i] the divine he place-T. the head (main-place-T). of [=for]. sekhem-power.,
the word. to make to be feared (via ad.soul). [of] hail.,
[as] the vulture-rule (a). [by] he (f). the spirits-light by the sh-pool for great speech (ursh+).;

h] he. the dimensional side (ges). [of] the [an-] face (eden’s). to fall-down [to north] (kher).,
[as] he the root [eden’s] (pf). [for] divine great speech., of [=as]. [this N’s.]. existence. [by means of] the dome to sleep.;

—- end CT 677