CT 183

CT 183

CT 183

j] to make the (magically-dangerous) wheel the (new) root (via ad.soul) (sep; note). \\[for] the word for the word-inside to copy.; [in order] of [=for]. (m-b-soul-adam-like) to make. to make speech and nature (sekher). [for] existence (matrix)., [through] the opened word-inside. alike adam’s (mm,weak form).;

i] [by] the aspects offered in sekhet h’etep. of [=for]. to make speech and nature (skht). [as] the doorkeeper. h] [for] the house of Saturn for the great pillar., of [=as?]. the divine place-T of all. [namely?] the workplace (ás). [which] I am, [of] ‘reality’(nntt).;

g] [in order for] the divine bulls of place-T of great speech (=Õn) the dimension north to fill (as meh’t-urt+). which is. the foremost. [of] divine existence of speech (‘name’)., [as] the speech. to be renewed constantly [by hebrew-H!] (uHem)., [by means of] existence (matrix). to become willpower (scroll+ã+stopline). [as] the speech. the aspects. place-T to doorkeep (ár-t). [as] my. aspects. [in order for] the word to stand upright (likely).;
f] to become. [by] the aspects offered in h’etep. [for] the divine design (seh+). [of!] the divine Ka spirit-double.;
[as] speech for the an-face. existence. to become willpower. [as] the speech. my. aspects. [for] place-T of the word of totality [torso] (144,000). [of] the word of hail.;

e] Geb (south). speech and nature. [by] the land (eden,south). speech. [as] the doubled [island] (places-T);
d] the completed divine light in place-T of hail (Atum-rã). [of] speech and nature. [by] the sky of earth. speech. [as] three. islands [places-T for kh-house] (note).;
c] the house of Saturn for the great pillar. of [=as]. six. islands [of doubled-T of the soulpool of hail] (note)., [through] the divine all [of]. b] the son-construct being the H’urr [serpent] (note). [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [which] I am (=hail).; to recite.;

a] the place of Õn [word-inside of hail]. of [=by]. the aspects. [as] place-T to give. speech.;

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