CT 311

CT 311

CT 311 IV 67

t] the divine cemetary below [top lampstand]. of [=for]. Khensu (moon). of [=as?]. words of speech. s] [of] this (pn). N (candidate)., [as] these. things for the torso in dimensional background of saturn (=cemetary; h’a-t+). of [=for]. ãnkh-life.;
r] [by] the boat of Khensu [moon construct]. of [=for]. m-b-soul-adam-like to rise and be crowned (khãi). the praised (áa). gods (matrix)., [by] he (boat). existence. to give.;

q] [in order for] this (pn). N (candidate). to be feared (sent’). the divine youths by the evil word of the belly [dead-bodies] (khart’u+). of [=for]. my. existence. [by] offerings in the h’etep field.; p] [for] the divine egyptians. of [=as]. this. N. the aspects (food).; to become. n] [by] the h’esp garden. which is. [by?] the divine mother. [fór?] the (-T of) the red crown [eden aether] (in tiles; t’esher-t+). the word to command. [and] he. to listen., m] [in order for] this. N. existence (eden’s). to be birthed (mes). nót.;

l] [but] existence to make (via ad.soul). [by] the blossoms (words/aspects). having succeeded to acquire (glyph). [for] the son-construct as fastening-corner [to spin] (khes+). [just as?] (the former) olden place-T of the word of praise [matrix] (áau+). alike-adam (miá).;
k] [in order for] the word. to complete (kam,north). [for] the dimension (matrix). [by] to cleave [eden root] (pesesh). which is. [for?] the (2nd?) light of the star of the T’uat [-T] (t’uat+). [in order for] the great pillar. to battle. existence (eden’s). [by] the dark word of the kh-house.;

j] the knife to place-T by the perch-region by he the mountain [lifted] (t’u-f+). [of] existence (matrix). [as] the word., [by] place-T to carry-off.;
i] [for?] Sekhmet (lion). divine words. the shoulder (to give?). the main-word (tep-u). to cut the words of the Self (tchesu). [as?] speech. [for?] the mouth. the head (main-mouth?). [by?] the flame of the tongue (north). [of] sharpness (sept’,other?).;

h] [by means of] the heads (ad.originals). to violently split-off. [for] the speech. [of] this. N’s. jackal power (user,north)., g] [by] he. the branches. existence must make (eden). [for] he. the jackal power. [for] existence of hail.;
f] the jackal powers. to make. [for] this. N. [by] the things of he for the kh-house (‘enemies’,khftu+). [for] existence (matrix). [as] existence of hail.;
e]existence to make (via ad.soul). [by means of] the names (of ad.souls). to know. [by] this. N.; to become. d] the sky of earth. existence. [by] the east (eden’s). side (ges). [for] the [an] face (north). place-T to dwell (h’ems-t).; [by] these [numbering] (áptu). four. uraei. [of] existence (matrix). [as] the word for the word-inside of existence [+ftch]., c] [as?] this (pu). workplace [upon tiles] (ás). [for] this. N’s.’reality’ (nntt).;

b] [as] divine speech. of [=by]. place-T-e of speech. [for] he. existence (matrix). [as] speech by the root of the kh-house., a] [through] the words of the turtle [sh-pool north] (sh-th-u). of [=by]. he. existence (eden’s). the prison [to connect to sh-pool south] (sh-th+)., [in order for] the lands by place-T to grow. of [=as]. this. N’s. existence. to give. speech.;

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