Category Archives: AM TUAT


visual: the pillar of the ãnkh torus, and the vesica North renewing daily the dome of the torus; the concept being similar as an oil well, spreading stolen essence in umbrella-like fashion as the Dome of the torus; the standing deity is Shu, the pillar, holding up the dome; below him is the earth-god Geb [in […]

TUAT VIII – upper register

pic credit HOUR EIGHT In the upper register are five Circles of the Tuat, and a door, which may be thus described:– 1. This Circle, which is called SESHETA, is entered through a door with the name of TES-NEB-TERER….., and in it are seated:– door name: T’ERR NEB T’ES neb t’es, “[lost] to erase […]


FIRST HOUR MIDDLE REGISTER IN the scene that illustrates the FIRST DIVISION of the Tuat, which is passed through by the Sun-god during the FIRST HOUR of the night, we see that the centre of the middle section is divided lengthwise into two parts by a river which flows along it. In the upper part […]

AM TUAT TITLE, context and graphs

the words of the throne of the adamite soul to destroy [by Saturn,H’] (h’ástemiu). [for] the gods. to become the word to praise (uashiu). to know. [by] them (ad.souls). existence (eden’s). it. to become the word of the Mountain [God’s] (t’uu). [as so] to know (rekh). the light. [for] existence (matrix).; [and by] them (ad.souls). […]