Tag Archives: pillar

CT 581 VI 196

VI 198 x] the divine son. [of] the word of the square,rudder [top cube] (h’ep)., of [=as]. the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., [by] thou. to exalt hail (?). [and] the beautified-soul. [by] thou. to rise and be crowned (khã).; w] [by means of] the divine staff of rule for tillage but now of Saturn [adam’s] (h’en […]

CT 610 VI 224

u] this. setcht-flame (in torso). of [=for]. manifestation (pert).;t] the yoke for eternity [by Saturn]. [by] the divine all [of]. ãnkh-life. [for] this. N's. existence., to say. nót.;s] this. N (candidate). whose. body (khat). of [=as]. the characteristic (sep). to become (áu). he (the). [physical] backbone [of prisoner Cain] (bqsu). [for] this. N's. existence., [in […]


[by means of] the adamite soul. withín., to become a spirit. [of] the West.; [by] death (a.soul)., to complete. the land. the head (main-land).; to become (by) to found. the great pillar. [of] the thing of adam-within. [for] the speech. [of] the land. [in order for] it. to become united [by copulation] (sma)., [by] the […]

CT 610

VI 224 u] this. setcht-flame [in the eye]. of [=for]. manifestation [in north] (pert).;t] [but] to yoke for eternity [by Saturn]. [by] the divine all [of]. ãnkh-life. [for] this. N. [is by] existence (eden's)., to say. nót.;s] this. N (candidate). whose. body (khat). [is] of [=by]. the treshfloor [south] (sep)., to become (áu). [bý] he […]

AM TUAT TITLE, context and graphs

the words of the throne of the adamite soul to destroy [by Saturn,H’] (h’ástemiu). [for] the gods. to become the word to praise (uashiu). to know. [by] them (ad.souls). existence (eden’s). it. to become the word of the Mountain [God’s] (t’uu). [as so] to know (rekh). the light. [for] existence (matrix).; [and by] them (ad.souls). […]

CT 117

II139 b]  the adamite soul's. speech in the anunna-face (vesica north). [for] the gods. [by] existence (matrix). to guide., [by] the justice,truth. [in] he (the). Torso (Eye,south). [of] the things of the way [Watercourse,eden axis]. [for] the speech. [of] the anunna-face.;  (aspects of the Watercourse are burned in the torso, then sent up as speech […]

CT 116

II137h] (the shoulder – axis).  to sacrifice (maã). [of] his. existence (eden's). [in] the Eye (south). [for] the anunna-face (vesica north)., [for] every. god's. existence (matrix). [of] peace (h'etep,saturn).;g] the words. [of] the vulture ['victory over the mother' – Eve] (nermut). [as] all [of]. the "one" [is same Eye here!] (see note). f] [for] this. […]

CT 106

similar theme as 103,105,etc II117 n] the gods of great speech. to destroy (khemm). within. sekhem-power. the willpower -. within. the Birth-sceptre [ames] (see note)., m] the divine five [5]. [of?] the divine father (tef). Geb [earthgod,south]. support [rising up] (uthes)., l] bearing up (fa). to invade hebrew-H. [and] to defacate (fgn). the branch. the […]

CT 759

difficult but very, very useful!see notes — VI389 u] the shoulder [axis]. [for] ãnkh-life. nebrtcher god [boundary of master-holder]. [lost; 'existence'?]. I. to be repulsed (khesef). nót.;this (connect to). existence. [to] me. to force speech. nót.; t] my. reward. [is] my. event (sep/other?). of [=by,for]. this (conn.to). ãnkh-life. [for] my. peace (h'etep,saturn).; r] the truth […]

CT 760

remark – it is sad we can't yet get this important spell in a better context,though partly our attempt succeeded – see last part of text –  and please see notes, below, o] the shoulder [axis,Watercourse]. [for] eternity (h'eh',saturn). backwards (sa)., [for] eternity. of [=by]. these. SBA-stargates. [as] the thing to guard (saaat). the divine […]

CT 681

VI308 j] [for] N (candidate). [by] the prisoner (su;Cain). existence (matrix). [is by] the hidden root of Saturn [buttocks] (peh’).; apep [repres.God]. i] [by] justice (maãt). cord the word to fetter (qasu). to grown saturn’s light (h’etch+rut’). [of] speech.; h] [for] this. N. [by] the prisoner. existence (matrix). to come as hidden root of saturn […]

CT 1001

VII219 the gods’. mouth (north). the hidden,mysterious (shetau). existence. b] [for] the aspects (food-glyph). to flood (bãh’, abundance, solarplane+saturn). the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [for] existence. [as] advanced beautified-soul.; a] the h’eb-festival of completion of the solarplane. the beautified soul. (blank). (blank) VII218 i] the sebeKHt-pylons. [for] the beautified-soul’s. existence. to open (un, to become new), […]

BD 67 I

the SH-pool-land (south vesica). [is] the island of foremost (?) products of Saturn (formost-glyph is unsure in text;  but context is that the SH-pool privide the products of saturn to work with). of [=by]. to rise and shine (uben). the shining backbone (pet’). [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; 5] the great pillar]. Rã […]

BD 181

BD 181 [short rubric skipped, start text:] [by] his. existence (eden’s)., existence (matrix). to stand upright (ãhã). [for] the land. to return (khet). he. to fear. the word of fear (sent’tu). [as] the most-b-soul-adam willpower of speech (ãri). the great [pillar]. [by] sekhem sceptres. it,he. to be victorious (nerr). 23] the pautu primeval gods. the […]

BD 153 A

his. willpower. of [=by]. the divine woman-prisoner (sut\\div.). Horus. the limit (tcher). existence. 35] Rà (rã glyph). his. divine father (átef, adam staff). his. existence. existence. the Eye. this your (connect to). the Maqt-ladders (vertical axis in ankh-torus). [to?] the anunna-face (vesica north). [for] the true voice. [of] primeval child. (etc).; Osiris. to manifest (per). […]

BD 151

Nebseni (this scribe). the scribe/the design (sesh, the latter). [of] the people by saturn's willpower over the root (comp.word). all [of]. Horus. the phallus [pillar]. the beauties (nefertu). [from] the way (axis, Watercourse). thou. carried-off (those beauties from the way). [to] the place of Õn (ruling Eye, south). [of] adam-within.;  [by?] the great speech. [of] […]

BD 19

[rubric] the treshfloor (of ad.originals,vesica Sep,south). existence. two/double island (?as in 20, but no land gl). true Shes-garment-body (as in 20?). of [=by]. this (root). willpower (ã). the pillar. to become the protection (mãkt). [as,for?] the double treshfloor (see above)., [as being] the star (tua). of [=by]. thou. anunna-face (vesica north). to say.: (….so the […]

BD 20

the KArá shrine (ka-double, same as 4 torches south?). protection in hidden background of saturn (h'a tep). Osiris. existence. this. to value (áp). [by?] this. divine judges (tchanutcha). [in,of?] the phallus (pillar). every. goddess (netert). [and] every. god. who are. the divine judges. the phallus.  [stop?] 10] his. enemies (kheftiu). speech. the true voice [from […]

BD 91

[rubric] the true Shes garment-body. go+come. of [=by]. east[ern]. existence. all,every. [star] gate (glyph, pylon?). anunna-face (north vesica). cord of father? (tef+u/cord?). to restrain, imprison [foremost adam] (khená). nót.; [?] the cemetary below. of [=by]. to become equipped (ãper). [by,as] the noble spirit. of [=by]. he,his. to transform (kheper). he. to become. this (root). mouth. […]

pt 422

764b] Forever. the pupil (tchet=?). existence. – thou. be destroyed (h'etem). nót.;  – thou. perishes (sek). nót.; 764a] the land. roof/shadow/head. [in] thou. name. of.: the aged spirits and gods (nekhkh). – the land. roof/shadow/head. [in] thou. name. of.: ãnkh-life.; 763d] their (ad.souls). "hearts"(hát ábu). [are] the speech. [of] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). – this. […]

PT 264

——- DRAFT —— last few lines poor —- 350c] the pillar (djedu). of. his. existence. [by] stability-of-adam-within (djed=pun). – [to?] the house of the horizon. of. his. existence. [as] áakhu-spirit.; 350b] The image. of. this. N. [by] the Workplace. [for] existence. dies. nót.; 350a] Osiris’. existence. [to] the prisoner. his (osiris). existence. to give. nót.; – the below. […]

PT 357

592c] thou. speech. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] Set's. existence. [in] the Eye. [is] the protection (netch). [of] Horus'. existence. [for] the beautified soul.; 592b] the westerner (horus-spirit). who is. in front of. existence. [in] this. thou. name. of.: – thou. speech (and nature, kher). [by] Horus'. Torso (eye, south). which is. before/in front of. + (next […]

PT 226

226b]  the divine light.[of] the word. connected to. Sight (maa). — [by] the upside-down (penã). h’efau-serpent (totality/of his/of Saturn)  + 226a] [is] the dimension. of [=by]. the shining backbone (pillar,pestch). [of] the majestic (h’em). defeated foe (kher).; 225c] to wriggle away (seben)., [then] to sleep to death (setcher). [of] the NÁU-serpent (Heir, see note)  — [for] thou. within. manifestation. — [and] thou. existence. of [=by]. willpower. [for] the beautified-soul’s (canaanite spirit). land.  ; 225b] the garden (h’esep!, vesica sep). of. manifesting. — the word [of] the tooth? (beh’, saturn+solarplane). — [?] Horus-calf (beh’en). encirceling (shen). + […]

PT 243

248b] the essence (spittle). he. connects to. the majesty (h’em). [of] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; – within. ultimate-speech (Urr). to be young. thou. beautified-soul.  – [by] the great pillar (ãnkh-pillar). [of] ultimate-speech (Urr). to be young. thou. beautified-soul.; 248a] thou. speech. [is] the speech. [of] the lion mouth (r,lion). – [by] the Staff (tá, adam rule). [in] […]

PT 355

574d] Osiris. [by] alike-Adam’s (miá). word. [is] connected to. the support (of the ãnkh, thes). standing upright., + (see note) 574c] [so that] the áakhu-spirits. like-adam (MM). [by] he (adam). within. thou., become new (un).; 574b] Great speech. [from] the áat (region). of [=by]. thou. willpower. battles. of.  – the land (eden?). of [=by]. thou. willpower. thou. give. […]