Tag Archives: Náu serpent

PT 230

234c] the chakra in the belly (south; beqsu,olive tree +su). [and] the anunna-face (vesica,north). Horus. existence. ties together (thes). + (next line) 234b] [for] Osiris'. existence. [by] the mouth (vesica, north). [of] adam-within.  — [for] the solarplane (ãb, see note). [as] the word. [for] existence. [by] the opened-word-inside. [as] the double-knot/chakra (thesu).  ; 234a] The scorpion (serqet/ãnkhet). [for] eden's realm […]

PT 226

226b]  the divine light.[of] the word. connected to. Sight (maa). — [by] the upside-down (penã). h’efau-serpent (totality/of his/of Saturn)  + 226a] [is] the dimension. of [=by]. the shining backbone (pillar,pestch). [of] the majestic (h’em). defeated foe (kher).; 225c] to wriggle away (seben)., [then] to sleep to death (setcher). [of] the NÁU-serpent (Heir, see note)  — [for] thou. within. manifestation. — [and] thou. existence. of [=by]. willpower. [for] the beautified-soul’s (canaanite spirit). land.  ; 225b] the garden (h’esep!, vesica sep). of. manifesting. — the word [of] the tooth? (beh’, saturn+solarplane). — [?] Horus-calf (beh’en). encirceling (shen). + […]

PT 229

  229c] to wriggle away (seben). the defeated foe (kher; foe is Náu serpent). [by] the beautified-soul (canaanite-spirit). + (next line)  229b] [in] the place. [of] the word inside becoming new (unnu, one word). of [=by?]. ferried. [by] the shepherd? (saat). [of] the adamite soul. — [for?] the ka-doubles. [of] the solarplane place (bu). [through] the hidden background of Saturn. the prisoner. […]

PT 240

245b] the wriggling away (seben). [of] the Háu-serpent (hebrew-H, see note)., offering to. the beautified-soul. – the land. [by?] branch (khet). (tanef+flesh=?).; 245a] The Háu-serpent. [in] his. thephet-shrine (south, cave of the head). [of] adam-within. [by using?] the Staff (tá, adam’s rule). [of] the adamite soul. to drag (into the cave?). – the Háu-serpent. his. foilage (covering; naut, see note). [of] adam-within. […]

PT 234

238c] the secondary (sennu). adamite soul.[by] the double-face. of. H’ekent (serpent, see note). [for] existence. [by] the tomb-of-treading-out? (h’em + pyramid). + 238b] [as] his. bush (naut, see note). [of] adam-within., thou. tie together.(thes). abóve (as speech/for the anunna-face). [by] the fallen-down hebrew-H. + 238a] [via] the cord. [of] his. father’s (át, south). speech. [tó] […]