CT 116

h] (the shoulder – axis).  to sacrifice (maã). [of] his. existence (eden's). [in] the Eye (south). [for] the anunna-face (vesica north)., [for] every. god's. existence (matrix). [of] peace (h'etep,saturn).;
g] the words. [of] the vulture ['victory over the mother' – Eve] (nermut). [as] all [of]. the "one" [is same Eye here!] (see note). f] [for] this. peace. [for] me.;
[by] his. crown of very great speech [Adam's] (urrt'). [is] the divine great speech. [for] the beautified-soul's (canaanite spirit). existence.; to make to pacify [it] (s-h'etep).  d] [by] (adamite) aspects as offering. to bring (án).;

c] his. cord [context:plumbline] (1x 'feather'= axis). to sacrifice. [for] the beautified-soul. existence., to make. b] the staves,stalks (matu). [for] the beautified-soul. extstence (matrix). to stand upright (ãhã).;
a] this. Hep plumbline [hebrew-H+root]. [for] the beautified-soul's. existence. to erase (t'er)., to come of [=by]. the stalks,staves. the word. [of] great spéech [instead].,
c] the words. to unite (sma). [as] the speech for the anunna-face (vesica north). ,
[by] his. breast [Eve-related] (mentch). [of] adam-within. , [for] the beautified-soul.;
b] the cemetary below. of [=for]. the adamite soul's. existence (eden's). [in] this. Workplace (ás)., [for] the blueprints to can build with (qet').;