title: complete chapter about the three northern Sba-stargates

*used terms:
1] petr(á): upper layer in cube, bordering their iron tcherru-sky,
2] double axis\\thing to sacrifice: the split in the root, to the mid-sba gate,


the goal (sep). [of] existence (matrix). [for] millions (of spirits). [by] to sacrifice [eden] (maã). [for] to become the garment. [of] Osiris. existence. to follow. of [=by]. he. existence to become new (matrix) (unn).;
[for] the kings of the north [horus spirits] (báttiu). [as] the kings of the south of the words of m-b-s-adam of set’s royal south (nesutiuu). [through] the willpower of saturn (h’enã)., of [=by] (means of). it. the one. to drag. 53] the word of hail (to become). the West (áment). existence., [by means of] every. Sba stargate. [for] the [an-] face (north). [for] he. the one. existence (matrix)., [and] to be driven back [by eden] (shenã). nót.;

[but] to become the great pillar. the god., which is. [by?] the altar-offering table [place of root P?] (khaut,balance). [of] the [an-] face (north). [as] the flesh of Áf [=’4′] (eden aspects). [of] existence (eden’s)., [for] the flesh of great speech (glyph). [by means of] the aspect to copy of the house (h+sen+). [by?] the vessel \\ of flint? (t’es\\). [through] the aspect of the adamite soul to encircle (shens+cake). [in order for] he. the existence (eden’s). the one. to give.; 52] to become (áu). he. [by] the olden ones the thing of m-b-soul-adam to encircle (shenit+). [through] the willpower of saturn (h’enã). [as] Set’s royal south (nesut). [for] existence (matrix). [in order for] the torso (centre). to become filled (meh’+scroll). [for] he. existence to become new (unn).;


51] existence. hen-ta-swallow. nót.;
[but] to become to flourish (uatch). he. the gods my children (mesu). to become to flourish. [as] he. existence to become new.; [by means of] he. the speech of an-face. [by] this (to conn to). the un-tied scroll [sky of cube] (metchat+). [in order for] speech to make. [for] existence of hail.; [as] he. the speech of an-face. [for] the goats of rule (heqtu+). [but to] the swine (shaá). to come the khent’-thigh (*pic,uãrt). nót.;
50] [the thigh,for] \\which is (=which is for). the cultivated fields (ah’tu,Saturn). of [=for]. to make the word of speech for the intestine [interior] (skharu=). [by means of] the lights \\of the foremost-adam to die (met+nose\\lights). [in order for] the dimension to purify (uãb+). [as] the daughter-lands (sat-u). [of] the [an-] face (north). to become the designs (seshu). of [=for].\\which is (=which is for). this. to guide. thou. existence., [namely by] the workplace. the blossoms of the word to make for the Sekht-field (s-sekhtemuu)., [through] the aspects (glyph,food). [as] the unguent to make speech to connect to existence as the god (senther+).; [by means of] the fowl (likely,glyph) (adamites). [of] he. existence (eden’s). to become the offering [split-off word] (ut’en). [as] the myrrh (ãntiu). of [=for]. the word to anoint with (urh’u,great speech/saturn).; [and by] the lights to die for the hand to birth (mest’emtu+) of [=for]. the sight of the word to listen. the doubled-sandal (solarplane) \\ the light [of saturn] of [=as]. to force the word of the Teb-sandal (tebu+). 48] [as] the garments (h’ebsu). of [=for]. the word to dress [in] (unkhu).; [and] to be clean (turá). [through] the dimension to purify., this. mouth (eden’s). the one. to say.:
the place of the double-axis \\ (by) the thing to sacrifice [mid-Sba-gate] (*pic, maãt\\2-feather+). which is. [for] this (to connect to). the broad house (*pic,yellow cube). of [=by] (means of). to transform (kheper). alike-adam (miá). the eye.


47]the word of true voice. of the noble primeval child. [etc]:
[by] the prisoner (su,Cain). \\he the voice. [of] the Utchat-eye (*pic)., of [=as]. the land (south). the head (main-land). the aspects for the word of voice. [for] speech. thou. existence. [as] one. to manifest (per).;
46] to become (áu). the Utchat-eye. of [=by]. thou. beer [aspects] (h’eqt).; to become. the utchat-eye. of [=by]. thou. food. [aspects].; to become (áu). [by means of] the staff of rule (tá). declaring [the adamite soul to make alike-adam] (smiá). the word to go connect to. thou willpower for (not ‘to protect’). thou speech of hail (árk).; [in order for] to come health. [for] this. Osiris., [as] this. m-b-soul-adam hurrying to [osiris] (+scroll).;
[by means of] the island [in watercourse?] (glyph). [for] the dimension of the m-b-soul-adam’s opened-up word-inside [top of cube]. of [=for]. he (the). house of speech (*pic,thes-dome). [of] the daughter-lands (satu+). [for] existence to become new (unn).;

the word of ãnkh-life. [by means of] the uraei. of [=as?]. the walled-fortress-lands (glyph,saatu?). [of?] the setcht flame [burning things of split-off watercourse]. [in order] of [=for]. the dome the thing of m-b-soul-adam to descend [hebrew-H] (Hait+dome). [to] existence (matrix). [which] I am.;
44] [and] to declare [the adamite soul to make alike-adam] (smiá). the willpower. of [=for]. existence (matrix). [through] the word (eden’s). to connect to. he the speech of hail (árf)., [and] me. to declare [etc]. [that by] them (ad.souls). the willpower alike-adam (mmã,weak form). [for] my word. [and as] existence’s (eden’s). nót.;
[by] them (ad.souls). [is] the mutilated eden light (‘day’, Hru). [of] the words of adam-within., which is.[by] the evil words of the thing (of female) to encircle (shenttuu,to shent’, acacia). of [=for]. mý. word of existence (matrix)., to be protected [by] (khu+scroll). the word of hail. [and so] the evil words by the word to protect (khuuu+swallow). of [=as]. I am.;
[by] the dimension to purify. [for] my. word of hail. [as] thou. things of speech and nature., [by means of] sight (petrá,sky of cube). the thing to declare [etc]. [namely] speech. by the split-off watercourse for the great pillar (glyph). 42] [for] existence (matrix). [in order] to come hail as advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).; [through] the willpower. [of] speech. [of] thou. existence. to come hail as advanced b-soul. [as] Thoth’s. existence of hail.;


to come hail as willpower by. this (pu). Thoth. [fór] the divine two lands [when matrix] (south). the word to equip (ãperu?).; [by] means of] the prisoner (su,Cain). his. speech. [of] sight (petr,sky). [for] the divine two lands. the word to equip (ãperu?). [for] existence (matrix). [by] the thing of the original adamite soul., [and] thou. to say.:
the divine he the timedimension \\ [of] adam-within (=matrix). the god., of [=as]. willpower (ã). of [=for]. existence (matrix). [of] he (the). speech of hail.; [by means of] the word (eden’s). to connect to. me., declaring [etc]. [that by] them (ad.souls). the willpower like adam (mmã,weak). [for] my word., [and as] existence (eden’s). nót.;
40] [by] them (ad.souls). [is] the mutilated eden light (‘day’ Hru). [of] the words of adam-within. which is. [by] the evil words of the thing (of female) to encircle (shenttuu). of [=for]. my word. [of] existence. to be protected by (khu+scroll). word of hail. [through] the evil words to protect. of [=as]. I am.; [by] the dimension to purify. [for] my 39] word of hail. [as] thou. things of speech and nature.; [by means of] sight (petr=sky cube). the thing to declare [etc]. [namely that by] the speech. [as] the watercourse for the pillar. [of] existence. to come hail as advanced beautified-soul.; [as] the willpower. of [=for]. speech. thou. existence. to come hail b-soul.;


[repeat line; to 38:]
thou. existence. [of] speech. [for] the bodies (khatu). [by means of] to come the finger of speech of willpower for the serpent (*pic,angle) (tchãr,’to investigate’). [for] the [physical] torso’s. 37][of] intuition (saá). [as] my. existence of speech., [by] thou. existence. to say. the workplace. nót.; (note)

the split axis in the root – red circle:
the place of the doubled-axis\\by the thing to sacrifice (*pic). which is. this (to conn to). the broad hall (*pic,yellow cube). [of] existence. [to] my. great door [of pillar] (glyph). [as] the doorkeeper. [of] existence of hail.; (=sba main gate)
[as] one. me. to declare [the ad.soul to make alike-adam]. existence (eden’s). nót.;
36] existences (eden’s). [for] the speech of the an-face. [as] thou speech of hail (árk). to enter (ãq). existence. [through] the staff of rule (tá). to know., [in order for] thou. word of hail.
east shoulder:
[by] the shoulder \\ [of] the east. [for] me. to make (by) the leg [via ad.soul] (*pic,rt’). [for] existence of speech. [as?] Hathor (saturn). who is. the blossom the thing of the double-root to become new (uneppt+).;
west shoulder:
[and] the shoulder \\ of [=for]. the west. [for] me. to make (by) the leg [via ad.soul]. for] existence of speech., [as] the divine perch of the foreign land as Ah’a. [for] the images for the artificial fish-soul (besu). [as] thing of the original adamite soul. [for] existence. [of] thou speech of hail., saying.:


[by] them (ad.souls). within., [for] my. speech for the an-face. 35] thou. to come the khent’- thigh (*pic). [by]\\ thou. legs (rt’,2). [of] existence. [for] existence of speech., me. to be know. nót.; (?)
reality. [by] the [an-] face. [by] my. dimension to purify. [and] my. word of hail. be founded. my. word of hail. [for] my speech of hail., [as] willpower. of [=by]. the place of the doubled-axis\\by the thing to sacrifice. which is. [for] this. broad house. [of] existence. [as] the daughter-lands. [for] existence of hail.; [skip],
33] existences. [by] speech of an-face. [as] thou speech of hail.; [by means of] to halt. existences. [through] the staff of rule [tá]. to know. [for] thou. word of hail. [as] thou. existence of speech., [by] Geb (south). existence. [as] the bull of imprisoned eden word for hail (?,áuam+). [for] my. existence of speech. thou. existence. to say. the workplace. nót.;

*** this (pn). Sba stargate [middle]. [for] existence. [as] my. great door [of pillar] (glyph). doorkeeper. [for] existence of hail., [for] my. speech for the an-face. [by] thou. to enter (ãq). [and] to me. to give. [as] existence (eden’s). nót.;
thou. existence. [for] me. to open [and become new] (un). [as] existence (eden’s). nót.;
[by] this (eden’s). word \\[for] existence of speech (matrix). [by?] the uraei. existence. [for] this (pu). youths. [of] existences. [in] name [of]. thou. existence. to say. the workplace. nót.;

*** this (tn). Sba-stargate. [for] existence. [as] the paddles to embrace [the square] (h’eptu). [for] existence of hail.; existences. [for] speech for the an-face. thou. to enter. [and] existences (eden’s). to give., [as] existence (eden’s). nót.;
thou. existence of speech. Osiris. to become protections (sau). of [=by] (means of). he. existence (eden’s). to give. speech. [to?] Shu [pillar]. who is. [by?] the solarplane intestine coil (aqebt=aqebi,BoG). [in] name [of]. thou. existence. to say. the workplace. nót.;

*** this (pn). 31] Sba-stargate. [of] existence. [as] the bolt of the great door [of pillar] (staff,door,ãã). the doorkeeper. [of] existence of hail., [for] me. [to] the mouth. [of] the [an-] face. thou. to enter (ãq). [and] to me. to give., [as] existence (eden’s). [for] existence. thou. existence. me. to open (un). [as] existence (eden’s). nót.;


to connect to. existence of speech. [by] the Bakhau mountain. [as] all [of]. the Sebek crocodile (sba,sbk,th). who is. [by?] the Utchat-eye. the thing of ãnkh-life. thou. existence. to say. the workplace. nót.;

middle sba gate —–pait/pa staff/wing = the root
*** this. Sba-stargate. [of] existence. [for] the branch the thing of m-b-soul-adam to fly upward [‘matter’] (pait+branch). [for] existence of hail.; [and so] thou. existence. [for] me. to open (un)., [as] existence (eden’s). [for] existence. [in] name [of].: the divine his mother. [of] existence. [as] the flesh succeeded to acquire (saah’,+Orion). [in] my. name. thou. existence. to say. the workplace. nót.;

*** this. Sba-stargate. which is. the door-bolt [for 12 caves am-tuat = crown! ] (qert+staff). [for] existence of hail.; thou. existence. [for] me. to open (un)., [as] existence. [for] existence. [in] thou. name. [of] Geb. existence. [as] the áua bull [impr.word/hail]. my. name. thou. existence. to say. the workplace. nót.;

*** this. Sba-stargate. [of] existence. [for] existence. [as] the pool\\daughter (daughter-pool) (sat\\+). [for] existence of hail.; my. speech for the an-face. thou. to go to open (sesh). [and] to me. to give.; [as] existence. [for] existence. [in] name [of].: the (doubled) wine (árp). [for] existence (matrix). to offer [the word by top cube] (h’enku). my. name. thou. existence. to say. the workplace. nót.; (note)

east [right]sba gate/shoulder: arrit
*** 30] this. Sba-stargate. which is. the shoulder of the east (right sba gate). the branch the thing of m-b-s-adam for speech of willpower [to ascend] (ãrit+staff, to ãrrit). [by] he. existence of hail.; [as] my. speech for the an-face. thou. to enter. [to] me. to give. [as] existence (eden’s). nót.;
[but] to connect to. existence of speech. to become truths. the thing to bear up (fat). existence. to offer [by the coverlet] (h’enk). my. name. thou. existence. to say.: the workplace. nót.;

west [left] sba-gate/shoulder/wing of nebh’et:
*** this. Sba-stargate. which is. the shoulder of the west. [as] the staff the thing of m-b-soul-adam of speech of willpower (ãrit etc). he. existence of hail.; [as] my. speech for the an-face. thou. to enter. [to] me. to give. existence (eden’s). nót.;
these (conn to). words for the word-inside the names (rennuuu). to sacrifice (maã). [for] the solarplane (b). existence. [as] this (pu). plummet (tekh=?sba?). existences (eden’s). [in] name [of] thou. existence. to say. the workplace. nót.;


likely all three:
*** this. Sba-stargate. [for] existence. [as] the door-bolts [staffs of sh for existence of solarplane] (benshu,mult.). [for] existence of hail.; 28] [in order for] existences (eden’s). speech for the an-face. thou. to enter. [and to] me. to give. [as] existence (eden’s). nót.;
existences (eden’s). [through] the staff [tá]. to know., [for] thou. word of hail. [by] the double axis\\thing to sacrifice. which is. this (to conn to). broad hall.; [by means of] existence (eden’s). [through] this. Sba-stargate. [into] the an-face (north). to enter. [for] thou speech of hail.; [in order] to come hail the willpower for. the pool-land. [for] existence. 27] [and there?] the word to create (gemamu). [by] the emerald (crystal) sceptre (uatch). [in order for] existence. to break [the tail] (set’,river from mountain to eden?).;

to become (word/hail). [by] the Setcht flame (burning up things of deflected watercourse). existence (eden’s). flame to extinguish [eden eye?] (ãkhm).; to become. the thing of the original adamite soul. [through] existence (eden’s). to seize (shet’). [for] the word of hail. [as] the original adamite soul. speech for the an-face. [for] existence. [as]. the thing of hebrew-H (Het). [for] the word of hail. the thing of adamite soul. [by means of] thou. to go bury (qeres). [in order for] to come the branch [former ãpp]. of [=for]. crystalline (theh’en). existence (matrix)., 26] [through] the emerald (crystal) sceptre. to fly upwards.; [through] willpower of saturn. [by?] the setcht flame. [for] existence. the flame of the image for the artificial fish-soul (bes+). to fly upwards [from root?]. [for] the speech. [of] thou. existence. [to?] the eye. [for] he the speech of hail.;

[for] the sight (petr,sky cube). [of] he. existence of speech. the divine words of breath-air. to give.; speech. [by?] the pool of the flint-knife (t’es+pool). [as?] this (pu). uas-sceptre (glyph). [as] the house the thing of the great pillar. of [=for,]. the shore of the solarplane.he. the speech for the an-face. thou. existence. the thing to discover (gemt).; [namely?] sight (petr=sky). 25] the darkened word \\ for kha. every kind of. of [=for]. the house the thing of willpower for existence of willpower (?). of [=for]. existence. (the tooth) of the solarplane shore. the [an-] face. the thing of the original adamite soul. existence. to bury (qeres)., to become (áu). the original adamite soul. speech. [for] [of] thou. existence. [by] the eye. [for] he the speech of hail..

[for?] the sight (petr). [of?] crystalline (theh’en). existence., the emerald (crystal) sceptre. [through] willpower of saturn. [as?] the setcht flame. [for] existence. [as?] the flame the word of the image for the artificial fish-soul (bes+). thou. existence. their (ad.souls). existence. to give. speech.; the sight (petr). the foreign land divine ones (=..?). the word to dress (unkh). (3) lands. existence. the opened word-inside. to praise the doubled-m-b-soul-adam’s doubled-hebrew-H for hail (á-HHii+). [for] existence. [of] sight (maa)., to become (áu). their (ad.souls). existence. thou. existence of hail.;
23] [as?] sight (petr,sky). [by?] the thigh (mest’t, hand/to birth). [by] willpower of saturn (h’enã). [from?] this (pu). khent’-thigh (*pic,uãrt). within. thou. existence. [of,for] sight (maa)., the peace [of saturn] (h’etep). [by] the beq-olive tree. [to?] the north land [to fill] (meh’tt)., [in?] the place. [of]. the [an-] face. existence. to halt., my. speech. [by] them (ad.souls). [for] existence of hail.;


willpower. of [=by]. the [an-] face. thou. existence (eden’s). to halt., 22] [for] my. speech. [by] the divine he the beq tree.\\[of] adam-within. [as] the blossoms the thing of m-b-soul-adam for the kh-house of existence (nakhitu+).\\below., [as?] the zodiacal light (?,sept’). am I.;
my. speech. [by] them (ad.souls). [for] existence of hail.; [as] thou. existence of speech. [through] the sight (petr,sky). [for] my. speech. [by] them. [for] existence of hail.; [as] the one. sight (petr). [for] my. speech. [by] them (ad.souls). [for] existence of hail..; 21] he (=hail). the one to come. [by means of] thou. to give. the mutilated eden light (‘day’,Hru). of [=as?]. darkness (gerh’,solarplane+saturn). of [=for]. the original adamite soul. speech for the an-face.; [and by] them (ad.souls). [for] to halt. [by] to come the branch (former ãpp). [for] the gods (matrix). [by means of] the torso. to become the design the thing of willpower for willpower to copy (senããt+). [as?] the mutilated eden light (Hru). which is. the third. darkness (gerh’, solarplane). which is. the 2nd. this (m-b-s-adam/word/to connect to; thui). 20] eden light [of] timedimension (together?,stopline). of [=by]. the imprisoned adamite soul. within.; [as?] Rã. [for] the divine things to build. [by] the dimension to purify. [for] the locusts [rev.9] (sanh’em,saturn/son]. [of] the field (sekht). of [=as]. the northland., [in] the place. of [=as]. existence. [of] peace [of saturn].;

the southland (real south). [as] the land the thing of the m-b-soul-adam being seized (shet’it+). of [=for]. existence. the dimension to purify., [in order to] become truths., [because] of [=as]. emptyness (shut). [for] me. within. the fat (eden aspects)., [as] existence (eden’s). nót.;
[but] to become truths. [as] the land the thing of m-b-soul-adam seized (shet’it+). of [=as]. my. torso (centre– moved up to torso). [by?] speech for the an-face., to be cleansed (tur). my. word of m-b-soul-adam-like backside [of eden] (peh’uiu). to become words to be purified. of [=for,as]. my. dimensional fóreground [of saturn] (hát). [which] I am.;


the dimension to purify. [for] me., to become (word/hail). the divine truths. [for] all [of]. existence (matrix).; to become truths. [by] existence. to make. the doubled-thing of speech for the an-face (rtt+). [by] them (ad.souls). [an-] face. which is. to steal the covering as the masculine (thamtu)., 17] lacking,without. to become the deaf things of m-b-soul-adam [in the real átert?] (át’eru+bug+scroll; unsure). the words of m-b-soul-adam to make to be transformed (s-kheperiu). the evil designs (word) of original adamite soul to to birth (+half-staff?) (t-mesu+) (t’msq,damascus-related?). [for] the words of m-b-soul-adam [to shoot out of the hand] (ut’t’iuu). the gods to come [as messengers] the horus-spirit to open up the root [eden’s] (uptutiu+?). [for] existence. thou. m-b-soul-adam-like existence [of matrix] (nati). the willpower. of [=as]. I am.;

to snatch away. the divine words of breath-air. all. of [=for]. he. the existence of speech., to make [via m-b-soul-adam] (ári). the atef crowns (not átef). [as,by?] he. every. áat-perch (region). [of?] the [an-] face. [in] the exalted high place., [for] hail of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;
[as?] the foreign land of áugert [plexus+?]. [in] the innermost sacred place (khennu)., of [=by]. he (this place). the words to stand upright. [for] speech. balance prisoner word deer (áuusu+,?). the gift of speech. [for] speech. to become truths. [as] the absolute middle (‘witness’, meter). [for?] the Watercourse (eden’s) to the pillar. [for] existence (matrix). to come hail as advanced beautified-soul.;
[by] them (ad.souls0. the body,belly (khat,pl?). every kind of. to know., [fór] the gods (matrix). [of] existence. of [=by]. the thing to make to succeed to acquire. am I.;
Restau. [as] the sacred innermost place (*pic,thes-dome). of [=for]. 14] the Ásht’- tree. to become divided (pesesh) (plumbline to sba? into \\shutu). [for] existence. [of] sight (maa).;
to bcome (áu). the words of (..unreadable). he. to give., the divine he the head of the background of saturn as he the head (h’rfh’af,ferryman of Osiris). of [=by]. me. the word of the absolute middle [equilibrium] (meteru). the divine mouth. the hand to conceil (comp.?h’apt’). the house [of speech] (centre sba-gate). of [=for]. 13] Rã as cat (miáu, ‘skin-alike-adam). [by] the willpower of saturn (h’enã). the ithyphallic ones of the great pillar (other version:’nobles of Orion’). the word. to say.:
to become the great pillar. [by] these. words to command. [for] existence (eden’s). to listen to., the thing which is / reality. the [an-] face. the ones by the prisoner (?). the words of sight (maauu). [for] existence of hail.;
the peace [of saturn]. of [=by]. the double treshfloor. the word\\ to come \\ the advanced beautified-soul.;
the word \\ of willpower. [for] willpower (matrix). [for] the dimension to purify. [by] the mouth. [and] the dimension to purify. I am.;
to become the great pillar. the god., [as] the phallus (inverse pillar) (met). [for] my. speech. this (to conn to). to declare [etc]. [by] existence (eden’s). nót.;
[but] this. he the speech of hail. my word. to be protected (khu+scroll). this (to conn to). he the speech of hail. 11] [as] my word. [by] to snatch away. [by] the noble spirits (dangerous!). existence (eden’s). [as] aspects for the word of voice. [for] speech. manifestation., [for] the gods. [of] existence. [by] food offerings in H’etep [aspects]. [for] existence., to make. the word of hail (‘to become’)., my boat of the word of the Heir. nót.;


[by] the boat of the innermost sacred place of willpower. [for] the garment of the word\\[for] the background of saturn (‘to denude’,h’a\\u+). [for] existence. [as] the garments (glyph). my. dimension thirsts for (áb+).; existence (eden’s). [for] the dimension. me. to hunger for (h’qr).;
existence. the foods [aspects]. [to] existence (matrix). to give. [for] speech; to become (áu). [because] he (matrix). the thing of eden speech to desire (merrt). of [=as]. the god. [in order for] existence (matrix). to pacify [by] (s-h’etep).; 9] to become (áu). [by means of] the original adamite soul’s. speech for the an-face. [and so for] the gods. to become the things of eden’s speech of hebrew-H. [for] the divine egyptians. the things to say (‘language’).; [through] existence. to make. the word of hail. [as] the truths. of [=for]. me. to make to bé devoured (?,s-ãm). [by?] truths. of [=for]. my. ànkh-life, [as] he. the speech. all kinds of. existence. [by] the eye (utchat)., [but as] existence (eden’s). nót.;

my (2x). word (by) the absolute middle (*pic,dotted-line; meteru). [as] existence (eden’s). nót.;
[but by] this (to conn to). speech and nature (kher). am I.; [in order for] to come hail as advanced beautified-soul. my word. this (to conn to). willpower. of [=for]. to become the thing of the great pillar. [as] the thing to value (ápt). [of] existence (eden’s). [namely] this. mutilated eden light (‘day’, Hru). [as] the word of the olden ones. [for?] the intestines of the fish-soul (beseku+,context). of [=by]. ãnkh-life.;
[by] Beb [apollyon]. the willpower. of [=for]. my word. this. to snatch away. [through] he (the). divine áthen disk light [light of existence to connect to hail]. 6] \\[of] adam-within. [by means of?] Horus. phallus [inverse pillar]. of [=for]. the truths. of [=for]. the words of m-b-soul-adam to make to devour (s-ãmiuu)., to become truths. of [=as]. the words of ãnkh-life.; [by] their (ad.souls). belly. of [=as]. Lies (geru). lacking words. [through] the place of the double-axis \\ by the thing to sacrifice. which is. [for] existence to connect to. the broad house (*pic,yellow cube). [of] the words of adam-within. [for,by] these (to conn to). face. to become protection of hail.;

[by] he (the). mutilated eden light (Hru). \\[of] adam-within. [as] the royal south of Set (nesut). the [an-] face (eden’s). my. goal,event,purpose (sep). the word to come. nót.;
the god. [of] me. [as] one to be encirceled (shentu). nót.;
of [=for]. to become truths. [of] existence (matrix). to make. reality. [by] the [an-] face (north). [through] the divine border of speech of the chalice (nebrtcher). [and by] the phallus [inversed pillar]. [for] my. speech. to become truths. [and] these (to conn to). to say.:
[by means of] this. speech for the an-face. my. purpose. [is] one to come. existence (eden’s). nót.;
3] [but by] he. to come the branch (khet,former ãpp). of [=as]. this. slaughtered pieces of meat (tuatXI] (shãtu). [for] existence. [in order for] me. to be overthrown. [by] existence (eden’s). nót.;
these. words for the word-inside the name. I. know.; these (to conn to). I know.; my. word of hail. [by] the place of the double axis \\ by the thing to sacrifice. which is. this (to conn to). the broad hall. [of] words of adam-within. [for]. these. gods (matrix). [through] this. [an-] face. to become protection of hail.;
the word of true voice. [of] the noble primeval child. [of] the covenant (nes). [with] the house of the tongue (nes). [for] existence of hail.;
to recite.;


four papyri supply for lines of text, preceding this chapter:

1] [because of] his. sins [eden’s] (ásfetu). [of] lacking. the torso (centre).
[for] to sacrifice (maã). [for] existence of hail.; to recite.;
– see BD ff-aa,

2] the doubled-place of the double-axis \\by the thing to sacrifice. which is.
[for] the broad hall. of [=as]. my word of true voice. of [=for]. manifestation.
[by] the thing of he for the kh-house (kheft). [as] language (things to say).,

3] the Tuathouse (likely). [of] the words of adam-within. [for] the gods., [by]
speech. to arrive (seper). [as] thing of he for the kh-house (kheft). [for] language.

4] the doubled-place of the double-axis \\by the thing to sacrifice. [for] the broad hall.
this existence (matrix). backwards/inverse. the [an-] face.\\which is. the things
to command. existence. [for] existence (matrix).

——————- end BD CXXV D