CT 1001

the gods’. mouth (north). the hidden,mysterious (shetau). existence.

b] [for] the aspects (food-glyph). to flood (bãh’, abundance, solarplane+saturn). the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [for] existence. [as] advanced beautified-soul.;

a] the h’eb-festival of completion of the solarplane. the beautified soul. (blank). (blank)

i] the sebeKHt-pylons. [for] the beautified-soul’s. existence. to open (un, to become new), [by] the corn-god [Osiris] (neper).

h] [for] the ‘ithyphallic ones’. words to rise (khãu, through the pillar). [to] the anunna-face (north). [as] the beautified-soul. thou. peace (h’etep, saturn).;

g] the island of fire [of flame of the tongue] (nserser, centre-pillar?). existence. that [his/root]. island. of [=by]. the beautified-soul. existence. [as] advanced beautified-soul.;

j] (lost). which is,who is. [in] the hidden background of Saturn (h’a). the sebeKHt-gates. to open (un).;