BD 146

[twenty first northern pylon]


57] hidden, mysterious (ámen). designs,characters (skheru). posessed by (kher). the adamite soul. became (áu). the adamite soul. {in}. the smelting fire (báu). [of] existence (matrix). [by] invading hebrew-H (God's house). [by] H'emen?(proto-Horus/80/natron/stability of saturn). [by] speech. to make. to cut,carve (sá). [and] slaughter (t'em). [blank?]. – Osiris. existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [by?] the one. [and] 20th. Northern. pylon (sebekh). [of] speech. arriving (seper). [from] the enemy (kheft)

– to recite; 
[twentieth northern pylon]
56] the treasure-house (per-h'etcht). [of] existence (matrix). set-body-garment to dress in (h'ebs). [for] existence (matrix). [as] testing (sáp). posessions of (kher). the adamite soul. becoming (áu). the adamite soul. to be devoured. [by] existence (matrix). the "hearts"(hát-ábu). carriying off(ástt). the adamite soul. [as?] creations (qemamu). mysterious,hidden (áment). 55] – the adamite soul. [in] name [of].: to dress in set-body-garment (h'ebs). the adamite soul. [by?] the Master (neb). [of?] the cave (of the heads, south, tepeh')., the innermost sacred place. [of] adam-within (ámi).  54] Osiris. existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [by] the twentieth. Northern. pylon (sebekht). [of] speech. arriving (seper). [from] the enemy (kheft).; 
– to recite.; 
[nineteenth northern pylon]
the treasure house (per-h'etcht). [of] existence. set-body-garment to dress in (h'ebs). existence. [as] testing (sáp). 53] the posessions of (kher). the adamite soul., to become (áu). the adamite soul. his-Self (tchesef). Thoth. existence. the designs (seshu). [by] the mighty jackal staff of speech (user). [in] the master-holder (nebt). [of] fires (shemmt). observing? (ursh=Watcher, observatory). the adamite soul. 52] lifetime, timepriod (ãhã). of [=by?]. the morninglight (neHepu). per order (sert). [of] Osiris. [for] the existence (matrix). [of] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [in] the nineteenth. Northern. pylon (sebekht). [of] the speech. arriving (seper). [from] the enemy (kheft). 51]; 
– to recite.; 
[eighteenth northern pylon]
the wretched (bega) set-body-garment to dress in (h'ebs). [for] existence (matrix). [as] testing (sáp). the posessions of (kher). the adamite soul. to become (áu). the night, darkness (ãsher, roasted-adam.-offering) of [=by]. the enemies (sebáu). to slay (uh'est, h'es=dirt). palace of willpower. masterholder (nebt). ákhema it=?. 49] the heads (tepu). slaughterers,pieces of meat (shãt). the adamite soul. to desire (merr). slaughterers (of the east,áabtu). to purify. [by] making to burn (setau). the love., [blank?]. Osiris. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. [in] the eightteenth. Northern. pylon (sebekht). [of] speech. arriving (seper). 47] [from] the enemy.; 
– to recite.; 
[seventeenth northern pylon]
The wretched (bega). Set-cloth to dress in (h'ebs). [as] testing (sáp). the posessions of. the adamite soul. to become (áu). the covering of the imprisoned word of God (uaait, lasso). 46] [of] the Way (axis, watercourse). [in] the master-holder (nebt). [of] Bit (Háthor,saturn). to become dark (áh'i,saturn). [by] physical blood (senef). [by] the anunna-face's (vesica north). distribution (khebt)., [in] the seventeenth. Northern. 45] pylon (sebekht).;
[sixteenth Northern pylon]
the wretched (bega).45] set-body-garment to dress in (h'ebs). [for] existence (matrix). [as] testing (sáp). the adamite soul. posessions of (here: 'below'). [for] he (set). to become (áu). 44] slaughtered, slaughtered pieces of meat (shãt glyph). [for?] creation (qemamt). to manifest (per). odered {for] (sert). the egyptians (rethu). existence.; [by?] the deaths (metu). [of] the ploughed fields (also 'rearranged', kh+besu). the egyptians. existence. [is by] the Ba-soul (solarplane type spirit). 43] of [=by]. the thousands. [who] rejected (khã). the Dew (of Eden,áat't).[as] the Master-holder's (chalice below solarplane,nebt). victories (nerut). [in] this. pylon (sebekht). [of] the speech. his. arrival (seper). [from] the enemy (kheft). 42]  ; the true voice from below (maã kheru). [of] the Swamp (kheb). of [=by]. Horus. [for] Osiris'. existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; to recite. [in] the sixteenth. Northern. pylon (sebekh).; 
[fifteenth Northern pylon]
the wretched (bega). Set-body-garment to dress in (h'ebs). [for] existence (matrix). [as] testing (sáp). the posessions of (here:'below'). [of] he. to become (áu). the adamite soul. wandering-astray (shemmt). [by] the coming of the advanced beautified-soul's (glyph). Eye. [as] his. moment in time (at). [as] the Torso (south, other name of Eye). [of] the passive one of very great speech (urrt', adam). 40] [of] existence (eden's). [of] the adamite soul., [to make] the word of ultimate Willpower. [as] the Tool (retã). [of] he. the serpent god (Aqeb, to: akhabiu, sons of the Watchers). [of?] the anunna-face (vesica north). [for] the enemies (sebau). to imprison (tchert). them (ad.souls). 39] [in] darkness (gerh'). of [=by]. the manifestation (pert). [of] the Vine's (áarrtu). spiritual covering (gemeh'utu, folilage,hair). [over] the wicked red ones [in the south] (Tesheru, original adamites). [as] the enemies (of the Ba-spirits, batiu)., [in] the fifteenth. Northern. pylon (sebekht).; 
[fourteenth Northern pylon] [numbering altered in the transcript! ] 
the wretched Set-body-cloth to dress in (h'ebs). [for] existence (matrix). [as] testing (sáp). [of] the posessions of (here:'below'). the adamite soul. to become (áu). connected to. the name [of].: The sinful ones (Heir-glyph,áuu). listening to (obeying, setchem). 59] existence (the matrix). [from] the day (Hru,hebrew-H). [of] the Haker-festival ( slaughtering hebrew-H,God's house). their (ad.souls). image (áru). [of] redness (ad.originals, Tesheru)., [when] the anunna-face (vesica north). danced (khebst,pygmee+create). [in] violent Wrath, by spliting-off (t'ent'en). [by] the master-holder (chalice below solarplane,nebt). 58] connected to. the innermost sacred place (khenu). of [=by]. 'that which is' (='reality',ntt).  ;
I. know (rekh). the connection to. the name (ren)., I. know. this.; I. know. [how] became (áu). 57] the way (axis!). [to] existence (matrix). to make. Osiris. whose. fourteenth. Northern. pylon (sebekht). [is of] speech. his. arrival (seper). [from] the enemy (kheft).; the primeval child's (this scribe). sealed-up (khetemt). tongue (nes). [in] the house of the tongue. [for] the existence. [of] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).; 56] to recite.;