BD 145


[first part of 145, pylons XXI – XIV, rubric moved to end of part II, pylons XII – I ],

[possible start of pylon 21],


pylon XXI

The seven (7). gods. of. this. pylon (sebekht) (singular: not ‘these pylons’). who are. the divine judges (tchatchau). to become. the foreign land. [by?] the anunna-face (vesica north). assembly,company (tat). [of] creations (qemau). nót.; to birth. existence (eden’s). nót.; [and] the cedar trees (ãshu, from ãsh, multitude!). to grow (rut’). nót.;

his. transforming (kheper). [in] his. name [of]. 73] ‘eater of the dead’ (ãmãm). [as] the shepherd (saat,Osiris title)., [is] the god. protecting. existence., making a mystery (sesheta, turtle/eden). [of] below (kher,south). the thing becoming (áut). the name (rent). [of]: [via] the adamite soul. [by] the fire (nebát). [of] speech. to invade hebrew-H (God’s house). [by] upside-down (penã). ignorance? (khem?). divine anunna-face. evil,filth (h’a). adamite soul [not: to make evil?]. [in] name [of].: voices from below (kheru). speech. flint knife (t’es, 7-poly as heart). [of] slaughter (t’em). the shepherd. [as?] the god. [of] existence. name.; I. know. 72] the name., I. know. [how] became. the Path (axis,Watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). the Eye. the god. [in] the torso (áb). passive one of great speech (adam). which is. the twenty-first. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] the anunna-face (vesica north). [as] the protection. [for] the beautified-soul., [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life., [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).,

– to recite [this] spell.;


pylon XX


as one. purified (uãb). thou. becomes. thou speech [of] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.; lamenting (bega). the set-body-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). [for] existence (matrix). 70] [as] testing (sáp). the posessions from below (kher). [as] the thing having become (áut). [by] the name (rent). [of]: the adamite soul ‘s. Self (tches, the ad.soul’s/serpent). is opening [up] (un). the front of the faces (hát\\h’eru, one word). to carry-Off. the adamite soul. [!] existence. to create. the hidden. set-body-garment to dress in (h’ebs). the ureaus. of,by. the field (sekht,saturn). adamite soul. all,every. person of land of stone? (áner,glyph). which is. the fortress (the-house-of-word-inside,menu). which is. existence’s. name.; 69] I. know. the name (rent). I. know. this.; [and] know. [how] became. the Path (axis,Watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). the Eye. the god. [in] the torso (áb). passive one of great speech (adam). which is. the twentieth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] the anunna-face (vesica north). [as] the protection. [for] the beautified-soul., [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life., [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).,

– to recite [this] spell.;


pylon XIX


as one. purified (uãb). thou. becomes. thou speech [of] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.; lamenting (bega). the set-body-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). [for] existence (matrix). [as] testing (sáp). the posessions from below (kher). [as] the thing having become (áut). [by] the name (rent). [of]:. his. Self (tches). [by] Thoth’s. archives, registers (seshu, akashic records). [by] the mighty jackal staff of speech (user). [from] every. flame of wandering-astray [of Adam] (shemm+flame). [of] very great speeches (urr,Adam’s)., [now in] the tomb (ãhãt, in pillar). [in] the estate of thou?(unclear glyph). as defense (neHpu, read: as hostage; hebrew-H). to arrange,order (ser). which is. [of] the fortress (menu). which is. existence’s. name.; I. know. 66] the name (rent). I. know. this.; [and] know. [how] became. the Path (axis,Watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). the Eye., [by] the god. [in] the torso (áb). passive one of great speech (adam). which is. the nineteenth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] the anunna-face (vesica north). [as] the protection. [for] the beautified-soul., [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life., [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).,

– to recite [this] spell.;


pylon XVIII


as one. purified (uãb). thou. becomes. thou speech [of] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.; lamenting (bega). the set-body-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). [for] existence (matrix). [as] testing (sáp). the posessions from below (kher). [as] the thing having become (áut). [by] the name (rent). [of]:. darkness (ãsher, roasted-adamite-meat). devouring (ãm). of. the enemies (sebáu,ad.originals)., to mutilate (h’esq). of [=by]. cutting up and dividing (mesh’u, also crocodile). [in] the estate of thou (unclear glyph). castle of willpower (glyph). every. retired serf’s (ámekht, ad.originals). head., slaughtered (shãt’). [for] the beloved (mert). existence (matrix). [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).,

the leopard (áabi, 1 of 4 Daniel beasts). to listen to (setchem). [for] purification (uãb). [is] the fiery (tau). wish (mert). (fiery wish!) which is. [of] the fortress (menu). which is. existence’s. name.; I. 63] know. the name (rent).; I. know. this.; [and] know. [how] became. the Path (axis,Watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). the Eye. [by] the god. [in] the torso (áb). [as] the passive one of great speech (adam). which is. the eighteenth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] the anunna-face (vesica north). [as] the protection. [for] the beautified-soul., [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life., [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).,

– to recite [this] spell.;


pylon XVII


as one. purified (uãb). thou. becomes. thou speech [of] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.; lamenting (bega). the set-body-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). [for] existence (matrix). [as] testing (sáp). the posessions from below (kher). [as] the thing having become (áut). [by] the name (rent). [of]: the fire of the imprisoned God’s word (uau). [in] the master-holder (chalice below solarplane, nebt). [itself is?] the sekhem-power. [of] Hath’or (saturn’s house; here: Bit).; the intestine of the solarplane (khab,nonlisted). to praise (áa). [for] the physical blood (senef). [in] the anunna-face (vesica north)., destroying (khebt). the blood (tesher, from SH,’ruddyness of eden beings’). [for] all [of]. the house of the horizon (áakhet). of [=by]. the great [pillar] (ããt). which is. the fortress (menu). which is. existence. ‘s name. 60]

I. know. the name (rent).; I. know. this.; [and] know. [how] became. the Path (axis,Watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). the Eye. the god. [in] the torso (áb). passive one of great speech (adam). which is. the seventeenth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] the anunna-face (vesica north). [as] the protection. [for] the beautified-soul., [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life., [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).,

– to recite [this] spell.;



pylon XVI


as one. purified (uãb). thou. becomes. thou speech [of] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.; lamenting (bega). the set-body-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). [for] existence (matrix). 58] [as] testing (sáp). the posessions from below (kher). [as] the thing having become (áut). [by] the name (rent). [of]: [for] the land. [of] mysterious hiddenness (shetau,SH-pool south). to create (by Horus;qemam). the adamite soul. manifesting (per). [as] the enemy., [by] the fire (bes). of [=by]. the adamite soul. setting fire to/stinging like insect/burning (ubt’). the enemies (sebáu; soul stinging her own adamite originals!). [by] existence’s (matrix). willpower., [as] swift (khakh). victory (neráut). [over] all [of]. which is. [of] the fortress (menu). 57] of [=by]. which is. existence’s. name., I. know. the name (rent).; I. know. this.; [and] know. [how] became. the Path (axis,Watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). the Eye. the god. [in] the torso (áb). passive one of great speech (adam). which is. the sixteenth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] the anunna-face (vesica north). [as] the protection. [for] the beautified-soul., [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life., [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).,

– to recite [this] spell.;



pylon XV


as one. purified (uãb). thou. becomes. thou speech [of] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.; lamenting (bega). the set-body-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). [for] existence (matrix). [as] testing (sáp). the posessions from below (kher). [as] the thing having become (áut). [by] the name (rent). [of]: the calamities (áu,Heir!,south). to listen to (setchem,obey). the light. extinguishing the fireS (ãkhem). [of] speech., [through] the Hekeru-festival (of capturing hebrew-H, God’s house). [for] the adamite soul. existence. speech. [by] making. the red/blood (tesher, of SH). [for?] the anunna-face (vesica north). to destroy (khebt). [by] the wrathful splitting-Off (t’ent’en). [in] the master-holder (chalice below solarplane,nebt). which is. the fortress (menu). which is. existence’s. name. I. 54] know. the name (rent).; I. know. this.; [and] know. [how] became. the Path (axis,Watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). the Eye. the god. [in] the torso (áb). passive one of great speech (adam). which is. the fifteenth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] the anunna-face (vesica north). [as] the protection. [for] the beautified-soul., [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life., [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).,

– to recite [this] spell.;


pylon XIV


as one. purified (uãb). thou. becomes. thou speech [of] the beautified-soul (árk, one word). hastening to (ás). the beautified-soul.; lamenting (bega). the set-body-cloth to dress in (h’ebs). [for] existence (matrix). [as] testing (sáp). the posessions from below (kher). [as] the thing having become (áut). [by] the name (rent). [of]: to wander-astray (shem, to enchant?). coming of advanced beautified-soul. which is. his. moment. of [=by]. the god. [in] the torso (áb). 52] [as] the passive one of great speech (adam). [of] existence (eden’s). [as] the adamite soul’s. word of ultimate willpower (u\\ãã). to place. [that] which is. his. created (qem). of [=by]. the enemies (sebáu, ad.originals). to erase (t’er). light+darkness. of [=by]. to manifest (per). Hathor’s (Bit, saturn). intestines of the solarplane to praise (like pylon17). [for] the grieving,tearing the hair (h’u). of [=by]. the red devils (teshert). [for] the Ba-souls (solarplane-spirits). [of] great speech. which is. [by] the fortress (menu). existence. name. I. 51] know. the name (rent).; I. know. this.; [and] know. [how] became. the Path (axis,Watercourse). [of] existence (eden’s). the Eye. the god. [in] the torso (áb). passive one of great speech (adam). which is. the fourteenth. pylon (sebekht). [of] Horus’. existence. [for] the beautified-soul. [by] the anunna-face (vesica north). [as] the protection. [for] the beautified-soul., [by] the true voice (from below). [of] ãnkh-life., [for] he (N.). becoming. [as] Osiris. [through] existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).,

– to recite [this] spell.;