PT 468

PT 468

PT 468
905c] Forever. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [as] existence (matrix). [for this N]. within (eden).,
[in order for] thou. torso (centre). he. to make the peace of saturn (via ad.soul) (s-h’etep)., +
905b] [for] the broad hall (in torus). [of] adam-within.,[as] Horus’. speech and nature (kher, matrix). [by] the word. to manifest (per).;
[through] these [two] (ápn). thou. doubled-matter the matrix root to fly-up (paatch+,=). +
905a] [namely as?] thou. beer [by q-axis] (h’eqt). [and] thou. food [aspects] (sbt, tile). thou. existence. to give. speech.,
[by] place-T of offerings [for peace] (h’etep-t). to give., [for?] to make place-T (via cain-soul) (ś-t).;
Horus. am I.;
[and so for] this. N (candidate). to descend cube-H.;
904c] he. the word for the word-inside to (triple-) copy. [at] place-T of the foremost (kh-house).,
[through?] the workplace (ás). [for] ãnkh-life. [of,as] the star (glyph). [for] thou. Ba spirit-soul.;
904b] the workplace. [as?] the place of the root (p). [of] the Ba spirit-souls. [for] thou. Ba spirit-soul.,
the workplace. [as?] the place of the cherub\\wheel [at new root] (sep+). [of] the Ba spirit-souls. [for] thou. Ba spirit-soul.,
904a] the workplace. [as?] the place of Õn. [of] the Ba spirit-souls. [for] thou. Ba spirit-soul.,
[and so for] this. N. [as] descended cube-H.;
903d] [bý] the doubled god. [for] the word. to birth (mes).;
[as] the god. [for] the word. to birth (mes).,
[for] this (pn). khu spirit. [of] existence (matrix).;
903c] [in order for this N]. existence. [as] Horus’. existence. [by] place-T to make hail (eye+hail). [of] the word of beauty (nefer-u).;
[as] existence (matrix). +
903b] [of] the words of ãnkh-life. [through] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [of] thou. sekhem-power.;
[for] the spirits. place-T of the foremost (kh-house). thou. khu-spirit. [of] hail.,
[by means of] Horus. existence. to give. speech.;
903a] the 2nd (make/word-inside). existence to make. existence. [of] thou. nót. within.;
the cedar oil [the ultimate word-inside by the sh-pool-e for willpower-m] (ãsh+). thou. nót. within.;
the word of need [of throne-G]. thou. nót. within.;
902d] [for this N]. thou. willpower. [by] the adamite soul. to grasp [by bordersky] (ntcher).;
the nut dome. thou. mother (-T). [for] speech and nature (kher, matrix).,
[by means of] the word. to connect to. existence to make (via ad.soul). to guide,;
902c] [and so for] this. N. the word. to connect to. existence to make (via ad.soul). [of] the support to rise up (thes)., +
902b] [and so] thou. place-T of the dimensional foreground of Saturn [torso] (h’a-t). [by] the staff-tá. [of] adam-within.,
[as] the double ureaus of the double-place-T for the word (‘to beget’,utt+).;
of [=as]. +
902a] the double ennead’s(18 gods). place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [of this N].,
thou. [to?] the Ba spirit-souls. the adamite soul. to give.;
901c] [for] Horus. the adamite soul. [as] protection [by serpent-hand] (netch)., [+ the speech]. alike-adam (miá).,
[for this N]. the word. to connect to. the adamite soul. [as] the protection [by serpent-hand] (netch). [of] hail.;
901b] [in order for] (the things) to become new. [by] place-T for the many [proto-spirits]. [as?] the Ba spirit-souls. [by] place-T of great speech.,
901a] [through] the red crown at place-T of eden-aether [redness] (t’esher-t+). [as?] Horus. eye (likely). of [=for]. the word. to connect to. (-T) to destroy.;
900e] to connect to. the workplace. [for] thou. existence of speech. [as] the existence of hail., [through] place-T to listen to.,
the word. to connect to. existence to make (via ad.soul). place-T of sight (maa-t)., [as] all of place-T for the kh-house. [being?] the double eye (glyph).;
[in order] of [=for]. +
900d] the places-T of the adamite throne. [of] the word of mystery [sh-pool of metal-T-m] (sheta-u).,
[as?] the eden stars to make the k-axis who are unaware of hail. [for] the spirits. the double eye.;
[in order] of [=for]. +
900c] all [of]. the gods (matrix). (place-T of) the double eye. of [=for]. this. N.,
[as] thou. slaughtered lights of place-T of willpower-e of the sh-pool [south]. [by] the adamite soul. to give.;
900b] the place of the solarplane (+eden-N). place-T of adam-within.,
[by?] the ureaus of the double-place-T for the word (‘to beget’,utt+). [as] the one. (-T of) the crown of the white light [of saturn] (h’etch-t+).;
900a] place-T to fire-drill (or ‘health’?). Horus’. eye. this. thou. slaughtered lights at place-T of willpower-e of the sh-pool [south].,
[for] this. N. [as] descended cube-H.;
899c] the sekhem sceptres. [by] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [of] thou. sekhem power.,
[for] the spirits. place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [for this N]. thou. khu spirit. [of] hail.;
899b] [and] the words of ãnkh-life. [by] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [of] thou. existence of speech (‘name’). [as] ãnkh-life.,
[for] this. N. [as] descended cube-H.;
899a] [for this N]. the ãnkh-life. [by] the foreign land of Net’át. [of] adam-within.,
[as] the khu spirit. [of] ãnkh-life. [by] Osiris’ (as construct). ãnkh-life.;
898b] [for] this. N (candidate). Horus’. existence. [of] protection [by serpenthand].;
[namely by] he place-T of hail (‘father’,átf). [as] the son-construct. [for] existence. [of] protection (same).;
898a] [for] Osiris (as construct). he place-T of hail (‘father’,átf). [as] the protection (same)., [by means of] the workplace (ás). [of] Horus.
[for] place-T of the chalice (nbth’t). [as] thou. existence. [of?] (the word of) the Self (tcheśu).,
[by] place-T of the adamite throne. [for] thou. existence. [as] the tooth [to make the solarplane] (sbh’+).;
897d] the fortress-the god. [as] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [for?] the workplace. [of?] the jackal [making the solarplane].,
[through?] the woman at place-T of the word for hail by imprisoned cube-H (Hená-ut+woman).,
[as] thou. existence. [of] the hail by the imprisoned cube-H (Hená).;
897c] [by] the half-moon-month [eden’s]. of [=for]. the moon-month [matrix]. of [=as]. he (half-moon). within (the matrix).;
[for this N]. [as] thou. torso (centre). [of] the peace [of saturn] (h’etep).;
897b] [by] he. the speech and nature. [of] peace (h’etep). [for this N]. of [=by]. Horus. the word. to connect to. to make the peace [of saturn].;
[for] this. N. Horus. the word. to connect to. protection [by serpenthand]. [of] hail.;
897a] [and] Horus’. divine words to follow. [and so?] thou. to make the peace of saturn (s-h’etep).;
896c] the fortress-booth [torus] (glyph). [as] the god., [by] the workplace. [of] the jackal [to make the solarplane].,
[through?] the double átert shrine. [as] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [by] the (KAr?) shrine (glyph). thou. existence. to stand upright.;
896b] the jackal [to make the solarplane]. of [=for]. thou. [an-] face (north)., [by] thou. existence (eden’s). to acquire (shep).;
896a] [by] the workplace. [of] the jackal [to make the solarplane]., [by] he (workplace). the word. [for] to make hail (á-ár).,
[by] to make a mystery (via ad. soul) [sh-pool as metal-T-m] (s-sheta)., [for] this. N. [as] descended cube-H.;
895d] [and so for] the gods (matrix). the lights of place-T willpower for the root (pãt+). [by] all [of]. the workplace. [of] Horus.,
[as] the sekhem sceptres. [by] place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [as] the workplace. [of] Osiris (as construct).;
[and for] the gods (matrix). ‘the heriditary’ [willpower-e for speech] (rpã). [by] the workplace. [of?] Geb [land on tiles].;
895c] [as] the ennead’s (pantheon). place-T of the foremost (kh-house). [for this N]. thou. to dwell (h’ems).,
895b] [for] place-T of great speech. [by] thou. (-T of) the adamite throne. [for] the speech of hail (ár).,
[as] the place of Õn. [being] place-T of adam-within., [as] place-T of the great pillar.,
[by] the ennead. the word. to connect to. existence. to become the new root of hail. [+?]
895a] to stand upright.,
[by] the word. to connect to. the support to rise up (thes).,
[for] this. N. [as] descended cube-H.;
894d] the sekhem sceptres. to wake up (neHes)., [in order for] the gods (matrix). to wake up (res).,
894c] [and] this. N. to wake up (rs). [by] this (pn). great speech. to wake up (rs).;
894b] [through] he. the Ka spirit-double. [of] speech and nature. [for this N].,
[as] he. the speech. [of] existence. [by] (the wheel of) the Ba spirit-soul of the solarplane (b-ba+). [of] hail.;
[through] he. the Ka spirit-double. [of] speech and nature. [for this N]., [by] the pool of great speech [ursh].;
894a] he. the Ka spirit-double. [of] speech and nature. [for this N]. great speech.,
[as] he. the speech. [by] (the wheel of) the Ba spirit-soul of the solarplane (b-ba+). [of] hail.
he. the Ka spirit-double. [of] speech and nature. [for this N]. great speech., [by] the pool of great speech [ursh].;
to recite.;
—-end PT 468