PT 403

PT 403

PT 403

701c] he. to grasp [eden willpower for kh-house] (khefã). [as] place-T of adam-within.,
[for] the things of sweetness (=benr+). [of] speech of hail (ár).,
[through] he. the mast thigh (note). the head (the main-thigh). [for] the dimension of throne-G (agba+).,
[as] the speech. +
701b] [by] he. the main place-T (tep-t,roof). [for] the nt-red crown (of Neith).,
[as] the speech. [using] the prisoner (su,Cain). [for] the saturn wick (h’). [as] the vulture-rule by to make inversion (s-sa-a).,
[and so for N]. to make to flourish (via ad.soul) (s-uatch). +
701a] [and] to complete. the word. [of] existence (matrix). [for] these [numbering] (ápu). Ka spirit-double bulls. [of] hail.;
700c] [by eden being] within (matrix)., [as] this (to connect to). place-T of ãnkh-life. of [=for]. [N’s]. ãnkh-life.,
700b] [through] these (to connect to). words place-T to build by blueprint. [in order] of [=for]. [N]. to manifest (per).,
[as] this (to connect to). M-realm. of [=by]. to connect to. the border [-sky]. [for N’s]. existence to become new (unn, matrix).;
700a] [and so] the hail. [by] hebrew-cube-H (H). [for] the light (matrix). [of] existence of hail (án).,
[through] place-T to flourish. [for] the fields. [of] all. hail.,
699c] [by means of] he. the á-ma tree [in lampstand] (to reap-hail). the head (roof) (main-áma tree).,
[for?] the shores of the solarplane. [as?] (the lights of) crystalline [+energies of Saturn] (theh’n). [of] hail.,
699b] [in order for?] he. the sycamore tree [at place-T of imprisoned cube-H] (neHt+). the head (roof) (main-tree).
[as] the divine blossom being the light of the most-b-soul-adam-like kh-house.,
[as?] the word of the chakra-tool (h’em-ba). [of] hail.,
699a] [by] he. the pool of the field. the head. (main-field). he. to intertwine [with the solarplane]. [for] to flourish (uatch). hail.;
to recite.;
—-end PT 403