CT 629

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v] the cemetery below. of [=as]. the lake [sh?]. [for,by?] the prince (áti, staff-related), [in] the land of solarplane intestine (qabu). [for] he (the). existence (eden’s). to make to be sacrificed (s-maã).; u] [and] to build [by blueprint] (qet’). alike-adam’s (miá). existence matrix)., [by] the word (eden’s). to give speech., to become. t] [by] to go sacrifice (maã). this. god., [for] Shu (pillar+an-face). to manifest (per)., by to come (m+walk). s] divine great speech. [by] the coverings of the prisoner [energyfields] (su,Cain). of [=for]. the áshest-garment-body. of [=for]. he (the). speech of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [for] thou. to dress in (h’ebs).;
q] the things of speech of adamite soul for anunna-face (h’erset,’precious stone’, carnelian?). of [=for]. the beautified-soul’s. ãnkh-life., the lapis-lazuli (khesbet’). of [=for]. my. ãnkh-life., o] the áshest-garment-body. of [=for]. he (the). speech of beautified-soul. [as] thou. ànkh-life.;
n] Horus. of [=for]. the beautified-soul. to manifest [show up!].; [by] to become new (un). of [=by]. my. entering (ãq). the áshest-garment-body. alike-adam’s (miá)., it. the speech for beautified-soul. thou. to manifest.;

k] this (to connect to). he (the). speech for the beautified-soul. [by] thou. to enter. j] [by] divinely to beget (ut). (word) inside. [as] blossoms of khaau (a kh-house glyph). of [=for] existence., [by] the adamite soul. to grasp and hold tight (khefã). [for] my. existence. to become filled.; to become. i] the beautified-soul. willpower of Saturn (h’enã). thou. this. to make. the beautified-soul. [from] the light. [of] anóther. speech.;
h] [by] them (ad.souls). existence. to divinely beget. thou. hail. [for] the beautified-soul., [by] existence (eden’s). to go sacrifice., to become. g] the speech for the beautified-soul. [by] the flesh and bone of the heir [who?]. of [=for]. my. existence., [by] thou. this. to make: it (the). speech for the beautified soul. [as] this. áshest-garment-body.;
f] [by] the divine offering [mixing aspects] (ããbt). [through]  the willpower of Saturn (h’enã)., the divine ascended Watercourse [eden’s] (ãrt+ua). [for] existence for the beautified-soul.,  within. which is. this (root). ÁTI (prince, staff-related)., [for] the anunna-face (vesica north). the word. to connect to., [for] it. to drag to. he (the) speech for the beautified-soul., to give. of [ =for]. exístence of the beautified-soul.;

e] [by] he (the). speech for anunna-face. the divine images. [by] the great pillar., [by] the word. to travel (shas)., the great pillar. this (root). [for] the Sekhem-land. [by] the anunna-face. [by] me. to travel [around?]..; ** [by] he. the treshfloor (sep). the watercourse to elevate (then). [for] he (the). speech for the beautified-soul. thou. to travel [?] (shas). a] the divine light for sprits (áukhu). [of] the anunna-face. my. to come to rest.; **

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v] [by] Shu’s. anunna-face (vesica north). me. to manifest (per).; u] the áshest-garment. [by] the anunna-face. [of] he (the). speech for the beautified-soul. [for] thou. to manifest.; t] the divine great speech. [of] the Ka-double bull. [as] existence for the beautified-soul., s] [by] the word. to connect to. [and] drag, haul. it. [to] speech. to give. of [=for]. existence for the beautified-soul.;
r] the divine great speech. [by] the original adamite soul. [for] the solarplane house. [for] existence for the beautified-soul.; q] repeat p] the foreign land of he [hebrew-H / original adamite soul (set). [is now] all [of]. Ánpu (anubis). [for] existence for the beautified-soul.; o] repeat
n] the divine royal south(land) (suten=nesut, ‘existence by the prisoner’), [by] the workplaces. [for] the beautified-soul. existence. to make. m] [by] the land. [as] un-tied lands. [for] the beautified-soul. existence (matrix). to make stable.; l] [by] things to drag to. the beautified soul. [by] existence (eden’s). to go sacrifice (maã)., k] [in] the place. [of] the pool of ÁTI (prince,staff-related). [in?] the intestine, coil of solarplane (qabu). [for] me. existence (eden’s). to make to be sacrificed., to come hail. [of] speech. [for] the beautified-soul.;

j] the place of Djedu [pillar base]. [by] speech. [is] the manifestation (pert). [by] speech. [in] the qerrt-circle (see am-tuat’s)., thou. existence (eden’s). to open.;
i] the divine royal place of the south (see above). [by] the Workplaces. [for] thou. existence (matrix). to make.,
[by] the land’s. fowl to un-tie [disentangle aspects] (uhã). [for] thou. to become stable (smen).;
g] [by] things to drag. [for] thou. [missing: ‘existence’]. to make to be sacrified.; f] [in] the place. [of] the prince, ÁTI [staff-related]. [in] the intestines of the solarplane (qabu)., existence (eden’s). to sacrifice. [for] he (the). speech for the beautified-soul., to give. of [=for]. existence of the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;
e] [as] Osiris., who is \\. [by] aspects offered in the H’etep-field [of saturn]., of [=from]. the divine “One”. [as] the posession below (khert). [for] the gift. [of] eden’s speech (rr). [for] the beautified-soul’s. existence. [as] advánced beautified-soul.;

d] the áshest-garment-body. [of] speech. [by] the watercourse [eden’s] (ua). [in] the great pillar., [is] thou. speech. [for] my. existence. [as] advanced beautified-soul.; c] the divine thing from the root (pet+div, composite). this. am i (nuk).;
b] the post-eden dimension (ageb). [of] the Ka-spirit bull. [for] the divine án-fish-souls., [is] the beautified-soul’s. existence. [as] advánced beautified-soul., a] to give. of [=for]. the season. the image (thut).,

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p] them (ad.souls). [by] the divine words. to guard (saa)., [for,by?] the beautified-soul. existence. to make stable (smen).; they (ad.souls). within. mé., [by] the divine “One”. [as] the posession below (khert). me. [as] something made [from most-beautified-soul-adam] (ári).;
n] [as?] my. cultivated land (áh’t, saturn). me. to acquire.; m] [by] my. posession below. to make things [from most-beautified-soul-adam] (ári). l] [as] ‘breads’[‘aspects of eden’s Hand for KH-house] (khat’tu). of [=by]. divine words. [for] all [of]. existence (matrix). within. offered aspects (food-glyph). [as] the gift. to give.;
k] Osiris. who is \\. [by] aspects offered in the H’etep-field [of saturn]., the field (sekht). [of] speech. [for] the Dawn (t’ua). [of] the dimension. [of] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., [by] existence (eden’s). to go sacrifice (maã).;

j] the plumbline (khai). [by] me. to make to be sacrificed. i] [as] double-truth [maãt!]., [by] the beautified-soul. to be given. h] the place of ÁTI (staff, prince). [in] the intestine land of the solarplane (qabu). [for] existence. [of] the beautified-soul. [insert: ‘by existence’]. to sacrifice (maã).,
g] my. posession below. my. existence. to make.; f] [as] the cultivated land (áh’t, saturn). [for] me. to acquire (shep). [for] my. existence. [as] advanced beautified soul.; e] [unclear]
d] the mama fruit tree [likely mañnu-snakes, pillar]. [of] the equilibrium [as pillar] (ãq). to become. the cultivated field., [by] speech. [of] beauty. [by] the thing of the Watercourse [eden axis]. [for] my. existence. to make. c] me. [by] the anunna-face (north). [of] my. sight (maa).;
b] the island of fire [the adamite soul’s speech for matrix existence]. of [=by]. ** their (ad.souls). speech. [as?] their (ad.souls). torso. [for] existence. [of] words., to make. the beautified-soul’s.** existence. [of] sight (maa)., to become (áu). a] the sky of earth., [by] speech. the maqt-ladder  (pillar, mama). to tie together.;