Gate of splitting-off the lights from the original adamite soul

HAVING passed through the Tenth Division of the Tuat, the boat of the sun arrives at the gateway SHETAT-BESU,[1] which leads to the Eleventh Division, or, as the opening text reads: “This [great] god cometh forth to this gate, this great god entereth through it, and the gods who are therein acclaim the great god.” [2] The gateway is like that through which the god passed into the previous Division; at the entrance to the crate proper stands a bearded, mummied form called METES, [3] and at its exit stands a similar form called SHETAU.[4] The corridor is swept by flames of fire, which proceed from the mouths of two uraei, as before.[5] In the space which is usually guarded by a number of gods stand two sceptres, each of which is surmounted by a White Crown; the one on the right is the symbol of OSIRIS, (SAR), and the other of HORUS.[6] Between the sceptres is a line of text, which reads:–“They say to Ra, ‘[Come]in peace! [Come]in peace! [Come] in peace! [Come] in peace! O thou whose transformations are manifold, thy soul is in heaven, thy body is in the earth. It is thine own command, O great one.”[7] The monster serpent which stands on his tail and guards the door is called AM-NETU-F,[8] and the two lines of text which refer to his admission of Ra read:–“He who is over this door openeth to Ra. SAU saith to AM-NETU-F, ‘Open thy gate to Ra, unfold thy portal to KHUTI, so that he may illumine the thick darkness, and may send light into the hidden abode.’ This gate closeth after the great god hath passed through it, and the gods who are on the battlements wail when they hear it closing upon them.” [9]

[1]-    as “images (from ad.soul fór the fish-souls). (as) thing of the turtle” (*pic,thes-dome)
[2]-    the adamite soul’s. words. [of] adam-within. [for] the gods. [for] existence of hail.;
[by means of] this (pn). god. to (can) breathe (snsen)., [for] to become the great pillar.
this (pn). god. [for] existence of hail.; [through] existence (eden’s). the Sebekht-gate.
of [=for]. to enter (ãq). this. god. [of] existence. [by in] the sebekht-gate. speech.
to arrive (spr).” —-….see also the same end-formula in BD,
[3]-    reads: “the light (eden’s). [as] he (the). willpower. (for) willpower (matrix). [by?] he.
the shoulder [axis] (saturn,qãh’). [as] the knife (t’es+m, context unclear).”,
[4]-    reads: “the light (eden’s). [of] willpower of speech. [of] existence., [for] existence.
(matrix). [as] he (the) willpower (eden’s). [for] willpower. [to?] he (the) shoulder
(see prev.). [as] the word. to give. [as] aspect (aspect-glyph?).”,
[5]-    both named “the light (eden’s). [of] them (ad.souls). [as] flame to shoot out (seed).”;
[6]-    it is possible like that, but context don’t make sense; the flesh+speech is used in CT for Osiris – but in this gate his name is standard; the point here is acquiring the double rule over the eastern sky: “speech / the essence / (for) Horus” or the like,
[7]-    reads: “to split-off (likely). to become the two props,supports. [as] the áat [region]
(perch). [for] existence (matrix).; [by means of] thou. [for] the dead body (khat). [in?]
the dome. of [=for]. thou. Ba spirit-soul (bird). the words to transform (pl.). [into?]
the many (ãsh).\\ lights (mixed). [as] the peace [of saturn] (h’etep).; of [=as].
\\the lights (mixed). [of] peace (saturn). of [=bý]. the light (eden’s). [for] existence
(matrix).; [because by] them (ad.souls). existence. [for] existence of hail.”;
[8]-    “his (eden’s). existence to pour-out. [for] existence (matrix). [of] adam-within.”,
[9]-    “this (pn). great door [of pillar]. to descend hebrew-H [cube]. [in order for] them (ad.souls). to listen. [to] existence (matrix)., [through] the corner (gate of cube). [of] the words of adam-within (mult.). [fór] the gods. [as] speech and nature (kher)., [by means of] the word of hebrew-H. this. god., to enter, (ãq). [as?] the staff (glyph). of [=for]. the great door. [for] existence of hail (matrix).;
[by] to seal up (glyph). [and as] the thing to hide. [namely as] the house of fat (eden aspects). of [=for]. to acquire., [by] he. to give. the words to unite (smau).; [by means of] the word of darkness (kku). to repulse. the original adamite soul., [and by] he. to become (áu). \\ the thing of the house of the horizon. [of] existence., [by means of] thou. the great door. [for] existence. [as?] the aspect (see 4). [of] he (the). light (eden’s). [of] existence. [for] thou. the tuathouse (sbat?). to open [and become new] (un).;
[by means of] the serpent (glyph). to pour out essence (glyph). which is. adam-within. [for] existence (matrix).; [and by] divine intuition (saá). the light (eden’s). existence (matrix). it. to open (and become new] (un)., [through] the great door. [of] the [an-] face (eden’s). [by] he. existence to become new.”;

B] notes:
….context is that ‘edens light is being split-off’, into ‘many lights’;
but the rest of this chapter seems to adress the original-adamite-soul himsélf being split-off in order to acquire these lights:
which can make this chapter similar to amtuat XI, the fiery furnaces,


In the middle of this Division we see the boat of the sun being towed on its way by four gods of the Tuat; the god is in the same form as before, and his boat is piloted by SA, who commands, and by HEKA, who steers according to his directions.

Of the gods of the Tuat who tow the boat of Ra it is said:–
“The gods of the Tuat say, Behold the coming forth [of Ra] from Ament, and [his] taking up [his] place in the two divisions of Nu, and [his] performance of [his] transformations on the two hands of Nu. This god doth not enter into the height of heaven, [but] he openeth [a way through] the Tuat into the height of heaven by his transformations which are in Nu. Now, what openeth the Tuat into Nut (i.e., the sky) are the two hands of AMEN-REN-F (i.e., he whose name is hidden). He existeth in the thick darkness, and light appeareth [there] from the starry night.'”

[full text over boat:]
“the words of darkness. [for] hail. of [=by] (means of). the light (eden’s). [as] the thing of the original adamite soul. to manifest (per) (dangerous!). [through] the words to unite (smau). [as] the words of darkness (kku)., of [=for] he. existence to become new.;
[as] he (the). existence of speech (name). [as] the hidden (ámen).\\word (eden’s). [of] willpower. [for] willpower (matrix)., [through] the dome of the thing of light (probably). [for] the speech. [of] the Tuat (glyph)., [by means of] the double root to open up (upp). [for] speech of hail.;

[as] the dome of lights (correct).\\[of] adam-within. he. the words to transform. of [=for]. the dome the thing for the an-face. [for] speech. [of] the Tuat house., [by means of] he. the double root to open. [for] the dome for speech of the an-face. this. god., [in order] to be invaded (ãq). nót.;
the dome of lights.\\[as] the word (eden’s). [of] willpower. [for] willpower. [for] the [an-] face. the words to transform. [in order] to make. the dimension. [of] the dome of lights.\\[as] the word (eden’s). [for] the two lands (south). of [=as]. the peace [of saturn] (h’etep)., [in order for] the West. of [=for]. manifestation. [?]. [for] existence of hail.”;

The procession in front of the boat of the sun consists of:–
1. A company of nine gods, each holding a huge knife in his right hand, and a sceptre in his left; the first four have jackal heads, and the last five heads of bearded men. These nine beings represent the “company of the gods who slay APEP.”[1]

[1] – the words ãpep, knife and pestchu, Ennead, are readable;
but it is unclear why four of them should be jackal headed,

Of the nine gods with knives and sceptres it is said:–
“Those who are in this scene [with] their weapons in their hand take their knives and hack [with them] at Apep; they make gashes in him and slaughter him, and they drive stakes whereby to fetter him in the regions which are in the upper height. The fetters of the REBEL are in the hands of the Children of Horus, who stand threateningly by this god with their chains between their fingers. This god reckoneth up his members after he whose arms are hidden hath opened [the door] to make a way for Ra.”

[full text:]
the doubled-eden light (glyph). [for] existence (matrix) (end plate). [by means of] the thing of the Watercourse (eden’s). to make. speech. [by] it (the).\\wor (eden’s). [as] the thing to hide (áment). [in order] to open the great door. [for] to come the staff/branch (khet). of [=for]. it (the). flesh [of saturn] (h’ã). this (=pn). god., [as] speech of the root of hail (ápt’?).;
[by] them (ad.souls). the fingers (glyph). [for?] the [dimensional] side (ges). [as?] their (ad.souls). Nuh’ cords. this (=pn). god., [for] speech and nature (kher). to come to level (?khkh). the willpower (ã). [by means of] the Watercourse (eden’s). the words to birth. which are. [for?] the hands (=?). of [=as?]. these. enemy-lights (sbáu). [as] thousands. existence to become new (matrix). (unn).;”

the dome the thing of the an-face. [of?] the east lands (?). [as] the knot (spine (thest). [of] sweetness (bnr).,[by means of] (to become) the original adamite soul to shoot out [of the hand] (comp.?). [and] he. [as] slaughtered pieces of meat (shãtu). [for] speech. to make.; [by] them (ad.souls). who are. [of?] the ãpep serpent. them (ad.souls). neká., [and] them (ad.souls). to serve (h’em). [by means of] them (ad.souls). to acquire (shep).; [in order for] their (ad.souls). willpower. of [=as]. them (ad.souls) (end plate). [?]. these (pu). designs/nature (skhru)., [because] of [=by]. them (ad.souls). existence to become new (matrix)“;

B] textnote:
….tricky one; last line “them these designs” is valid, ‘their designs’;
“fingers” should be vertices, used fór the solarplane, in the same
context as plumblines, Nuh’; the clue may even be in the text, where
the cords dimensionally change into the term ‘finger’,

2. The serpent APEP, fettered by five chains which enter the ground; the fetters are further strengthened by small chains, which are linked to the larger ones, and are fastened to the ground by means of pegs with a hook at the top. In an earlier picture we have seen APEP fettered by Seb, Mest, Hapi, Tuamutef, and Qebhsennuf, who were represented by five gods, but here the figures of the gods are wanting, and it is only the legend “Children of Horus,” that tells us the chains represent the gods.[1]

  1. [1]— unlike previous chapter, here Eden’s double-land, ãpep, is being held-down
    by chains – which must imply that réal Eden is “not allowed to rise, but only
    their contents of eden”,
    but they are áided in that by “imprisoned adamite souls”, which are
    those ‘tent pegs’, as stripped-adamite-soul, alike dead weights aiding the
    hand from the ravine as dead-bodies (khatu);
    see for the difference the fourth row, first glyph, “original adamite soul”, as
    bolt-glyph: this glyph is used to describe “the things of o-a-s”, which seem
    to be “lights”, which are being stripped – in amtuat XI these are specified as
    different type ‘garment-bodies’;

  2. Of the serpent Apep it is-said:–
    “The Children of Horus grasp firmly this serpent which is in this picture, and in this picture they rest in Nut (i.e., the sky). They heap their fetters upon him, and whilst his folds (?) are in the sky his poison drops down from him into Amentet.”

    [full text over plate:]
    “the thing of the West. of [=by]. he. the seed. [by means of] hebrew-H to descend. [as] the dome. [and] of [=by]. he (dome). the words to tie together. to become new.;
    to become (áu). he. the fetters., [through] them (ad.souls). to split-off (t’n). the word. [of] these (pn). designs/nature (skhru). of [=by?]. the dome of the thing of light (nut?).; [by means] of [=for]. them (ad.souls). [via] the prisoner (su,Cain). thém (ad.souls). to grasp (netcher,sky). [in order for] the Watercourse (eden’s). the words to birth. [for] these (pn). designs,nature (skhru)., [because] of [=by]. this. H’efau-serpent [totality]. existence to become new (matrix).;

    B] notes:
    …also tricky, but it is because of simply having trouble to see the concepts;
    H’efau is “totality, given to saturn”,

    3. Four Apes, each holding up a huge hand and wrist.[1]
    4. The goddess of Upper Egypt, wearing the White Crown, and styled AMENT [2]
    5. The goddess of Lower Egypt, wearing the Red Crown, and called HERIT.[3]
    6. The bearded god SEBEKHTI, who holds the emblem of “life” in his right hand,
    and a sceptre in his left [4]

    Of the four apes holding hands it is said:–
    “It is those who are in this picture who make ready for Ra, a way into the eastern horizon of heaven,, and they lead the way for the god who hath created them with their hands, [standing] two on the right hand and two on the left in the double atert of this god; then they come forth after him, and sing praises to his soul when it looketh upon them, and they stablish his Disk.”[5]

    Of the three remaining deities it is said:–
    “Those who are in this picture turn away SET from this Gate [of the god TUATI]. They open its cavern,

    [1] – the divine apes, ÁÃNU, hold each a hand, similar to the one pulling down
    the chain into the Ántt-ravine, there the hand was ‘dead bodies’,
    [2] – as ‘the West’, having the rule over the eastern sky – the white crown,
    [3] – unlikely; the bird does not look like Horus, H’ERU, but rather as the vulture
    Mut, representing north of earth, dividing into three; which makes sense
    because this red crown NT is about ‘physical life upon earth’; MUTIT then
    reads “the house / (of) the thing of m-b-soul-adam / (for) Mut”,
    [4] – reading “the gate \\ (of) sebekht”, the magically-dangerous\\ must imply that
    this house (gate) is eden’s;
    [5][full text in top of plate:]
    “this. Sbekht-gate. [for] the speech. [as] the thing of the original adamite soul (bolt+)., [by means of] them (ad.souls). to come existence. [for] existence (matrix). [of] willpower (Ã). [as] these. designs/nature (skhru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (matrix).;
    he (the). áthen light [disk] (*pic). [for] to make stable (smen)., [through] existence (eden’s). [of] the original adamite soul. who is. [for] the thíngs of the original adamite soul. [as] it (the). sight (of matrix). [for] the Ba spirit-soul (bird). [and he] to praise (uash). he (the). branch/staff (khet).;

    their (ad.souls). eden speech. the house (not:manifest). this. god., [for] existence (matrix). [as] the double-house of átert. of [=for] the West., [by means of] the [an-] face. [as] the double. [and] the east. [as] the double., [in order from] their (ad.souls). willpower (Ã). of [=by]. them (ad.souls). the word to create. [as] this (=pn). god.;
    [by] the things of the original adamite soul. [as] the speech. [of] the original adamite soul (not:direct). [for] the Dome. which is. the east. house. [of] the house of the horizon (south). of [=for]. the light (eden’s). to direct (ser+pass.)., [through] the things of the original adamite soul. which are [end plate] of [=fór]. the light (eden’s). to direct (ser+). the things of the adamite soul. which are. these (pu). designs/nature (skheru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (unn).”;

    A] context:
    ….as always, they use “things of the adamite soul” to use agáinst eden;
    we still search what can be this “doubling shrine of eden speech”,

    it is difficult to see the relation of all characters in one plate,
    and there are so mány in these gates, which makes it only more complex:
    this middle register (*pic,thes-dome) shows the figures above walking
    tówards earth, as constructs;
    -the sebekht-gate in front,
    -opening the way for the physical life on earth,
    -and the rule of the eastern sky over earth, the white crown,
    -for the four type apes, representing “the four types physical bodies upon
    earth”, compare our four known bloodgroups [and the spells knew!,
    in CT* it is said “SENEF IIII”, “four/physical bloods”]


    In the upper register of this Division are:–

    1. Four gods, each holding a disk in his right hand; these are “they who hold light-giving disks”[1]
    2. Four gods, each holding a star in his right hand; these are “they who hold stars.”[2]
    3. Four gods, each holding a sceptre in his left hand; these are “they who come forth.”[3]
    [1] – line,”the spirits-light / by the words / below”,
    [2] – line,”by the stars / the words / below “,
    [3] – line “to come the word of m-b-s-adam for speech of the house”,

    Of the four gods bearing disks it is said:–
    “Those who are in this picture carry the disk of Ra, and it is they who make a way through the Tuat and the height of heaven by means of this image which is in their hands. They utter words to the Pylon of Akert so that Ra may set himself in the body of Nut (i.e., the sky).”

    Of the four gods bearing stars it is said:–
    “Those who are in this picture carry stars, and when the two arms of Nu embrace Ra they and their stars shout hymns of praise, and they journey on with him to the height of heaven, and they take up their places in the body of Nut.”

    Of the four gods bearing sceptres it is said:-
    “Those who are in this picture [having] their sceptres in their hands, are they who stablish the domains of this god in the sky, and they have their thrones in accordance with the command of Ra.”

    [full line over first plate:]
    “the nut dome (no div!). [as] the belly [south] (khat). of [=by]. them (ad.souls). [for] the peace [of saturn] (h’etep). [as] the dome the thing of the an-face (white hole).; [by means of] them (ad.souls). to wander the double root of willpower (eden’s) (ãpp+walk). [as] their (ad.souls). stars (glyph). of [=bý]. them (ad.souls). to offer [to saturn] (h’eken).;
    [for] the light (eden’s). [in] the dome of Nu [top cube]., [by means of] willpower (matrix).,willpower (eden’s). to acquire. [as?] the stars (glyph). [of] them (ad.souls). [for] to bear up and carry (remen). these. designs and nature (kheru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (matrix).;

    the nut dome. [of] the belly (khat). of [=as]. the light (eden’s). [for] the peace [of saturn]., [for] the speech. [of] the house of the throne [plexus,white hole] (get). [of] hail.;
    [through] the sbekht-gate. [of] speech. the things to command., [by means of] to guard. them (ad.souls)., [in order for] the willpower. [of] adam-within., existence (eden’s). this. to go guide.; of [=by] (means of). the dome of thing of the an-face (white hole). [for] existence.; [and] the tuathouse (sbat?). the land (south). [by] to sacrifice (maã). them (ad.souls). who are. Rã. [as] the foremost. [for] existence of hail., [by] them (ad.souls). [for] to bear up (remen). these. designs and nature (skhru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (matrix) (unn).”;

    B] note:
    ….indeed ‘Rã’ is the construct containing aspects of original adamites,


    4. Four ram-headed gods, each holding a sceptre inhis left hand; their names are BA, KHNEMU, PENTER, and TENT. [1]
    5. Four hawk-headed gods, each holding a sceptre in his left hand; these are called HORUS, ASHEMTH, SEPT, and AMMI-UAA-F.[2]
    [1] – line,”to violently split-off / and erase / existence’s root /to unite and build/ the Ba soul (ram)
    [2] – line,”(by) ad-within./(as) the steering-boat \\ (for) his / boat (eden’s) /? / Horus”

    Of the four ram-headed gods it is said:–
    “Those who are in this picture [having] their sceptres in their hands, are they who decree [the making ready] of the offerings of the gods [from] the bread of heaven, and it is they who make to come forth celestial water when as yet Ra hath not emerged in Nu.”

    Of the four hawk-headed gods it is said:–
    “Those who are in this picture [having] their sceptres in their hands, are they who establish the shrine [in the boat of Ra], and they lay their hands on the body of the double boat of the god after it hath appeared from out of the gate of Sma, and they place the paddles [of the boat] in Nut, when the Hour which presideth over it (i.e., the boat) cometh into being, and the Hour [which hath guided it] goeth to rest.”

    [text over entire plate:]
    “the dome of Nu (lights?). [of] speech., [in order for] the light (eden’s). [as] the thing to arrive. nót.;
    the dimension of m-b-soul-adam’s opened word-inside (nui+). [as] the things to come (which) shoot out [of the hand] (ut’t’tu). [into] this. dome. [as] the words (for sekhem-sceptre?,unclear). [for] the gods. who are (nt). [by] the eden aspects offered in H’etep (*pic,s-áaru). to become to be ruled (h’em+passive). [by] existence (matrix)., [through?] the original adamite soul.; [by means of] them (ad.souls). who are. their (ad.souls). willpower. of [=as]. their (ad.souls). tchãm-sceptres [willpower] (uas-sceptres?). [for] these (pu). designs and nature (skhru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (matrix) (unn).;

    them (ad.souls). the house. the posession below. [as] the light (eden’s). the word. [as] prop,pillar. [of] the enemy. [fór] the dome. of [=as]. this. god. [for] existence (matrix)., to become the words for the solarplane as saturn’s blossom of existence (h’enbu,1 glyph). to make stable.; [through] them (ad.souls). who are. their (ad.souls). willpower (ã)., of [=as]. their (ad.souls). tchãm-sceptres [willpower] (uas?). [for] these. designs and nature (skhru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (unn).;
    (end plate rams)

    B] notes:
    …the tchãm-sceptres line does not run proper,
    these scepters appear to relate to ‘eden willpower’, and is related to ‘eden gold’,
    now in posession of the serpent, TCH (and white hole TCH),


    6. Eight female figures, each seated on a seat formed by a uraeus with its body coiled up, and holding a star in her left hand; these are called “the protecting hours.”
    7. A crocodile-headed god called SEBEK-RA, who grasps a fold of a serpent that stands on its tail in his right hand, and a sceptre in his left

    Of the goddesses who are seated on uraei it is said:–
    “Those who are in this picture with their serpents under them, and their hands holding stars, come forth from the two ATERT of this great god, four to the East and four to the West; it is they who call ‘the Spirits of the East, and they sing hymns to this god, and they praise him after his appearance, and SETTI cometh forth in his forms. It is they who guide and transport those who are in the boat of this great god.”

    [full text:]
    “to become the great pillar. this. god. [of] existence (matrix)., [by means] of [=by]. the things of the workplace. which is. the thing to ferry-over (to north). [in order for] to go guide. them (ad.souls). who are. [for?] he. the words to transform. of [=as]. he (the). house. [of] speech. [like] the divine\\hand., [and by] the original adamite soul. [are] it. the things of speech. [of] the house.

    to come the staff/branch (khet). of [=by] (means of). the prisoner (su,Cain)., théir (ad.souls). praised star (note). this. god. [for] existence (matrix)., [which] théy (ad.souls). offer (h’eken,saturn)., [and so by] them (ad.souls). the thing of the east [heaven?]. to become it to existence (matrix). to give.;
    them (ad.souls). who are. [for] the Western (ámentt). existence. [by?] the four-easts?. existence. [as,by] the four-arrows?. this. god., [for] existence (matrix)., [through] the double-house of átert. of [=by]. them (ad.souls). to manifest (the d-house)., [by means of] the stars (glyph). below., [who are?] the original adamite souls [mult.]. willpower. [of] their (ad.souls). (speech) below [south]., [as] the original adamite souls (pl.). tooth (?). the serpent. the dome. this (pu). designs (sekheru). of [=by]. them (ad.souls). existence to become new (matrix) (unn).’;

    the star (glyph). [of] the original adamite soul. [for] existence (matrix). [of] peace (saturn)., [by?] the original adamite soul. who is. separated-glyph? (unknown). the time-dimension. [by] speech to transform. [for] the sky of earth. of [=as]. the things of the square [top cube] (h’eptu). [by] them (ad.souls). to be given., [in order] to make to unite (s-sma). the mouth (*pic). of [=for]. the thing of speech. [by?] the house. [of] the staff (khet). of [=as]. the god. the double-boat (2xboat). \\ which is. [by] the belly (khat). [of] speech. [of] willpower (ã). [to] be given., [and through] the Kaár shrine (Ka-double/speech). to make stable (smen) (end plate). [through] the original adamite souls (mp.). who are. their (ad.souls). willpower. of [=as]. [?]. the tchãm,uas sceptres. [for] these (pu). designs (kheru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (matrix) (unn).”;

    B] notes:
    …will be reviewed when a concept will emerge what are these stars…

    A] context:
    …this ‘sitting upon’, as we saw in amtuat, is usual “upon the cube”,
    they may be sitting upon the 2 x 4 vertical vortices of artificial domes,
    since ‘goddesses’ represent artificial,made, constructs;
    [comp. how the H’EH’U were also doubled from four to eight],
    ….”holding a star in the hand” reminds us of Rev. 1:20, which is indeed
    ‘a mystery’ – but good that He has them back – however, it does not
    explain to us why there are ‘eight’ here: when there are seven stars
    in the pillar, but perhaps the eighth one is as áten on top
    – since this is the upper register = all above the thes-dome (*pic),
    and see start of text,

    —- end UPPER REGISTER —-

    In the lower register are:–
    1. Four gods, each wearing the Crown of the South; these are the “Kings of the South in chief.”
    2. Four bearded gods, “the WEEPERS.”[2]
    3. Four gods, each wearing a Crown of the North; these are the KHNEMIU.[3]
    4. Four bearded gods, the RENENIU, i.e., “those who give names.”[4]

    [1] – line,”the head/by to become words/ for existence(matrix)/(by)to connect to/the adamite soul”,
    [2] – line,”the mourners (the class of spirits who lack a body)“,
    [3] – line,”the words/for/to build (a body)/ (alike) m-b-soul-adam”
    [4] – line,”to become the words of m-bs-adam/(for)existence(by)the name”,

    B] notes:
    …they constantly go on about, in many spells, about “knowing the names”;
    where “the name”, as (spiritual) construct, denotes the power, character and
    essence of that particular spirit-being: thát is what they steal,
    and glue those aspects to their own sons;

    Of the gods wearing the White Crown it is said:-
    “Those who are in this picture are they who stablish the White Crown on the gods who follow Ra; they themselves remain in the Tuat, but their souls go forward and stand at [this] gate.”

    Of the four Weepers it is said:–
    “Those who are in this picture in this gate make lamentation for Osiris after Ra hath made his appearance from Ament; their souls go forward in his train, but they themselves follow after Osiris.”

    [full text:]
    [as] Osiris. to come the branch. [by] them (ad.souls)., existence to become new (unn).; (end plate)
    [by] he (osiris). to come the branches. [by means of] the wandering double-root of willpower (eden’s). [fór] the Ba spirit-souls., [to] the West. of [=for]. the light (eden’s). to manifest (per) (dangerous!). to come the branch,staff. of [=as]. Osiris., [by means of] them (ad.souls). [fór] the coverings of mourning [of dead bodies] (ákebu). [by] this (tn). sebekht-gate.;
    [by] them (ad.souls). [as] these. designs (skhru). [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (matrix) (unn).;

    the sbekht-gate. [of] speech. [by] them (ad.souls). to go stand upright., [as] the double-root of willpower (eden’s). [by] them (ad.souls). [fór] the Ba spirit-souls., [and] the tuat house. of [=by]. them (ad.souls). to become stable.; [through] the light (eden’s). [for] the staff,branch. [fór] the gods. to make the white crown [of rule over the east] (via the prisoner) (S-h’etcht). [for] to make stable (smen). [by] them (ad.souls)., who are. [for] these (pu). designs (skhru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (unn).”;
    (end of plate)

    Of the four gods wearing the Red Crown it is said:–
    “Those who are in this picture are those who unite themselves to Ra, and they make his births to come to pass in the earth; their souls go forward in his train, but their bodies remain in their places (or, seats).”
    Of the four RENENIU it is said:–
    “[Those who are in this picture are they who give the name to Ra, and they magnify the names of all his forms; their souls go forward in his following, but their bodies remain in their places (or, seats).”]

    [full text:]
    [by] them (ad.souls)., the throne of adamite [they made!] (ást). of [=for]. to become stable., [by] them (ad.souls). the dead body (khat). he. the branches,staffs. them (ad.souls). the Ba spirit-souls. to wander the double root of willpower (eden’s). [for] the land (south). of [=by]. he. the words to birth. [through] to make to transform (using ad.soul) (s-kheper). the light eden’s). [by means of] the light (eden’s). to seal up (khtm). [of] them (ad.souls). who are. these. designs (skhru)., [because by] them (ad.souls)., existence to become new (matrix) (unn).;

    5. Four females, each wearing the Crown of the South; these are the “Queens of the South,”[1]
    6. Four females, each wearing the Crown of the North; these are, presumably, the “Queens of the North;” these are the KHNEMUT. [2]
    7. Four females, without crowns.[3]
    8. Four bearded gods, with their backs slightly bowed; these are the gods who praise Ra.[4]
    9. A cat-headed god called MATI.[5]

    [1] – line,”to become the things for existence(matrix)/to connect to/the adamite soul”,
    where ‘white crown’ is the rule over the eastern sky;
    [2] – no names given
    but red crown NT is the rule over physical life upon earth;
    [3] – no names given, 1 trace of glyph visible,
    [4] – no names given
    [5] – name: “\\the copy alike-adam”, MIÁT\\,
    related to “skin alike-adam” and the cat Miáu, Rã, cutting-off the head daily,

    Of the four goddesses wearing the White Crown it is said:–
    “Those who are in this picture are they who make MAAT to advance, and who make it to be stablished in the shrine of Ra when Ra taketh up his position in Nut; their souls pass onwards in his following but their bodies remain in their places.”

    Of the four goddesses wearing the Red Crown it is said:–
    “Those who are in this picture are they who establish time, and they make to come into being the years for those who keep ward over the condemned ones in the Tuat and over those who have their life in heaven; they follow in the train of this great god.”

    [text over plate of four and four crowns:]
    “the sky of earth. of [=by]. the words. [of] ãnkh-life (+n). existence. sbat-tuathouse. of [=for]. the great speech. to make the words [by ad.soul) (s-u+). alike-adam (mm,weak). [as] the words. [of] speech of hail. [for] existence (matrix)., [for] the seasons (matrix). [by] (speech) to make to transform., [for] the light (eden’s). to stand upright., [for] to make stable. [by] them (ad.souls). who are. [for] these (pu). designs (skhru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (matrix) (unn).;

    [by] them (ad.souls)., the throne of adamite (ást). of [=for]. to become stable. [through] them (ad.souls). the dead body [their south] (khat). [to] he. to come the branches,staffs. [by means of] their (ad.souls). to wander the double root of willpower (eden’s) (àpep). them (ad.souls). the Ba spirit-souls., the nut dome [torus]. of [=by]. the light (eden’s). (end of plate). [for] the peace [of saturn] (h’etep)., [by means of] to come the enemy’s. light (eden’s). [to] the Kar shrine [Ka-double+speech]. of [=by]. \\ the original adamite soul. to make stable (smen). the willpower. [as] the thing of [=by]. to make to ascend the Watercourse [eden’s] (s-ãr+). them (ad.souls). who are. these. designs (skhru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (unn).”;
    (end over crowns)

    Of the four females who are without crowns it is said:–
    “Those who are in this picture in [this] gate make lamentation and tear their hair in the presence of this great god in Amentet; they make SET to withdraw from this pylon, and they do not enter into the height of heaven.”

    Of the four gods with their backs bowed it is said:–
    “Those who are in this picture make adoration to Ra and sing praises unto him, and in their place in the Tuat they hymn those gods who are in the Tuat, and who keep guard over the Hidden Door. [They remain in their places.”] [or,”The warder of the door of this Circle remaineth in his place.”]

    [full text over last plate:]
    “the land of the turtle (*pic,thes-dome) (sheta). the great door. [for] (words) of speech of hail. [for] the tuathouse (*pic,yellow cube) (sbat). [of] adam-within. [for] these. gods.; [by means of] them (ad.souls). [is] the tuathouse (sbat). [to just as?] them (ad.souls). to make to praise (s-shua). he. existence (matrix). them (ad.souls). the one (tu). to offer [to saturn] (h’eken). the light (eden’s). the adamite souls (correct). to praise the star (tua?). these. designs (skhru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (matrix) (unn).;

    the dome the thing of the an-face. of [=by]. them (ad.souls). to invade (ãq). existence adamite soul (=them?). of [=by]. the sebekht-gate. [of] speech. the thing of the original adamite soul. them (ad.souls). to come existence (eden’s). [for] existence (matrix). [of] willpower (ã). thing of the West. of [=by]. the great pillar. this (pn). god., [by] the original adamite soul. [is] the phallus [inverse pillar]. [by] them (ad.souls). the phallus (sing.). them (ad.souls). the [dimensional] background of saturn (h’a). the sebekht- gate. of [=as]. these. designs (skhru)., [because by] them (ad.souls). existence to become new (unn).,
    [by] this (pn). god. [as] the branches/staffs. [of] them (ad.souls)., existence to become new (unn).”;
    (end of plate)

    ———- end LOWER REGISTER

    … we do not yet understand the meanings of the line-up of deities,
    though the upper register is one of ‘established copies’ —
    after translating and ordering them, we need to see how they can
    fit with other spells, and mainly amtuat,

    ——- END of GATE