PT 541
PT 541
1334c] [by means of] the prisoner (su, Cain). this (to connect to). hail. [through] the praised (áa, lampstand). place-T of hail (át). [in order for] existence (eden’s). speech to make of hail. +
1334b] [for?] his Self (tchs-f). [of] this. N (candidate)., [through] Osiris’ (construct). he the place-T of hail (‘father’,átf). [as] he. the protection [serpenthand] (ntch). [of] hail.;
[in order for?] Horus. the sekhem-power. +
[in order for?] Horus. the sekhem-power. +
1334a] [for?] the land (south, eden’s). [through] place-T of the white light [of saturn] (h’etcht). [of] the border [-sky]. [as] he. the willpower. of [=for]. this. N (candidate). Osiris (as construct). the protection [serpenthand] (ntch). [of] hail.;
[by means of] the tile place-T of the adamite soul. [as?] the saturn-wick of hail (‘moon’, áh’). +
[by means of] the tile place-T of the adamite soul. [as?] the saturn-wick of hail (‘moon’, áh’). +
1333d] [for] the gods (matrix). the speech of hail (ár)., [through] he. the (evil) stake (stchb). [by] he. place-T to give. [for] the opened word-inside. [of] the border [-sky].;
1333c] [and so for] N. Osiris (as construct). this (to connect to). place-T of hail (át). [of] the [an-] face. [for] ãnkh-life. [as] the protection (Sa). [by] the chisel for the root to make place-T-m (‘to select’, stp+).;
1333b] [by] [names of four sons of horus]. +
1333a] [for] Horus. place-T for m-b-soul-adam-like to birth [north] (mesit).;
to recite.;
to recite.;
—— end PT 541