CT 694

CT 694 VI 327

m] he. the Self (tches). [as] the god.,
of [=by] the staff-tá. to become equipped (ãper). [for] the spirits. alike adam (mm,weak).;
[by means of] thou. to descend hebrew-H (cube). m] [in order for] the word. to connect to. existences to make (via ad.soul). [of] sight (maa).;

k] to become the word of true voice. [as] the praised vulture-rule of hail. [of] thou. existence. [by] existence (eden’s).;
my. spirits-light by place-T alike adam for existence by Saturn (h’nmmt+). j] [as] the divine [..1x lost..]. alike-adam (miá).,
[and by] the words to bend [toward k-axis] (sku+). of [=for]. the land. [of] the divine words of adam-within.,
[as] thou. existence. [by] to come the word.;

i] [for?] the ornaments [of dead-body] (likely). [through] the (cord of) place-T of vulture-rule. [for] my. existence. to give speech. [as] the word of hail.;
h] [and so for] this. N (candidate). [as] Osiris (construct). [by] to descend hebrew-H.;
g] the Tuathouse. [of] the divine words of adam-within. of [=by] (means of). thou. the things to give. \\ (by) place-T of the saturn-wick for the root.,
[in order for] the land. [of] the divine words of adam-within.;
of [=by] (means of). thou. to become feared. my. existence., [by] to give. speech. [as] the word of hail.,
f] [and so for] this. N (candidate). Osiris (construct). [by] to descend hebrew-H (cube).;

e] [for] the gods (matrix). alike adam (mm, weak). the divine set (dog) [sela rock, north]. alike-adam (miá).,
[in order for] the spirits. of [=by]. thou. dualism-place-t by he the soulpool (shfshft+ram). my. existence. to give speech. [as] the word of hail.;
d] [and so for] the gods (matrix). alike adam (mm, weak). [by] Horus. alike-adam (miá). the land. [of] the divine words of adam-within.;
of [=by]. thou. to be feared (sent’+passive). my. existence., [by] to give speech. [as] the word of hail.;

c] [for] this. N. Osiris (as construct)., [as?] the [an-] face. [by] the great doors [for the great pillar]. [for] the words. to give speech.
b] [as] the word of the great pillar., [by?] the sekhem-sceptres. [as] the divine words.;
[for] all. things by the mouth (eden’s). to become the words for the khu-spirit.,
a] [and so] these words of the khu-spirit. [as] these. gods. existences. to connect to. the [an-] face (north). [of] protection (serpent-hand) of hail.;

—- end CT 694