BD XIII or cxxi

the bandage to wrap up for burial (qerás). [is] the light of Hru [“day”, but mutilated eden light]. of [=for]. the original adamite soul’s. [an-] face [eden eye]., [as] the true voice. [by] the divine perch of Menu of Youth [same region]. [in order for] existence (matrix). to birth. the word of true voice. [for] my. ãnkh-life.;
[by] it. to become (áu). Osiris. existence., [in] existence’s (eden’s) name [of].: \\ speech to make. [for] the garment to spread-out [dimensional] (peg). [for] existence (matrix). [as] headcloth [óver eden-eye] (seshet’)., of [=for]. the tool [wpower of speech]. [as] the pupils (benn). [of] another (ket)., [by] the willpower of saturn (h’enã). [for] the noble spirits. [of] existence.;

2] the shoulder of the West [axis] (remen-glyph). [as] the ear (mestcher, ‘sky/to birth’). of [=for]. the one. tool (willpower of speech).[for] the blossoms of adam-within (for) ãnkh-life (1-glyph,ãnkhámiu). [of] existence. [as] the pupils (benn). [for] the [an-] face [white hole?]., to recite.; (see note)

the divine ãnkh-life. [of] all [of]. Osiris. [by] me. [for] to praise (t’ua)., [by] me. to invade (ãq). the thing of the way [eden watercourse]. [for] my. existence (matrix). to make. Horus., [by] the greyhounds (thesemu, pre-deluge adamites?). [by] me. to fetter (nuh’). [for] Horus’. existence., [through] the soulpool. [for] the word for existence. [for] the beautiful. West. [as] the speech. [for] peace [of saturn] (h’etep).;

3] [by] me. to invade (ãq). the thing of the Way [eden watercourse]. [for] existence. to make. Rã [!]., [for] to praise (t’ua). [by] the god. [as] the Bennu bird [phoenix]. of [=for]. existence (matrix). to manifest (per). [as] the divine falcon (bák).; of [=by]. me. to enter (ãq). the blueprints. alike-adam (miá). [for] my. existence.;

existence. [of] willpower of speech. [for] the completed family (temu). am I.;

[by] existence (eden’s). [is] existence (matrix). [of] the West. of [=for]. to manifest., [for] to enter. existence (matrix). [by] the mouth (*pic,vesica).;