CT 668

CT 668 VI 297

h] existence. to connect to. adam-within., [for] this (pá). rule of doubled-solarplane (Beb, Abaddon). [for this N.].,
[by means of] the doubled place-T for existence (ntt). g] existence to make (via ad.soul).;
[through] the doubled-light of the star of the opened-word-inside. +
[as] the speech. [for] the divine things of the land (north). [of] the word of adam-within.,
[in order for] [this N.]. [as] existence (matrix). to tremble for (st’a, make new-hand).;

f] the word. [..1x lost..]. [this N’s.]. existence (matrix). to be feared (sentch+passive).;
e] [yet, by] he. place-T [eden’s] for sight (maa-t). [for] the ãnkh-life. nót.;
d] [but instead, for] the baboons (áãnã+). the Ka-double bull. c] [as?] this (pá). rule of doubled-solarplane (Beb, Abaddon). [for this N.].,
[namely by] the adamite-soul. [for] the hail.,
[as] the speech of hail (ár). the dóubled-place-T of existence for existence (nntt).,
b] [now as?] the divine egyptians. [of] he. the existence (matrix). to tremble for (st’a+).;
a] [by] the divine words. [or] all [of]. he. the existence. to make the protection (via ad.soul) [make-serpenthand] (s-netch).;

VI 296
s] [through] the star at place-T of vulture-rule to go inverse for the adamite-soul’s sh-pool (shessat+).,
[as] all [of]. place-T of existence (‘which’). [by] he (as -T). the willpower. of [=for]. [N.].,
which is. [by] the ring at place-T of existence for the k-axis of hail (ákent+).
r] [for?] the divine staff-tá.,
[through] place-T [eden] to go dissect (nemt).,
[for] existence (matrix). [by?] thou. divine ring at place-T of existence for the k-axis of hail (ákent+).;

[for] the Ba spirit-soul. q] the rule of doubled-solarplane (Beb, Abaddon).,
of [=for]. to be equipped (ãper). of [=by] sekhem-power. to rise and be crowned.;
p] the dark word by the new north (shau+). [as] the word. [by?] the lights by the star at place-T for the word-inside to become new.;
[for] he. the existence. to tremble for (st’a+).;

o] [by] the darkness [by throne-G for eden] (gerh’). [this N’s.]. existence. (to become) sacred.,
n] [by] the cemetary below (text). of [=for]. the rule of doubled-solarplane (Beb, Abaddon).,
of [=as]. the word. [for] the speech by the root for the kh-house (khper).;

—— end CT 668