CT 592 VI 211

m] [by] (eden’s) aspects offered in H’etep (*pic,S-áaru). to manifest (per)., [as if] to offer (glyph). natron [‘salt for stability of existence’] (h’esmenu). [for] existence (matrix)., [by] the head-box [cube] (Hen). to bring (án). k] [to] me. [by] the adamite soul. [for] my. solarplane completion below.;

j] Osiris. the divine father. [as] the word. [of] true voice., [by means of] them (ad.souls). powerfully to slay., to make [from m-b-soul-adam] (ári). [from!] his. enemies. the hail for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., [by way of] existence (eden’s). to violently split-Off (t’n).;
h] [this as] Osiris’. hail for the beautified-soul. [by] the divine father’s. phallus [pillar inversed]. the [cord] to fetter (qas). [to] this (pu). most-b-soul-adam’s thigh (*pic,thigh; khent’i). f] [and by] this. enemy. this (to connect to). sight (maa). the most-b-soul-adam. to offer (glyph). [in order] of [=for]. f] the secondary shrine [to copy] (*pic,yellow cube). [of] the word. [of] adam-within. [for] all. the gods. [as] hail for the beautified-soul.;

e] [as] the natron (h’esmen). [for] existence (matrix). [by] the head-box [cube] (Hen,hebrew-H)., [for] existence (matrix). [by] the mouth (*pic,white vesica).;