CT 581 VI 196

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x] the divine son. [of] the word of the square,rudder [top cube] (h’ep)., of [=as]. the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., [by] thou. to exalt hail (?). [and] the beautified-soul. [by] thou. to rise and be crowned (khã).;
w] [by means of] the divine staff of rule for tillage but now of Saturn [adam’s] (h’en tiu tá). [for] the beautified-soul. existence. to acquire (shep).; v] [in order for] the beautified-soul. [by] thou. [to be] the advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).;
[by means of] the beautified-soul’s. word. this (to connect to). of [=as]. u] the divine Ka-spirit doubles. word (of) all. which is. [by] the one (tu). thing of the watercourse [eden’s]. [fór] the [an-] face (white hole). [and so for] the beautified-soul. to come the root to kh-house (khep+walk).; (see note)

t] the beautified-soul’s. staff of rule for tillage but now of saturn (h’en tiu tá). [for] the beautified-soul. to acquire., [as] this. ‘ultimate head’ [pillar-related] (tchatcha). to go judge [with] (utchã).; (see note)
s] [as] the god as the house of saturn. of [=for]. the land (south). [as] the doubled thing of existence (sennt).;
to become (áu). r] Rã’s. speech and nature (kher). [for] the sky of earth. [as] thing of three (khemtt).,
q] [as?] five aspects of the branch,staff (foods) (khet). [for] the divine all [of]. the beautified-soul. I am.; (see note)

p] the beautified-soul. [by] the willpower of Saturn (h’enã). he. to become new.;
[by?] the beautified-soul’s. abomination (but). the beautified-soul. to become new (un)., saying.:
all [of]. the god. o] urine (usesht). it. [as] the divine secondary thing (sent). the beautified-soul. to drink (s-ur). nót.;
[and] the dirt (h’es). [is] this. beautified-soul’s. abomination (but).; (unclear line)

m] the place. [of] the phallus/stock/tillage (h’ennt). [of] divine Ka-spirit bull. [for] the beautified-soul. I am.;
l] divine great speech. [of] the divine Ka-double bull. [for] the beautified-soul. I am.;
k] [by means of] them (ad.souls). within. the divine “One” (harpoon only). [for] the beautified-soul. I am.;
j] [as] the gods. [by] willpower of Saturn. [for] the beautified-soul.; to become (áu). the solarplane dimension (agb). [by] the divine offered aspects in the H’etep field. of [=for]. the beautified-soul’s. abundance (bãh’t).;
h] [and as] the solarplane dimension (bga=abg). of [=for]. the beautified-soul. [as] the booth (*pic,yellow cube;seh’).; [by means of] within-they=they-within (error)., [for] the thing to become new., [in order for] the beautified-sóul. to become new (un).; g] [and because of] within-they=they-within., [as] the thing of ãnkh-life. of [=for]. ãnkh-life.;

f] the sky of earth. [as] the speech. [for] the beautified-soul. [by?] the m-b-soul-adam-like [fire-drill] boat (tchat).; (see note) e] [as?] the double horus-falcon. thing of adam-within (w-hole+eden eye?). [of] Thoth., [through] the willpower of saturn (h’enã). [for?] Horus (div.an-face). another (?,kt). of [=for]. alike-adam (miá).; (unclear)

d] he. the urine. the beautified-soul. most-b-soul-adam to cleanse (turi)., [and by?] the dirt (h’es). the beautified-soul. thou. of [=for]. c] the place of the wasp (khebt). to flourish (uakh). of [=for]. to manifest. every. ureaus (áãrt). [for] the beautified-soul. I am.; (unclear)
the garden [treshfloor-related] (h’esep). of [=for]. to manifest. [as] the blossom succeeded to acquire. am I.;
a] the house of the horizon. of [=for]. to manifest. [as] the blossom [+willpower]. [through] the divine light (rã). of [=for]. to manifest. the sprout (blossom of solarplane bec.new) (unb).;
VI 197
v] the double treshfloor. [for] the sky of earth. speech. [of] divine light (rã)., to become. u] the fóur treshfloors. [for] the land. head (main-land). it. the posession (ásht;tree). to become new., [in order for] it. the posession. to bring (án). t] the divine light (rã). [for] the divine son. [through] the prisoner (su,Cain). [for] sight (maa)., [by] the workplace. [for] the beautified-soul. I am.;
reality. s] thou. [by] to make (original adamites) to stand upsidedown head in fire (s-khet’khet’)., [but] the beautified-soul. existence (matrix). to wander-astray. nót.;

r] urine. the beautified-soul. to drink (sur). nót.;
q] [by] the prisoner (su). the beautified-soul. to become new. nót.;
p] dirt. [is] this. beautified-soul’s. abomination (but).,
o] [as?] every. light (eden’s). [for] all [of]. the god. [of] existence (eden’s)., [by] to plough-over (glyph)., the house (edens). of [=as]. the fire-he-to guide (seref+braz.).; [in order for] the beautified-soul. this [existence]. to seize the hand [eden’s] (shet’t’). [by] the morningboat [all tó white hole]. of [=for]. the willpower of saturn (h’enã). [as] the eveningboat [all óut of w-hole] (sektt). [for] existence of hail.; (see note)

n] [by] them (ad.souls). [is] the double-cord of the serpent-coil [ourobouros?] (qab+). [of] the [an-] face (eden’s?).; to become. m] the H’efau-serpent. [for] speech and nature (kher). [of?] four aspects (khet).; stop line
l] [and by] them (ad.souls). [is] the double covering (tcheneh’+ape). [as] the thing of the head [‘first’] (tept). [an-] face (matrix).;
to become. j] the place of Õn. of [=as]. seven aspects. [for] the divine all [of]. i] the house of the horizon (*pic,yellow cube,likely)., [through?] Beb [abaddon]., the divine H’etep (the field)., the divine Ka-double bull.. [and?] Anubis [=4] (npá=ánp). [for] the beautified-soul. I am.; stop line (see note)

h] [this area being?] the Kar shrine. [of] adam-within. [for] sweetness (?,ben+). this. staff,branch (glyph). of [=for]. the beautified-soul. ãnkh-life.; g] [and] Rã-Tem (wh-hole+áten). the divine son. to protect. [as] the beautified-soul. I am.; (see note)
f] [by] light to acquire. the spelt (?,glyph). of [=for]. the beautified-soul. to flourish (uakh)., to become. e] the white [saturn light] (h’etcht). spelt (?,glyph). of [=for]. the beautified-soul. [as] finished aspect (cake-glyph)., (see note)
to become. d] the beautified-soul. sandal (solarplane trampling cube) (thebt). of [=for]. he. speech of an-face. of [=by]. the beautified-soul. to be ploughed-over (*pic,thigh;khent’). nót.;
c] lost
b] the dirt. [is] this. beautified-soul. abomination., a] [but] within., this (to connect to). the thing to flourish. [in order] of [=for]. the beautified-soul. to flourish.; +
VI 196
w] [and by] within., this (to connect to). the thing of ãnkh-life. [in order] of [=for]. the beautified-soul. ãnkh-life.,
v] [for] the beautified-soul’s. speech. [as] the gods., [using] them (ad.souls). [for] existence of hail.,. the áshest garment-body [of speech]. of [=for]. he (the). speech. [of] thou. ãnkh-life.;
u] [through] Set., [by] willpower of saturn (h’enã). the adamite soul. withín. to dwell (h’ems).;

t] the thing to fill [in north] (meh’tt). the sky of earth. [for] speech. [of] the beautified-soul.;
to become (áu). s] the horus-spirits in the north (meh’tiu). [by] the words of the sky óver eden [rã’s watercourse] (*pic, their stream; rump of Osiris; tcherru). [as] the speech. the beautified-soul. to embrace.;
r] [fór] the house of the horizon (*pic,yellow cube). [bý] the words of the sky óver eden (tcherru;same). [of] speech. [for] the beautified-soul. existence to bring (ánn).;
to become (áu). q] the house of the horizon (*pic,yellow). [by] the great double door. [for] the beautified-soul. to make to open (áun)., [and] the thing to fill [north] (meh’tt). the sky of earth. [with] the speech. [of] the land (south)., [for] the beautified-soul. united [by copulation] (sma).;

o] the field of offerings [near saturn,H’etep]. of [=for]. the beautified-soul. [by means of there] m-b-soul-adam-to offer (afi). [for] to become new.; n] [by it,] thou. to make to establish (suah’). the shore [of solarplane] (át’eb). [of] speech. [by] the [word of] descending hebrew-H., [and for] the beautified-soul. to make [from m-b-soul-adam] (ári). m] [by] Horus’. eye (all of eye?). thepthet+divine. of [ =for]. the beautified-soul., [by] the eye (eden’s). l] [for] existence. which is. the houses of saturn. [as] the one (tu). (bird) nest (sesh,sh-pool). [for] the dimension (eden’s)., the beautified-soul’s. [dimension] to immerge into (tah’i).;

k] [by] to connect to. the covering opened-up (upt;top of head=eden’s)., [in order] of [=for]. the star-son (khebs)., of [=as?]. the beautified-sóul.. [as] star-son (khebs). the son made stable (smen)., of [=by] (means of) the words. to transform (kheper).; i] lost,
h] [by] to connect to. the dimension of the shore [of solarplane] (át’eb). [which is for] the beautified soul. to embrace (sekhen).. g] [for] this (conn to). beautified-soul’s. existence (matrix). [of] sight (maa).; f] [by] the god. of. willpower (Ã). willpower to rise and be crowned (khã)., [by means of] the speech [an-] face (eden’s). to hover over [matrix] (khenn).;

d] he (the). existence (matrix). to die (menát). nót.;
this (to connect to). sight.. d] [through] the great pillar. the island (glyph). the thing to fill [north]. the pillar. [by] the uãrt-thigh (*pic,thigh). word. [of] the [an-] face (eden’s). hail. to hover over., c] [in order for] the son to make stable (smen). of [=for]. the beautified-soul. existence. to cackle [mimick H-language] (negg).; [and as] divine great speech. of [=for]. the beautified-soul. existence. to fly upward.:

a] the dirt (h’es). of [for]. to become new. by no means (tem+neg.).;