CT 154

CT 154

CT 154 II 289-288

d] the tuathouse. [by] the Ba-spirit-soul of craftmanship (chakra-tool, h’emba). c] [as] the sky of earth. [of] speech. [for] place-T to manifest (per-t).; b] [as] the place of Õn. [for] the divine all [of]. the [an-] face. to enter (ãq).;
a] [by] the cemetary below (top lampstand). of [=for]. to become a spirit., [by means of] the land (south,eden). the head (main-land). [for] to establish (uah’). +

II 287

g] [as] death (eden’s). of [=fór]. ãnkh-life. [of] the Ba spirit-soul. [of] existence of hail.;
f] [and so through] the cemetary below. [of] the land. head (main-land). [for to become] a spirit., e] [by] all [of] the house (eden’s). [of] speech. to know.; [ d- lost];
c] this. Tefnet goddess (note). [and] this. Shu (axis). [for?] this. divine light (matrix).;
b] the place of Õn. [of] the Ba spirit-souls. [by] me. to know. [for] my word of hail.;
a] [by means of] he. the divine father [as place-T of hail]. existence (eden’s). to make. the divine son [construct]. [in order] of [=for]. me. to reap (eden). [for] great speech., [namely] of [=as]. +

II 285

f] the place of Õn. of [=for]. divinely to reap., [as] the olden one (as pre-eden). [which] I am.;
e] he. to devise (ka). speech of the root of the kh-house (to transform). d] [through] he. place-T of sight (maa-t). [of] great speech. c] [for] my. word. [by] he (eden). the flesh of willpower of the heir (adamite originals). [as] my. divíne word of flesh of willpower of the heir.;
[namely by] place-T as speech of the root of the kh-house (no deity). [for] speech. b] [as] the place of the word-inside for hail (proto-Õn). [of] existence (matrix)., [as] this (pu). divine covering of (lights of) turquoise (fak+). [by] speech of the root of the kh-house. a] [fór] this (pn). house (eden’s). [of] the mouth., [for] speech. +

II 283

c] [of] my. sekhem-power.;
[as] the divine covering of (lights of) turquoise. b] [of] the place of Õn. [of] existence. [to be] this. divine covering [of Saturn, in order for eden to perish] [top of cube] (h’en-sek). [for] (speech) to transform.; a] [by means of] the covering of Saturn as double-place-T [for eden to perish] (h’en-sektt). of [=for]. he. the speech. [bý] he. the things to Net [of eden] (sekhtu). [in order for] he. existence (eden’s). to make. existence. to stand upright.; (note)

II 281

e] he. the speech. [of] he. the willpower (eden). he. to force place-T of existence of the kh-house. nót.;
d] the divine he. the serpent. he the (red) áns realm-garment [for the fish-souls]. [of] adam-within.; [using] the prisoner (su, Cain). [as so to] existence (matrix). to come the root to the kh-house (khep+walk). [for] this (pu). divine light (matrix).; c] [by] this. aspect by the shrine place-T to copy (sensennt+). [for] (speech) to transform. b] [using] the prisoner (su). [for?] my. garment [to terrify with?] (nesh+). a] he. the speech. me. the branches (things of the branch) to copy (sensen+).

II 279

e] to return (h’em). [for] me. to make to stand upright (via ad.soul). d] the divine light (matrix).;
[and] existence (eden’s). to say.: existence. to stand upright. c] [by?] these (pu). thirty (30). stalks-bones-poles (qes glyph). [in order for] speech the root of the kh-house (to transform). b] [by] this. place (-T). [for] my. flesh of willpower of the heir.;
[by means of] me. the thirty (30). bones-poles. [for] me. to acquire (shep, sic)., a] [from?] the serpent. he. the flame of constant renewal [by hebrew-H] (uHem = HeH?). [of] adam-within.;

II 277

d] [and so] existence (eden’s). to say.: existence (matrix). to stand upright., [by] the aspect of the moon-month. of [=for?]. this (pu). place-T to distribute/transfer [to bend/slaughter] (kheb-t). [for] (speech) to transform.;
b] [and so by] the slaughterhouse of the evil grain of the region [of top lamstand, eden’s] (áath+). [of] he. the mouth (eden’s)., existence (matrix). to stand upright.; a] [namely as?] the place of Õn., [by] place-T to split-open [eden root] (pesesh-t). the [an-] face (eden’s). [of] the serpent. he. the flame of constant renewal [by hebrew-H] (uHem = HeH?). [of] adam-within.;

II 275

d] the prisoner. [by] me. to know. [for] my word of hail.;
c] [by] the willpower of Saturn (h’enã). [as] place-T to command [on axis]. the [an-] face (eden’s). [through] this (pu). divine light (matrix).; b] [as,by] the adamite soul’s speech for the an-face. [for] the divine m-b-soul-adam’s eden-masculine (thai+). [for] existence (matrix)., [as] place-T of (sexual) sweetness (netchem-t). [by?] the covering of h’en-sekt. [for?] the eye (T- to make). [by] me. to know. [for] my word of hail.;
a] the place of the word-inside for hail (prot-Õn). [of] the flesh of willpower of the heir. [for] the speech. +

II 273

h] Osiris (as construct).; [as] he. the divine father [place-T of hail]. [by] he (Osiris). existence (eden’s). to bury (qeres; top cube). of [=by] (means of). the prisoner (Cain). to know. his. Self. [of] Horus’. existence of hail.;
g] the tuat house. [for] the Ba spirit-soul of craftmanship (chakra-tool, h’emba). [as] the sky of earth. [of] speech. [by] this (pu). place-T to manifest (per-t).; e] [by means of] the place of Õn. [for] the divine words. [of] all [for]. the [an-] face (north). this. to enter (ãq).;
d] [and so by] the cemetary below. of [=for]. this [to become] a spirit.; c] [by means of] the divine serpent’s. place-T of the adamite throne to destroy (h’ástem-t+). [for] existence of hail., [through] the willpower of place-T of the fire-drill (q+k axis). b] [for,as?] the shrine for copying aspects [of t] (sensennt+). of [=for]. the mouth., [through] place-T to transfer/distribute/bend (kheb-t)., a] [in order for?] the adamite soul’s speech for the an-face. divinely to reap. [for] great speech., to become the image (bes). [for?] place-T alike-adam to complete (temm-t, weak).;
[by] the place of Õn. [as?] place-T of the circle/pupil/wheel/. [by] me. to know. [for] my word of hail.;

II 271

d] existences to make. within. the divine “One” (note). [whom] I am.; [namely as] the Utcha-eye. [by] another (sic)., [for] thou. existence. [by] me. to build by blueprint. [and so by] me. existence to open (matrix, un).;
c] [by] place-T of the “One”. [as?] he. the eye (t- to make). [of] the [an-] face (eden’s)., [in order fór] the [an-] face (north). the words to open [and become new] (matrix, unuu).;
b] [and so] the land (south,eden). the head (main-land). the word to found. a] [for] divine words. [by] (speech) to transform. +

II 269-268

f] alike adam (mm,weak). [and by] me. existence. to transform. e] [for] divine words of great speech. alike adam (mm).; [as] the light(disk) of he to make (‘light of yesterday’, sef). of [=for]. my. existence. [of] great speech.; d] the place of Õn. [of] the Ba spirit-souls. to know.;
a] [by] death (eden’s). [is] the ãnkh-life. [for] the Ba spirit-soul. [of] existence of hail.;
the tuathouse. chakratool. [for] the sky of earth. speech. place-T to manifest.;

II 267

e] [through] the place of Õn. the divine words. [for] all [of]. the [an-] face. to enter.; d] [by] the cemetary below. the land. the head (main-land). of [=for]. to become a spirit., c] [by means of] all [of]. the house (eden’s). [for] the mouth. to know.;
b] [and so] to make health. of [=by]. the divine cake (area top lampstand). [as] existence’s (eden’s). place-T to know.;

a]the place of Õn. [of] the Ba spirit-souls. to know.;

—— end CT 154