PT 418

PT 418

PT 418
742c] Osiris (as construct). [by] he the place-T of hail (‘father’, átf). [through] place-T of eden’s root to open (up-t).,
of [=as]. Horus’. this (to connect to). place-T of the hand (t’-t). [for] the word. alike-adam (miá).;
[and so for] N (candidate). place-T of hail (át). [as] place-T of eden’s root to open (up-t).,
of [=for]. this (to connect to). hail. [by] the hand (executive region).;
742b] Osiris (as construct). [by] he the place-T of hail (‘father’, átf). [through] place-T of eden’s root to open (up-t).,
of [=as]. Horus’. existence (matrix). [by] place-T of hail. [of] the hand.;
[being now?] Horus’. place-T of the dimensional foreground of Saturn [torso] (h’a-t). [as] place-T of adam-within (ámi-t).,
to connect to. the speech for the an-face. [of] protection (netch). [of] hail.;
[and so] the unguent by the dóuble-T of the dimensional foreground of Saturn [torso] (h’a-t). to connect to. the speech for the an-face.,
[as] the protection (netch). [of] hail.;
to recite.;
—-end PT 418