PT 453

PT 453

PT 453
846b] Forever. place-T of the serpent-hand (tch-t). [for] existence (matrix). [of] thou speech of hail (ár-k).,
[in order for] the Watercourse by the adamite soul’s speech for the an-face [eden’s]. [to be] nót.;
[but instead, by] Horus’. eye. thou. existence to bring (ánn, matrix).;
846a] [as] thou. speech. [of] ãnkh-life., [for] this. N (candidate). [as] descended cube-H.;
845b] the place of Õn. [as] place-T of the great pillar. [of] the ennead’s (pantheon). speech and nature (kher).,
[by] place-T of the great pillar. [as,of] the urr-t crown [-T of great eden-speech]. [in order for] thou. existence (eden’s). to carry-Off.;
845a] [and so by] the adamite soul. within.,
[as] place-T for to provide (tchbt). [for] the gods (matrix)., [by] the word. to connect to. sight (maa).;
[and by] the adamite soul. within., thou. to manifest (per).; [+]
844c] thou. flesh of áf. [for] to make speech (via ad.soul) (s-r). alike-adam (miá). [through] the hand.;
thou. to make speech (via ad.soul) (s-r). alike-adam (miá). [through] the hand.;
844b] thou. to make the speech for the an-face (via ad.soul). [by] thou. existence (eden’s). to acquire (shep).;
[through] Horus’. eye. [for] thou. existence. the light to become new (matrix, un+).;
844a] [as] thou speech of hail (ár-k). to stand upright.,
[for] this. N. [as] descended cube-H.;
to recite.;
—-end PT 453