BD 17

note – it is not clear whether the paragraphs “to say another” and “the prisoner speech” are linked in some causual relation; until then [and also to break up the wall of text for now]  we put them separate;
the phrase “another” return in many BD, referring to the Mouth [vesica north], so that may be the context here;
note II: the scarey possibility arises, that ‘Cain is the “prisoner” (su), as depicted in amtuat VII and in BD **, “watching over/Cain”, where it is Cáin who provides/sells-Out the “speech and blueprints”
please see notes, below;

lines 112-70
70 – 1
and 50 – 16, separate

the doubled-divine \\ his masculine. above and below. the divine Ba-souls (solarplane type spirit). of [=by]. to transform. the words. existence.

112] to stand upright. within. the divine Other (ki). existence. to embrace the hidden root [of saturn] (h’ep). existence. to stand upright. Rã. existence. within. the divine Ba-soul (see above). his,he. existence. [symb.] to discover (gem). the place of Tcet’tu [base of pillar]. speech. he. to enter (ãq). this. Osiris. [stop?]
* the prisoner. his speech. the season (terá, Nebseni:petrá, ‘sight’). this (root). the doubled-divine \\ his masculine. above and below. his. divine Ba-soul. i,me. the West. speech. he,it (set, hebrew-H aspect). his-voice. the one (tu). Sight (maa). within. thou speech for the beautified-soul.

109] to come \\ to the beautified-soul the willpower like [adam] (mãá, comp.). Rã. existence. this (root). Osiris. to say. within. thou speech for the beautified-soul. to come \\ to the beautified-soul willpower like [adam]. that [his/root]. day (Hru,hebrew-H, north?). possession, below (khert). the speech for the beautified-soul. his. divine father [átef] (staff tá-related). the anunna-face (vesica north). protecting. Horus. he,his. house of growing of existence (comp.). existence. the divine judges [in the pillar] (tchatchanut). the head. \\ speech for the anunna-face (main speech). [is] the speech for the beautified-soul. [stop?]
the divine day (Hru, hebrew-H). of [=by]. his. existence. to bring. darkness (gerh’,saturn). of [=by]. Sight.

106] to pass away/slip behind/follow/ (khetkhet). of [=by]. to manifest. the anunna-face. the divine fire of ubes [bes-pygmee+word]. the ánes garment-body (red cloth, ad.soul+fish). the house of Saturn. \\ [of] adam-within. the divine Two Eyes (alt.: god with two eyes,adam). the red/blood (tesher). the divine he/his. the goddess of the dimension of Time (unnut, time becoming new’). \\ [of] adam-within. the anunna-face. to enter (ãq). the divine he/his. eternal flame of God’s house (HH,hebrew-H). \\ [for,in] the KH-house (khent, torus). his,he. flame for the solarplane house. he,his. existence. willpower of speech. nót.;
Áaqet’nuqet’nu [‘one of 7 spirits who guarded the body of Osiris’] (= to enter/the blueprint). Netchnetchh’eh’ [another of those 7] (eternity of saturn/protection). numbering. seven (7). noble spirits. speech for the beautified-soul. [stop]
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] Osiris. whose. house of purification (uãbt).

102] backwards (sa). of [=by](cont.?)
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] Osiris. who is/whose. to bury (qeres, ad.soul in south). protections (sau, north of earth). of [=by]. Anubis. existence for the beautified-soul. their (ad.souls). tool (willpower/speech). the Two Eyes. \\ [for] the KH-house (so Two Eyes = adam). Horus. the divine he/his. olive tree [baq,solarplane]. [to become by] \\ below (kher). his. divine father (átef, adam staff-related). Sight (maa).

100] the divine he/his. gods Qebh’senf, Tuamutf, Hepi, Mestá [4 Horus sons]. [and?] the seven (7). these. noble spirits (mentioned before). the possession, below (khert). speech for the beautified-soul. the divine his mother [Eve?] (unusual in 17: woman-glyph). existence. belly,body (khat). of [=by]. he. to invade hebrew-H (north vesica). the limit (tcher). true voice [from below]. [of] Áni (this scribe).;
all. the gods. existence. divine H’etep-spirit (saturn fields). to design (sesh). Osiris.

97] the doorkeepers. all. evils [the word of the mountain] (t’u, God’s). the possession,below (khert). speech forthe beautified-soul. his. enemies (kheftiu). [word] inside. the divine Ba-souls. the flame[for the son] (saamt). the anunna-face. Osiris. to return,to penetrate (khet). of [=by]. the adamite soul. existence to become new (unn). the flame of the speech of the tongue (nesert).;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] Rã. whose,who is. this (root). the Eye. the goddess of to make to build the word of protection [by the adamite soul] (sekh\\us). peace (of saturn). speech for the beautified-soul. the dimension. \\ [of] adam-within. this (root). the crocodile god Sebek (window-related!). the goddess to make to build protection [by the adamite soul]. peace. to return (khet). the gods of the word of adam-within. the sins (ásfetu). of [=by]. the slaughter (shãt). the words of the m-b-soul [adam] to give (glyph). [as] the speech for the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit). [stop?]
the North-land. the sky of earth. of [=by]. which is. this (root). [vulture]  existence. his. gods Qebh’senf, Tuamuf, Hepi, Mestá [ 4 sons]. [are] Osiris. protection in hidden background of Saturn (h’a tep). the divine judges [in the pillar] (tchatchanutu). speech for the beautified-soul. ;
the West. all [of] Ást’es [‘one of the company of Thoth’] ( divine torso+flintknife+workplace, context?). the willpower of Saturn (h’enã). this (root). Thoth. the truths (maãtu, half-truths!). [lords] of all. eden’s realm. speech for the beautified-soul.;
* the prisoner. his.

89] speech. season (nebseni: petrá). this (root). within. thou speech for the beautified-soul (árk). to come \\ to the beautified-soul the willpower like [adam] (mãá). existence. this (m-b-s-adam word root). the day (Hru, hebrew-H). the adamite soul. the throne of the adamite soul (north,ást). Anubis. existence. to make. Sepa [Osiris as chakra’s construct] (hence centipede-glyph). them (ad.souls). divine all (‘master’). existence. to follow. the words \\ [of] adam-within. the words to value. [of] the seven (7). noble spirits. existence. this (root). existence. to make. the opened word inside. alike-adam (miá). the doorkeepers. all. evils [words of the mountain] (t’u, God’s). these. to erase (t’er). speech (and nature,kher). the word of thou. [for] the advanced beautified-soul. [stop?]
the word. this (tn). willpower like [adam] (mã). to make to build protection [by ad.soul’s word] (sekhus). the sins (ásfetu). of [=by].

84] to slaughter (shãtu). the words the m-b-s-adam to give. [to] Osiris. the protection in the hidden background of Saturn. the divine judges (tchatchanutu). the truths. words of] all. these. [for] the anunna-face (vesica north). to become protection. [for] the beautified-soul.Qebh’senf, Tuamutf, Hepi, Mestá [4 Horus sons].;
* the prisoner. his. speech. the season (terá, or petrá?). this (root). he,his. divine all (‘master’). the word of the m-b-s-adam to desire (meriu). he,his. head. [an-] face. the commands (met’u). Horus. to return (khet). the divine word \\ alike-adam’s. the gods. opened word inside. of [=by]. great speech. the “One”[real-moon]. the true voice. [of] Áni (this scribe).;

80] Osiris. speech for the beautified-soul. \\ which is. [by] the anunna-face. Rã. existence. this (root). the Utchat Eye. the goddess Meh’urt (cowgoddess/feminine great speech/ to fill the torso; mimick of Eve). speech for the beautified-soul. ;
every. light. he. the one (tu). to birth. speech. the one (tu). ‘star’ [light of  the window!] ( “one particular window?). Rã. the Eye. existence. this (root). image (tut).

78] * to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] the sky of earth. existence. the pool-land m-b-s-adam opened word-inside (for?) existence (nnuu, context?). the opened word-inside. [stop?]
* the prisoner. his. speech. the season (or petrá). this (root). knot in coil (glyph). to become healthy (utcha). he. to become sound. the goddess meh’urt (see above). existence. the double-lower-part of the body (khept’u). speech. the lion of yesterday (adam). he. to birth. Rã. existence. Sight (maa). to become (áu). the adamite soul. existence. to spittle [‘essence’] (peseg). speech. Thoth. existence for the beautified-soul. his speech for the beautified-soul (árf). to stand upright (pillar). he,his. second [2nd] (sennu). existence. to weep (remi). the [an-] face. the adamite soul.

74] existence to become new (unn). of [=by]. the adamite soul. the damned (mer). of [=by]. this (root). Eye. existence to become new. ;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] all [of]. existence. weakness (bega). nót.;
soul-firedrill-ãnkh. existence. the adamite soul. he,his. existence. to bring. within. the coverings \\ of the encircling (shen, encircling sh-pool, below). to support [and rise] (thes). Thoth. [for] existence of the beautified-soul.;  the prisoner. he. to transfer (Hab\\walk; hebrew-H+solarplane). to penetrate (khet). of [=by]. his. speech. the adamite soul.  to terrify, to paralyze with fear (neshen, sh-pool). of [=by]. Rã. existence. the shoulder [in the] West (axis). this (root). the Eye.

71]  the prisoner. his. speech. the season (or petrá). this (root). crystalline storms to paralyze by (neshen). existence. the sason. of [=by]. coverings of encircling. existence. to support [and rise].

70] his-Self (tchesef). two (2). his. fingers (tchebàu). of [=by]. his. eden realm (.. fingers =  rib/corner of cube?).  to make. Thoth. the thing to found, founded thing (gert, but no det.). for existence for the beautified-soul. [stop?]
Set [fallen adam construct). existence. the testicles. \\ below (willpower). Horus. thing carried-off (áth’t). Horus. anunna-face. of [=by]. to haul, to tow (stau). to shoot out, thrust out (ut’). of [=by]. Set.

68] willpower of saturn (h’enã). he. within. Horus. to battle (ãhã). existence. this (m-b-s word). day (Hru, hebrew-H).;
*  the prisoner. his. speech. the season (or petrá). this (root). the divine-doubled word of saturn for the Mouth [vesica] (reh’u). to battle. existence. this (m-b-s word root). day (hebrew-H, north?).

66] the adamite soul. to crush (Habq, hebrew-H, from ‘transfer’). to return, to penetrate (khet). of [=by]. Utchat Eye. thou. existence. the true voice. Áni (this scribe). to design/scribe (sesh). Osiris. [stop?]
existence. to fill, be filled (meh’). to become,was (áu). all, every. light. which is. the day (hebrew-H). possession,below (khert). willpower like [adam]. 64] the god Tem (‘to complete’, to return (khet). of [=by]. their (ad.souls). existence to become now. divine wisdom/sight (sáa), one of 2 pilots of Rã). the willpower of saturn (h’enã). the divine tooth, the word of saturn (h’u, ‘offering’). Rã. to penetrate (khet). the divine words \\ [of] adam-within. the gods. of [=by]. to transform. words for existence to stand upright (ãhãnu). his-Self. he. within. to slaughter (shãt’, here). the Eye. speech. his. to depart, to be remote from [from the axis,Watercourse – ór: ‘axis’ itself] (uaa). to penetrate, to return (khet). of [=by]. Rã. existence. the word of saturn’s phallus (h’ennu). of [=by].

61]     to manifest. this (root). physical blood (senef).;
*  the prisoner. his. speech. season (or petrá). this (root). these (tn). within. existence. to transform. existence. this (m-b-s word root). the god. I,me. this (tn). word of ultimate willpower. existence. willpower. of [=by]. within. the gods of the phallus \\ adam-within (pillar).

59] the sky of earth. which is. \\ the eastern. house of the horizon (ákhet; east-side of vesica north). his. to come health? (utcha+walk). the enemy (kheft). his. speech for anunna-face (vesica north). the god Tem (see above). existence. come health?. this (m-b-s word root). branch most-b-s-adam double speech [double-speak] (speech+II ). the double door. \\ the great [pillar]. ;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] this (root). the Tuathouse. existence. \\ north (meh’t). [by?] the branch,staff of  the stargate [window] (sba+branch). [for] speech for the beautified-soul. [stop?]

57] Shu (repr.pillar+an-face). the domes to support [by 4 supports] (sethesu). existence. this (root). the stargate [window] (sba). to become a sacred thing (tchesert). this (root). tuathouse. thing to found, foundation (gert). speech for the beautified-soul. [stop?] (why stargate singular? they kept 1 of 12 — or 21?)
the Ka-double shrines (karáu, south, as 4 flames, see BD**). protection in hidden background of saturn (h’a tep). the gods. existence. to become kites and vultures (tchefau). the genetrix, the birth (mest+).

55] this (root). sekhet Áaru [field of saturn]. speech. he,his. to come health? (utcha+walk). the enemy (kheft). the adamite soul. speech for anunna-face. the god Tem. his. divine father [átef] (adm staff-related). existence. thing wandering-astray (shemt; alt.: woman). this (root). way [axis, Watercourse].;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] this. place of the Abt’u [mountain+solarplane]. the place of the double-feather [axis] of truth [=half-truth] (maãt-shutu). the island. the foundation, thing to found (gert). speech for the beautified-soul. the Áat-land (one of 14 regions). existence. \\ the North (meh’t). tuathouse. the place of his house to grow speech for the beautified-soul for/by existence (whatever that is; naárrutf). the south-land (shemã).

52] this (root). the tuathouse. this (root). Restau (homeland of osiris, the foreign land/to drag to/ the Mouth – north). for speech for the beautified-soul.;
* the prisoner. his. speech. the season (or petrá). this (root). the place of the double-feather [axis] of truth. the island. of [=by]. the heads (ad.originals). existence. to know. the way [axis, Watercourse]. [to?] the anunna-face (vesica north). existence. to wander-astray (shem). his-Self (tchesef). this (root). Rã. the adamite soul. within. \\ which is. the great [pillar]. the god. foundation, thing to found (gert). speech for the beautified-soul.. anóther (ki). existence. [in] name [of].:

49] the great green sea [ãnkh-torus inside] (uatch ur). [by?as?] the “One” [real-moon]. existence. [in] name [of].: millions (héh’u, not: eternities). [of] offspring (mett; ‘seed’).;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). anóther (doublet?). existence. [in] name [of].: the great green sea (uatch ur). [by] the “one”[real-moon]. existence. [in] name [of].: millions (h’eh’u, saturn). [who] guide.;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] the house [of the  pillar]. willpower like [adam] (mã). existence. this (root). the sh-pool-land (south vesica). the willpower of saturn (h’enã). natron [a salt; but ‘bronze image’] (h’esmen). existence. this (root). the sh-pool-land. anóther (ki). existence. [in] name [of].: the great green sea. [by] the “One” [real-moon]. existence. [in] name [of].: millions. [stop?]
*  the prisoner. speech. the season (or petrá). this (root). adamite soul. within. \\ which is. the great [pillar]. this (m-b-s word root). the god. existence. plebs, mankind (rekhtu, non-egyptians). [by?] the sacrifice [in geom.tree of life,south). existence. this (m-b-s word root). day (hebrew-H). the place of existence by existence to be young by the royal place of Set’s south (nesut=suten). of [=by]. \\ which is. to purify (tur). [by?] the great [pillar]. the word \\ the double nest (south vesica; seshsesh\\u). of [=by]. to wash (uãb). he,his. to birth. existence. the day (hebrew-H). of [=by]. this (root). to wash.;
* the prisoner. his. speech. the season (or petrá). this (root). he,his. doorkeepers. all,every. evils [words of mountain] (t’u, God’s). the one (tu). to drive away (sherã). [words of] all. the gods. speech (and nature,kher). the true voice.

41] [of] Áni. scribe/to design. Osiris. [stop?]
existence. [by] this (root). the navelstring (khapa, root/fly up/to animalbelly). the one (tu). to slaughter (shãt). ;
* the prisoner. his. speech. the season (or petrá). this (root). the evil images [of the mountain] (t’utu, God’s). to destroy (kheseb). the calamity (Heir-glyph!). to erase (t’er). the god Tem. his. divine father [átef] (adam staff-related). who is. this (root). house of the horizon (ákhet, north vesica). ;
* the prisoner. his. speech. the season (or petrá). this (root). his.

38] the place. of [=by]. his. existence. advanced beautified-soul. his. land. of [=by]. the true voice. of [=by]. Áni (this scribe). all, every. h’etep-gods [in saturn fields]. to design. [as?] osiris. existence to become new. his. head. of [=by]. his,he. double-feather [axis]  \\ of shu. this (root). his. Two Eyes. existence. ;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] the god Tem ( their (ad.souls). divine father [átef] (adam staff-related). the head,first. adam-within. this (root). the great [pillar]. to purify (tur). the double uraeus (ãrtu). ;
to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] his. head. instability (men). the anunna-face. them (ad.souls). to destroy? to carve? (sák, from sek?). the ancestors Isis and Nebh’et [an-face and chalice]. of [=by]. their (ad.souls). existence to become new (unn). his. head. flesh [the thing] of speech for the anunna-face (h’ert+flesh,; the head may be IN the an-face’s rotating wall of flesh!). the prisoner. their (ad.souls). existence. willpower of speech. [by?] nebh’et [solarplane chalice]. the willpower of saturn (h’enã). Isis. the thing wandering-astray (shemt; or ‘woman’). his. head. of [=by]. his. double-feather [axis] \\ of shu. for speech of beautified-soul.;  this (root). the divine he/his. children (mesu). his. existence. the word to manifest (peru). [as] speech for the beautified-soul.;  his. divine father [átef] (staff-related). the anunna-face.

32] to protect. this. Horus. Menu. speech for the beautified-soul. ;
* the prisoner. his. speech. the season (or petrá). this (root). the head,first. of [=by]. his. double-feather [axis] \\ of shu. existence. willpower of speech. to become (áu). his. words to manifest. of [=by]. Menu [allah, etc] (‘you will become a burnt-out mountain’). I,me. this (root). darkness (gerh’, saturn). this. forever. speech for the beautified-soul.;  the day (hebrew-H). this (root). to yoke for eternity [by saturn] (neh’eh’). [by] speech for the beautified-soul.;  forever. the willpower of Saturn. this. to yoke [for eternity]. [by] speech. existence.;
* to say. [from?] anóther (ki). [is] this (root). dead body [adam’s] (khat).;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] this (root). osiris. [stop?]
* the prisoner. his. speech. the season (or petrá). this (root). existence to become new. to [symbolicly?] become, was (áu+scroll=double). \\ which is. existence. ‘to value the adamite soul as’ (sápu; or ”to revise’ cluster?). the doorkeeper. I,me. the place of the word-inside in Õn (ruling eye,south). of [=by]. \\ which is. this. Bennu-bird [phoenix] (soul of osiris). I,me. his-Self (tchesef). he. within. his. ‘phallus thou existence’ (nek, not ‘intercourse’?). Rã. existence. this (root). phallus [of Saturn] (h’ennu, phallus of word inside saturn). [in] his. name [of].: Rã.;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] this (root). Osiris. the prisoner. his. speech. the season. this (root). the adamite soul.

24] eithin. \\ which is. this (m-b-s-adam word root). the god. I,me. ‘to become the speech to know’ (?, unusual, rkhr). to become, was (áu). the adamite soul. speech for the anunna-face. his. existence. to battle. to become upright? things which make stable? (but ãhã+scroll). the adamite soul. speech. all, every, god. to invade hebrew-H (north, vesica). Rã. existence. willpower of speech. this (root). the opened word inside. this (root). Áment [the west]. ;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is]. Áment/the West. [by] the estate as place of beating [foreign land as the thing to beat](qent, see BD65II ). speech. Osiris. decree by law. the enemy (kheft). the gods. Ba-souls (solaplane spirits). speech. the one (tu). existence. to make. this (root). Áment/the West.

21] ;
* the prisoner. his. speech. the season (or petrá). this (root). Áment/the West. all. speech. Osiris. ‘to split-off by decree of law’ (utchut’enu). the enemy. the battle. the one (tu). existence. to make. Rã. his,he. the divine father [átef] (adam staff-related). existence for the beautified-soul.; Osiris. this (root). to bury (qeres, in south, qer-cave). the word which is. ‘to force the head for hebrew-H of the Tuat (t’eHen,context?). the light of the h’eb-festival [of completion of the solarplane]. the divine stability (men). existences to become (áun+mult.). existence. this (m-b-s word root). day (Hru, hebrew-H).;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] Horus. he. the son. the one (tu). to rule (heq, to ‘sorcery’). the adamite soul. willpower of saturn. he. within. Nebertcher [divine ancestor/speech/of chalice]. [the word] inside. his. enemies (kheftiu).

17] to make to destroy (s-h’etem, saturn). existence. this (m-b-s word root). the day (hebrew-H). this (root). Rã. the light of the star [of stargate = window] (sbau). for speech of the beautified-soul.;   this (root). Osiris. the lion of yesterday. speech for the beautified-soul.;
* the prisoner. his. speech. the season (or petrá). this (root). the light of the star [gate – window] (sbau). I. know. the lion of yesterday.; I, me. the sky of earth. which is. \\ [by] the eastern. house of the horizon (áakhet). of [=by]. his. to rise and shine (uben). of [=by]. this (root). Rã.;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] his,he (the). divine Áten [disk]. \\ [of] adam-within. this (root). [of] the god Tem (an-face)(cont?)
* [by?] the prisoner. his. speech. the season (petrá). this (root). the gods. of [=by]. he. to repulse (khesef). without,lacking. I,me. Rã. to return, to penetrate (khet). \\ adam-within. the gods. of [=by]. this (root). eden’s realm. to transform. his. fat [adam aspects] (ãt). existence. five (5). name (not ‘names’?). to create (qemam). this. Rã.  [stop?]
* the prisoner. his. speech. the season. this. the god. of [=by]. the Ennead (patheon). he. five (5). name. to create. this (root). the Nu dimension [of word-inside]. his-Self. to transform. the great [pillar]. the god. I,me. place of the word-inside the eight [khemenu] (8 is ogdoad, 9 is ennead, but original are 7 fallen archangels, they double aspects). \\ [of] adam-within. existence. the high land [in the high place, an-face] (qaqa). the anunna-face. 9] he. to become (áu). Shu (pillar+an-face). the domes to support. to [re-]transform. nót.;
the thing to become new (unt). of [=by]. the king of the south (nesut=suten, Set’s royal place). of [=by]. the place of existence by existence of youth in the royal south (nesut). of [=by]. his. willpower rising (khãã). to become the willpower by ruling the sh-pool (sha). of [=by]. this (root). Rã. ;
* the prisoner. his. speech. the season. this (root). his. existence. 7] this (root). to rule (heq). to become the willpower by ruling sh. of [=by]. he. to rise. of [=by]. Rã. I,me. of [=by]. existence. to transform. I,me. the “One”. \\ to become new. of [=by]. the god Tem (an-face). I,me. Tem. all. commands. to transform. the land. head. the adamite soul. speech. to make. existence. every kind of spirit. to become. his,he. mooring-post (mená, in the ántt-ravine/abyss?). to retur,to penetrate (khet). of [=by].

4] Áni. scribe/to design. Osiris. existence for the beautified-soul.;
to recite.:
the most-b-s-adam for ãnkh-life to vampire upon (ãnkhi, ãnkh IS ‘to vampire upon’!). the Ba-soul. of [=by]. the manifestation (pert). [of,in] the Hall [upper-half of torus] (seh’). of [=by]. to dwell (h’ems). to go make a transcript of the things of them (sent; literally). speech. equilibrium of the solarplane of saturn (h’eba; ‘player’ – where before, ‘senet’ is also ‘a game’ ). he. the m-b-s to desire (meri). [for] all. images the word to transform. of [=by]. the day (Hru, hebrew-H). of [=by]. the manifestation. to become beautiful (nefert). Áment, the West. of [=by]. every kind of spirit. [by] the cemetary below. of [=by]. to invade hebrew-H. the manifestation. áakhu-spirits. the adamite soul. to support [the supports] (setheseu). of [=by]. the willpower of the frontside of the body (h’at ã).;

—— end main text BD 17

[… where all BD and CT, by different authors, are remarquable congruent,
below a fragment, unusually different, of part of this BD 17 from scribe Nebseni: ]

[line 50-16]

the true voice. [of] Nebseni. […]
Thou. to rescue,snatch away (neh’em,saturn). his-Self (tchesef). this (root). Rã. the prisoner. his. speech. Sight (pet>petrá). eternity (saturn). the way [axis, Watercourse]. his. existence. to guide. the sins. to erase (t’er). the Ka-spirit-doubles. to give. the place of existence by existence of youth in the royal south (nesut). \\ [of] adam-within. ãnkh-life. the divine ram-soul (a Ba-type). Osiris. to bury (qeres). speech. this (root). the two lands. to become union (t’emt). the two lands. to become united (smat). that [his/root]. [of] light. for the speech of the beautified-soul.;

49] Osiris. his. divine father [ here ‘tef’]. the throne of the adamite soul (north). of [=by]. to go rule (heq). the adamite soul. Isis. divine son. this. Horus.  (since isis rules ad.throne, horus is a product of there).  the gods. of [=by]. to become the rule (heqt). his. existence. to become the decree by law. speech for the beautified-soul.;
* the prisoner. his. speech. [of Sight,petrá]. the divine ancestor speech of chalice (nebertcher). the willpower. the phallus [pillar]. the two lands. to become the union (smat). existence. that [his/root]. [of] light. the gods. of [=by]. to become the rule (h’eqt). his. decree by law. this. osiris. the place of youth etc (nesut). [of] the KH-house. of [=by]. ‘joy’ [the Torso+totality] (au áb). the crown of very great speech (urrt). his. existence. the most-b-s-adam willpower of speech (rãi).  speech for the beautified-soul.;
* the prisoner. his. speech. [of Sight,petrá]. the place of youth etc (nesut). [of] the KH-house. of [=by]. ‘joy’ (see above). the crown of very great speech. [blank?]. his. existence. the most-b-s-adam willpower of speech (rãi). master-holder,everything. to slaughter, the slaughter (shãt). adam-within. he/who is or father/existence. Osiris. existence. this (root). ‘heart’  [torso \\ frontside of body] (hát\\áb).;
* the prisoner. his. speech. [of Sight,petrá].

46] the West, áment. existence. this (m-b-s word root). the land of the intestine coil of the serpent [solarplane] (qeb). to shepherd, to guard. [blank?].;
* the prisoner. his. speech. [of Sight,petrá]. the intestines (beseku, bes-pygmee = our body). of [=by]. ãnkh-life. the slaughterhouses (nemutu). to become to flourish. the red things (teshertiu) [‘ruddish’- eden aspect]. all [of]. the two lands. head+an-face. the victories. all. the beautified-soul. [in] his. name [of].: the divine he/his. event/ (sep). \\ speech for the anunna-face. ;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] the West,áment. existence. this (root). the place of the door. [!] the doorkeeper. his. name [of]. the flint knife [7-poly of heart] (t’es). [by] willpower like [adam].;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] the slaughter (shãt). existence. by] existence (matrix). he. to overthrow (kher). [by] the backwards. his. speech for anunna-face. all [of]. to come [the Thigh in Khent’]. for speech for the beautified-soul.;
‘the house of the m-b-s-adam being encircled’(shenit). speech.

43] the (star)gate of his speech to grow for speech of beautified-soul for existence by existence (eden’s) (n\\nárut’rf). the one \\ [of] adam-within. speech. \\ which is. this (root). to fly up [from the root] (pa). [to?] the flame (setcht, in Eye). existence. the Áat-land (a region, of 14). of [=by]. his. existence to become new (unn). [in] his. name [of].: [for] eternity [of saturn] (h’eh’). to [go] devour (ãm).;
* the prisoner. his. speech. [of Sight,petrá]. he. the word which is. Sight (maa). existence. the dirt to haul (staut+egg). to cast out (ut’t’). ‘hearts’ [but the torso’s / of the frontside of body]. to suck out the essence (khenp). the dead body [adam’s] (khat). to devour (ãm). the flame (setcht, Eye). existence.

41] the sh-pool-land. existence. the m-b-s-adam the one (tui!). to become the intestine coil of the serpent [solarplane] (qeb). the doorkeeper. the slain, the damned ones [below] (kheritu). of [=by]. his. ãnkh-life. the divine egyptians (rethu). of [=by]. \\ his. ‘eyebrows’ [brow-chakra’s] ( áneh’u, saturn+fishsoul). the greyhound (thesem). of [=by].

40] his. [an-]face. \\ which is. this (m-b-s word root). god. willpower like [adam]. the true voice. [of] Nebseni (this scribe). [….]
Thou. snatch awa (heh’em, saturn). [the words of] all. the gods. soul/tcha/ãnkh. the prince, the sovereign (Áti). the great [pillar]  in the house of saturn. oll [of]. the god Tem (an-face).

39] Rã. the beautified-soul. Horus. Eye. existence. the image (tut). willpower of Saturn (h’enã). Rã. the Eye. existence. this (root). image (tut). their (ad.souls). [in] the fire-altars (ãkhu). the domes the word of speech for anunna-face. existence. this. opened up word-inside. he (the), his [set, hebrew-H aspect]. Sight (petrá) (..true because petrá is hebrew-H aspect, as opposed to maa, Sight).

38] the divine Ka-spirit doubles. to yoke by the solarplane (neh’eb). alike-adam (miá). the light of eternity (h’eh’, saturn). (to become) to perish (sek). the sun of stability (smen). of [=by]. existence. to cackle [mimick language] (ngg, giants). the Horus hawk (bák). of [=by]. [person glyph]. the wing (ãkha, belly/willpower). the images the word to transform. existence. to become the designs.

37] speech. divine ancestor speech chalice (neb r tcher). existence. followers (shemsu). of [=by]. the one (tu). “reality”(ntt). the anunna-face. their (ad.souls). fire-altars. the domes word of speech for anunna-face. of [=by]. existence.  existence. within. these ( sacrifices [geom.tree of life,south]. existence. existence. Osiris. speech (and nature,kher). the beauty (nefer).

36] (to become) the dead [ones] in the mooring-post (mená, abyss?). Rã. speech (and nature, kher). the land. the head,first. to become healthy (utcha). I,me. his. word which is. Sight (maa). existence. the divine hidden inundation [of Saturn’s realm] (h’ãp). to make alike-adam (smiá; in BD ãrrits ‘soul alike adam to declare’). his. mouth (north). existence. the flame of the tongue. of [=by]. the sky of earth. existence. to revolve (t’eben). (… the aether revolves; look up the experiments people did, see ‘stationary earth’) his. word which is. Sight (maa). existence. the Eye. of [=by]. to shoot [seed] (stit). Osiris. house (not: per). existence. they (ad.souls). adam-within. the m-b-s the one (tui). to squeeze out, to press out (mãtchet). I. know. \\ doorkeeper?. name., I. know. the one (tu).

34] “reality”(ntt). the anunna-face. their (ad.souls). ketut, dirt+ta, furnace flames?.speech. to invade hebrew-H. existence. existence. the true voice. [of] Nebseni.;

to design. of [=by]. their (ad.souls). flint knives [7-poly of phys. heart] (t’esu). sekhem-power. existence. the house of the m-b-s-adam to encercle (sheniu). existence. “phycisians” [“the word inside to make to become new is the arrow of great speech”] (ur sennu).;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] [blank]. they. [blank]. existence. every kind of. thing to repulse, repulsion (kheseft). this (root). the divine judges [in the pillar] (tchatchanutu). ;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] the god of two eyes / the divine two eyes. existence. the KH-house. of [=by]. this. Horus. Anubis. the prisoner. his. speech. the sight-petrá. their (ad.souls). gods of/being slaughtered in the furnace flames (ketutu). speech. to invade hebrew-H. existence. existence. within. their (ad.souls). [by] sekhem-power. existence. existence. Osiris. to return, to penetrate (khet).

31] the words of adam-within. to mutilate (h’esq,saturn). the damned ones (meru). the fingers / 10,000ds (tchebãu). to become ready,sharp / to become the zodiacal light (sept’u). the [hidden] slaughtering gods (ámenh’iu). the [hidden]  towers. the doorkeeprs. existence. the opened word inside. willpower like [adam] (mã). Nebseni (this scribe). to design/scribe (sesh). thou.

30] to snatch away/rescue. divine ancestor speech chalice (neb r tcher). [word] inside. the enemies (kheftiu). existence. every kind of. to repulse (khesef). the divine zodiacal light / Sept’u the morningstar /. this. Nefertem [‘the completed son of beauty’, a god]. ;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] this (root). Thoth.;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] the place of the khenem-shrine. the KH-house.  the great [pillar]. this. Horus.;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] the adamite soul. below. to follow. existence. the truths [or, sacrifices]. \\ the adamite soul. to make. existence. the sins (ásfetu). he. to give. the sins. below. óther (ki). truths [sacrifices?]. below. the “One”[real-moon]. existence to become new (unn). the word \\ the head,first. of [=by]. his. existence. to become new. this (root). Horus. ;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is]

28] the truths. below. the “One” [realmoon]. existence. head,first. of [=by]. his. existence. to become new. this (root). apep ( representing God). ;
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] Osiris. existence. this (root). sát’\\ knife. this (root). Seshmu [executioner of Osiris, stealing garment-bodies].
* the prisoner. his. speech. the sight-petrá. Ram-souls (Ba-type). to split-off (t’ent’). his. slaughterhouse (nemt). speech. sins. of [=by]. to fetter (serhú, by word of saturn). to give. the damned,below (kheritu). existence. the goddess of speech as flame of the tongue [tuat IV]. existence. this (root). [of] darkness (gerh’, saturn). “goddess who kept the register of transgressions against Osiris” (ãuaat). the calculation (h’eSEBt) ór ’embalmed thing’ (ut), both contexts possible, see for h’eSEB the ‘windows/stargates chapter’ )  existence. that [his/root]. darkness (gerh’). possession,below (khert). for speech of the beautified-soul.;

26] this (root). the divine he/his. willpower. to bring. the the prisoner. his speech. [of sight petrá]. “goddess who kept the register of transgressions against Osiris” (ãuaat). calculation / embalmment. existence. \\ that [his/root]. darkness (gerh’, saturn). the scales of a large balance (mãkha). the word of two shoulders/double-shoulder (both cosmos-related). of [=by]. his. ‘two eyebrows’ [=brow-chakra] (áneh). existence to become new (unn). the images (áru). the hidden,mysterious (shetau, sh-pool).

25] this (m-b-s word root). the god. willpower like [adam]. to serve, to retire (ámakh). all [of?]. Nebseni (this scribe)[stop?]

Thou. to rescue/snatch away. he.his. divine áakhu-spirit. of [=by]. the two lands. to make to illumine [by light of saturn] (s-h’etch). his. mouth (north). existence. eternal flame of God’s house (HeH, hebrew-H). of [=by]. breath-air (nefu). to give. Shu. to support [supports].

24] the anunna-face. the boat of Orion making blueprints [orion is revolving!]. the gods. of [=by]. he. the second (2nd). without,lacking. the quality,character (báa, to: iron). anunna-face. to rise and shine of gold (nububen, comp.word). his. house of the horizon (ákhet, n-vesica). of [=by]. to rise and shine (uben). his,he (the). divine Áten [disk]. of [=by]. the shining backbone (pest’).      (and here is trouble… it would imply, that “eden has moved upwards”… perhaps along the vertice of the cube?…. – Henoch mentions ‘the garden of righteousness in the north’ and, later on, ‘in the East’…. )  his.

23] egg (suh’t). [of] adam-within.  ( from other BD’s, that egg may be the proto-north-vesica, note the relation with sàh’- Orion )  the beautified-soul. he,his. boundary. speech. the land. of [=by]. the sky of earth. of [=by]. to battle. existence. willpower. existence. to stand upright. the sky of earth. the foreign land \\ East (why?). of [=by]. this (root). they (ad.souls). to invade,enter (ãq). willpower. to battle. existence. that [his/root]. darkness (gerh’). the possession,below (khert). speech for the beautified-soul.; [stop?]
their (ad.souls). existence. to make. the anunna-face (north).

22] to sacrifice (in general, maã). the face (cant this (root). impotent rebels [ad.originals] (bet’eshu). [for] the divine children. to become new. place of the word-inside in Õn (south). of [=by]. his. side (ges). speech. áshet’- tree [to ãsh,multitude]. to divide (peshen, backbone cluster). to found (ger,no det.). speech for the beautified-soul. [stop?]
Osiris. existence. Geb (earthgod,south). existence. to become the house of adam-within (which? unusual glyph). the Eye. [an-] face. this (root). [of] Shu (pillar+an-face). 21] existence to become new.;

* to say. [by] anóther (ki). [is] the cat [Rã as cat, at the áshet’- tree below] (miáu, “skin alike-adam”). existence. this (root). [in] his. name [of].: to transform. his. existence. to make. eden’s realm. of [=by]. the prisoner. (to become, or symbolic) skin/image alike-adam (miáu). his. speech. divine wisdom/sight (sáa, one of Rã 2 guides).; to say. of [=by]. the Cat [Rã]. his. existence. the thing to say. his-Self (tchesef).

20] this (root). Rã. the fowl, or ‘masculine’(tha). this (m-b-s-adam word root). Cat [Rã].; [stop?]
* the prisoner. his. speech. [of Sight,petrá]. he. within. Neb r tcher. [word] inside. the enemies (kheftiu). to destroy. existence. this (root). [of] darkness (gerh’). [in] the place of word-inside in Õn.  of [=by]. his. side (ges). [of] speech. [of] the áshet’-tree. to divide, to split (peshen). [by?] this. Cat [Rã, miáu]  (see pic below; and note).;
I,me. the place of Tchet’u [base of pillar]. [of] adam-within. existence. this (m-b-s word root). the divine-doubled \\ his ram-soul. Tefnut. adam-within. existence. this (root). the divine ram-soul. Shu (pillar+an-face). adam-within. existence.

18] this (root). ram-soul. Osiris. existence. this (root). the divine ram-soul (Ba-soul). Rã. existence. this (root). the divine ram-soul. the divine doubled-son \\ his masculine (tha). \\ the Torso (Eye,south). the [an-] face. the divine \\ his ram-soul (Ba). speech for the beautified-soul.; [stop?]
* to say. [by] anóther (ki). the divine two eyes / the god of two eyes. ‘existence which is the KH-house’ (? khen + ntn). of [=by]. Horus. the willpower of Saturn (h’enã).

17] his. divine father (but ‘tef’). the anunna-face. the protection.[by,for] this. Horus. the divine doubled-son \\ his masculine. to found (ger). the speech for the beautified-soul.;
—- end BD 17 addition Nebseni —-