[names of place-T-e:]

  1. the place of hail of hebrew-H for existence [matrix] (Hená+). for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  2. the place of the double-axis \\ (by) place-T-e to sacrifice (maãt\\*). for. Osiris’. existence.;
  3. Horus. [by means of] place-T-e to bear up (fa-t). for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.
  4. the place of the word for the word-inside for the new-north (shau+). for. Osiris’. existence.;
  5. the place \\[for] speech by perished adamite soul. [by] the land (eden). for. Osiris. existence.;
  6. the place to offer place-T-e for h’enk (top cube). for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  7. the place for the word-inside to encircle (shennuu). for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  8. the place as place-T for corn (nepert). for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.
  9. the dome \\[for] speech for the an-face. [as] place of the word for the son (Sau). for. O’. existence.;
  10. 1the place of the word for T’ep. for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  11. the place of the word for the bet’esh serpents (solarplane). for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  12. the place as the horus-spirit’s workplace (ás). for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  13. the place as place-T of m-b-s-adam for solarplane’s hand of existence (nt’bit). for. O. existence.;
  14. the house of place-T for existence by eden realm. [as] foods (T-aspects). for. Osiris. existence.;
  15. the cow. [for] the booth (yellow cube).\\(for) place-T-m of the kh-house. for. Osiris. existence.;
  16. [by] he. the lights \\(for) the sand (shã). [as] dome of speech for the an-face. [for] O’. existence.;
  17. R-stau. for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  18. the gate \\(for) the place-T-m of m-b-soul-adam-like metal-land (\\tait). for. Osiris’. existence.;
  19. the olden m-b-soul-adam-staff (ti) for my hail. for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  20. the land (south) place-T of the serpent (‘forever’). [as] all. for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  21. to tie-up the double-axis in order eden to perish (double-feather+sek). for. Osiris’. existence.;
  22. the áter (=áteru-pool). for. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  23. the masculine for the imprisoned eden-word of place-T-m (tua+).for. Osiris’. existence.;

[names of place-T-m:]

  1. 1.the land (south) by place-T-m of the serpent (‘forever’). [of] divine rule. of [=as]. Osiris’. existence.;
  2. the doubled-divine \\seker (speech by perished ad.soul). as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  3. divine great speech (by the flint-knife?, ‘knife-glyph’). as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  4. the divine \\place-T of the Self for existence. as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  5. the divine R-stau (!). [of] words of adam-within. [by] he. adamite throne (ás-T). as. O’. existence.;
  6. the divine sky of earth. as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  7. the divine place to flourish as the filled land. [of] the words of adam-within. [by] he.
    the adamite throne (ás+T). as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.
  8. the divine mouth. [for] essence to spread-out (peseg). as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  9. the divine he the place as place-T. \\(by)the prisonhouse of the foremost-adam. as. O’. existence.;
  10. the soul-pool land. outstretched (petch). of [=by].\\seker. as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  11. the divine place of the word-inside for the ape (qeft’ennuu). as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  12. the divine place to make by the word-inside for to become new. as. Osiris’. existence.;
  13. the divine place as place-T of the falcon (bákt). as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  14. the divine \\(by) below. [as] place of the word for the son (‘Sais’). as. Osiris’. existence.;
  15. the divine place by the word to become a god. as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  16. the divine place as root (P). as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  17. the divine lands of the south [not eden south] (resu). as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  18. the divine place-T of the Self for existence (no \\). as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  19. the divine place as place-T for the booth (seh’tt). as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  20. the divine garden as the perch-region (+ some type rule).as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  21. the divine place-T as foreign-land’s torso for the [an-] face. as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  22. r-stau. \\(by) place-T of kh-house. as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  23. the divine ãnkh-life. [by] all. divine open-engraved work (pteh’). as. Osiris’. existence.;
  24. the divine door for the hereditary. \\(by) place-T for the Ba-soul. as. Osiris’. existence.;
  25. the divine millions. of [=by]. lights of gold. as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  26. the divine house of existence as place-T for Meh’en (torus wall). as. Osiris’. existence.;
  27. the divine existence as place-T of existence as the south (res). as. Osiris’. existence.;
  28. the divine houses \\(by) the place-T of kh-house. as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  29. the divine to guard. as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  30. the divine Orion [the star succeeded to acquire by Saturn]. as. Osiris’. existence.;
  31. the divine perch-region of the “One”.\\(by)the place-T of the kh-house. as. O’. existence.;
  32. the divine border(sky) of speech for the chalice. as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  33. the divine ãnkh-life. [for] all. as. Osiris’ (as construct). existence.;
  34. the divine \\(by) the place-T-e for ãnkh-life.

[Saite verson CXLII ending thus:]
[by eden] within., [in order for] he. existence to become new (matrix,unn).;
[by means of] he. to desire (mer). the place-T of the chalice. [by] he. the throne of adamite (ás-T)., [in order for] Osiris (as construct). [of] the word-inside., and that through] the names (eden’s). to know.; [and] he (Osiris). the word to desire (meru). [in order for] every (neb). image of the word to transform. of [=as]. the light (matrix,this time). of [=for]. to manifest (per).; [and so by] he. the things to come. to make broad [via ad.soul]., [by means of] he. to wander-astray (adam-related,shem). [namely] the tool [willpower of place-T-e for speech] (rtã). [for] the noble spirits. [in order] to make perfect. which is (n-t). [by] to tie-up the place-T-e of the scroll-sky (metchat).;

[continued CXLI:]
the doubled-divine beauty as existence to become new., [as] existence. [of] the divine Westerners (horus-spirits). of [=by] (means of). the flame of the place-T-m of the kh-house (khet+brazier) [to: khaut-altar]. [as?] the flame of place-T-m to make the serpent-hand [via adamite soul] (s-tch-t+). [for] the dimension of the word of m-b-soul-adam [as the divine image?] (ãkhemiu+). [by] to open m-b-soul-adam-like existence to become new (unnit,unusual).;
[as] existence. [for] the gods (matrix)., [by] the fire-altar of the words of m-b-soul-adam as the great balance (mãkhiu+). [for] existence (matrix).,

  1. the divine flames to make the place-T for the serpent-hand (setchtu). [by] the words of m-b-soul-adam to be given., [for] the flame of the words of m-b-soul-adam as rekeh’ (=..). [of] existence (matrix).; 62]
  2. the divine beauties. [for] the [an-] face (north). [through] the words of m-b-soul-adam be given. [by] the foreign-land’s place-T-e as the beauting-ground [eden-T] (qen-T+). [for] the words of speech of hail. [of] existence (matrix).,
  3. the divine teeth of saturn for the sba-gate (sebeh’). [for] the words of m-b-soul-adam to be given., [as] the opened word-inside. [and those] words to doorkeep. [for] existence (matrix). 60]
  4. the divine things of the Watercourse (eden’s). [as] the words of m-b-soul-adam for the son (saiu). [for] the [an-] face. [by] the words of the metal-land-place-T by the soulpool-sh] (shetau,’mystery’). [for] existence (matrix).,
  5. the divine things of the tuat house. [by] the Sba-stargate. [of] existence. [as] the divine great doors. [for] the words to doorkeep. [for] existence.
  6. the divine words of the metal-land-place-T by the soulpool-sh (shetau+). [as] the words of the Sba-gate
    [for] existence. 57]
  7. the divine words of the metal-land-place-T by the soulpool-sh (shetau+). [as] the great doors of the pillar.
    [for] existence.

  8. the divine things of the tuathouse. [by] the sebekht-gates [the gates of place-T-m of the kh-house to make the solarplane]. [for] existence.
  9. the divine things of the tuat house. [by] the words of the Sba-gate. [for] existence.

[four regions by T-m:]

  1. the divine place-T for the West. [by] the things of the Watercourse (eden). [for] existence.;
  2. the divine place-T for the east. by] the things of the Watercourse (eden). [for] existence.;
  3. the divine place-T of the north. by] the things of the Watercourse (eden). [for] existence.;
  4. the divine place-T of the south (res-t). by] the things of the W-course (eden). [for] existence.;

[skipped a few]
the divine neser shrine. [for] the house of speech. [of] existence.
the divine Kar shrine. [for] the house of speech. [of] existence.
[skipped a few]
the divine ãnt’t morning-boat [everything to white hole]. [for] existence.; (as T-e)
the divine sektt evening boat.[for] existence.; (doubled-place-T as T-m)
the divine Northern. átert-house (house of-T). [for] existence.; (T-m?)
the divine southern. átert-house (house of-T). [for] existence.; (T-e?)
[names of four Horus sons] 28]
[4 x rudder:]

  1. the divine [place-T-m as] south. [fór] the sky of earth. [of] existence. [of] beauty.; [as] the rudder (=T-m). [for] the words of eden-aether [redness] (t’esher). [of] the house of saturn. [being?] the torso. [for] the [an-] face (north). \\(by) place-T-e for the kh-house. [of] existence.;
  2. the divine [place-T-m for the] east. [for] the dome. [of] existence. [of] beauty.; [as] the rudder. [for] the divine images (ãshemu). [of] the house of saturn. [being?] the torso. [for] the [an-] face (north). [of] the divine word of spirits-light. [of] existence.;
  3. the divine place-T-m for the west. [for] the sky of earth. [of] beauty.; [as] the rudder. [for] the two lands’ (when matrix). word to guide. [by] rotation [solarplane] (t’eben?). [of] existence.; 25]
  4. the divine place-T-m for the north. [for] the sky of earth. [of] existence. [of] beauty.; [as] the rudder. [for] beauty. [through] the divine sekhem-sceptre [of s-power]. [of] existence.;

[7 x cows:]

  1. the divine cow (h’emt). [of] m-b-soul-adamlike stolen masculine [place-T of hebrew-H] (thai).
    [for] the Ka spirit-double bull. [of] existence.;
  2. the divine cow. [of] the original adamite soul. having become (by) place-T-e as chakratool [craftmanship] (h’em-t+). of [=for]. the original adamite soul. existence of speech. the sekhem-power of place-T-m (sekhemt). [for] existence.;
  3. the divine cow. [of] the coverings by place-T-e of m-b-soul-adam as the word for the word-inside for the fish-soul (‘skins’, ánnuuitu). [of] ãnkh-life., of [=by] (means of). having become the place-T-m to build and unite (khnemt+scroll). [for] existence.; 21] [through] the divine coverings \\to encircle. [in order] to make eden aether [via adamite soul] (redness; s-t’esher). desired. [for] great speech. [of] existence.;
  4. the divine cow. [as] the god. having become place-T-m of royalty [Orion] (sãh’t). [as] the place of the doubled-T for the solarplane intestine (‘wasp’, khabtt). [of] existence.;
  5. the divine cow. [of] the original adamite soul’s. house of adamite thone (ás-T). [fór] the doubled-T-m of existence of the kh-house (khentt). [as] the foreign land of áugert (place-T to found word of hail).;
  6. the divine cow. [of] the god. [by] the support to rise (from) place-T of the adamite soul to go connect to the word (uthest). [for?] the sky of earth. [by?] the hailstorm enciceling the place-T-e for hail (shenát).[!] [for] existence.
  7. the divine cow. [of] the border-sky of speech for the chalice (neb r tcher). [for] the Ka spirit-doubles. [of] existence.;

[as?] Nebh’et. [for] existence.; Isis. [for] existence., Nut. [for] existence., Geb. [for] existence., Tefnut. [for] existence. [and] Shu. [for] existence., [as?] the gods of the crown as place-T-m of great eden speech (urrt+). [for] all [of]. Horus’. existence.; 9] [skipped]

the flame of place-T-m to make the serpent(hand) (setcht). [for] the [an-] face (north). [as] the lights for to make speech to connect to existence as the god (senther+). [by means of] the place-T-e to roast for the speech of the soulpool-sh (ashert+). of [=for]. aspects and fowl (glyph)., [in order] to become the weight as the split-off word (ut’en). [for] the word of true voice. [of] the noble primeval child. [etc].;

the light for completion of the solarplane (h’eb+). [of] existence. [by] Matter and substance (pa-glyph?). [as] the mutilated eden light’s. language (likely). to make existences [via ad.soul] (snu). [through] the willpower of saturn (h’enã). [for] existence to become new.;
[for] the gods. [of] existence. [by] the torso for the [an-] face. [as] Rã.; [and by] the torso for the [an-] face. this (pu). he. to make perfect [via ad.soul] (s-áqr). [namely] the West. [of] the word-inside. [as] the words for completion of the solarplane (h’ebu). of [=by]. this. mouth.; (*) [by means of] he. [for] me.[as] the son., my. father (átf). [of] existence. [namely] the original adamite soul’s. place-T-e speech to make. [by] the tied-up willpower of the scroll-sky.;

[alternative ending, following after (*), but refusing to run:]
[by] he. the mother (eden). [for] he. my. divine father. [as] speech. [like?] the original adamite soul.; [through] existence. the T-m. to make. [by] the place-T-e of the Sba-gate. to guide., [for] the gods. the doubled-house \\[by] the place-T of the circle-cave (qerrt\\). [of] the words of adam-within., the gods. [of] the north-island dome. [of-T]. [and] the south (res). dome. which are. the gods. the word-inside. [by] the names (eden’s). to know. [in order for] the noble spirits. to make perfect [via ad.soul] (s-áqr). which is (n-t). [by] the tied-up place-T of the scroll-sky (metchat+).”;

——– end BD CXLI