PT 272

PT 272

PT 272

392d] the wrong order [of place-T-m] (tekhtekh). [for] the gods (matrix). [of] the head. [and] this. N. nót.;
[but] the gods. to follow. the head. [just as] this. N. [for] the word of hail. +
392c] [for] within., [by means of] the evil eden-speech of the sh-pool [lower] (sherr+). [for] this. N. +
392b] [as] the opened word-inside. [for] to open and to become new of hail (áunt).; [and] to give. hail. [by] to connect to. speech and nature (matrix,kher). [for] N’s. existence. [as] advanced beautified-soul (canaanite spirit 2.0).;
392a] the divine word. [by] the ultimate word-inside [eden] (3xnu). [for] existence (matrix). which is. [by] the ãartu-gates [7]., [in order for] the adamite soul. to be united (t’emt’,both hands). nót.;

place-T of hail (in) the high place [=in sekhet áaru] (qa-át).; to recite.;

——- end PT 272
First draft 13 August 2016
392d] the disarranged, wrong order (tkhtkh,staff!). gods (ad.originals). [are] the head. [of] this. N. nót.; – the light. [for] the divine followers (shemsu). [by] the head. this. N. became + (next line)
392c] within. the diminished speech of SH-pool (south,sher). [by] this. N.;
392b] The opened word inside. [for] his [N.’s]. existence. [is by] the Staff (tá, adam’s rule). to make to open (áun). [and] to give to. the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit)., – to connect to. speech (qualities, kher). [for] N.’s. existence. [as] advancing beautified-soul.;
392a] Nu (god,stolen/word/inside). whose. Ãrit (see note). [for?] the adamite soul’s. Union., to unite (t’emm). nót. [with] the high exalted place (qaát). {unusual}
– to recite [this] spell.;