In the upper register are:-

1. A goddess, wearing the crown of the North, apparently a form of Neith [1]
2. A serpent, with a human head, and two pairs of human feet and legs [2],[3],[4]
3-5. Three serpents, which move side by side along the ground “upon their bellies”. Of them it is said, “Those who are in this picture make their passage to every place each day” [5],[6].[7]

[2]- totally obscure what this serpent could be, it’s name is,
as ‘the pool (?) /this / to guard / the m-b-soul-adam’s / word this / to guard / the double-head’;
[3]- the text in the section between the slanted corridor and Neith,
as “every. light (eden’s). [of] willpower of speech. [for] every. light of willpower of speech (matrix,assumingly). [by] all [of]. the throne of adamite., [and?] the speech. [by] all [of] the adamite throne., [as] the speech (matrix!). it. to wander-astray (adam-related). [as] the thing. nót.; [but] this. his. existence. to come. which is. this. thing of the original adamite soul to make hail (1 glyph). [and] of [=by]. he., existence to become new (matrix) (unn).;
[damaged end:]
as, “existence. [in] name [of]. ... he. existence to become new.; this. Sba-star. existence. this (pn). star for ãnkh-life. [..] existence become new.; [as?] the spirits-light. [by?] speech. [of] the original adamite soul. [for] existence to become new (unn).”;
[4]- but even that does not help us much further,
it is unclear why he is directed backwards, connected to eden,
as also the ‘feet’ show, as ‘standing upon’;
[5]- line above the three serpents:
as ‘[by] them (ad.souls). the bodies., [through] the domes. [of] the words of speech for the an-face. (gap 1x?). [for] existence (matrix). to dress (glyph). [with?] the flesh (glyph). [of] lights (glyph).”;
[6]- and above them, to wards the ceiling, the line,
as, “(gap of 4, or devised?). every. light (eden’s). [by] all [of]. the throne of adamite. speech. [for] existence. [as?] the adamite soul. existence., [by means of] the thing to come. this. designs and nature. of [=by]. them (ad.souls). existence to become new (matrix) (unn).”;
[7]- following their logic: where Neith is the weaver-goddess of the
physical [energetic] body, and probably ‘part’ of the Áten-disk,
here mentioned as ãnkh-life-star, these three serpents emerge
fróm the latter – since they slide ‘forward’,

6. The scorpion ANKHET, and a large uraeus. Of these it is said, “Those who are in this picture stand in Re-stau at the head of the way [to guard it].”[1]  Behind these stands a god, [2] who appears to be making an offering of two libation vases to the serpent. [3] Of him it is said, “He who is in this picture is the guide of the holy way” [4]

[1]-   text in ceiling, exact above these three:
as,”the thing to sanctify. the thing of the Watercourse (eden’s).,[through] existence. to guide. of [=for]. these. designs (restored). of [=by]. this. watercourse (eden’s). [for] existence. the head (main- existence). [by means of] to tow. speech. [from?] the original adamite soul. [for] to stand upright. [as] these. designs. of [=by]. them (ad.souls). existence to become new (unn).”;
[2]- name, “great pillar. the god”,
[3]- considering context, it would be “two pupils”,
[4]- see 1], above

7. A three-headed serpent, with a pair of hawk’s wings, and two pairs of human legs, [1] and of him it is said, “He who is in this picture in the Tuat is the warder of this holy way of Re-stau; he liveth upon the abundance [which cometh] from his wings, his body, [and] his heads,”[2],[3]
8. The god AP-TUAT, who holds a sceptre, in his right hand, and stands before the serpent NEHEB-KAU, which has two heads on one end of its body, and one head, instead of a tail, at the other. Of the god AP-TUAT it is said, “He who is in this picture is in the form which Horus made, and he openeth [the way] for the two gods on this way.” [4],[5] Of the serpent NEHEB-KAU [6] it is said, “He who is in this picture is at his place NET-MU, by the holy way of passage of RE-STAU, and he journeyeth about to every place each day, and he liveth upon the abundance of that which issueth from his mouth,”[7],[8]

[1]-   it is not always clear what glyphs belong to text or are part
of a name; “the star / (of) the root / to fly upward”,
[2]- text, exact above the body of the two winged serpent,
as,”the heads. [for?] he. the flesh. [of] the dead bodies [spirits].\\he. the two wings [‘two axis/by reaping/the hand (south)] (t’ema). [for] existence (matrix).; to become (by?) the words in the background of saturn. of [=for]. he. the ãnkh-life., [by means of] to tow. speech. [for] existence (matrix). [through] the thing to sanctify. [namely] this. (thing of) the Watercourse [eden’s]. this. of [=as]. willpower of speech. of [=for]. the tuathouse (likely). of [=as]. these. designs (skhru).,of [=by]. them (ad.souls). existence to become new (unn).”;
[3]- the entire scene is a ‘preparation for the Áten disk’,
in a later hour dubbed PEST’; the winged-serpent and
(winged)scorpion H’ET’T’t,
[4]- name deity, “the tuat house / (by) the opened root (south)“,
[5]- see text in 2],
[6]- as,”the Ka spirit-doubles / to yoke (by) for eternity”,
[7]- full line, exact above Neh’ebkau,
as “he. the speech. the head (head-speech?). [by] the word of the hidden background of saturn. of [=for]. he (the). ãnkh-life., [through] every. light (eden’s). [by] all [of]. the throne of adamite. [as] the speech. [for] he (the). existence (matrix)., [by means of] the thing to come (t+walk). which is. [by] to tow. speech. to connect [it]. [t] existence., [by] to tow. existence (matrix). to become sacred., [by means of] the Watercourse (eden’s). [for] this (to connect to). the dimension (matrix). which is.[through] he (the). throne of adamite. [for] the speech. [of] these (pn). designs and nature (skhru)., of [=by]. he (throne)., existence to become new.”;
[8]- usually, Neh’ebkau is depicted with two feet; here, his
double-head looks back, merging into one head, looking
forward, held by a deity having a name of several options,
but considered the context, the bird-head may be ‘victory’,
as ‘the star / (of) victory / (of) the horn’, ãb, solarplane
he holds a type of crook, which is ‘rule’, and the “large horn
with the eye” reminds us of the line in the book of Daniel,

9. A god, who grasps the third head of NEHEB-KAU with his right hand, and a staff with a curled end in the left; facing him is a headless god called AB-TUAT
10. A goddess of the South (NEKHEBET) [1] and a goddess of the North. [2] Of the last group of figures it is said, “Those who are in this picture are in the form wherein Horus hath made them; they are the warders of the serpent NEHEPU, who guide him to the hidden thing which is on this secret way,”[3]

[1]-   lit. “the word / (of) speech / (of) the south”,
[2]- combined as ‘to fill (the north)“,
[3]- damaged text above these,
as “the thing to become sacred. (gap 2x). this (to connect to). thing of the Watercourse (eden’s). of [=by]. to make the turtle (s-shta?). [for] speech. [as] the thing to tow., to be given. to become the root of hebrew-H to copulate with (neHep+scroll). the serpent as root of hebrew-H to copulate with (neHep+serpent). to guard. existence (?). them (ad.souls) (?). the watercourse (eden’s). speech. to guide. (gap?). of [=by]. them (ad.souls). existence to become new (unn).”;

the last line must be dismissed, lacking too many vital words,