PT 432

PT 432

PT 432
782e] to connect to. adam-within., [by] the eden star (to make k-axis) who is unaware of hail (ákhm sk+).
of [=for]. this. N. [as] the double-connection to existence (?, nthnth). [of,for] the hand (executive area).,
782d] to connect to. \\ willpower (eden’s). [for] the innermost sacred place. of [=as]. all of place-T for the kh-house.,
the land’s (south, eden’s). double-connection to existence (?, nthnth). to encircle [the sh-pool-e] (shen).;
782c[ [using] the prisoner (su, Cain). [for] to connect to. existence. to carry-Off. [for] hail.;
[in order for] he. the border [sky]. speech. to connect to. below.,
[namely by] the land (eden, south). +
782b] to connect to. the speech. [of] beauty [matrix] (nefer).;
of [=as] all [of]. the word of the solarplane (bu)., [by] to connect to. existence (eden’s). to seize (sht’).;
[by] to connect to. existence (eden’s). [for] the doubled-adam-within (ámi-ámi). [of] existence (matrix).,
782a] [and by] to connect to. existence. [for] the sekhem-power. [of] existence (matrix).
[for] the sky of earth (north). of [=by]. place-T the speech to transform. [as] place-T of the great pillar.;
to recite.;
—-end PT 432