PT 273

PT 273

PT 273
403b] [place-T of] the spirits-light masherRt. of [=by]. he. [place-T of] the boiling-pots [of things of another] (ktut). [in order] of [=for]. existence to make. [for] within (the matrix)., [and so by means of?] place-T (for) the kh-house of hail (á-kht). he. existence. [by] the flame of the doubled-adamite soul (to máke the adamite soul?,flame+s-s)., [for] he. +
403a] N’s. existence., [and so] existence to make (via ad.soul). [by] he. to cut the adamite soul.[for] speech and nature (kher,matrix). [namely by] Shesmu [butcher-god] (diagram). [for] existence of hail.;
402c] he (shesmu). to repulse (khesef). [for] the speech. [of] N., [in order] to come the word for the solarplane (bu+). [by] to descend hebrew-H., [by means of] this (pu). place-T of eden root to open (up-t,deity).; +
402b] [and so] existence to make (via ad.soul). [by] the belly (south). [of] place-T of adam-within., [by means of] he. existence (eden’s). he. to seize [eden] (shet’).; +
402a] [in order for] N’s. existence. existences to make (via ad.soul). [by?] the throat (for?) the hand to fire-drill (?,tcha-t’, unusual). [for?] the divine words. [of] all., [by] the t’es flint-knife. of [=as?]. Khensu (moon). [for] existence of hail.;
401c] existence to make (via ad.soul). [by] to fetter [the q-axis] (qas). the one. design (shes). [of] speech., to connect (it) to. the speech for the an-face. [for] existence of hail.;
401b] [and so] existence to make. [in order for] he. existence (eden). to repulse.; [and] existence to make (via ad.soul). [by] he. existence (matrix). [as] protection (sa)., [by means of] the serpent (eden). head (main-serpent). to make speech for the serpent-tch (via ad.soul) [matrix] (‘sacred’, tchser). [for] existence of hail.;
401a] N’s. existence. [by] existence to make (via ad.soul). [through] the cord to make to the dimensional backside of eden (s-peh’+). [fór] the divine word of saturn of the k-axis (?, keh’au,unusual). [of] adam-within., [by] the coverings of place-T the root to open [eden’s] (up-t+). [and] to grasp the hail (ákhemã). [for] existence of hail.;
400b] the things of the opened root [eden’s] (upt+). [for] the willpower of the pool for the plasma-construct (kha-lotus+). [by] the words for the word-inside to bring (ánnuu). [for] all [of]. +
400a] the gods (matrix). of [=as]. ãnkh-life. connecting. of [=for]. speech (eden’s). to feed-upon (unem). [for] this. N.;
399d] [fór] he. the Self (tches). [which is by]. he. the aspects (-T) of totality [=torso] (144,000,aut+). to make. this. N.,
399c] [by] the cord (to?) the equilibrium-region (ãq+,likely). to tie together. to become the place-T of the peace [of saturn] (h’etept+). [for] all [of]. this. N.;
399b] through the prisoner to make the M-realm (via ad.soul) (‘firstborn’,smSu). [by] to cut the bull (glyph). [of] the adamite soul. [for] speech and nature (note)., [as] existence. [by] this. mutilated eden light (‘day’, Hru).;
399a] he. the existence of speech., [as] the hidden (ámen,other?). willpower of Saturn (h’enã). he. to command and to judge., [for] this. N’s. existence of hail.;
398c] Geb [land on cube]. speech. he. to inverse (sa). [in order for] N. to dwell [in it] (hem’s).;
398b] the divine shoulders [axis to bear up] (glyph). (place-T of) the adamite throne. [of] adam-within., [for] all [of]. this (pu). divine great speech. of [=by]. to rise and be crowned. N’s. word of hail.; +
398a] [and] he (word). the spirits. to join [solarplane]. [and so] to equip (ãper). this. N.;
397c] [through] the flame to make speech through the island (áã-nsásá+). of [=as]. +
397b] the words of sorcery., of [=by] (means of). existences to make (via ad.soul). [by] the belly (south). to become filled. of [=for]. the word. [in order for?] the word to come.;
[and so] existences to make. [by] the word to make the M-realm (smu). [by] the word (eden). to feed upon (unem).;
397a] all [of]. the god. existence. (speech) to transform. of [=for]. ãnkh-life. [by] he. the torso. of [=as]. the hand of the imprisoned cube [neHt’] (note). [for] the sky of earth. [of] the Ka spirit-double bull. [as] this. N.;
396d] [by] he. another. of [=for]. the [an-] face. N’s. jackal staffs. [for] the word of hail., +
396c] the flame of the adamite soul for the solarplane (‘image’, bes). to connect to. existence. [for] the house of the horizon. [of] the Ba spirit-soul., [through] the double-eye of eden root [wheel?] (petr+, note). [for] he. place-T of the dimensional foreground of saturn [=torso] (h’a-t). of [=for]. N.; +
396c] [in order] the serpent [eden] (glyph). [as] one. to guide. [for] the word of hail.; +
396b] [by means of] he. the covering of the place-T to open [the root, eden’s] [diagram] (up-t+). of [=for]. N., [by] he. the (three?) uraei [place-T of the word of speech of willpower for hail].; to become. he. the head. [for] N. [and?] the gods. the word of hail.;
396a] by] he. the legs (rt’). below (sic). [for] N. to weave (Neith-sigil). [with?] place-T of the adamite soul. [as] the rudder (h’emu) [of] he. the dimensional background [of saturn]. [for] the word of hail., [and] he. the dimensional background. [for] N. [by] the Ka spirit-doubles., to become. +
395b] he. the speech. [of] N. [as] jackal power., [in order for]. N’s. he. existence. to birth (mes).; to become. +
[by using] the prisoner (su,Cain). to birth.+ the divine he place-T of hail [torso]., [in order] to complete. alike-adam (miá). +
395a] the house of the horizon. of [=for]. N’s. existence. [of] user jackal power.;
to become. the sky of earth. of [=for]. N. [as] the nobles (ad.soul to acquire!,shepsu). [of] the word of hail.;
394c] he. the existence of speech. [by] he. the mother (-T). [of] existence (eden). [being] ignorant. [as?] place-T of the word of the jackal (sabut). [for] all [of]. this. N.;
394b] he. the mothers (mult.). of [=by]. to mix the word [the solarplane soulpool for the word] (u-sheb). [with?] he. the divine fathers. of [=as?]. ãnkh-life. the god., [in order] of [=for]. +
394a] the Ba spirit-soul. to rise and be crowned (khã)., [and so] N’s. existence to make (via ad.soul). [of] sight (maa).;
393c] to come the words for to dissect for existence by the throne-G (gennemu+). [in order] existences to make. [as] speech of throne-G (‘to found’, ger). +
393b] [by] the Aker-gods (prob.Akeru, Watchers). the bones [eden’s,sic] (qesu). to tremble (set’a). [because of] the bow-domes of place-T of the root to stretch-out (petcht+). [for?] to go dissect (?,nemnem+).;
393a] [in order for?] the stars to make the solarplane (sb+). [as] the darkness of m-b-soul-adam-like saturn-realm of hail (áh’i+,cont.). [for] the sky of earth. [as] the tempest-dimension of the root for throne-G of hail (á-gep+).; to recite.;
——– end PT 273
First draft, 13 August 2016
414c] To yoke (for eternity) (neh’eh’, saturn). [by] speech. forever. – this. land. of [=by]. vampiring ãnkh-life. of. N. [by] the Torso (the belly, south). [for] the house of the adamite throne (ást, Isis, north).;
414b] to plow (over) (khebst). of [=by]. the registers. [of] the divine images. Sekhem-power. nót.;
414a] ámen ámen (unknown). khã khã (unknown). Eden’s realm (NN). of [=by]. N. to become. +
413c] their (ad.souls). doorkeepers/images. [of] the willpower. of. their (ad.souls). heads.(ad.originals. , – [by] N.’s. speech. their (ad.souls). spirit. to perish (sek). +
413b] [and] their (ad.souls). bones (qesu). of [=by]. N.’s. existence. to burn., – [by?] the gods. [of] speech. aspects of posessions. [in] his [N’s]. hidden background of Saturn (h’a)., of [=by]. +
413a] N.s. speech (nature,kher). [over] their (ad.souls). spirits., – N’s. body (khat). [is] of [=by]. their (ad.souls). spirit. perishing (sek).;
412c] to yoke (for eternity) (neh’eh’, saturn). [by] speech. forever. the house of the horizon’s (áakhet/eden). [by] the boundary. [of] Adam-within.,+
412b] [so that] it’s. existence. creates. nót.; – he [N.]. hates (mestchtch). it’s (h-of horizons). speech. to create., – [because] he [N]. wishes (merr). existence.[to be] this. his. royalty (sãh’)., of [=by?]+
412a] forever. N.’s. existence. [by] this. boundary. – [and] to yoke (for eternity). [by] N.’s. existence. this. lifetime (ãhãu).;
411c] Every. god’s. existence. knowledge (saa). [of] his (Adam’s). existence. was. devoured.; all [of]. the god’s. existence., [by] divine knowledge. N.’s. existence. devoured.; – his [N’s]. willpower. of. N’s. word. [it’s] royalties (sãh’). of. being snatched away (nehém). nót.;
411b] [and] his. body,belly (khat). of [=by]. thém (ad.souls)., [by] sorcery (h’ekau, saturn). to become (áu). – his [N’s]. flourishing (uakh). flesh of Áf (dead sungod Adam).
411a] the red crown (tesher). [as] word. [of] Adam-within. – [is] ejected from the body (from SH !,sebeshu). [and] it. is consumed by (neseb). N., becoming? (áu). his +
410c] connection to. the Workplace (ás). [for] them (ad.souls). [of] sorcery (h’ekau, saturn). – [as] the ‘hearts’ of [=by]. ãnkh-life. of. N.’s. peace (h’etep, saturn).
410b] the wise ones’ (inversion,saaa). intestines, testicles (smau). [are] of [=by]. N. answering to (usheb). – the crystalline Emerald sceptre (uatcht). [for] N.’s. existence. having devoured (áu ãm). the red crown (tesher). [of] his (adam’s). existence., feeding upon (it), becoming (áu). +
409b] the chakra’s in lower part of the body (beqsu). [as] the knots (thesu). [for] N.’s. existence. designed (h’esb).:
409a] the divine house of the horizon (áakhet/eden). [for] all. of [=by] the white crown (h’etcht, saturn’s speech). to retreat (seben).; – [for] N. to become. the sky of earth’s. word. rising and crowned (khã). [and as] N.’s. existence. constantly renewed (uHem, hebrew-H! )., becoming +
408c] the gods. [of] father. Orion’s (sah’). existence.; – [for by] great speech. [of] Sekhem-power. of [=by]. willpower., his (adam’s). existence. was. given. +
408a] [to?] the firstborn (semsu). [of] speech. [from?] the eldest (sms). god (Adam?). [to?] this. N.;
407d] The house of the horizon. [of] the word. [of] Adam-within., – [is] the word. [for?] all. royalties (sah’). – [as] the forepart/importance (h’at). of. N. [from] anóther.[!], of [=by]. becoming. (áu). +
407c] the great word like Adam? (mumu). [for] the prisoner (wé). his. existence., [which] N. devours.; – his (prisoner’s). way. of [=by]. N. discovered (gem).;
407b] divine great speech. [of] the divine images (adamite, ãshem). destroyed (ãshemu). [because] the divine image (ãshem). [is] this. N.;
407a] the gods. sekhem-power. of [=by]. sekhem-power (some pun again?).; – [is] great speech. [of] sekhem-power. [for] this. N.;
406a] the riverbanks (solarplane, át’ebu). revolve (pekhar). – becoming (áu). the Staff’s (tá,of Adam rule). completion. [as] the double dome of the sky. [by] it’s. existence. going around, revolving (t’eben)., becoming +
405b] Their (ad.souls). eldests (originals!, multiple). inside (pot). the khepesh-thighs. of [=by]. — them (ad.souls). [in] the below (south,khert). cooking-pots (uh’atu). [!] [of] speech., +
405a] [for] the flame (setch, vitro?). [of] his. existence. [as] the word. shooting out (ut’). [to] the sky of earth. to be filled (meh’). [by] the great pillar. [of] existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;
404d] his. censing (kapt). [of] existence. [by] their (ad.souls). ones. becoming. the (ad.souls). aged ones? (áaáa).; (unsure context of 404d)
404c] [N. this.]. night. [word?]. shesem (sacred place to horus). light?treshfloor?. [his] posessions (ásht). [for] existence (matrix). [by] their (ad.souls). gods (originals). diminished (sher)., becoming. + (first part 404c unsure)
404b] his (Set’s). diminished speech of the SH-pool (sher). of. their (ad.souls). word. above and below., becoming (áu)
404a] [this.N.’s]. Dawn (tuat). [by] his. posessions (ásht). [for] existence. [from] them (ad.souls). [by] Great Speech., becoming +
403c] [from?] their (ad.souls). spirits. of [=by?]. the willpower. [for] N.’s. existence. [as] beautified-soul.; — [upon] them (ad.souls)., sorcery (hekau, saturn). feeds upon. [for] N.’s. existence. [!]; to recite:
403b] The diminished light of SH (sher). [by] it’s. furnaces (ketut!). of [=by]. — they (ad.souls). within. the posessions (ákht). [of] it’s. existence (eden’s). to roast (fess).; ( = to roast they-within-their-posessions, read: to Smelt out)
403a] N.’s. existence. [is by] them (ad.souls). [as] slain sacrifice (rekhes, knowledge). [of] Shesmu (god)., [for] the existence. [of] the beautified soul (canaanite spirit).;
402c] To be repulsed (khesef). the speech. [of] his. transfer (Habu). [by] this. divine messenger opening up (upt). their (ad.souls). belly (khat). [of] adam-within. his. existence (eden’s)., [!] he (the messenger). seizes (shet’). +
402a] [for] N.’s. existence. [by] their (ad.souls). split-off parts (t’ent). healthy (utcha). [the gods]. word. [of/by] every. flint-knife (t’es/7poly). of [=by]. Khensu (earth’s moon). [of] existence. [for] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;
401c] They (ad.souls). [are] his/N.’s. existence’s. bones., [as] the one. design. [for] Man (egyptians, rethu). [by] the speech. [of] the anunna-face (vesica north). [of] existence. [for] beautified-soul.;
401b] [N.s. existence] [by] their (ad.souls). existence (eden’s). repulsed.; – they (ad.souls). [are] his [N.’s] existence. protection. [by] the serpent’s (glyph). head. [of] sacredness (read: hebrew-H part of vesica). [for] existence. [of] the beautified-soul.; (protection: read, ‘hostage’)
401a] N.’s. existence. [by] their (ad.soul). hidden cord of the Root (sepeh’). [of] adam-within.; – the top/coverings of the head (upt). to grasp violently. [for] existence. [of] the beautified-soul (canaanite spirit).;
400b] the opened decrees? (upt). [by] the Kha-lake (south). – [are] brought. all. [to] this. N.;
400a] the gods. of [=by]. vampiring ãnkh-life. — [are] the Men (egyptians, rethu). to feed. [by] this. N.
399d] his. Self (tches). [by] his. aspects of totality (144K). made. [for this N].
399c] [by] the cord (ãq, in pillar). being tied together (thes)., — [as] the peace (h’etep, saturn). [for] all of. this. N.;
399b] The firstborn’s (adam,semsu). [is] sacrificed (rekhes, by knowledge?). existence (eden’s). [is] the day (Hru, hebrew-H). +
399a] his. name. [is] nót.; — [now,] the hidden. willpower of Saturn (h’enã). it. commands. this. N.’s. existence.;
398c] Geb’s. speech. it. is inversed (sa). — [for] N.’s. dwelling (h’ems).,
398b] [the gods’]. shoulder (axis). [to!] the house of the throne of adamite soul (vesica north). [of] adam-within. [for] all — this. great Speech. of. the rising and crowning (khã). [of]. N., becoming. +
398a] his. spirits, to approach — the speech. [of] willpower (ã). [and] to be equipped. [like] this. N.:
397c] The island of the fiery Workplace (n-sásá). of [=by]. +
397b] [the words] [of] Sorcery (h’ekau). of [=by]. their (ad.souls). belly,body (khat). filled with. the ultimate Word (UU). — [is by] their (ad.souls). bowels (usemu). to feed upon.; [not the official translation ‘magic is in my belly!’]
397a] every. god’s. existence. transformed (kheper). of [=by]. ãnkh-life., — [by] he (Adam). [in] the Torso (Eye,south). being cut up? (t’em). little by little? (neH). – [for?] the sky of earth’s. Ka-double bull. [as] this. N.;
396d] it’s. another/other?. of [=by]. anunna-face (vesica north). [by,as?] this. N.’s. mighty jackal staff (of speech,User)., becoming +.
396c] fiery image (Bes-dwarf). connected to. existence. [for] the áakhu-spirit., – [as?] the Ba-soul (solarplane-spirit). [by] the Gift. [of] Sight (maa)., — his. forepart/importance (h’at). of [=by]. this. N. the snake. the one. guided/guiding.
396b] his. top of the head/covering (upt). of [=by]. this. N’s. three. cobra’s (uraei, áàrtu). becoming (áu). — his. head. N’s.. gods. became.
396a] his. legs (ret’u). below. [as] his rudder? (h’emu). — his. Saturn’s hidden background (h’a). N’s. Ka-spirit-doubles. became/were/
395a] the house of the horizon (áakhet). of. N’s. existence. [by] the mighty jackal-staff (of speech,User). becoming. – the sky of earth. of. N’s. noblemen (sheps)., having become?+
394c] his. name. [by] his. mother. [of] existence (eden’s). [of] ignorance (Eve?). – [as] “the Wolf (sabut). of all.” this. N.;
394b] [by] his. mother. of [=by?]. defense (usheb,answer,advocacy). – [and by] his fathers (mult.). of. ãnkh-life., [as] the god. of.+
394a] the Ba-soul (solarplane-spirit). rising and shining., [is] N. [by] their (ad.souls). existence. [of] Sight (maa).;
393c] [as] servants (genemu). [is] their (ad.souls). speech. founded.;
393b] the lion. thou. bones (qesu). thunder (set’bird)., – the outstretchings (sky-form,lit. bows, petchu). hurry (nemnem).;
393a] the stars (sebu). darken? (áh’i, to become dark). – [when] the sky of earth. is flooded (peg);
– to recite [this] spell;